Annotations to Records of the Three Kingdoms

Title Translation Author / Compiler Notes Locus of First Citation[note 1] 邴原別傳
Bing Yuan Biezhuan Unofficial Biography of Bing Yuan Records and letters of Bing Yuan (邴原) and associates 11.351–4 曹瞞傳
Cao Man Zhuan Biography of Cao Man Records about Cao Cao’s life prior to his rise to power 1.1 n 1 曹志別傳
Cao Zhi Biezhuan Unofficial Biography of Cao Zhi Records about Cao Zhì (曹志), son of Cao Zhí 19.577 n 2; biography of Cao Zhi 陳留耆舊傳
Chenliu Qijiu Zhuan Biographies of the Seniors of Chenliu Su Lin (蘇林)[6] Contains biographies of people from Chenliu (陳留) 24:683, n 2; biography of Gao Rou 陳氏譜
Chen Shi Pu Chen Family Genealogy Records about Chen Tai and his family 22:641 n 2; biography of Chen Qun 程曉別傳
Cheng Xiao Biezhuan Unofficial Biography of Cheng Xiao Records about Cheng Xiao (程曉) 14.431, n 2 楚國先賢傳
Chuguo Xianxian Zhuan Biographies of the Departed Worthies of Chu Contains biographies of people from Jing Province 4.141 崔氏譜
Cui Shi Pu Cui Family Genealogy Records about Cui Lie (崔烈) and his family, the Cui clan of Boling 35.911, n 3 杜氏新書
Du Shi Xinshu Mr Du’s New Book [note 7] History of the Du family. Also known as Du Shi Youqiu Xinshu (杜氏幽求新書). 16.497; biography of Du Ji 費禕別傳
Fei Yi Biezhuan Unofficial Biography of Fei Yi Records about Fei Yi 44.1061, nn 1–3 顧譚傳
Gu Tan Zhuan Biography of Gu Tan Lu Ji[note 8] Biography of Gu Tan 52.1231, n 1 管輅別傳
Guan Lu Biezhuan Unofficial Biography of Guan Lu Guan Chen (管辰) Records about Guan Lu 29.811; biography of Guan Lu 毌丘儉志記
Guanqiu Jian Zhi Ji The Records of Guanqiu Jian Likely an unofficial, family-style biography of Guanqiu Jian[7] 3.112 郭林宗傳
Guo Linzong Zhuan Biography of Guo Linzong Biography of Guo Tai (郭泰) 22.648 郭氏譜
Guo Shi Pu Guo Family Genealogy Records about Guo Huai and his family 26.734 漢末名士錄
Han Mo Mingshi Lu Records of Famous People of the Late Han Dynasty 6.192 胡氏譜
Hu Shi Pu Hu Family Genealogy Records about Hu Zhi (胡質) and his family 27.741; biography of Hu Zhi 華佗別傳
Hua Tuo Biezhuan Unofficial Biography of Hua Tuo Records about Hua Tuo 29.802; biography of Hua Tuo 嵇康別傳
Ji Kang Biezhuan Unofficial Biography of Ji Kang Ji Xi (嵇喜) 21.606; Biography of Ji Kang 嵇氏譜
Ji Shi Pu Ji Family Genealogy Records about Ji Kang and his family 20.583; biography of Cao Lin (曹林) 機雲別傳
Ji Yun Biezhuan Unofficial Biographies of [Lu] Ji and [Lu] Yun Records about Lu Ji and Lu Yun (陸雲), sons of Lu Xun 58.1360–1, n 2 家傳
Jia Zhuan The Story of My Family Cao Cao The Cao family’s background and lineage 14.455 n 2; biography of Jiang Ji 江表傳
Jiang Biao Zhuan Yu Pu (虞溥) Contains biographies of people from the Jiangnan region 1.39–40 晉諸公贊
Jin Zhugong Zan Appraisal of Officials of Jin Fu Chang (傅暢) Contains biographies of officials in the Wei and Jin courts 4.138 孔氏譜
Kong Shi Pu Kong Family Genealogy About Kong Yi (孔乂) and his family 16.514–5; biography of Cang Ci 會稽典錄
Kuaiji Dianlu Esteemed Records of Kuaiji Contains records of people from Kuaiji (會稽) 46.1100, n 10 會稽邵氏家傳
Kuaiji Shao Shi Jia Zhuan Genealogy of the Shao Family of Kuaiji Records about Shao Chou (邵疇) and his family 48.1170–1 零陵先賢傳
Lingling Xianxian Zhuan Biographies of the Departed Worthies of Lingling Contains biographies of people from Lingling (零陵) 6.216, n 5 劉氏譜
Liu Shi Pu Liu Family Genealogy Records about Liu Yi (劉廙) and his family 21.617, n 4 劉廙別傳
Liu Yi Biezhuan Unofficial Biography of Liu Yu Records about Liu Yi (劉廙) 21.614–5, n 2 廬江何氏家傳
Lujiang He Shi Jia Zhuan Genealogy of the He Family of Lujiang 21.622, n 5 盧諶別傳
Lu Chen Biezhuan Unofficial Biography of Lu Chen 22.653 陸氏祠堂像贊
Lu Shi Citang Xiang Zan Records about Lu Xun and his family 58.1343 陸氏世頌
Lu Shi Shisong Lu Family Genealogy Records about Lu Xun and his family 58.1343 陸遜銘
Lu Xun Ming Obituary Inscription of Lu Xun Lu Ji[note 8] 58.1349 潘尼別傳
Pan Ni Biezhuan Unofficial Biography of Pan Ni Records about Pan Ni (潘尼) 21.613, n 1 潘岳別傳
Pan Yue Biezhuan Unofficial Biography of Pan Yue Records about Pan Yue (潘岳) 21.613, n 1 裴氏家紀
Pei Shi Jia Ji Pei Family Genealogy Fu Chang (傅暢) 42.1024, n 3 平原禰衡傳
Pingyuan Mi Heng Zhuan Biography of Mi Heng of Pingyuan Life and letters of Mi Heng and associates 10.311, n 2 譜敘
Pu Xu Discussion of the Genealogy[note 9] Hua Jiao (華嶠) Deeds of Hua Xin (華歆), family, and associates 13.402, n 3 任嘏別傳
Ren Gu Biezhuan Unofficial Biography of Ren Gu Records about Ren Gu (任嘏) 27.748, n 6 汝南先賢傳
Runan Xianxian Zhuan Biographies of Departed Worthies of Runan Zhou Pei (周裴)[6] Contains biographies of people from Runan 23.658; biography of He Qia 阮氏譜
Ruan Shi Pu Ruan Family Genealogy About Ruan Wu (阮武) and his family 16.508; biography of Du Shu (杜恕) 三輔決錄注
Sanfu Jue Lu Zhu Annotated Selected Records of Sanfu Zhao Qi; Zhi Yu (摯虞), annotation Records about people in the Sanfu area surrounding Guanzhong, Shaanxi 1.50, n 2 山濤行狀
Shan Tao Xingzhuang Records of Shan Tao (山濤) 21.607 山陽公載記
Shanyang Gong Zaiji Records of the Duke of Shanyang Yue Zi (樂資) Anecdotes related to Liu Xie (劉協, Emperor Xian of Han) 1.31, n 2 蜀世譜
Shu Shi Pu Shu Genealogy Sun Sheng 34.906, n 3 孫惠別傳
Sun Hui Biezhuan Unofficial Biography of Sun Hui Records about Sun Hui (孫惠) 51.1211, n 3 孫氏譜
Sun Shi Pu Sun Family Genealogy Records about Sun Zi (孫資) and his family 14.462 孫資別傳
Sun Zi Biezhuan Unofficial Biography of Sun Zi Records about Sun Zi (孫資) 14.457–9, nn 1, 2, 4 王弼傳
Wang Bi Zhuan Biography of Wang Bi He Shao (何劭) Biography of Wang Bi 14.449, n 2 王朗家傳
Wang Lang Jia Zhuan Wang Lang Family Biographies About Wang Lang and his family 13.407 王氏譜
Wang Shi Pu Wang Family Genealogy Probably two separate documents,[note 10] one registering the Wang clan of Langye, the other recording the Wang clan of Taiyuan Langye: 24.679; biography of Cui Lin
Taiyuan: 27.744; biography of Wang Xu 魏世譜
Wei Shi Pu Genealogy of Wei Sun Sheng 4.123, n 1 魏武故事
Wei Wu Gushi Story of the Martial Emperor of Wei [Cao Cao] Records of people and events associated with Cao Cao 1.18 文士傳
Wenshi Zhuan Biographies of Scholars [note 11] Biographies of various people 9.280; 10.312, n 2; biography of Xun Yu 吳質別傳
Wu Zhi Biezhuan Unofficial Biography of Wu Zhi Records about Wu Zhi 21.609–610 先賢行狀
Xianxian Xingzhuang The Background of Departed Worthies Biographical information of various people including Xu Qiu (徐璆) 1.30 獻帝記
Xiandi Ji Records of Emperor Xian [note 12] Records about Emperor Xian of Han. 1.13, n 2 襄陽記
Xiangyang Ji Records of Xiangyang Xi Zuochi Contains biographies of people from Xiangyang (present-day Xiangyang, Hubei) 35.913, n 1 荀粲傳
Xun Can Zhuan Biography of Xun Can He Shao (何劭) Biography of Xun Can (荀粲) 10.319–320 荀氏家傳
Xun Shi Jia Zhuan Xun Family Genealogy Records about Xun Yu, Xun You, and their family 10.316, n 1 荀勗別傳
Xun Xu Biezhuan Unofficial Biography of Xun Xu Records about Xun Xu 10.332 荀彧碑文
Xun Yu Beiwen Epitaph of Xun Yu Pan Xu (潘勗) Xun Yu’s epitaph 10.312, n 2; biography of Xun Yu 荀彧別傳
Xun Yu Biezhuan Unofficial Biography of Xun Yu Records about Xun Yu 10.315 逸士傳
Yishi Zhuan Biographies of Hermits Huangfu Mi Stories of political recluses 1.31, n 1 益部耆舊傳
Yi Bu Qijiu Zhuan Biographies of the Seniors of the Yi Region [note 13] Contains biographies of people from Yi Province 31.866, n 4 英雄記
Yingxiong Ji Chronicles of Heroes and Champions Wang Can Also known as Han Mo Yingxiong Ji (漢末英雄記; Chronicles of Heroes of the Late Han Dynasty). Records about the warlords of the late Han Dynasty. 1.6 虞翻別傳
Yu Fan Biezhuan Unofficial Biography of Yu Fan Records about Yu Fan 57.1317, n 3 庾氏譜
Yu Shi Pu Yu Family Genealogy Records about Yu Ni (庾嶷) and his family 11.363, n 3 袁氏世紀
Yuan Shi Shiji Annals of the Yuan Family Records about Yuan Huan and his family 11.334 趙雲別傳
Zhao Yun Biezhuan Unofficial Biography of Zhao Yun Records about Zhao Yun 36.948–9 鄭玄別傳
Zheng Xuan Biezhuan Unofficial Biography of Zheng Xuan Records about Zheng Xuan 4.142 鄭玄傳
Zheng Xuan Zhuan Biography of Zheng Xuan Biography of Zheng Xuan 38.970; biography of Sun Qian 鍾會母傳
Zhong Hui Mu Zhuan The Biography of My Mother Zhong Hui Biography of Zhong Hui’s mother 28.784, .785–6 諸葛恪別傳
Zhuge Ke Biezhuan Unofficial Biography of Zhuge Ke Records about Zhuge Ke 64.1430, n 1 諸葛氏譜
Zhuge Shi Pu Zhuge Family Genealogy Records about Zhuge Liang and his family 35.932, n 2