List of astronomy awards – Wikipedia


Award Sponsor Country Notes Petrie Prize Lecture Canadian Astronomical Society Canada Outstanding astrophysicist[1] National Prize for Exact Sciences National Prize for Sciences Chile e.g., Astronomy, physics, mathematics[2] Annie Jump Cannon Award in Astronomy American Astronomical Society United States Woman resident of North America, within five years of receipt of a Ph.D., for distinguished contributions to astronomy or for similar contributions in related sciences which have immediate application to astronomy[3] Barringer Medal Meteoritical Society United States Outstanding work in the field of impact cratering and/or work that has led to a better understanding of impact phenomena[4] Beatrice M. Tinsley Prize American Astronomical Society United States Outstanding research contribution to astronomy or astrophysics of an exceptionally creative or innovative character[5] Brouwer Award Division on Dynamical Astronomy, American Astronomical Society United States Outstanding lifetime achievement in the field of dynamical astronomy[6] Bruce Medal Astronomical Society of the Pacific United States Outstanding lifetime contributions to astronomy[7] Bruno Rossi Prize High Energy Astrophysics division, American Astronomical Society United States Significant contribution to High Energy Astrophysics, with particular emphasis on recent, original work[8] Carl Sagan Medal Division for Planetary Sciences, American Astronomical Society United States Outstanding communication by an active planetary scientist to the general public[9] Carl Sagan Memorial Award American Astronautical Society / The Planetary Society United States Leadership in research or policies advancing exploration of the Cosmos[10] Chambliss Amateur Achievement Award American Astronomical Society United States Achievement in astronomical research made by an amateur astronomer resident in North America[11][12] Chambliss Astronomical Writing Award American Astronomical Society United States For astronomy writing for an academic audience[13] Clifford W. Holmes Award RTMC Astronomy Expo United States Individual for a significant contribution to popularizing astronomy[14] Dannie Heineman Prize for Astrophysics American Astronomical Society / American Institute of Physics United States Outstanding work in astrophysics[15] Edgar Wilson Award Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory United States Amateur comet discoverers[16][17][18] George Ellery Hale Prize Solar Physics Division, American Astronomical Society United States Outstanding contributions over an extended period of time to the field of solar astronomy[19] George Van Biesbroeck Prize American Astronomical Society United States Long-term extraordinary or unselfish service to astronomy, often beyond the requirements of his or her paid position[20] Gerard P. Kuiper Prize Division for Planetary Sciences, American Astronomical Society United States Outstanding lifetime achievement in the field of planetary science[21] Gordon A. McKay Award Meteoritical Society United States Student who gives the best oral presentation at its annual meeting[22] Gordon Myers Amateur Achievement Award Astronomical Society of the Pacific United States Significant contributions to astronomy or amateur astronomy by those not employed in the field of astronomy in a professional capacity[23][24][25] Gruber Prize in Cosmology Gruber Foundation / International Astronomical Union United States Discoveries leading to fundamental advances in our understanding of the universe[26] Harold C. Urey Prize Division for Planetary Sciences, American Astronomical Society United States Outstanding achievements in planetary science by a young scientist[27] Helen B. Warner Prize for Astronomy American Astronomical Society United States Young astronomer (aged less than 36, or within 8 years of the award of their PhD) for a significant contribution to observational or theoretical astronomy[28] Henry Draper Medal National Academy of Sciences United States For investigations in astronomical physics[29][30][31][32][33] Henry Norris Russell Lectureship American Astronomical Society United States Lifetime of excellence in astronomical research[34] J. Lawrence Smith Medal National Academy of Sciences United States Investigations of meteoric bodies[35] James Craig Watson Medal National Academy of Sciences United States Contributions to astronomy[36] Jessberger Award Meteoritical Society United States Outstanding research by a mid-career, female isotope geochemist[37] Jonathan Eberhart Planetary Sciences Journalism Award Division for Planetary Sciences United States Recognize and stimulate distinguished popular writing on planetary sciences[38][39] Joseph Weber Award for Astronomical Instrumentation American Astronomical Society United States Design, invention or significant improvement of instrumentation leading to advances in astronomy[40] Karen Harvey Prize American Astronomical Society United States Significant contribution to the study of the Sun early in a person’s professional career[41] Klumpke-Roberts Award Astronomical Society of the Pacific United States Outstanding contributions to the public understanding and appreciation of astronomy[42] LeRoy E. Doggett Prize American Astronomical Society United States Individuals who have significantly influenced the field of the history of astronomy by a career-long effort[43] Leonard Medal Meteoritical Society United States Outstanding contributions to the science of meteoritics and closely allied fields[44] Leslie C. Peltier Award Astronomical League United States Amateur astronomer who has contributed observations of lasting significance[45] Marc Aaronson Memorial Lectureship University of Arizona United States Individual or group who … has produced a body of work in observational astronomy which has resulted in a significant deepening of our understanding of the universe[46] Marcel Grossmann Award International Center for Relativistic Astrophysics Rome, Italy Institutions and individuals who have made extraordinary contributions to astrophysics.[47] Masursky Award Division for Planetary Sciences, American Astronomical Society United States Outstanding service to planetary science and exploration through engineering, managerial, programmatic, or public service activities[48] Meteoritical Society’s Service Award Meteoritical Society United States Promote research and education in meteoritics and planetary science in ways other than by conducting scientific research[49] Newton Lacy Pierce Prize in Astronomy American Astronomical Society United States Young (less than age 36) astronomer for outstanding achievement in observational astronomical research[50] Nier Prize Meteoritical Society United States Outstanding research in meteoritics and closely allied fields by young scientists[51] Nininger Meteorite Award Center for Meteorite Studies, Arizona State University United States Outstanding student achievement in the “Science of Meteoritics” as embodied by an original research paper[52] Paul Pellas-Graham Ryder Award Meteoritical Society, Geological Society of America United States Best planetary science paper, published in a peer-reviewed scientific journal, and written by an undergraduate or graduate student (as first author)[53] Richard H. Emmons Award Astronomical Society of the Pacific United States Outstanding achievement in teaching college-level introductory astronomy classes for non-science majors.[54] Rittenhouse Medal Rittenhouse Astronomical Society United States Outstanding achievement in the science of Astronomy[55] Robert J. Trumpler Award Astronomical Society of the Pacific United States Recent recipient of the Ph.D degree whose thesis is judged particularly significant to astronomy[56] Vera Rubin Early Career Prize Division on Dynamical Astronomy of the American Astronomical Society United States Excellence in dynamical astronomy[57] Whipple Award Planetary Sciences Section, American Geophysical Union United States Outstanding contribution to the field of planetary science[58]