List of computer science awards


Country Award Sponsor Notes United States ACM-AAAI Allen Newell Award Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence Career contributions that have breadth within computer science, or that bridge computer science and other disciplines[15] Europe Ackermann Award European Association for Computer Science Logic Outstanding Dissertation Award for Logic in Computer Science[16] International Azriel Rosenfeld Award International Conference on Computer Vision (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) Significant contributions to the field of Computer Vision over longtime careers[17] United States Barwise Prize American Philosophical Association Significant and sustained contributions to areas relevant to philosophy and computing[18] United Kingdom BCS Lovelace Medal British Computer Society Individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the understanding or advancement of computing[19] United Kingdom Charles Babbage Premium Institution of Electrical Engineers Authors of an outstanding paper on the design or use of electronic computers[20] Europe Dahl–Nygaard Prize European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming Senior researcher with outstanding career contributions and a younger researcher who has demonstrated great potential[21] United Kingdom Digital Preservation Award Digital Preservation Coalition New initiatives in the challenging field of digital preservation[22] Europe EATCS Award European Association for Theoretical Computer Science Distinguished career in theoretical computer science International Edison Award Edison Awards Honoring excellence in innovation Europe ERCIM Cor Baayen Award European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics Researcher in computer science and applied mathematics United States Erdős–Rényi Prize Network Science Society Outstanding early-career researcher in the field of network science Germany Heinz Billing Prize Heinz Billing Foundation of the Max Planck Society Those who have spent time and effort developing the hardware and software crucial for scientific advances United States Herbrand Award Conference on Automated Deduction Important contributions to the field of automated deduction United Kingdom IET Mountbatten Medal Institution of Engineering and Technology and Institution of Electrical Engineers Outstanding contribution, or contributions over a period, to the promotion of electronics or information technology and their application International IJCAI Award for Research Excellence International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence Researcher in artificial intelligence as a recognition of excellence of their career International IJCAI Computers and Thought Award International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence Outstanding young scientists in artificial intelligence India Infosys Prize Infosys Science Foundation Outstanding achievements of contemporary researchers and scientists across six categories, including Engineering and Computer Sciences Canada J. W. Graham Medal University of Waterloo Faculty of Mathematics Leadership and many innovative contributions made to the University of Waterloo, and to the Canadian computer industry United States Jonathan B. Postel Service Award Internet Society honor a person who has made outstanding contributions in service to the data communications community Netherlands Kalai Prize Game Theory Society Outstanding articles at the interface of game theory and computer science Germany Konrad Zuse Medal Gesellschaft für Informatik Leading German computer scientist United Kingdom Loebner Prize Society for the Study of Artificial Intelligence and the Simulation of Behaviour Computer programs considered by the judges to be the most human-like Europe Microsoft Award Royal Society, French Academy of Sciences Scientists working in Europe who had made a major contribution to the advancement of science through the use of computational methods Europe Milner Award Microsoft Research (replaces Microsoft Award) Outstanding achievement in computer science by a European researcher Europe Nerode Prize European Association for Theoretical Computer Science, European Symposium on Algorithms Outstanding research in the area of multivariate algorithmics Brazil Newton Faller Award Brazilian Computer Society Members who have distinguished themselves throughout their lives for services to the Brazilian Computer Society[23] International IMU Abacus Medal (Nevanlinna Prize) International Congress of Mathematicians Outstanding contributions in Mathematical Aspects of Information Sciences United States O’Reilly Open Source Award O’Reilly Media Individuals recognized for dedication, innovation, leadership and outstanding contribution to open source Italy Pirelli Internetional Award Pirelli Best multimedia presentations focussing on themes involving the diffusion of science and technology Europe Presburger Award European Association for Theoretical Computer Science Young scientist for outstanding contributions in theoretical computer science Europe Prize for Innovation in Distributed Computing International Colloquium on Structural Information and Communication Complexity Major contribution to understanding the relationships between information and efficiency in decentralized computing United Kingdom Roger Needham Award British Computer Society Distinguished research contribution in computer science by a UK-based researcher International RSA Award for Excellence in Mathematics RSA Conference Outstanding achievements in cryptographic research defined broadly United States Sloan Research Fellowship Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Provide support and recognition to early-career scientists and scholars International Stevens Award Reengineering Forum Outstanding contributions to the literature or practice of methods for software and systems development United Kingdom Tony Kent Strix award International Society for Knowledge Organisation UK, Royal Society of Chemistry and British Computer Society Outstanding contribution to the field of information retrieval Japan Tsutomu Kanai Award Hitachi Major contributions to the state-of-the-art distributed computing systems and their applications United States Tucker Prize Mathematical Optimization Society Outstanding theses in the area of optimization United Kingdom Weizenbaum Award International Society for Ethics and Information Technology Significant contribution to the field of information and computer ethics United States White Camel award Perl Foundation Important contributors to the Perl Programming Language community Netherlands Van Wijngaarden Award Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica Mathematics and Computer Science United States J. H. Wilkinson Prize for Numerical Software Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Outstanding contributions in the field of numerical software United States James H. Wilkinson Prize in Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Research in, or other contributions to, numerical analysis and scientific computing International Karen Spärck Jones Award BCS, its Information Retrieval Specialist Group (BCS IRSG) and Microsoft Research An award to commemorate the achievements of Karen Spärck Jones and her impactful research the fields of information retrieval and NLP.[24]