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Long & Sedley, pg. 411, modified):Distress (lup\u0113)Distress is an irrational contraction, or a fresh opinion that something bad is present, at which people think it right to be depressed.Fear (phobos)Fear is an irrational aversion, or avoidance of an expected danger.Lust (epithumia)Lust is an irrational desire, or pursuit of an expected good but in reality bad.Delight (h\u0113don\u0113)Delight is an irrational swelling, or a fresh opinion that something good is present, at which people think it right to be elated.Two of these passions (distress and delight) refer to emotions currently present, and two of these (fear and lust) refer to emotions directed at the future.[9] Thus there are just two states directed at the prospect of good and evil, but subdivided as to whether they are present or future:[10]\u00a0PresentFutureGoodDelightLustEvilDistressFearSubdivisions[edit]Numerous subdivisions of the same class are brought under the head of the separate passions. The definitions are those of the translation of Cicero’s Tusculan Disputations by J. E. King.Distress[edit]EnvyEnvy is distress incurred by reason of a neighbor’s prosperity.RivalryRivalry is distress, should another be in possession of the object desired and one has to go without it oneself.JealousyJealousy is distress arising from the fact that the thing one has coveted oneself is in the possession of the other man as well as one’s own.CompassionCompassion is distress arising from the wretchedness of a neighbor in undeserved suffering.AnxietyAnxiety is oppressive distress.MourningMourning is distress arising from the untimely death of a beloved object.SadnessSadness is tearful distress.TroublingTroubling is burdensome distress.GriefGrief is torturing distress.LamentingDistress accompanied by wailing.DepressionDepression is distress accompanied by brooding.VexationVexation is lasting distress.DespondencyDespondency is distress without any prospect of amelioration.Fear[edit]SluggishnessSluggishness is fear of ensuing toil.ShameShame is fear of disgrace.FrightFright is paralyzing fear which causes paleness, trembling and chattering of teeth.TimidityTimidity is fear of approaching evil.ConsternationConsternation is fear upsetting the mental balance.PusillanimityPusillanimity is fear following on the heels of fright like an attendant.BewildermentBewilderment is fear paralyzing thought.FaintheartednessFaintheartedness is lasting fear.Lust[edit]AngerAnger is lust of punishing the man who is thought to have inflicted an undeserved injury.RageRage is anger springing up and suddenly showing itself.HatredHatred is inveterate anger.EnmityEnmity is anger watching as opportunity for revenge.WrathWrath is anger of greater bitterness conceived in the innermost heart and soul.GreedGreed is insatiable lust.LongingLonging is lust of beholding someone who is not present.Delight[edit]MaliceMalice is pleasure derived from a neighbor’s evil which brings no advantage to oneself.RaptureRapture is pleasure soothing the soul by charm of the sense of hearing.OstentationOstentation is pleasure shown in outward demeanor and puffing oneself out extravagantly.Good feelings[edit]The wise person (sophos) is someone who is free from the passions (apatheia). Instead the sage experiences good-feelings (eupatheia) which are clear-headed.[11] These emotional impulses are not excessive, but nor are they diminished emotions.[12][13] Instead they are the correct rational emotions.[13] The Stoics listed the good-feelings under the headings of joy (chara), wish (boulesis), and caution (eulabeia).[5] Thus if something is present which is a genuine good, then the wise person experiences an uplift in the soul\u2014joy (chara).[14] The Stoics also subdivided the good-feelings:[15]Joy:EnjoymentCheerfulnessGood spiritsWish:Good intentGoodwillWelcomingCherishingLoveSee also[edit]Citations[edit]^ Blank, David. “Philodemus” \u2013 On individual ethical topics (c.f. – 5th paragraph) Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Fall 2014 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.)(published Wed Apr 10, 2013; substantive revision Mon Aug 4, 2014) [Retrieved 2015-3-15]^ a b Annas 1994, p.\u00a0103^ Annas 1994, pp.\u00a0103\u2013104^ Groenendijk, Leendert F. and de Ruyter, Doret J.(2009) ‘Learning from Seneca: a Stoic perspective on the art of living and education’, Ethics and Education, 4: 1, 81\u201392 doi:10.1080\/17449640902816277^ a b Annas 1994, p.\u00a0114^ a b c d e Capes 1880, p.\u00a047^ Annas 1994, p.\u00a0113^ a b c Capes 1880, p.\u00a048^ a b Sorabji 2000, p.\u00a029^ Graver 2007, p.\u00a054^ Inwood 1999, p.\u00a0705^ Annas 1994, p.\u00a0115^ a b Graver 2007, p.\u00a052^ Inwood 1999, p.\u00a0701^ Graver 2007, p.\u00a058References[edit]Annas, Julia (1994), Hellenistic Philosophy of Mind, University of California Press, ISBN\u00a0978-0-520-07659-4Capes, William Wolfe (1880), Stoicism, Pott, Young, & Co.Graver, Margaret (2007), Stoicism and Emotion, University of Chicago Press, ISBN\u00a0978-0-226-30557-8Inwood, Brad (1999), “Stoic Ethics”, in Algra, Keimpe; Barnes, Johnathan; Mansfield, Jaap; Schofield, Malcolm (eds.), The Cambridge History of Hellenistic Philosophy, Cambridge University Press, ISBN\u00a0978-0-521-25028-3Sorabji, Richard (2000), Emotion and Peace of Mind: From Stoic Agitation to Christian Temptation, Oxford University Press, ISBN\u00a0978-0-198-25005-0Andronicus, “On Passions I,” Stoicorum Veterum Fragmenta, 3.391. ed. Hans von Arnim. 1903\u20131905.Cicero, Marcus Tullius (1945 c. 1927). Cicero\u00a0: Tusculan Disputations (Loeb Classical Library, No. 141) 2nd Ed. trans. by J. E. King. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard UP.Long, A. A., Sedley, D. N. (1987). The Hellenistic Philosophers: vol. 1. translations of the principal sources with philosophical commentary. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press.External links[edit] "},{"@context":"http:\/\/schema.org\/","@type":"BreadcrumbList","itemListElement":[{"@type":"ListItem","position":1,"item":{"@id":"https:\/\/wiki.edu.vn\/en\/wiki24\/#breadcrumbitem","name":"Enzyklop\u00e4die"}},{"@type":"ListItem","position":2,"item":{"@id":"https:\/\/wiki.edu.vn\/en\/wiki24\/2014\/08\/25\/stoic-passions-wikipedia\/#breadcrumbitem","name":"Stoic passions – Wikipedia"}}]}]