List of physics awards – Wikipedia


Country Award Sponsor Notes Europe Becquerel Prize European Commission Scientific, technical or managerial merits in the field of photovoltaic solar energy Europe EPS Europhysics Prize European Physical Society Scientific excellence in the area of condensed matter physics Europe EPS Statistical and Nonlinear Physics Prize European Physical Society Research contributions in the area of statistical physics, nonlinear physics, complex systems, and complex networks Europe Edison Volta Prize European Physical Society Achievements in physics Europe Gribov Medal European Physical Society Work in theoretical elementary particle physics or quantum field theory Europe Hannes Alfvén Prize European Physical Society Achievements which have shaped the plasma physics field or are expected to do so in future Europe High Energy and Particle Physics Prize European Physical Society Outstanding contribution to high energy and particle physics Europe Lise Meitner Prize European Physical Society Outstanding work in the fields of experimental, theoretical or applied nuclear science Europe Louis Néel Medal European Geophysical Society Outstanding contributions in the application of experimental and theoretical methods of solid state physics to the study of earth sciences Austria Haitinger Prize Austrian Academy of Sciences Studies in chemistry and physics that proved to be of great practical use for industrial applications Austria Lieben Prize Austrian Academy of Sciences Young scientists working in the fields of molecular biology, chemistry, or physics Austria Ludwig Boltzmann Prize Austrian Physical Society Outstanding achievements in theoretical physics Denmark H. C. Ørsted Medal Society for the Dissemination of Natural Science Scientific work in physics or chemistry Denmark Niels Bohr Institute Medal of Honour Niels Bohr Institute Particularly outstanding researcher who is working in the spirit of Niels Bohr: International cooperation and the exchange of knowledge Denmark Niels Bohr International Gold Medal Danish Society of Engineers, Niels Bohr Institute, Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters Engineering award France Ampère Prize French Academy of Sciences Outstanding research work in mathematics or physics France Jacques Herbrand Prize French Academy of Sciences Young researchers (up to 35 years) in the field of mathematics, physics, and their non-military applications France Leconte Prize French Academy of Sciences Important discoveries in mathematics, physics, and biology France Three Physicists Prize École normale supérieure Major contributions in physics France Volta Prize Government of France Extraordinary scientific discoveries related to electricity. No longer awarded Germany Berthold Leibinger Innovationspreis Berthold Leibinger Stiftung Those who have created applied laser technology and innovations on the application or generation of laser light Germany Berthold Leibinger Zukunftspreis Berthold Leibinger Stiftung Excellent research on the application or generation of laser light Germany Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft Exceptional scientists and academics for their outstanding achievements in the field of research Germany Heinz Maier-Leibnitz-Preis German Ministry of Education and Research Physics Germany Humboldt Prize Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Internationally renowned scientists and scholars who work outside of Germany Germany Karl Scheel Prize German Physical Society Outstanding scientific work Germany Klung Wilhelmy Science Award Otto Klung Foundation and the Dr. Wilhelmy Foundation Younger German scientists under the age of 40 in chemistry or physics Germany/United Kingdom Max Born Medal and Prize German Physical Society and Institute of Physics Outstanding contributions to physics Germany Max Planck Medal German Physical Society Theoretical physics Germany Otto Hahn Prize German Chemical Society, German Physical Society and City of Frankfurt Achievement in the field of chemistry, physics or applied engineering science Germany Stern–Gerlach Medal German Physical Society Experimental physicists Germany Walter Schottky Prize German Physical Society Outstanding research work of young academics in the field of solid-state physics Hungary International Dennis Gabor Award Hungarian Academy of Sciences Scientific achievements with practical applications, with a clear positive attitude towards international cooperation of the researchers Italy Alfredo di Braccio Award Accademia dei Lincei Top young chemist or physicist Italy Enrico Fermi Prize Italian Physical Society Members of the Society who have particularly honored physics with their discoveries Italy Majorana Prize Electronic Journal of Theoretical Physics Outstanding contributions to theoretical and mathematical physics Italy Matteucci Medal Accademia nazionale delle scienze Physicists for their fundamental contributions Italy Tomassoni awards Sapienza University of Rome Achievements in physics Netherlands Lorentz Medal Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences Physics Poland First Step to Nobel Prize in Physics Organizing Committee Competition for high school students Poland Marian Smoluchowski Medal Polish Physical Society Significant contributions in physics Russia Bogolyubov Prize for young scientists Joint Institute for Nuclear Research Young researchers in theoretical physics Russia Bogolyubov Prize Joint Institute for Nuclear Research Outstanding contribution to theoretical physics and applied mathematics Russia Bruno Pontecorvo Prize Joint Institute for Nuclear Research Elementary particle physics Russia Demidov Prize Russian Academy of Sciences Achievements in natural sciences and humanities Russia Friedmann Prize Russian Academy of Sciences Work in cosmology and gravity Russia Landau Gold Medal Russian Academy of Sciences Theoretical physics Russia Pomeranchuk Prize Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics Theoretical physics Soviet Union Kurchatov Medal USSR Academy of Sciences Outstanding achievements in nuclear physics and in the field of nuclear energy Sweden Gregori Aminoff Prize Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences Individual contribution in the field of crystallography, including areas concerned with the dynamics of the formation and dissolution of crystal structures Sweden Lise Meitner Distinguished Lecture Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences Physics Sweden Nobel Prize in Physics Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences Outstanding contributions for mankind in the field of Physics Sweden Oskar Klein Memorial Lecture Stockholm University/Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences Prominent physicist Switzerland Albert Einstein Medal Albert Einstein Society Scientific findings, works, or publications related to Albert Einstein Switzerland Tomalla Prize Tomalla Foundation Research in gravitation and/or cosmology, Ukraine Bogolyubov Prize (NASU) National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Outstanding contribution to theoretical physics and applied mathematics United Kingdom A B Wood Medal Institute of Acoustics Distinguished contributions to the application of underwater acoustics United Kingdom Copley Medal Royal Society Achievements in research in any branch of science United Kingdom Eddington Medal Royal Astronomical Society Investigations of outstanding merit in theoretical astrophysics United Kingdom Hughes Medal Royal Society electricity and magnetism United Kingdom R W B Stephens Medal Institute of Acoustics Contributions to acoustics research or education United Kingdom Rayleigh Medal Institute of Acoustics Outstanding contributions to acoustics United Kingdom Rumford Medal Royal Society Important recent discovery in the field of thermal or optical properties of matter made by a scientist working in Europe United Kingdom Tyndall Medal Institute of Acoustics Achievement and services in the field of acoustics