Chinese exonyms – Wikipedia


When a foreign place name, or toponym, occurs in Chinese text, the problem arises of spelling it in Chinese characters, given the limited phonetics and restrictive phonology of Mandarin Chinese (making it very difficult to transcribe loanwords), and the possible meaning of those characters when treated as Chinese words. For example:

  • “London Heathrow Airport” is usually rendered in Chinese characters as 伦敦希斯路机场 (Lúndūn Xīsīlù Jīchǎng), with the English pronunciation of ‘London’ being fairly accurate, and of ‘Heathrow’ being less accurate: in Chinese the translation of each character literally means “kinship, honest” (for London, 伦敦), “hope, given/this, road” (for Heathrow, 希斯路), “aircraft, field” (机场), with the last syllable of “Heathrow” rendered as “lu” although the more accurate “lo” and “lou” are known Chinese words. The reason for this strange transcription for “Heathrow” is because the name of the airport was introduced to the Chinese language through Cantonese, in which the loanword is pronounced Hei1 Si1 Lo4, which is actually more accurate to the English pronunciation of the name. However, when this word was adopted into Mandarin, the Chinese characters to write “Heathrow” were used without any regards to pronunciation, in which the Mandarin and Cantonese pronunciations of the same Chinese character can often be drastically different from one another.

Sometimes, the endonym or the English exonym of a place can be literally translated in Chinese characters, such as “Salt Lake City” or the “Dead Sea”, which are translated into Chinese as 盐湖城 (Yánhú Chéng) and 死海 (Sǐhǎi), which mean “salt-lake-city” and “dead-sea” respectively.

More often than not, however, characters are chosen simply because their syllables sound somewhat similar to the syllables of the endonym or the English exonym, regardless of the meaning of the individual characters. Examples include Dublin and Yemen, which are written in Chinese as 都柏林 (Dūbólín, which literally translates as “all-cypress-forest”) and 也门 (Yěmén, which literally translates as “also-door”) respectively. In both Chinese exonyms, the connection between the meanings of the Chinese characters and their respective places is not particularly obvious, so it is safe to assume these exonyms are transcriptions. Historically, the characters chosen to represent the sounds have sometimes been chosen to be intended as derogatory (see graphic pejoratives in written Chinese), although many of these have been replaced with homophones with neutral or positive connotations.

There are other exonyms that are a combination of translation and transcription (meaning and sound) of the endonym. For example, New Zealand is written as 新西兰 (Xīnxīlán), in which the first character 新 (xīn) literally means “new” and the final two characters 西兰 (Xīlán) is a transcription of “Zealand”. Likewise, America is written as 美国 (Měiguó), which is a combination of 美 (měi), one of the characters in another exonym 阿美利哥 (Āměilìgē), and 国 (guó), the translation for the word “country”. The full name of the United States in Chinese, “美利坚合众国” (Meilijianhezhongguo), which is very rarely used in China, roughly translates to the “United States of America” and is not an exonym, as the official Chinese word for the nation of the United States is different for the Chinese word for the continent of America. Acronyms including the character 国 (guó) is common among exonyms.

Names of foreign nations are sometimes shortened to their first character when used in compounds. For example, the name for Russia in Chinese is 俄罗斯 (Éluósī), but the name of the Russian language is 俄语 (Éyǔ), anything Russian-style is 俄式 (Éshì), and the Russian military is 俄军 (Éjūn).

However, some Chinese exonyms exist which are not immediately obvious because they are neither translations nor transcriptions, such as 旧金山 (Jiùjīnshān, which literally means “Old Gold Mountain”) and 新金山 (Xīnjīnshān, which literally means “New Gold Mountain”) for San Francisco and Melbourne respectively. These exonyms exist because they have a special history among Chinese people worldwide for one reason or another.

For Japanese, Korean, or Vietnamese names, the Chinese exonym is often the Chinese pronunciation of the Korean hanja, Japanese kanji, or ancient Vietnamese Chữ Nôm writing of the toponym. In some cases, especially in Japan, the Chinese pronunciation may be completely unlike the native-language pronunciation.

However, if the country’s or city’s endonym is not internationally well-known, Chinese will often transcribe the endoynym or English name into Chinese characters.


Countries had been founded or had gained independence after 1949 (the year Kuomintang had exiled to Taiwan after losing to the Communist Party) often have different exonyms used in mainland China (PRC) and Taiwan (ROC) due to differences in official standards resulting from the split in government. Exonyms used in mainland China are written in simplified Chinese on this page, and exonyms used in Taiwan are written in traditional Chinese. The exception to this are exonyms for Japanese and Korean place names, which will be written in traditional Chinese.

The exonyms below are all in Mandarin Chinese.


 Afghanistan Āfùhàn (阿富汗)
English name Mandarin name Endonym Notes
Name Type Name Language
Kabul Kābù’ěr (喀布尔) Transcription Kābol (کابل) Persian
Kābəl (کابل) Pashto


 Albania Ā’ěrbāníyǎ (阿尔巴尼亚)
English name Mandarin name Endonym Notes
Name Type Name Language
Tirana Dìlānà (地拉那) Transcription Tirona Albanian


 Algeria Ā’ěrjílìyǎ (阿尔及利亚)
English name Mandarin name Endonym Notes
Name Type Name Language
Algiers Ā’ěrjíěr (阿尔及尔) Transcription Al-Jazā’ir (الجزائر) Arabic


 Andorra Āndàoěr (安道尔)
English name Mandarin name Notes
Name Type Meaning
Andorra la Vella Āndàoěr Chéng (安道尔城) Translation-transcription mix Andorra City
 Angola Āngēlā (安哥拉)
English name Mandarin name Endonym Notes
Name Type Name Language
Luanda Luóāndá (罗安达) Transcription Luanda Portuguese

Antigua and Barbuda[edit]

 Antigua and Barbuda Āntíguā Hé Bābùdá (安提瓜和巴布达)
English name Mandarin name Notes
Name Type
St. John’s Shèng Yuēhàn (圣约翰) Translation-transcription mix


 Argentina Āgēntíng (阿根廷)
English name Mandarin name Notes
Name Type
Buenos Aires Bùyínuòsīàilìsī (布宜诺斯艾利斯) Transcription


 Armenia Yàměiníyǎ (亚美尼亚)
English name Mandarin name Endonym Notes
Name Type Name Language
Yerevan Yèlǐwēn (叶里温) Transcription Yerevan (Երևան) Armenian


 Australia Àodàlìyǎ (澳大利亚); abbreviated as Ào (澳)
English name Mandarin name Notes
Name Type Hanzi meaning
Canberra Kānpéilā (堪培拉)[1] Transcription
Gold Coast Huángjīn Hǎi’àn (黄金海岸) Translation Gold Coast
Melbourne Mò’ěrběn (墨尔本) Transcription
Xīnjīnshān (新金山) Special History New Gold Mountain The nickname “New Gold Mountain” was the nickname for the city given by Chinese immigrants and migrant workers looking for gold during the Australian gold rushes.[2] This contrasts with the name given to San Francisco, “Old Gold Mountain” (see section on the United States).
Newcastle Niǔkǎsī’ěr (纽卡斯尔) Transcription
New South Wales Xīn Nán Wēi’ěrshì Zhōu (新南威尔士州 ) Translation-transcription mix
Queensland Kūnshìlán Zhōu (昆士兰州) Transcription
Sydney Xīní (悉尼) Transcription


 Austria Àodìlì (奥地利); abbreviated as Ào (奥)
English name Mandarin name Endonym Notes
Name Type Name Language
Vienna Wéiyěnà (维也纳) Transcription Wien German


 Azerbaijan Āsèbàijiāng (阿塞拜疆)
Alternative name(s): Yàsèbàirán (亞塞拜然, Taiwan only)
English name Mandarin name Endonym Notes
Name Type Name Language
Baku Bākù (巴库) Transcription Bakı Azerbaijani


 Bahamas Bāhāmǎ (巴哈马)
English name Mandarin name Notes
Name Type
Nassau Násāo (拿骚) Transcription


 Bahrain Bālín (巴林)
English name Mandarin name Endonym Notes
Name Type Name Language
Manama Màinàmài (麦纳麦) Transcription Al-Manāma (المنامة) Arabic


 Bangladesh Mèngjiālāguó (孟加拉国); abbreviated as Mèngjiālā (孟加拉)
English name Mandarin name Endonym Notes
Name Type Name Language
Dhaka Dákǎ (达卡) Transcription Dhaka (ঢাকা) Bengali


 Belarus Bái’éluósī (白俄罗斯); abbreviated as Bái’é (白俄)
English name Mandarin name Endonym Notes
Name Type Name Language
Minsk Míngsīkè (明斯克) Transcription Minsk (Мінск) Belorussian
Minsk (Минск) Russian
 Bhutan Bùdān (不丹)
English name Mandarin name Endonym Notes
Name Type Name Language
Thimphu Tíngbù (廷布) Transcription Thimphu (ཐིམ་ཕུ) Dzongkha
 Brazil Bāxī (巴西); abbreviated as Bā (巴)
English name Mandarin name Endonym Notes
Name Type Name Language
Brasília Bāxīlìyǎ (巴西利亚)[3] Transcription
Rio de Janeiro Lǐyuērènèilú (里约热内卢)[4] Transcription
São Paulo Shèngbǎoluó (圣保罗)[1] Translation-transcription mix Shèng (圣) is used for place names that contain the word “Saint” or one of its cognates in another language. Interestingly enough, Shèng (圣) and “Saint” are false cognates.
Porto Alegre Āléigélǐgǎng (阿雷格里港) Translation-transcription mix “Āléigélǐ” (阿雷格里) is a transcription of the Portuguese word “Alegre”. “Gǎng” (港) means “harbor” in Mandarin.
Yúgǎng (愉港) Translation “Happy Harbor” in Mandarin.
 Brunei Wénlái (文莱)
Alternative name(s): Wènlái (汶莱, Hong Kong and Taiwan)
English name Mandarin name Endonym Notes
Name Type Hanzi meaning Name Language
Bandar Seri Begawan Sīlǐbājiāwān Shì (斯里巴加湾市) Translation-transcription mix Seri Begawan City Bandar Seri Begawan (بندر سري بڬاوان) Malay


 Bulgaria Bǎojīalìyà (保加利亚); abbreviated as Bǎo (保)
English name Mandarin name Endonym Notes
Name Type Name Language
Sofia Suǒfēiyà (索菲亚) Transcription Sofija (София) Bulgarian


 Burundi Búlóngdí (布隆迪)
Alternative name(s): Púlóngdì (蒲隆地, Taiwan only)
English name Mandarin name Notes
Name Type
Bujumbura Bùqióngbùlā (布琼布拉) Transcription


 Cambodia Jiǎnpǔzhài (柬埔寨); abbreviated as Jiǎn (柬)
Alternative name(s): Gāomián (高棉)
English name Mandarin name Endonym Notes
Name Type Hanzi meaning Name Language Meaning
Phnom Penh Jīnbiān (金边) Translation Golden Side Phnom Penh (រាជធានីភ្នំពេញ) Khmer Penh’s Hill
Siem Reap Xiānlì Shì (暹粒市) Translation-transcription mix Siem Reap City Siem Reap ( ក្រុងសៀមរាប) Khmer Siam’s Defeat
Sihanoukville Xīhānǔkè Chéng (西哈努克城) Translation-transcription mix Sihanouk City Krong Preah Sihanouk (ក្រុងព្រះសីហនុ) Khmer Holy City of Sihanouk
 Canada Jiānádà (加拿大); abbreviated as Jiā (加)
Alternative name(s): Jiāguó (加国)
English name Mandarin name Notes
Name Type Hanzi meaning
Montreal Méngtèlìěr (蒙特利尔) Transcription
Toronto Duōlúnduō (多伦多)[1] Transcription
Vancouver Wēngēhuá (温哥华)[1] Transcription
Xiánshuǐ Bù (鹹水埠) Translation Saltwater Port
 Egypt Āijí (埃及); abbreviated as Āi (埃)
English name Mandarin name Endonym Notes
Name Type Name Language
Alexandria Yàlìshāndà (亚历山大)[5] Transcription Al-‘Iskandariyya (الإسكندرية) Standard Arabic
Eskendereyya (اسكندرية) Egyptian Arabic
Cairo Kāiluó (开罗)[1] Transcription Al-Qāhirah (القاهرة) Standard Arabic
Maṣr (مصر) Egyptian Arabic
Nile River Níluóhé (尼罗河) Translation-transcription mix


 Ethiopia Āisāi’ébǐyǎ (埃塞俄比亚)
Alternative name(s): Yīsuǒbǐyǎ (衣索比亞, Taiwan only)
English name Mandarin name Endonym Notes
Name Type Name Language
Addis Ababa Yàdìsīyàbèibā (亚的斯亚贝巴)[1] Transcription Addis Abäba (አዲስ አበባ) Amharic
 France Fǎguó (法国); abbreviated as Fǎ (法)
Alternative name(s): Fǎlánsī (法兰斯), Fǎlánxī (法兰西)
English name Mandarin name Notes
Name Type
Cannes Jiánà (戛纳)[6] Transcription Based on the French pronunciation without the liaison
Fort-de-France Fǎlánxībǎo (法兰西堡)[1] Translation-transcription mix Bǎo (堡) is used in place names that have the word “Fort” or one of its cognates from in another language.
Paris Bālí (巴黎) Transcription Based on the French pronunciation without the liaison
Saint-Lô Shèngluò (圣洛)[1] Translation-transcription mix Shèng (圣) is used for place names that contain the word “Saint” or one of its cognates in another language. Shèng (圣) and “Saint” are false cognates.


 Germany Déguó (德国); abbreviated as Dé (德)
Alternative name(s): Déyìzhì (德意志)
English name Mandarin name Endonym Notes
Name Type Name Language
Berlin Bólín (柏林)[7] Transcription
Cologne Kēlóng (科隆)[8] Transcription Köln German
Frankfurt Fǎlánkèfú (法兰克福)[1] Transcription
Hamburg Hànbǎo (汉堡)[9] Translation-transcription mix Bǎo (堡) is used in place names that have the word “Burg”
Munich Mùníhēi (慕尼黑)[10] Transcription München German
 Haiti Hǎidì (海地)[11]
English name Mandarin name Notes
Name Type Hanzi meaning
Port-au-Prince Tàizǐ Gǎng (太子港) Translation Prince’s port


The Chinese exonym is a literal translation of the endonym.

 Iceland Bīngdǎo (冰岛)[12]
English name Mandarin name Endonym Notes
Name Type Name Language
Reykjavik Léikèyǎwèikè (雷克雅未克) Transcription Reykjavík Icelandic
 India Yìndù (印度); abbreviated as Yìn (印)
English name Mandarin name Endonym Notes
Name Type Hanzi meaning Name Language Meaning
Delhi Délǐ (德里)[1] Transcription Dillī (दिल्ली) Hindi meaning unknown


 Indonesia Yìndùníxīyà (印度尼西亚); abbreviated as Yìnní (印尼)
English name Mandarin name Endonym Notes
Name Type Hanzi meaning Name Language
Bali Bālí dǎo (巴厘岛) Translation-transcription mix Bali Balinese Used in Mainland China, homonymous with Paris (巴黎 Bālí).
Bālǐ (峇里) Transcription Used in Taiwan, Singapore, and Malaysia.
Jakarta Yǎjiādá (雅加达)[1] Transcription Jakarta Indonesian
Medan Miánlán (棉兰) Medan Indonesian
Palembang Jùgǎng (巨港) Huge port[13] Palembang Indonesian Chinese name refers to the historical past of Palembang as a major port of Sumatra.
Pontianak Kūndiān (坤甸) Pontianak Indonesian Known in Hakka as khun-tîen
Singkawang Shānkǒuyáng (山口洋) Mountain by the estuary and
the ocean
Singkawang Indonesian Originates from Hakka sân-khiéu-yòng.
Surabaya Sìshuǐ (泗水)[14] Surabaya Indonesian
Yogyakarta Rìrě (日若)[14] Yogyakarta Javanese
 Iraq Yīlākè (伊拉克); abbreviated as Yī (伊)
English name Mandarin name Endonym Notes
Name Type Name Language
Baghdad Bāgédá (巴格达) Transcription Baghdad (بغداد) Arabic


 Ireland Ài’ěrlán (爱尔兰); abbreviated as Ài (爱)
English name Mandarin name Endonym Notes
Name Type Name Language
Cork Kēkè (科克)[1] Transcription Corcaigh Irish
Dublin Dūbólín (都柏林)[1] Transcription Baile Átha Cliath Irish

Placenames in Israel will include places in Palestinian territories.

 Israel Yǐsèliè (以色列); abbreviated as Yǐ (以)
English name Mandarin name Endonym Notes
Name Type Hanzi meaning Name Language
Jerusalem Yēlùsālěng (耶路撒冷)[1] Transcription Yerushalayim (ירושלים) Hebrew
 Japan Rìběn (日本); abbreviated as Rì (日)
English name Mandarin name Notes
Name Type Hanzi meaning
Hiroshima Guǎngdǎo (廣島/广岛)[1] Translation Broad island
Kyōto Jīngdū (京都)[1] Translation Capital
Nagasaki Chángqí (長崎/长崎)[1] Translation Long, small peninsula
Naha Nàbà (那霸) Transcription meaning unknown The Chinese pronunciation is based on the Chinese characters used to write the city’s name in Japanese, regardless of the meaning of the individual characters.
Nara Nàiliáng (奈良) Transcription meaning unknown The Chinese pronunciation is based on the Chinese characters used to write the city’s name in Japanese, regardless of the meaning of the individual characters.
Narita Chéngtián (成田)[1] Translation Developed field
Okinawa Chóngshéng (沖繩/冲绳)[1] Translation Cord of the open sea
Ōsaka Dàbǎn (大坂)[1] Translation Big hillside
Ryūkyū Islands Liúqiú Qúndǎo (琉球群岛) Translation-transcription mix
Sapporo Zháhuǎng (札幌)[1] Translation Placard canopy
Tōkyō Dōngjīng (東京/东京)[1] Translation East(ern) capital
 Jordan Yuēdàn (约旦)
English name Mandarin name Endonym Notes
Name Type Hanzi meaning Name Language
Amman Ānmàn (安曼)[1] Transcription ‘Ammān (عمان) Arabic
 Laos Lǎowō (老挝); abbreviated as Liáo (寮, Taiwan only)
Alternative name(s): Liáoguó (寮国, Taiwan only)
English name Mandarin name Endonym Notes
Name Type Name Language
Vientiane Wànxiàng (万象)[1] Transcription Wīangchan (ວຽງຈັນ) Lao
Yǒngzhēn (永珍)[15] Transcription This transcription is used in Taiwan only.
 Mexico Mòxīgē (墨西哥); abbreviated as Mò (墨, Taiwan only)
English name Mandarin name Endonym Notes
Name Type Hanzi meaning Name Language
Baja California Xià Jiālìfúníyǎ Zhōu (下加利福尼亚州) Translation-transcription mix Lower California State
Ciudad Juaréz Huáléisī Chéng (华雷斯城) Translation-transcription mix City of Juarez
Mexico City Mòxīgē Chéng (墨西哥城) Translation-transcription mix Mexico City Ciudad de México Spanish
Cancūn Kǎnkūn (坎昆) Transcription


 Myanmar Miǎndiàn (缅甸); abbreviated as Miǎn (缅)
English name Mandarin name Endonym Notes
Name Type Hanzi meaning Name Language Meaning
Yangon Yǎngguāng (仰光) Transcription Rankun (ရန်ကုန်) Burmese End of fights
Mandalay Mándélè (曼德勒) Transcription Mantale (မန္တလေး) Burmese From Pali မဏ္ဍလ (mandala)
Naypyidaw Nèibǐdū (内比都) Translation-transcription mix Nepyitaw (နေပြည်တော်) Burmese Capital
   Nepal Níbóěr (尼泊尔)
English name Mandarin name Endonym Notes
Name Type Hanzi meaning Name Language
Kathmandu Jiādémǎndōu (加德满都) Transcription Kathmandu (काठमाडौं) Nepali
Mount Everest Zhūmùlǎngmǎ Fēng (珠穆朗玛峰) Translation-transcription mix Chomolungma Mountain Sagarmatha (सगरमाथा) Nepali The Chinese name is based on the Tibetan name of the mountain.

New Zealand[edit]

 New Zealand Xīnxīlán (新西兰)
Alternative name(s): Niǔxīlán (纽西兰, Taiwan only)
English name Mandarin name Notes
Name Type Hanzi meaning
Auckland Àokèlán (奥克兰) Transcription
Christchurch Kèlàisītèchèqí (克赖斯特彻奇) Transcription
Jīdū Chéng (基督城) Translation Christ City
Wellington Huìlíngdùn (惠灵顿) Transcription
Wēilíngdùn (威靈頓) Transcription Taiwan and Hong Kong only

North Korea[edit]

In Chinese, the country can be referred to as North Korea, but it is usually referred to just by the cognate for the endonym, Choson (조선).

 North Korea [Běi] Cháoxiǎn ([北]朝鲜)
English name Mandarin name Endonym Notes
Name Type Hanzi meaning Name Meaning Language
Korea Bay Xīcháoxiǎnwān (西朝鲜湾) Translation West Choson


Sŏjosŏn Man (서조선만) West Choson


Korean This name uses the Chinese name for North Korea, Cháoxiǎn (朝鲜)


Translation West Han


Sǒhan Man (서한만) West Han Bay Korean This name uses the Chinese name for South Korea, Hán (韩)
Paektu Mountain Chǎngbáishān (长白山) Translation Long White Mountain Baekdu San (백두산) White-head Mountain Korean The mountain is set on the China-North Korea border, which is why the mountain has noticeably different names in both languages
Pyongyang Píngrǎng


Translation Peaceful Soil Pyŏngyang (평양) Peaceful Soil Korean
Tumen River Túmen Jiāng (图们江) Transcription Duman Gang


Yalu River Yālǜ Jiāng


Unknown Duck-green River Amnok Gang (압록강) Korean The origin of the name is unknown, though it possibly came from the Manchu name Yalu Ula (ᠶᠠᠯᡠ ᡠᠯᠠ)


 Philippines Fēilǜbīn (菲律宾); abbreviated by Fēi (菲)
English name Mandarin name Endonym Notes
Name Type Name Language
Manila Mǎnílā (马尼拉) Transcription Maynilà Filipino
 Poland Bōlán (波兰); abbreviated by Bō (波)
English name Mandarin name Endonym Notes
Name Type Name Language
Warsaw Huáshā (华沙)[16] Transcription Warszawa Polish


 Portugal Pútáoyá (葡萄牙); abbreviated by Pú (葡)
English name Mandarin name Endonym Notes
Name Type Hanzi meaning Name Language
Lisbon Lǐsīběn (里斯本)[1] Transcription Lisboa Portuguese More common name
Pújīng (葡京)[1] Translation-transcription mix Portuguese capital
 Russia Éluósī (俄罗斯); abbreviated by É (俄)
Alternative name(s): Éguó (俄国)
English name Mandarin name Endonym Notes
Name Type Name Language
Moscow Mòsīkē (莫斯科)[1] Transcription Moskva Russian
Saint Petersburg Shèng Bǐdébǎo (圣彼得堡) [1] Translation-transcription mix

Saudi Arabia[edit]

 Saudi Arabia Shātè Ālābó (沙特阿拉伯); abbreviated by Shātè (沙特)
Alternative name(s): Shāguó (沙国, Taiwan only), Shāwūdìālābó (沙烏地阿拉伯, Taiwan only), Shādìālābó (沙地阿拉伯, Hong Kong only)
English name Mandarin name Endonym Notes
Name Type Name Language
Mecca Màijiā (麦加)[1] Transcription Makkah Arabic

South Korea[edit]

In Chinese, the country is not usually referred to as South Korea, but by the cognate for the endonym, Hanguk (한국).

 South Korea Hánguó (韩国); abbreviated by Hán (韩)
Alternative name(s): Nánhán (南韩), Náncháoxiǎn (南朝鲜)
English name Mandarin name Endonym Notes
Name Type Hanzi meaning Name Language
Busan Fǔshān (釜山) Translation Cauldron Mountain Busan (부산) Korean
Gangnam Jiāngnán (江南) Translation South of the River Gangnam (강남) Korean
Incheon Rénchuān (仁川) Translation Benevolent River Inchŏn (인천) Korean
Korea Bay Xīcháoxiǎnwān (西朝鲜湾) Translation West Choson


Sŏjosŏn Man (서조선만) Korean This name uses the Chinese name for North Korea, Cháoxiǎn (朝鲜)


Translation West Han


Sǒhan Man


Korean This name uses the Chinese name for South Korea, Hán (韩)
Pyeongchang Píngchāng (平昌) Translation Peaceful Radiance Pyŏngchang (평창) Korean
Seoul Hànchéng (漢城/汉城)[1] Translation Han River city, large city Sǒul (서울) Korean
Shǒu’ěr (首爾/首尔)[1] Transcription Seoul (Korean 서울) had no official hanja until 2005.

Sri Lanka[edit]

 Sri Lanka Sīlǐlánkǎ (斯里兰卡)
English name Mandarin name Endonym Notes
Name Type Name Language
Colombo Kēlúnpō (科伦坡) Transcription Kolamba (කොළඹ) Sinhala
Kělúnpō (可伦坡) Transcription Kozhumpu (கொழும்பு) Tamil Exonym used in Taiwan only
 Syria Xùlìyǎ (叙利亚); abbreviated by Xù (叙)
English name Mandarin name Endonym Notes
Name Type Name Language
Damascus Dàmǎshìgé (大马士革) Transcription Dimašq (دمشق) Arabic
 Turkey Tǔ’ěrqí (土耳其)
English name Mandarin name Endonym Notes
Name Type Name Language
Istanbul Yīsītǎnbù’ěr (伊斯坦布尔) Transcription Istanbul Turkish


 Thailand Tàiguó (泰国); abbreviated by Tài (泰)
English name Mandarin name Endonym Notes
Name Type Hanzi meaning Name Language
Bangkok Màngǔ (曼谷)[1] Transcription Krung Thep (กรุงเทพ) Thai Transcription thru Teochew dialect of Hokkien; where 曼谷 is pronounced as “bhuêng2 gog4”
Chiang Mai Qīngmài (清迈)[1] Transcription Chiangmai (เชียงใหม่) Thai Transcription thru Teochew dialect of Hokkien, where 清迈 is pronounced as “cêng1 mai6”
Chiang Rai Qīnglái (清莱) Transcription Chiangrai




 Ukraine Wūkèlán (乌克兰); abbreviated by 乌 (Wū)
English name Mandarin name Endonym Notes
Name Type Hanzi meaning Name Language
Kharkiv Hāěrkēfū (哈尔科夫) Transcription
Kyiv Jīfǔ (基辅) Transcription
Lviv Lèwéifu (勒维夫) Transcription
Odessa Áodésà (敖德萨) Transcription

United Kingdom[edit]

 United Kingdom Yīngguó (英国); abbreviated by 英 (Yīng)
Alternative name(s): [Dàyīng] Liánhé Wángguó ([大英] 联合王国)
English name Mandarin name Endonym Notes
Name Type Hanzi meaning Name Language
Cambridge Jiànqiáo (剑桥)[1] Translation-transcription mix Sword bridge
Cardiff Jiādìfū (加的夫)[17] Transcription
England Yīnggélán (英格兰)[1] Transcription
Yīngjílì (英吉利)[1] Transcription
Yīnglún (英伦)[1] Transcription
Liverpool Lìwùpǔ (利物浦)[1] Translation-transcription mix
Oxford Niújīn (牛津)[1] Translation Where the oxen ford
Scotland Sūgélán (苏格兰)[1] Transcription
Wales Wèiěrshí (威尔士)[1] Transcription
Westminster Xīmǐn (西敏)[18] Translation-transcription mix
York Yuēkè (约克)[19] Transcription

United States[edit]

 United States Měiguó (美国); abbreviated as Měi (美)
Alternative name(s): Yàměilìjiā (亚美利加), Měilìjiān (美利坚), Měilìjiān Hézhòngguó (美利坚合众国), Mĭguó (米国)
English name Mandarin name Endonym Notes
Name Type Hanzi meaning Name Language
Antelope Valley Língyáng Gǔ (羚羊谷) Translation
Bridgeport Qiáo Gǎng (橋港) Translation
Broken Arrow Duàn Jiàn Chéng (斷箭城) Translation
Buffalo Shuǐniúchéng (水牛城)[1] Translation Water buffalo city
California Jiāzhōu (加州)[1] Translation-transcription mix
Jīnzhōu (金州) Translation Golden State
Cambridge Jiànqiáo (劍橋) Translation-transcription mix
College Station Dàxué Chéng (大學城) Translation
Colorado Springs Kēluólāduōquán (科羅拉多泉)[20] Translation-transcription mix
Diamond Bar Zuànshí Bā (鑽石吧) Translation
Florida Fóluólǐdá zhōu/Fózhōu (佛罗里达州/佛州)[1] Translation-transcription mix
Grand Prairie Dà Cǎoyuán Chéng (大草原城) Translation
Grand Rapids Dà Jíliú Chéng (大急流城) Translation
Green Bay Lǜ Wān (綠灣) Translation
Honolulu Tánxiāngshān (檀香山)[1] Translation Fragrant sandalwood mountain
Independence Dúlì Shì (獨立市) Translation
Los Angeles Luòshānjī (洛杉矶)[1] Transcription
Little Rock Xiǎo Yánchéng (小岩城) Translation
Locke Lèjū (樂居)
Long Beach Chǎngtān (長灘) Translation
New Orleans Xīn ào’ěrliáng (新奧爾良) Translation-transcription mix
Orange Jú Shì (橘市) Translation
Orange County Jú Jùn (橘郡) Translation
Palm Bay Zōnglǘ Wān (棕櫚灣) Translation
Palmdale Zōnglǘ Gǔ (棕櫚谷) Translation
Philadelphia Fèi Chéng (費城) Translation-transcription mix
Phoenix Fènghuángchéng (鳳凰城)[1] Translation Fenghuang City
Sacramento Èrbù (二埠)[1] Special History Second Port Used by the first generations of Chinese immigrants, but rarely today.
Saint Louis Shènglùyìsī (圣路易斯)[1] Translation-transcription mix Shèng (圣) is used for place names that contain the word “Saint” or one of its cognates in another language. Interestingly enough, Shèng (圣) and “Saint” are false cognates.
Salt Lake City Yánhúchéng (盐湖城) Translation Salt Lake City
San Diego Shèngdìyàgē (圣地亚哥)[1] Translation-transcription mix Shèng (圣) is used for place names that contain the word “Saint” or one of its cognates in another language. Interestingly enough, Shèng (圣) and “Saint” are false cognates.
San José Shènghéxī (圣荷西) Translation-transcription mix Shèng (圣) is used for place names that contain the word “Saint” or one of its cognates in another language. Interestingly enough, Shèng (圣) and “Saint” are false cognates.
San Francisco Jiùjīnshān (旧金山)[1] Special History Old Gold Mountain Early Chinese immigrants and migrant workers to the United States nicknamed the city “Old Gold Mountain” in reference to the California Gold Rush, as many Chinese would come to search for gold in California and would arrive in the country via San Francisco.[21] Many Chinese called the city “Gold Mountain”. However, when gold was discovered in Melbourne, Australia, San Francisco was re-nicknamed “Old Gold Mountain” and Melbourne was nicknamed “New Gold Mountain”, or 新金山 (Xīn jīnshān) in Chinese.[2] Name used by the governments of the People’s Republic of China and the Republic of China.
Sānfānshì (三藩市)[1] Translation-transcription mix Sometimes shown side by side with Jiujinshan, in parentheses. Official name used by the government of Hong Kong and more common in Cantonese.
Dàbù (大埠)[1] Special History Big port Used by the first generations of Chinese immigrants, but rarely today.
Santa Fe Shèngtǎfēi (圣塔菲)[1] Translation-transcription mix Shèng (圣) is used for place names that contain the word “Saint” or one of its cognates in another language. Interestingly enough, Shèng (圣) and “Saint” are false cognates.
Springfield Chūntián Shì (春田市) Translation
Solvang Dānmài Cūn (丹麥村) Translation Danish village
Stockton Sānbù (三埠)[1] Special History Third Port Used by the first generations of Chinese immigrants, but rarely today.
Thousand Oaks Qiān Xiàng Chéng (千橡城) Translation
Walnut Hétáo Shì (核桃市) Translation
Washington D.C. Huáshèngdùn(tèqū) (华盛顿 (特区))[1] Translation-transcription mix Washington (special district)
West Palm Beach Xī Zōnglǘ Tān (西棕櫚灘) Translation
Yellowstone National Park Huángshí Guójiā Gōngyuán (黄石国家公园) Translation


 Uzbekistan Wūzībiékèsītǎn (乌兹别克斯坦)
Alternative name(s): Wūzībiékè (乌兹别克)
English name Mandarin name Endonym Notes
Name Language
Tashkent Tǎ Shí Gàn (塔什干) Тошкент Uzbek
Fergana *Dàyuān (大宛) Reconstructed pronunciation


 Vietnam Yuènán (越南); abbreviated by Yuè (越)
English name Mandarin name Endonym Notes
Name Type Hanzi meaning Name Language
Danang Xiàn Gǎng (岘港) Translation steep hill harbor Đà Nẵng Vietnamese
Haiphong Hǎi Fáng (海防) Translation sea defence Hải Phòng Vietnamese
Halong Xià Lóng (下龙) Translation descending dragon Hạ Long Vietnamese
Hanoi Hé Nèi (河内)[1] Translation within the river Hà Nội Vietnamese
Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC) Hú Zhì Míng Shì (胡志明市)[1] Translation-transcription mix Ho Chi Minh City Thành phó Hò Chí Minh (TPHCM) Vietnamese Hú Zhìmíng (胡志明) is the Chinese pronunciation of the Chinese characters that make up the name Ho Chi Minh
Hue Shùn Huà (顺化) Translation Huế Vietnamese Shùn Huà (顺化) is based on the old name Thuận Hóa
 Yemen Yěmén (也门)
Alternative name(s): Yèmén (葉門, Taiwan only)
English name Mandarin name Endonym Notes
Name Type Name Language
Sanaa Sànà (萨纳) Transcription Sana’a Standard Arabic

International bodies of water[edit]

English name Mandarin name Notes
Name Type Hanzi meaning
Amazon River Yàmǎxùn Hé


Translation-transcription mix Amazon River
Arabian Sea Ālābó Hǎi


Translation-transcription mix Arab(ian) Sea
Arctic Ocean Běibīng Yáng


Translation North(ern) Ice Ocean
Atlantic Sea Dàxīyáng


Translation Great West(ern) Ocean The Chinese translation differs from the European names of the ocean, which are named after the fictional city of Atlantis.
Baltic Sea Bōluódìhǎi


Translation-transcription mix Baltic Sea
Black Sea Hēihǎi


Translation Black Sea
Danube River Duōnǎo Hé


Translation-transcription mix Donau River The Chinese name for the river is based on the German name, Donau.
Dead Sea Sǐhǎi


Translation Dead Sea
East China Sea Dōnghǎi


Translation East Sea
Indian Ocean Yìndùyáng


Translation-transcription mix India(n) Ocean
Jordan River Yuēdàn Hé


Translation-transcription mix Jordan River
Mekong River Méigōng Hé


Translation-transcription mix Mekong River
Mediterranean Sea Dìzhōnghǎi


Translation Earth Center Sea
Nile River Níluó Hé


Translation-transcription mix Nile River
Pacific Ocean Tàipíng Yáng


Translation Wide Calm Ocean
Persian Gulf Bōsī Wān


Translation-transcription mix Persia(n) Gulf
Rhine River Láiyīn Hé


Translation-transcription mix Rhine River
Sea of Japan Rìběn Hǎi


Translation Japan(ese) Sea
South China Sea Nánhǎi


Translation South Sea

International landmarks and regions[edit]

English name Mandarin name Notes
Name Type Hanzi meaning
Alps Ā’ěrbēisī Shānmài


Translation-transcription mix Alp Mountain Range
Amazon Rainforest Yàmǎxùn Rèdài Yǔlín


Translation-transcription mix Amazon Tropical Rainforest
Andes Mountains Āndìsī Shānmài


Translation-transcription mix Andes Mountain Range
Balkans Bā’ěrgàn Bàndǎo


Translation-transcription mix Balkan Peninsula
Baltic states Bōluódìhǎi Guójiā


Translation-transcription mix Baltic Countries
British Isles Bùlièdiān Zhūdǎo (不列颠诸岛) Translation-transcription mix British Archipelago
Caribbean Islands Jiālèbǐ Qúndǎo


Translation-transcription mix Caribbean Archipelago
Central Asia Zhōngyà (中亚) Translation-transcription mix Central Asia
East Asia Dōngyà (东亚) Translation-transcription mix East Asia
Eurasia Ōuyà Dàlù


Translation-transcription mix Eurasia(n) Mainland
Himalayas Xǐmǎlāyǎ Shānmài


Translation-transcription mix Himalaya Mountain Range
Middle East Zhōngdōng


Translation Middle East
Xīyǎ (西亚) Translation-transcription mix West Asia
Latin America Lādīng Měizhōu (拉丁美洲) Translation-transcription mix Latin America(n) (Continent)
Rocky Mountains Luòjī Shānmài


Translation-transcription mix Falling Base Mountain Range The Chinese word 洛基 literally means “falling base”, but the pronunciation, luòjī, is an approximate transcription of the English word “rocky”
Scandinavia Sīkāndìnàwéiyǎ Bàndǎo


Translation-transcription mix Scandinavia(n) Peninsula
Sahara Desert Sǎhālā Shāmò


Translation-transcription mix Sahara Desert
South Asia Nányà (南亚) Translation-transcription mix South Asia
Southeast Asia Dōngnányà (东南亚) Translation-transcription mix Southeast Asia
Sub-Saharan Africa Sǎhālā Yǐnán Fēizhōu


Translation-transcription mix Africa South of Sahara
Ural Mountains Wūlā’ěr Shānmài


Translation-transcription mix Ural Mountain Range

See also[edit]

