List of geology awards – Wikipedia


Country Award Sponsor Notes United States Arthur L. Day Medal Geological Society of America Outstanding distinction in contributing to geologic knowledge through the application of physics and chemistry to the solution of geologic problems[16] United States Arthur L. Day Prize and Lectureship National Academy of Sciences Scientist making new contributions to the physics of the Earth whose four to six lectures would prove a solid, timely, and useful addition to the knowledge and literature in the field[17] United States Charles Doolittle Walcott Medal National Academy of Sciences Individual achievement in advancing knowledge of Cambrian or Precambrian life and its history[18] United States Dana Medal Mineralogical Society of America Outstanding scientific contributions through original research in the mineralogical sciences by an individual in the midst of his or her career[19] United States F.W. Clarke Medal Geochemical Society Outstanding contribution to geochemistry or cosmochemistry[20] United States G. K. Gilbert Award Geological Society of America Outstanding contributions to the solution of fundamental problems in planetary geology in the broadest sense, which includes geochemistry, mineralogy, petrology, geophysics, geologic mapping, and remote sensing[21] United States G. K. Warren Prize National Academy of Sciences Distinguished accomplishment in fluviatile geology and closely related aspects of the geological sciences[22] United States Hayden Memorial Geological Award Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University Geology[23] United States John Wesley Powell Award United States Geological Survey Noteworthy contributions to the objectives and mission of the USGS[24] United States Kirk Bryan Award Geological Society of America Published paper of distinction advancing the science of geomorphology or Quaternary geology[25] United States Mary Clark Thompson Medal National Academy of Sciences Important service to geology and paleontology[26] United States Meinzer Award Geological Society of America Publication or body of publications that have significantly advanced the science of hydrogeology or a closely related field.[27] United States Penrose Gold Medal Society of Economic Geologists Full career in the performance of unusually original work in the earth sciences[28][29] United States Penrose Medal Geological Society of America Eminent research in pure geology, for outstanding original contributions or achievements that mark a major advance in the science of geology[30][31] United States Roebling Medal Mineralogical Society of America Scientific publication of outstanding original research in mineralogy[32] United States Sidney Powers Memorial Award American Association of Petroleum Geologists Distinguished and outstanding contributions to, or achievements in, petroleum geology[33] United States Stanley Miller Medal National Academy of Sciences Research on Earth’s early development as a planet, including prebiotic chemistry and the origin of life; planetary accretion, differentiation, and tectonics; and early evolution of the atmosphere and oceans[34] United States Vetlesen Prize Columbia University and G. Unger Vetlesen foundation Scientific achievement resulting in a clearer understanding of the Earth, its history, or its relations to the universe[35][36] United States William H. Twenhofel Medal Society for Sedimentary Geology Outstanding contributions to sedimentary geology[37]