Egyptian Hieroglyph Format Controls – Wikipedia


Version Final code points[a] Count L2 ID WG2 ID Document 12.0 U+13430..13438 9 L2/99-008 N1944 Everson, Michael (1999-01-09), Encoding Egyptian Hieroglyphs in Plane 1 of the UCS L2/00-010 N2103 Umamaheswaran, V. S. (2000-01-05), “10.1”, Minutes of WG 2 meeting 37, Copenhagen, Denmark: 1999-09-13—16 L2/15-069 Richmond, Bob (2015-02-03), Egyptian Hieroglyphs in Unicode plain text, a note on a suggested approach L2/15-149 Anderson, Deborah; Whistler, Ken; McGowan, Rick; Pournader, Roozbeh; Pandey, Anshuman; Glass, Andrew (2015-05-03), “14. Egyptian”, Recommendations to UTC #143 May 2015 on Script Proposals L2/15-123 Richmond, Bob (2015-05-04), Proposal to encode three control characters for Egyptian Hieroglyphs L2/16-037 Anderson, Deborah; Whistler, Ken; McGowan, Rick; Pournader, Roozbeh; Glass, Andrew; Iancu, Laurențiu (2016-01-22), “14. Egyptian Hieroglyphs”, Recommendations to UTC #146 January 2016 on Script Proposals L2/16-018 Richmond, Bob; Glass, Andrew (2016-01-26), Proposal to encode three control characters for Egyptian Hieroglyphs L2/16-004 Moore, Lisa (2016-02-01), “C.9.1”, UTC #146 Minutes L2/16-090 Nederhof, Mark-Jan; Rajan, Vinodh (2016-04-18), Comments on three control characters for Egyptian Hieroglyphs L2/16-104 Richmond, Bob (2016-05-02), Observations: L2/16-090 L2/16-156 Anderson, Deborah; Whistler, Ken; Pournader, Roozbeh; Glass, Andrew; Iancu, Laurențiu (2016-05-06), “4. Egyptian hieroglyphs”, Recommendations to UTC #147 May 2016 on Script Proposals L2/16-177 Nederhof, Mark-Jan; et al. (2016-06-30), A comprehensive system of control characters for Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic text (preliminary version) L2/16-199 Overington, William (2016-07-05), A suggestion … for Ancient Egyptian L2/16-212 Overington, William (2016-07-26), A comment about the encoding of control characters for Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic text L2/16-216 Anderson, Deborah; Whistler, Ken; McGowan, Rick; Pournader, Roozbeh; Glass, Andrew; Iancu, Laurențiu; Moore, Lisa (2016-07-30), “3. Egyptian hieroglyphs”, Recommendations to UTC #148 August 2016 on Script Proposals L2/16-214 Richmond, Bob (2016-08-01), An Extension to the three control characters for Egyptian Hieroglyphs and some additional remarks L2/16-218 Anderson, Deborah (2016-08-01), Brief Report from Cambridge meeting of Egyptologists and Update L2/16-227 Richmond, Bob (2016-08-04), The Universal Hieroglyphic Writing System: Consensus and possible compromise L2/16-231 Rosmorduc, Serge; et al. (2016-08-04), Proposal for Ancient Egyptian encoding in Unicode L2/16-232 Glass, Andrew (2016-08-05), Preliminary analysis of Egyptian Hieroglyph quadrat types L2/16-233 Nederhof, Mark-Jan; et al. (2016-08-05), Addendum to: A system of control characters for Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic text L2/16-203 Moore, Lisa (2016-08-18), “B.1.3 and C.7”, UTC #148 Minutes N4873R (pdf, doc) “M65.04d”, Unconfirmed minutes of WG 2 meeting 65, 2018-03-16 L2/16-210 Nederhof, Mark-Jan; et al. (2017-01-25), A system of control characters for Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic text L2/17-112R N4818 Glass, Andrew; et al. (2017-05-12), A method for encoding Egyptian quadrats in Unicode L2/17-153 Anderson, Deborah (2017-05-17), “2. Egyptian hieroglyphs – Quadrats”, Recommendations to UTC #151 May 2017 on Script Proposals L2/17-103 Moore, Lisa (2017-05-18), “C.7.2”, UTC #151 Minutes L2/17-222 Moore, Lisa (2017-08-11), “C.24”, UTC #152 Minutes N4953 (pdf, doc) “M66.07g, h, and k”, Unconfirmed minutes of WG 2 meeting 66, 2018-03-23 L2/17-353 Anderson, Deborah; Whistler, Ken (2017-10-02), “I. Changes to Egyptian Hieroglyphs Format Controls”, WG2 Consent Docket L2/18-036 N4926 Everson, Michael; Glass, Andrew (2018-01-18), Glyphs for Egyptian Hieroglyphic control characters L2/17-362 Moore, Lisa (2018-02-02), “Consensus 153-C9 and 153-C10”, UTC #153 Minutes L2/18-115 Moore, Lisa (2018-05-09), “Action item 154-A100”, UTC #155 Minutes, Create new glyphs for U+13432..U+13435 based on L2/18-036 and discussion in the meeting. L2/18-236 Nederhof, Mark-Jan (2018-06-13), A note on the syntax of Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic control characters N5001 Glass, Andrew (2018-06-19), Comments on names for Egyptian Hieroglyph control characters in PDAM 2.3 L2/18-241 Anderson, Deborah; et al. (2018-07-25), “3. Egyptian Hieroglyphs”, Recommendations to UTC # 156 July 2018 on Script Proposals L2/18-183 Moore, Lisa (2018-11-20), “Consensus B.1.1.4 and C.9.2”, UTC #156 Minutes N5020 (pdf, doc) Umamaheswaran, V. S. (2019-01-11), “9.3.1”, Unconfirmed minutes of WG 2 meeting 67 15.0 U+13439..13455 29 L2/21-208 Glass, Andrew; Grotenhuis, Jorke; Nederhof, Mark-Jan; Polis, Stéphane; Rosmorduc, Serge; Werning, Daniel A. (2021-08-11), Additional control characters for Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic texts L2/21-174 Anderson, Deborah; Whistler, Ken; Pournader, Roozbeh; Liang, Hai (2021-10-01), “2a. Format Control Characters”, Recommendations to UTC #169 October 2021 on Script Proposals L2/21-248 Glass, Andrew; Grotenhuis, Jorke; Nederhof, Mark-Jan; Polis, Stéphane; Rosmorduc, Serge; Werning, Daniel A. (2021-12-22), Additional control characters for Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic texts L2/22-023 Anderson, Deborah; Whistler, Ken; Pournader, Roozbeh; Constable, Peter (2022-01-22), “4. Egyptian Hieroglyphs”, Recommendations to UTC #170 January 2022 on Script Proposals L2/22-016 Constable, Peter (2022-04-21), “D.1 4a Format Control Characters and D.1 4b Variation Sequences for Egyptian Hieroglyphs”, UTC #170 Minutes L2/22-068 Anderson, Deborah; Whistler, Ken; Pournader, Roozbeh; Constable, Peter (2022-04-15), “16. Egyptian Hieroglyphs”, Recommendations to UTC #171 April 2022 on Script Proposals L2/22-061 Constable, Peter (2022-07-27), “D.1 Section 16 Egyptian Hieroglyphs”, Approved Minutes of UTC Meeting 171
  1. ^ Proposed code points and characters names may differ from final code points and names