List of United Kingdom by-elections (1806–1818)

Date Constituency c/u Former incumbent Winner Cause 17 July 1807 Launceston u Earl Percy Richard Henry Alexander Bennet Chose to sit for Northumberland 20 July 1807 Dorchester u Cropley Ashley Cooper Cropley Ashley Cooper Clerk of the Ordnance 20 July 1807 Grantham u Thomas Thoroton Thomas Thoroton Clerk of the Deliveries of the Ordnance 20 July 1807 Tavistock u Richard Fitzpatrick Viscount Howick Chose to sit for Bedfordshire 20 July 1807 Wendover u Viscount Mahon Francis Horner Chose to sit for Kingston-upon-Hull 20 July 1807 Westbury u Edward Lascelles Henry Lascelles Chose to sit for Northallerton 21 July 1807 Cockermouth u James Lowther John Osborn Chose to sit for Cumberland 21 July 1807 Rye u Sir John Nicholl Sir William Elford Chose to sit for Great Bedwyn The Earl of Clancarty Stephen Rumbold Lushington Resignation (Joint Postmaster General in Ireland) 22 July 1807 Midhurst u* Samuel Smith Thomas Thompson Chose to sit for Leicester 22 July 1807 St Mawes u William Shipley Viscount Ebrington Chose to sit for the Flint Boroughs 24 July 1807 Mitchell u Edward Leveson Gower Sir James Hall Resignation 27 July 1807 Orford u Lord Robert Seymour William Sloane Chose to sit for Carmarthenshire 27 July 1807 Tralee u Sir Arthur Wellesley Evan Foulkes Chose to sit for Newport I.o.W. 27 July 1807 Winchelsea u Sir Frederick Fletcher Vane Sir Oswald Mosley Resignation 28 July 1807 Youghal u* Viscount Boyle Sir John Keane Succession to a peerage 29 July 1807 Helston u Richard Richards The Lord Dufferin and Claneboye Resignation 30 July 1807 Appleby u Viscount Howick Nicholas William Ridley Colborne Resignation to contest Tavistock 31 July 1807 Athlone u Henry Wellesley John Frewen Turner Chose to sit for Eye 3 August 1807 Bandon Bridge u Viscount Boyle George Tierney Succession to a peerage 4 August 1807 Dundalk u Josias Dupré Porcher Patrick Crawford Bruce Chose to sit for Old Sarum 14 August 1807 Yarmouth u William Powlett Orde Powlett Sir John Orde Succession to a peerage 17 August 1807 Kinross-shire u William Adam David Clephane Chose to sit for Kincardineshire 21 August 1807 Heytesbury u Viscount FitzHarris Viscount FitzHarris Governor of the Isle of Wight 18 November 1807 County Monaghan u Richard Dawson Thomas Charles Stewart Corry Death 10 December 1807 Beaumaris u The Lord Newborough Sir Edward Pryce Lloyd Death 13 January 1808 Lincoln c William Monson The Earl of Mexborough Death 19 January 1808 Tavistock u Viscount Howick George Ponsonby Succeeded to a peerage 27 January 1808 Clitheroe u John Cust James Gordon Succeeded to a peerage 28 January 1808 Whitchurch u* William Brodrick William Brodrick Junior Lord of the Treasury 29 January 1808 Castle Rising u* Charles Bagot Fulk Greville Howard Resignation 29 January 1808 Tiverton u* Richard Ryder Richard Ryder Junior Lord of the Treasury 30 January 1808 Stamford u* John Leland Evan Foulkes Death 30 January 1808 Tregony u Geoffrey Wentworth Wentworth William Gore Langton Resignation 30 January 1808 Yarmouth u Jervoise Clarke Jervoise Benjamin Cooke Griffinhoofe Death 1 February 1808 Mitchell u George Galway Mills Charles Trelawny-Brereton Resignation 2 February 1808 Bath u* John Palmer Charles Palmer Resignation 2 February 1808 Wootton Bassett u John Cheesment Severn Benjamin Walsh Resignation 4 February 1808 County Donegal c Henry Vaughan Brooke Henry Conyngham Montgomery Death 16 February 1808 Banbury c William Praed Dudley Long North Election voided due to double return Dudley Long North 22 February 1808 Orford u Lord Henry Moore Lord Henry Moore Joint Muster Master General of the Forces in Ireland 23 February 1808 Newtown u* Dudley Long North George Anderson-Pelham Resignation to contest Banbury 24 February 1808 Poole c Vacant Sir Richard Bickerton No return made due to tie 25 February 1808 Ennis u James Fitzgerald William Fitzgerald Resignation 25 February 1808 Tralee u Evan Foulkes James Stephen Resignation to contest Stamford 27 February 1808 County Westmeath u* William Smyth Hercules Robert Pakenham Resignation 29 February 1808 Boroughbridge u* Henry Dawkins Henry Clinton Resignation 5 March 1808 Truro u Edward Boscawen Charles Frederick Powlett Townshend Succeeded to a peerage 17 March 1808 Grampound c Andrew Cochrane-Johnstone Robert Williams Void Election c Robert Williams William Holmes By-election result reversed on petition c George Augustus Frederick Cochrane John Teed Void Election c* John Teed George Augustus Frederick Cochrane By-election result reversed on petition 24 March 1808 Malton u The Lord Headley Bryan Cooke Void Election 20 April 1808 Wareham u Granby Thomas Calcraft Samuel Romilly Resignation 22 April 1808 Sandwich c Peter Rainier John Spratt Rainier Death 22 April 1808 St Mawes u Scrope Bernard Earl Gower Resignation 26 April 1808 Yarmouth u Benjamin Cooke Griffinhoofe John Delgarno Resignation 2 May 1808 Sutherland u William Dundas John Randoll Mackenzie Resignation 7 May 1808 Tain Burghs u John Randoll Mackenzie William Henry Fremantle Resignation to contest Sutherland 19 May 1808 Rutland u* Gerard Noel Noel Charles Noel Noel Resignation 28 May 1808 Reigate u* Viscount Royston James Cocks Death 13 June 1808 Yarmouth u John Delgarno Viscount Valentia Resignation 25 June 1808 Great Yarmouth u Stephen Lushington Giffin Wilson Resignation 11 July 1808 Cockermouth u* John Osborn Viscount Lowther Resignation 13 July 1808 Richmond u Arthur Shakespeare Lawrence Dundas Resignation 15 July 1808 Rye u Sir William Elford William Jacob Resignation 27 July 1808 Dundalk u Patrick Craufurd Bruce Thomas Hughan Resignation 9 August 1808 County Clare c* Francis Nathaniel Burton Augustine Fitzgerald Resignation 13 December 1808 Bossiney u* The Lord Rendlesham The Earl of Desart Death 19 December 1808 Hampshire c* Sir Henry Paulet St. John Mildmay Thomas Freeman Heathcote Death 25 January 1809 Bletchingley u Thomas Freeman Heathcote Charles Cockrell Resignation to contest Hampshire 25 January 1809 St Albans c James Walter Grimston Daniel Giles Succeeded to a peerage 27 January 1809 Westbury u Glynn Wynn Francis Whittle Resignation 4 February 1809 Kilkenny City u Charles Harward Butler Robert Williams Resignation 9 February 1809 Pembroke Boroughs u Hugh Barlow Sir Hugh Owen Death 14 February 1809 Aylesbury u* George Henry Compton Cavendish Thomas Hussey Death 14 February 1809 Poole c* John Jeffery Benjamin Lester Lester Resignation (Consul General in Portugal) 21 February 1809 Mitchell u* Charles Trelawny Brereton John Bruce Resignation 27 February 1809 Stamford c Albemarle Bertie Charles Chaplin Resignation pending Elevation to the House of Lords having succeeded to a peerage 27 February 1809 Wigtown Burghs u Edward Richard Stewart Lyndon Evelyn Resignation (Victualling Commissioner) 28 February 1809 St Mawes u* Viscount Ebrington Scrope Bernard Resignation (Commission in the Army) 8 March 1809 Dungannon u Lord Claude Hamilton Claude Scott Death 9 March 1809 King’s Lynn u* Lord Walpole Lord Walpole Succeeded to a peerage 14 March 1809 Peterborough u French Laurence Marquess of Tavistock Death 3 April 1809 Huntingdon u* William Meeke Farmer Samuel Farmer Resignation 7 April 1809 Newport u* Sir Arthur Wellesley Leonard Thomas Worsley Holmes Resignation 15 April 1809 Cashel u Quintin Dick Robert Peel Resignation 18 April 1809 Eye u Henry Wellesley Charles Arbuthnot Resignation 19 April 1809 Saltash u* John Pedley Michael George Prendergast Resignation 1 May 1809 Edinburghshire u Robert Saunders Dundas Robert Saunders Dundas Chief Secretary for Ireland 11 May 1809 Ayr Burghs u* John Campbell Duncan Campbell Death 26 June 1809 Coleraine u Walter Jones John Poo Beresford Resignation 30 June 1809 Glasgow Burghs c Archibald Campbell Alexander Houstoun Resignation 7 July 1809 Staffordshire u* Lord Granville Leveson Gower Lord Granville Leveson Gower Secretary at War 13 September 1809 Pembroke Boroughs u* Sir Hugh Owen John Owen Death 29 September 1809 Sutherland u John Randoll Mackenzie George Macpherson Grant Death 28 November 1809 Ross-shire c Alexander Mackenzie Fraser Hugh Innes Death 12 December 1809 Abingdon u George Knapp Henry Bowyer Death 3 January 1810 Buckinghamshire u* Marquess of Titchfield William Selby Lowndes Succeeded to a peerage 29 January 1810 Dunwich u Snowdon Barne Snowdon Barne Junior Lord of the Treasury 29 January 1810 Newport u The Viscount Palmerston The Viscount Palmerston Secretary at War 30 January 1810 Buckingham u Thomas Grenville Lord George Grenville Resignation 30 January 1810 Malmesbury u Sir George Bowyer Abel Smith Resignation (Intended to stand for Abingdon) 30 January 1810 Tiverton u* Richard Ryder Richard Ryder Home Secretary 31 January 1810 Cockermouth u* Viscount Lowther Viscount Lowther Lord of the Admiralty 31 January 1810 Milborne Port u Lord Paget Viscount Lewisham Resignation 1 February 1810 Bossiney u* The Earl of Desart The Earl of Desart Junior Lord of the Treasury 2 February 1810 Camelford u Lord Henry Petty Henry Peter Brougham Succeeded to a peerage 2 February 1810 Scarborough u* Charles Manners Sutton Charles Manners Sutton Judge Advocate General 5 February 1810 Edinburghshire u Robert Saunders Dundas Robert Saunders Dundas President of the Board of Control 5 February 1810 Ennis u William Fitzgerald William Fitzgerald Lord of the Irish Treasury 9 February 1810 Queen’s County u* William Wellesley Pole William Wellesley Pole Chief Secretary for Ireland 10 February 1810 County Louth u* John Jocelyn Viscount Jocelyn Resignation (Commissioner of Customs in Ireland) 12 February 1810 Limerick City u Charles Vereker Charles Vereker Constable of Limerick Castle 16 February 1810 Essex c* John Bullock John Archer Houblon Death 16 February 1810 Richmond u* Charles Lawrence Dundas Robert Chaloner Death 27 February 1810 Ludgershall u Thomas Everett Joseph Hague Everett Death 3 March 1810 Plympton Erle u William Assheton Harbord Henry Drummond Succeeded to a peerage 3 March 1810 Wexford Borough u Richard Nevill Peter Parker Resignation 10 March 1810 New Woodstock u William Frederick Elliot Eden George Eden Death 14 March 1810 New Windsor u* Richard Ramsbottom John Ramsbottom Resignation 16 March 1810 Cambridgeshire u* Charles Philip Yorke Lord Francis Godolphin Osborne Teller of the Exchequer 19 March 1810 Hythe c* Thomas Godfrey Sir John Perring Death 24 March 1810 Westbury u Francis Whittle John De Ponthieu Resignation 10 April 1810 Marlborough u* Viscount Stopford Edward Stopford Succeeded to a peerage 16 April 1810 Callington u* Thomas Carter William Stephen Poyntz Resignation 27 April 1810 St Germans u Joseph Sydney Yorke Charles Philip Yorke Resignation to provide a seat for his brother 2 May 1810 Renfrewshire c* William McDowall Archibald Speirs Death 18 May 1810 Gloucestershire u George Cranfield Berkeley Viscount Dursley Resignation 25 May 1810 St Germans u Charles Philip Yorke Charles Philip Yorke First Lord of the Admiralty 1 June 1810 Queenborough c Joseph Hunt Richard Wellesley Expelled for embezzling public funds 15 June 1810 Higham Ferrers u William Windham Viscount Duncannon Death 28 Jun 1810 Bletchingley u William Kenrick William Kenrick Master of the Household 29 June 1810 Weymouth and Melcombe Regis u Gabriel Tucker Steward Sir John Lowther Johnstone Resignation 30 June 1810 Ripon u* Frederick John Robinson Frederick John Robinson Lord of the Admiralty 2 July 1810 Truro u Charles Frederick Powlett Townshend William John Bankes Succeeded to a peerage 6 July 1810 Anglesey u* Berkeley Paget Berkeley Paget Junior Lord of the Treasury 13 July 1810 Dunbartonshire u* Henry Glassford Archibald Campbell-Colquhoun Resignation 13 July 1810 Elgin Burghs u Archibald Campbell-Colquhoun William Dundas Resignation to contest Dunbartonshire 8 October 1810 Northampton u* Edward Bouverie William Hanbury Death 21 November 1810 Amersham u* Thomas Drake Tyrwhitt-Drake William Tyrwhitt-Drake Death 5 December 1810 Milborne Port u* Viscount Lewisham Edward Paget Succeeded to a peerage 7 December 1810 Yarmouth u Viscount Valentia Thomas Myers Resignation 28 December 1810 Brackley u* Anthony Henderson Henry Wrottesley Death 16 January 1811 County Limerick c* William Odell William Odell Lord of the Irish Treasury 7 February 1811 Gloucestershire c* Viscount Dursley Sir Berkeley William Guise Vacated seat to claim peerage 14 February 1811 Ashburton u* Walter Palk John Sullivan Resignation 22 March 1811 Ayrshire c* David Boyle Sir Hew Dalrymple Hamilton Resignation (Lord of Session and Justiciary in Scotland) 27 March 1811 Cambridge University c* Earl of Euston The Viscount Palmerston Succeeded to a peerage 28 March 1811 Galway Borough u* James Daly Frederick Ponsonby Resignation 10 April 1811 Newport u The Viscount Palmerston Cecil Bisshopp Resignation to contest Cambridge University 19 April 1811 Ludgershall u Joseph Hague Everett The Lord Headley Resignation 1 May 1811 Taunton u* John Hammet Henry Powell Collins Death 10 May 1811 Lewes u* Thomas Kemp Thomas Read Kemp Death 11 May 1811 Weymouth and Melcombe Regis u* Sir James Pulteney Sir John Murray Death 14 May 1811 Wootton Bassett c Sir John Murray Robert Knight Resignation to contest Weymouth 15 May 1811 County Antrim u* John Bruce Richard O’Neill John Bruce Richard O’Neill Constable of Dublin Castle 29 May 1811 Dorchester u* Cropley Ashley Cooper Charles Henry Bouverie Succeeded to a peerage 1 June 1811 Haslemere u* Robert Ward Robert Ward Clerk of the Ordnance 17 June 1811 King’s Lynn u* Lord Walpole Lord Walpole Lord of the Admiralty 22 June 1811 Cricklade u Lord Porchester William Herbert Succeeded to a peerage 24 June 1811 Abingdon u* Henry Bowyer Sir George Bowyer Resignation 25 June 1811 Kinross-shire u David Clephane Thomas Graham Resignation (Commissioner of Excise in Scotland) 28 June 1811 County Waterford u* John Claudius Beresford Sir William Carr Beresford Resignation 1 July 1811 Wexford Borough u* Peter Parker Richard Nevill Resignation 6 July 1811 Edinburghshire u* Robert Saunders Dundas Sir George Clerk Succeeded to a peerage 12 July 1811 Queen’s County u* William Wellesley Pole William Wellesley Pole Chancellor of the Irish Exchequer 20 August 1811 Anstruther Easter Burghs u* Sir John Anstruther Sir John Anstruther Death 26 August 1811 Caithness u Sir John Sinclair George Sinclair Resignation (Cashier of Excise in Scotland) 14 October 1811 York u* Sir William Mordaunt Milner Lawrence Dundas Death 23 October 1811 Totnes u* William Adams Thomas Peregrine Courtenay Death 4 November 1811 Inverness Burghs u* Peter Baillie Charles Grant Death 23 December 1811 Shrewsbury u* Thomas Jones Henry Grey Bennet Death 11 January 1812 East Grinstead u Sir Nathaniel Holland Richard Wellesley Death 13 January 1812 Lewes u* Henry Shelley George Shiffner Death 15 January 1812 Aldeburgh u John McMahon John McMahon Receiver and Paymaster of the Royal Bounty to Officers’ Widows 15 January 1812 Queenborough u* Richard Wellesley Robert Moorsom Junior Lord of the Treasury 15 January 1812 Weobley u Lord Guernsey Lord Apsley Resignation (Commission in the Army) 16 January 1812 Barnstaple c George Woodford Thellusson William Busk Death 17 January 1812 West Looe u James Buller Joseph Sydney Yorke Resignation (Clerk of the Privy Council) 18 January 1812 Weymouth and Melcombe Regis u Sir John Lowther Johnstone Joseph Hume Death 21 January 1812 Richmond u Lawrence Dundas George Heneage Lawrence Dundas Resignation to contest York 8 February 1812 Derby u* William Cavendish Henry Frederick Compton Cavendish Death 21 February 1812 Dundalk u Thomas Hughan Frederick William Trench Death 26 February 1812 Kincardineshire u* William Adam George Harley Drummond Resignation 7 March 1812 Plympton Erle u Viscount Castlereagh Viscount Castlereagh Foreign Secretary 9 March 1812 East Grinstead u Richard Wellesley George William Gunning Resignation 14 March 1812 Wootton Bassett u* Benjamin Walsh John Attersoll Expelled for Fraud 19 March 1812 Perthshire c* Lord James Murray James Andrew John Lawrence Charles Drummond Resignation 26 March 1812 Edinburgh u* Sir Patrick Murray William Dundas Resignation 1 April 1812 Lisburn u Earl of Yarmouth Earl of Yarmouth Vice-Chamberlain of the Household 13 April 1812 Aldeburgh u John McMahon Sandford Graham Resignation (Keeper of the Privy Purse) 13 April 1812 Boston c* Thomas Fydell Peter Robert Drummond Burrell Death 13 April 1812 Elgin Burghs u William Dundas Archibald Campbell Resignation to contest Edinburgh 13 April 1812 Northumberland u* Earl Percy Sir Charles Monck Elevated to the House of Lords through a Writ of acceleration 20 April 1812 County Louth u* Viscount Jocelyn Viscount Jocelyn Treasurer of the Household 21 April 1812 Hastings u* Sir Abraham Hume Sir Abraham Hume Resignation to contest Boston 8 May 1812 Launceston u Richard Henry Alexander Bennet Jonathan Raine Resignation 9 May 1812 County Antrim u* John Bruce Richard O’Neill John Bruce Richard O’Neill Voted before taking the oath 26 May 1812 Northampton u* Spencer Perceval Lord Compton Death (assassinated) 30 May 1812 County Down u Francis Savage Robert Ward Resignation 30 May 1812 Old Sarum u* Nicholas Vansittart James Alexander Chancellor of the Exchequer 6 June 1812 Staffordshire u* Sir Edward Littleton Edward John Walhouse Death 8 June 1812 East Grinstead u George William Gunning Nicholas Vansittart Resignation to provide a seat for Vansittart 9 June 1812 Cambridge University u* Sir Vicary Gibbs John Henry Smyth Resignation (Puisne Judge in the Court of Common Pleas) 22 June 1812 Plymouth u* Thomas Tyrwhitt Benjamin Bloomfield Resignation (Gentleman Usher of the Black Rod) 30 Jun 1812 Colchester u* Richard Hart Davis Hart Davis Resignation to contest Bristol 1 July 1812 Bodmin u* Sir William Oglander Charles Bragge Bathurst Resignation 3 July 1812 Downton u* Sir Thomas Plumer Sir Thomas Plumer Attorney General for England and Wales 7 July 1812 Grampound u* George Augustus Frederick Cochrane Andrew James Cochrane Johnstone Resignation 15 Jul 1812 Bristol c* Charles Bragge Bathurst Richard Hart Davis Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster 6 August 1812 Ashburton u Lord Charles Bentinck Lord Charles Bentinck Treasurer of the Household u* John Sullivan John Sullivan Commissioner of the Board of Control