Palestine 194 – Wikipedia


State Recogn. UNESCO membership
vote[62][63] UN observer state vote[79] Further details  Afghanistan Y F F In his speech to the General Assembly, Foreign Minister Zalmai Rassoul stood firmly behind Palestinian efforts aimed at full membership. He stated: “We reiterate our call for an immediate end to their suffering and the realisation of their inalienable rights, including the right to an independent State. In this connection, we stand firmly behind efforts aimed at Palestine’s admission as a full member of the United Nations. I hope that this year we will witness, with pride, the inclusion of Palestine as the 194th member of the United Nations.”[126]  Albania Y ABST ABST In his address to the General Assembly, Prime Minister Sali Berisha stated: “My government fully supports the idea of an independent Palestine, but I do believe that unilateral action will not be helpful. That is why I call on our Palestinian friends to support the yesterday’s Quartet statement in which they draw a clear roadmap of actions to address this fundamental question of our time.”[127] It was not made clear whether Albania would support an upgrade in observer status.[128]  Algeria Y F F In his address to the General Assembly, Foreign Minister Mourad Medelci said that Palestine’s application for statehood was an opportunity to impose international law. He stated: “The initiative of the Palestinian Authority to demand during this session, the recognition of Palestine as a member state of the United Nations represents an opportunity for the UN to correct, ever so slightly, an injustice that has lasted over 60 years. Such admission represents a clear and unequivocal response from the international community regarding its determination to impose international law.”[129]  Andorra N ABST ABST In his address to the General Assembly, Foreign Minister Gilbert Saboya Sunyé implored the international community to continue to encourage dialogue and mediation, pointing out that both sides’ wishes are equally legitimate. He said, “The final aim of a mutual recognition of two States by both peoples, in accordance with 1967 lines with agreed and equivalent exchanges is at stake. A possible intermediate status in a shorter term by becoming an observer State could represent hope for the Palestinian people, provided this status is not used for aims incompatible with the continuity of negotiations and will lead to the above mentioned long term goal.”[130]  Angola Y F F Speaking to reporters in New York on 20 September, Foreign Minister Georges Chicoti said that Angola supports the admission of the Palestinian state to the United Nations.[131]  Antigua and Barbuda Y IE F Prime Minister Baldwin Spencer formally recognised the State of Palestine during the General Assembly session in September. The statement was circulated to representatives in attendance.[132] In his address, Spencer stated: “We decided to join with others who have already done so and grant recognition to the State of Palestine. As we did then and we do now, we believe that recognition of the State of Palestine will contribute to the quest for a negotiated solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the creation of lasting peace and stability in the region, and ultimately result in a viable Palestine, and a secure Israel.”[133]  Argentina Y F F In her address to the General Assembly on 21 September, Cristina Fernández gave her support for the application.[citation needed]  Armenia N F F  Australia N A ABST When Palestine applied for membership in 2011, then Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd advised Prime Minister Julia Gillard to abstain, but Gillard insisted that she would vote against it. She overruled Rudd again to oppose the Palestinian application at UNESCO. When it came to the application for an upgrade to “observer state” in 2012, Gillard took the same stance, despite many in the Labor Party arguing against it. At a Cabinet meeting on 26 November, Foreign Minister Bob Carr and at least nine other ministers warned Gillard that she risked losing her position as leader of the party if Australia voted against Palestine. An agreement was reached to abstain from the vote.[134]  Austria N F F In his address to the General Assembly, Foreign Minister Michael Spindelegger rejected unilateral actions, saying: “We have no choice but to return to direct negotiations between the two parties. The Quartet in its statement of yesterday has shown a way how to do this and has also proposed concrete timelines. Austria fully supports the Quartet statement. There is no time to lose.” He did not make clear whether Austria would support an upgrade in observer status.[135] It was announced on 27 November 2012 that Austria would vote in favour of the upgrade.[136]  Azerbaijan Y F F In his speech to the General Assembly, Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov said: “Azerbaijan reaffirms its adherence to the position expressed by the majority of the United Nations Member States. We reiterate our long-standing solidarity with the people and leadership of Palestine and believe that the time has come to reach a breakthrough on this long-standing and very important issue. The time has come for Palestine to be fully represented at the United Nations.”[137]  Bahamas N ABST ABST  Bahrain Y F F In his speech to the General Assembly on 22 September, King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa called on the United Nations to recognise Palestine as a member state: “Today, more than any time before, the international community has an opportunity to do justice to the brotherly Palestinian people and to assist it to achieve its legitimate aspirations by recognising its independent Palestinian state on their own national territory, with East Jerusalem as its capital.”[138]  Bangladesh Y F F During a press conference in New York, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina said that “Bangladesh is always beside Palestine. We’ve always supported Palestine and we will.” She added, “If there’s a vote, Bangladesh will vote for Palestine.”[139]  Barbados N ABST ABST  Belarus Y F F  Belgium N F F It was reported in November 2012 that Belgium would abstain from the vote on Palestine’s upgraded status at the UN.[140]  Belize Y F F  Benin Y F F  Bhutan Y F F  Bolivia, Plurinational State of Y F F In his address to the General Assembly, President Evo Morales stated: “Of course we give our full support. I want to say that Bolivia not only supports the recognition of Palestine to the United Nations, but our position is more like Bolivia welcomes Palestine to United Nations.”[141]  Bosnia and Herzegovina Y ABST ABST In October 2011, Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman stated that Bosnian officials had informed him that they would not vote in favour of Palestine membership in the UN.[142]  Botswana Y F F  Brazil Y F F Brazil has firmly stressed its support for a Palestinian state within the borders of 1967, with Jerusalem as its capital.[143] In her address to the General Assembly, President Dilma Rousseff reiterated her country’s firm support: “We believe the time has come for us to have Palestine fully represented as a full member in this forum.”[144] Brazil has announced it will support Palestine’s full membership application when it comes to a vote at the Security Council.[145]  Brunei Y F F  Bulgaria Y ABST ABST [146]  Burkina Faso Y F F In his speech to the General Assembly, Foreign Minister Djibrill Ypènè Bassolé stated: “We support the application for membership of Palestine to the United Nations as a member state and reiterate our call for the establishment of lasting and comprehensive peace in this region.”[147]  Burundi Y ABST F  Cabo Verde Y ABST F  Cambodia Y F F In his speech, Foreign Minister Hor Namhong said: “Cambodia has always supported the creation of a Palestine state on the basis of its 1967 borders. With this in mind, Cambodia supports during this General Assembly the rights of Palestine to become a full member of the UN.”[148]  Cameroon N ABST ABST  Canada N A A In July 2011, the spokesman for Foreign Minister John Baird stated, “Our government’s long-standing position has not changed. The only solution to this conflict is one negotiated between and agreed to by the two parties. … One of the states must be a Jewish state and recognised as such, while the Palestinian state is to be a non-militarised one”.[149] In his speech to the General Assembly in September, Baird confirmed that Canada would not support the application, and labelled the endeavours as “unilateral actions”.[150]  Central African Republic Y IE F  Chad Y F F In his address to the General Assembly, President Idriss Déby stated: “I say it frankly, the time has come to recognise a State of Palestine alongside the State of Israel. We must have the courage to take this step, which is essential for the advancement of peace between the Israeli and Palestinian peoples.”[151]  Chile Y F F In his address to the General Assembly, President Sebastián Piñera said: “With regard to the promotion of world peace, we have recognised the Palestinian State and hope very soon to welcome it to this Organisation, and we have resolutely supported all the international efforts to achieve a just and lasting peace in the Middle East that will allow Palestinians to have a free, sovereign and democratic State and Israel to have frontiers that are recognised, secure and respected.”[152]  China Y F F In his address to the General Assembly, Foreign Affairs Minister Yang Jiechi said: “China consistently supports the just cause of establishing an independent Palestinian state and supports Palestine’s membership in the United Nations.”[153] China had previously pledged support for the application in August.[31]  Colombia Y ABST ABST President Juan Manuel Santos has said that he does not believe a bid for United Nations membership is the appropriate method to gain independence, and maintains that this can only be achieved through direct negotiations with Israel.[154] The government has stated that it will likely abstain from a Security Council vote on the application,[155][156] but has not indicated its stance on an upgrade in observer status. On 3 August 2018 President Juan Manuel Santos declared Palestine as a free and independent nation.[157]  Comoros Y IE F President Ikililou Dhoinine said his country supported the membership request and called for the support of other member states. “The Comoros have always supported the struggle of the fraternal Palestinian people. They support the demand of the Palestinian Authority addressed to the international community for recognition of a Palestinian state in its June 1967 borders, with East Jerusalem as capital. … My country, as it is concerned, is in line with this recognition and appeal to all peace-loving country, free and just, to do the same.”[158]  Congo Y F F Foreign Minister Basile Ikouébé did not specifically mention the Palestinian application in his speech, but reiterated his government’s support for a Palestinian state: “It’s time to do justice to the legitimate aspirations of the Palestinian people.”[159]  Cook Islands N ABST NM  Costa Rica Y F F Prior to the application’s submission, the Foreign Ministry stated that Costa Rica would support Palestine’s admission, provided it does not compromise the right to existence and security of Israel.[160]  Côte d’Ivoire Y ABST F  Croatia N ABST ABST  Cuba Y F F In his speech, Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla said that the “General Assembly has the inescapable moral, political and legal obligation to ensure the recognition of an independent Palestinian State, with the boundaries established before 1967 and with East Jerusalem as its capital, as a full member of the United Nations Organisation.”[161]  Cyprus Y F F Cyprus recognised the 1967 lines as the borders of the State of Palestine in January.[162] In June, it was reported that Interior Minister Neoclis Sylikiotis had offered to rally support in Europe for the Palestinian bid for United Nations recognition.[163] In September, Foreign Minister Erato Kozakou-Marcoullis said that Cyprus would follow any common position developed by the EU. According to one diplomat, “As far as Cyprus is concerned, the most comfortable situation is where the EU votes as a whole and they’re a part of it, sheltered in the team.” Failing a united position, the Cypriot government has not indicated how it will vote, and diplomats have speculated that it would likely abstain: “It would be very uncomfortable for Cyprus to go against Israel or the Palestinians.”[164] It was reported in November 2012 that Cyprus would support Palestine’s UN status upgrade.[citation needed]  Czech Republic Y A A In a visit to Jerusalem in mid-September, Prime Minister Petr Nečas publicly stated that his government would back Israel, saying “We are convinced that any unilateral steps will only harm the peace process.”[165] In his speech to the General Assembly, President Václav Klaus stated: “… there is no shortcut to the end of a conflict that has endured for decades. It requires both sides to take an innovative approach and overcome some old inflexible and rigid schemes of thought. It requires both sides to negotiate and to find a balanced solution which would last. Such solution cannot come through unilateral steps, neither those forced by the UN, nor the steps taken by one side of the dispute only.”[166][165]  North Korea Y F F North Korea’s permanent representative to the United Nations, Pak Kil-yon, called it “an obligation” of the international community to admit Palestine as a member state. “The DPRK, which recognised Palestine state in 1988, supports its UN admission and expresses its conviction that the aspirations of the Palestine people will be translated into a reality.”[167]  Democratic Republic of the Congo Y F ABST  Denmark N ABST F [168]  Djibouti Y F F President Ismaïl Omar Guelleh expressed his solidarity with the Palestinian people’s continued struggle under occupation and urged countries to give them hope by recognising them as a member of the organisation. “The time has come for us to give hope to our Palestinian brothers and sisters by giving them the right to become a full-fledged state. … History will remember, I hope, that today we have chosen to end injustice. The choice to finally give to Palestine a full place in the international community. History will remember especially that we have chosen not to disappoint the hopes of the people of Palestine.”[169]  Dominica Y NP F Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit is regarded by political analysts as a close ally of Venezuela’s Hugo Chávez—himself a staunch supporter of Palestine.[170] It was speculated in the media that Skerrit would likely vote for Palestine in any resolution.[171] Dominica is one of eight members of the Bolivarian Alliance, which issued a statement on 9 September 2011 expressing full support for the recognition of the State of Palestine by the United Nations.[172] During the assembly in September, the foreign minister of Guyana implied that Dominica would support the bid, saying that it had possibly already recognised the State of Palestine.[173] However, nothing has been publicly confirmed by the government.  Dominican Republic Y F F In October, President Leonel Fernández formally pledged his country’s support for the Palestinian application during a meeting with President Abbas in Santo Domingo. He said that recognising the statehood of Palestine would help bring about sustainable peace in the Middle East and ease concerns in the entire Arab community.[174]  Ecuador Y F F In his speech to the General Assembly, Ecuador’s permanent representative to the United Nations, Francisco Carrión-Mena, said: “Ecuador, qualifying as an act of historical justice, recognised on 24 December 2010 Palestine as a free and independent state in its 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital. Therefore, my country gave its unqualified support for the application for recognition of the State of Palestine as a member of the United Nations, formally requested by the Palestinian president, as well as all other initiatives aimed at consolidating a lasting peace, which will not only benefit the peoples of Palestine and Israel, but throughout the region.”[175]  Egypt Y F F Speaking on behalf of the Non-Aligned Movement as well as Egypt, Foreign Minister Kemal Ali Amer reiterated “the Movement’s support to the efforts exerted towards declaring the establishment of the independent State of Palestine with East Jerusalem as its capital and its admission as a full member of the United Nations.” The minister added, “I also must call upon the countries that have not yet recognised the State of Palestine to do so as a contribution to the efforts aimed at achieving a just, lasting and comprehensive settlement of the conflict in the Middle East, based on the two states solution.”[176]  El Salvador Y F F President Mauricio Funes stated in his address that, “Recognising Palestine as a new State in the United Nations is, in my opinion, the right way to contribute to resolving this conflict.”[177]  Equatorial Guinea Y F NP  Eritrea N NP F President Isaias Afewerki reaffirmed his nation’s support for the right of Palestinians to self-determination and an independent, sovereign state, but emphasised that the Palestinian drive for United Nations membership should not become a symbolic battle bereft of substance, recalling that the Oslo Accords had led neither to Palestinian statehood, nor to peace between the two sides.[178]  Estonia N ABST ABST On 20 September, Foreign Minister Urmas Paet declared that Estonia does not support the request for membership. Paet said unilateral developments would only complicate the peace process: “Nor will unilateral steps contribute to the recommencement of peace talks between Israel and Palestine, regional stability or, ultimately, the creation of a vital Palestinian state. Thus they cannot be supported.”[179] In November 2012 Estonian Foreign Minister Urmas Paet stated that Estonia would abstain from the vote on an upgrade to Palestine’s status at the UN.[180]  Ethiopia Y NP F  Fiji N ABST ABST  Finland N F F Outgoing foreign minister Alexander Stubb reportedly expressed his government’s support for the campaign in April.[181] In October, Finland accorded diplomatic status to the PLO representative in Helsinki. Foreign Minister Erkki Tuomioja spoke of the growing frustration amongst Palestinians about the promise of a two-state solution. President Tarja Halonen said that Finland might recognise the Palestinian state, and expressed hope for more support for the idea within the European Union.[182]  France N F F President Nicolas Sarkozy claimed that while membership may be premature right now, allowing Palestine to upgrade their status to “non-member observer state” would be “an important step forward”.[183] On 23 November 2012, speaking at a hearing in the French senate, Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius reminded that French President François Hollande promised during his election campaign to promote the issue of Palestinian statehood.[184]  Gabon Y F F  Gambia Y F F In her address to the General Assembly, Vice President Isatou Njie-Saidy said: “The sad reality is that numerous United Nations resolutions continue to be flouted by Israel. The daily killing, collective punishment and humiliation of Palestinians are going on unabated. Denial of humanitarian assistance, essential medical supplies and construction materials to Palestinians has become the norm. To this end, my delegation not only supports but recognizes an independent and sovereign Palestinian State within the confines of the 1967 borders. An independent Palestinian state with full rights and privileges like any other is long overdue. This is the only guarantor of lasting peace in that region.”[185]  Georgia Y ABST F President Mikheil Saakashvili said that although Palestine had the right to statehood, it should be resolved through negotiations. “We believe in negotiations and the position is very clear: this kind of things can only be settled when it takes two to do things. I hope there will be more and more incentives … to get to some negotiated solution, because things should change for the people in reality not just on papers.”[186]  Germany N A ABST In April 2011, Chancellor Angela Merkel labelled the Palestinian bid for admission a “unilateral step”,[187] and stated unequivocally that Germany will not recognise a Palestinian state without its prior acceptance by Israel. “Unilateral recognitions therefore definitely do not contribute to achieving this aim … This is our stance now and it will be our stance in September. There needs to be mutual recognition, otherwise it is not a two-state solution”.[188] In his speech to the General Assembly in September, Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle reiterated Germany’s position that statehood “can only be achieved through negotiations”.[189] Germany reportedly accepted admitting the State of Palestine as an observer, a compromise decision proposed in order to find a common EU position.[190]  Ghana Y F F In August, Vice President John Dramani Mahama said that Ghana would support Palestine’s request at the United Nations.[191] In his address to the General Assembly in September, however, President John Atta Mills did not mention the matter,[192] and has not publicly confirmed Ghana’s position.  Greece N F F Foreign Minister Stavros Lambrinidis told the General Assembly that Greece fully supports the bid: “Greece supports unequivocally Palestine’s right to statehood. It is now our responsibility, the responsibility of every member-state of the UN, to respect the Palestinian decision to request membership, and more importantly, to turn this into an opportunity that will jump-start anew direct negotiations.”[193]  Grenada Y F F In a letter sent to Abbas, Prime Minister Tillman Thomas assured the PLO of Grenada’s full support. “I am happy to indicate, Excellency, that Grenada supports Palestine’s application for full United Nations membership … On behalf of the Government and people of Grenada, I wish you success at all levels with this initiative.” Thomas noted that his government’s stance was consistent with its approach to the idea of self-determination.[194]  Guatemala Y F ABST  Guinea Y F F  Guinea-Bissau Y IE F In his speech to the General Assembly, Prime Minister Carlos Gomes Júnior said “In our diplomatic efforts, we have to also be consistent with our historic commitments, and above all, faithful to all who selflessly helped us in the struggle for the affirmation of our dignity. From this perspective, we welcome the decision of the Palestinian Authority to submit the request for recognition of the State of Palestine as a full member of the United Nations.”[195]  Guyana Y NP F President Bharrat Jagdeo said “Guyana supports the right of the Palestinian people to full statehood, and we urge the acceleration of the negotiations to achieve this.”[196] When asked whether Guyana would support the application, Foreign Minister Carolyn Rodrigues responded, “Of course Guyana will support the resolution. It is our moral obligation and we will not deviate from our long standing position.” Jagdeo and his government reportedly lobbied intensively for Caribbean support for the bid.[173]  Haiti Y ABST ABST  Honduras Y F F President Porfirio Lobo told the General Assembly, “My government has recognised Palestine as a state and identifies with their legitimate aspirations to become a full member in the community of nations. Full security for the State of Israel and total international recognition for Palestine are essential conditions for a negotiated and comprehensive solution that respects the formula of two states.”[197]  Hungary Y ABST ABST [198]  Iceland Y F F Following a trip to Gaza in July 2011, Foreign Minister Össur Skarphéðinsson announced his country would support the resolution. “If it came to be at the United Nations General Assembly in September that a motion would be put forward by the nations supporting Palestinian independence and encouraging other nations to recognise Palestine as an independent nation with its 1967 borders, Iceland would support that. Likewise, if a proposition comes to the UN to include Palestine into the UN as a new nation … Iceland would also support that.”[199] The minister reiterated his support in September.[200] In his address to the General Assembly, Skarphéðinsson argued that by going to the United Nations, Palestine was doing the same as Israel did in 1947. He noted that Israel had taken its case to the United Nations and emerged with statehood, and claimed that Palestine deserved the same: “It is hypocrisy to suggest otherwise.” He therefore confirmed that Iceland would vote “yes” when a resolution came to the General Assembly, and announced that his government would submit to the Althing a proposal for the recognition of the State of Palestine.[201]  India Y F F In a letter sent to President Abbas dated 22 August, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh assured Palestine of India’s full support in its endeavour: “India has been unwavering in its support of the cause of Palestinian peoples’ struggle for sovereign, independent, viable and a United State of Palestine with east Jerusalem as its capital, living within secure and recognisable borders.” The country’s representative to the United Nations, Hardeep Singh Puri, reiterated, “Let me be absolutely clear and assure you of India’s full support for Palestine at the UN.”[202] In his speech to the General Assembly, Manmohan Singh confirmed his country’s support and added, “We look forward to welcoming Palestine as an equal member of the United Nations.”[203]  Indonesia Y F F Foreign Minister Marty Natalegawa announced that his country would support the application and lobbied other countries to do likewise: “We will seek any opportunity to ensure that Palestine’s bid for UN membership, if that is what the Palestinians really want, gets international support.”[204]  Iran, Islamic Republic of Y F F Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has condemned the application, saying “Any plan that seeks to divide Palestine is totally rejected.” He added, “It goes without saying that the Palestinian people, as they did in Gaza, will create a state on any liberated Palestinian land. But the ultimate goal is to liberate all of Palestine from the Mediterranean to the Dead Sea.”[205] Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi stated that “Palestine is not divisible, and it cannot be divided into two parts as some are saying. Iran’s official stance is that Palestine belongs to all Palestinians. Palestine belonged to Palestinians from the outset, and we do not approve of the breakup of Palestine.”[206] President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said that recognition of a Palestinian state by the United Nations should only be a “step forward” towards “full liberation”. He said the fate of Palestine should be determined in a referendum amongst indigenous Palestinians.[205]  Iraq Y F F President Jalal Talabani supported international recognition for the State of Palestine.[207] He said, “Iraq endorses and supports the direction of the Palestinian Authority to go to the United Nations to achieve full international recognition of a Palestinian state during the meeting of the current session of the General Assembly, and calls on the international community and all peace-loving forces to stand by the Palestinian people in their legitimate struggle to achieve its goals.”[208]  Ireland N F F In his speech to the General Assembly, Foreign Minister Eamon Gilmore stated: “The decision of President Abbas to seek Palestine’s membership of the United Nations is entirely legitimate and understandable. Palestine has the same right to membership of the United Nations as Ireland or any other Member of this Organisation.” The minister admitted, however, that the admission of Palestine would not change the situation on the ground. “It does not remove the compelling need for negotiations. Nor will it offer a legitimate excuse to avoid negotiations. … What recognition of Palestinian statehood would do, however, would be to give dignity and support to the Palestinian people who have suffered for too long. It would also be a tangible demonstration of the commitment of the international community and the UN to an agreed settlement between two sovereign states. … The day will come, not too far off, when the General Assembly will be asked to vote on a proposal to admit Palestine as a member of this Organisation or perhaps, as an interim step towards the achievement of that goal, to accord Palestine non-member observer state status. Provided that the resolution is drafted in terms that are reasonable and balanced, I expect Ireland to give its full support.”[209]  Israel N A A  Italy N ABST F Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi said in May 2011 that Italy would not recognise a unilateral declaration of Palestinian statehood. Berlusconi pledged his country’s support for Israelis in “difficult situations”. “Italy has always stood by Israel, even within the framework of the EU when it opposed decisions that were unbalanced and unjust towards Israel.”[210] In June, he reiterated: “We do not believe that a unilateral solution can help peace, neither on the Palestinian side nor on the Israeli side. I believe peace can only be reached with a common initiative through negotiations.”[211] Italy reportedly accepted the compromise pushed by the EU to admit Palestine as an observer state.[190]  Jamaica N ABST F Foreign Minister Kenneth Baugh spoke about an urgent resolution to the conflict, but did not mention Jamaica’s position on the application: “Jamaica remains unwavering in its support for a just, lasting and comprehensive agreement that recognises the Palestinian State within the pre-1967 borders and guarantees the security of Israel. The focus now must be on ending the stalemate and reviving direct negotiations between Israel and Palestine. … The door to peaceful negotiations will not be forever open; nor can there be a continuing delay to Palestine’s assumption of its rightful place in the global community of states.”[212]  Japan N ABST F  Jordan Y F F Voicing support for the application in his address to the General Assembly, King Abdullah II said: “We will continue to strongly support the inalienable right of the Palestinian people to statehood in fulfillment of their aspirations and in accordance with UN resolutions, and within a comprehensive and just settlement and the resolution of all final status issues. It is their right to seek it here, in the house of nations, the United Nations. This we must all support.”[213]  Kazakhstan Y F F Kazakhstan, as president of the OIC for 2011, expressed its support for the Palestinian bid during a summit for the organisation held in Astana in June.[214] In September, on the sidelines of the General Assembly, the ministers of the 57 OIC countries unanimously adopted a resolution in support of the bid.[215] In his address, President Nursultan Nazarbayev said that the Palestinian state must be recognised for the sake of peace in the Middle East. “Kazakhstan supports the creation a Palestinian state”, he said. “The Palestinian people who are as long-suffering as the people of Israel have been involved in negotiations for more than 50 years. It’s impossible to achieve stable peace in the Middle East without an independent state of Palestine.”[216]  Kenya Y F F Addressing the General Assembly, President Mwai Kibaki said, “Kenya believes in the two-state solution where the territorial integrity of Palestine within the 1967 borders is upheld and the peace and security of Israel are both assured and guaranteed. It is therefore our hope that Palestine will be welcomed into the Community of Nations with full membership in the United Nations.”[217]  Kiribati N ABST NP  Kuwait Y F F Speaking to the General Assembly, Prime Minister Nasser Mohammed Al-Ahmed Al-Sabah said, “Here, we wish to renew our full commitment and support to the bid of the Palestinian Authority and its endeavours to obtain membership in the United Nations as an independent and full member state.”[218]  Kyrgyzstan Y F F President Roza Otunbayeva publicly gave support to Palestine’s bid to be a member.[219] In her address to the General Assembly, she said, “We have been waiting for too long to welcome Palestine as a full member of the United Nations! Kyrgyzstan as early as in 1995 recognised Palestine within the boundaries of the 1967, and we join the call of the UN Secretary-General for Israel and Palestine to return to the negotiating table.”[220]  Lao People’s Democratic Republic Y F F In his speech to the General Assembly, Foreign Minister Thongloun Sisoulith stated unequivocally, “The Lao PDR supports Palestine’s application on 23rd September 2011 for full membership of the UN.”[221]  Latvia N ABST ABST President Andris Bērziņš did not mention the application in his general address, but urged both sides to resume negotiations.[222] Latvia was one of four states voting against Palestine’s application to UNESCO.[68] Its representative explained that Latvia believed the application to join the United Nations should be resolved first. “There is a logical sequence of events. … We respect the application of Palestine for a full membership in the UN that subsequently would give Palestine the right to become a member of UNESCO. We believe this question should first be decided in New York, and the UN Security Council is examining it now.”[223]  Lebanon Y F F President Michel Sleiman, whose nation is presiding over the Security Council, supported the bid: “It is important to underscore the rightful Palestinian efforts aiming at earning the recognition of the state of Palestine and its full membership to the United Nations in line with the right of self-determination. Lebanon will back these efforts in order for the latter to succeed with the coordination and cooperation of brotherly and friendly countries.”[224]  Lesotho Y F F  Liberia Y ABST NP  Libya Y F F  Liechtenstein N NM F  Lithuania N A ABST On 28 November 2012, Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaitė said that Lithuania will abstain from the vote on an upgrade to Palestine’s UN status due to the lack of a united stance in the European Union.[225]  Luxembourg N F F In response to divisions within the EU regarding the application, Foreign Minister Jean Asselborn reportedly urged the PLO to accept an upgrade in its observer status and not ask for membership. He insisted, “We cannot let the Palestinians leave New York at the end of the month with nothing”,[226] but that he “cannot agree to say no” to the Palestinians’ request.[227] He noted that securing the support of all EU nations “would be an enormous moral advantage” for Palestine.[226] In his address Asselborn stated: “We have all heard the vibrant appeal by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas yesterday. An appeal for the recognition of the legitimate right of his people to a State, for acceptance of the aspirations of Palestine to have a seat in this Assembly and to fully assume its place among the Nations of the world. I can only hope that his appeal be heard.”[228]  Madagascar Y NP NP  Malawi Y F ABST  Malaysia Y F F Upon arrival in New York, Foreign Minister Dato’ Sri Anifah Aman stated, “Malaysia has all along stood firm on the Palestine issue and its support for Palestine as a full member of the United Nations. … If Palestine tables its application at this General Assembly, Malaysia will fully support it.”[229] He later confirmed this in his speech to the General Assembly: “We support the application of the Palestinians to the United Nations”.[230]  Maldives Y NP F Foreign Minister Ahmed Naseem expressed his country’s support for the Palestinian request and called other nations to do the same: “When the Palestinians present their case to the UN, the Maldives will stand shoulder-to-shoulder with them, and we call on all others to do likewise.” The minister added, “We do not accept that UN recognition of Palestinian statehood would harm the chances of a negotiated peace. We believe rather that it will help those chances by creating a situation in which two state partners can negotiate as equals.”[231] In his speech to the General Assembly, Vice-President Mohammed Waheed Hassan confirmed, “We believe that the time for Palestine to join the international family of nations is long overdue and welcome its application for statehood. The Maldives calls on all member states to support the recognition of a Palestinian state.”[232]  Mali Y F F In her address, Prime Minister Cissé Mariam Kaïdama Sidibé did not explicitly mention the application, but did express her country’s support for the Palestinian cause: “While reiterating its active solidarity and full support to the Palestinian people in their just and legitimate struggle, Mali will continue to support all initiatives aimed at creating an independent Palestinian state.”[233]  Malta Y F F In early September, European diplomats reported that Malta was among several EU states supporting the Palestinians’ request.[234] This position was subsequently endorsed by opposition parties,[235] but was not confirmed by the government, which refrained from discussing its voting intentions in compliance with the agreement between EU members made in hope of a common position emerging. This silence was criticised by shadow foreign minister George Vella, who said that a consensus was unlikely and argued that the government should publicly declare its support: “It’s no secret that Malta has always been sympathetic to the Palestinian cause. Being declaredly in favour of this resolution does not mean ignoring or being anti- Israel.”[236] Foreign Minister Tonio Borg said that, if there was no European consensus once the matter had been brought to the General Assembly, Malta would vote in favour.[237] In his address to the assembly, Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi did not mention the application, but noted that, “from an institutional perspective, the preparations for statehood have been successfully completed.”[238] Borg also endorsed the compromise initiative proposed by France to give Palestine observer state status, saying that if this was the consensus amongst EU members, Malta would support it.[237] It was reported in November 2012 that Malta would support Palestine’s UN status upgrade.[citation needed]  Marshall Islands N IE A  Mauritania Y F F Foreign Minister Hamady Ould Hamady said his country supported the recovery of all the rights of the Palestinian people, and called for the recognition of Palestine as an independent state along the 1967 borders with full membership in the United Nations.[239]  Mauritius Y F F In his speech to the General Assembly, Prime Minister Navin Ramgoolam said: “Mauritius supports the application for full membership of the United Nations, submitted to the· Secretary General yesterday by the President of the State of Palestine and the legitimate aspiration of the Palestinian people to take their rightful place in the international comity of nations.”[240]  Mexico N ABST F  Micronesia, Federated States of N IE A President Emanuel Mori said, “We continue to support Israel’s right to live within secure and recognised borders. … We also acknowledge Palestine’s right to statehood, which can only be achieved through negotiated settlement between the two parties.” He echoed U.S. President Barack Obama’s statement in saying, “there are no shortcuts to solving the problem.”[207]  Monaco N ABST ABST  Mongolia Y NP ABST  Montenegro Y ABST ABST  Morocco Y F F Speaking to the General Assembly, Foreign Minister Taïb Fassi-Fihri stated: “It is time for the Organisation of the United Nations, through its various organs, and using all possible mechanisms, to fulfill its responsibilities to enable the Palestinian people, under the leadership of its national authority, to achieve all of its national legitimate rights.” He concluded, “In this spirit, Morocco reiterates its support to the request by His Excellency President Mahmoud Abbas, on behalf of the Palestinian leadership, of their adhesion to the United Nations as a sovereign State on the basis of the 1967 borders with eastern Jerusalem as its Capital.”[241]  Mozambique Y F F President Armando Guebuza said, “We reiterate our unequivocal support to the cause of the Palestinian people, who have been denied the inalienable right to self-determination.” He did not specifically mention the application, which had not yet been submitted at the time of his address.[242]  Myanmar N F F  Namibia Y F F President Hifikepunye Pohamba said: “I reaffirm our full and unequivocal support for the legitimate struggle of the Palestinian people to achieve their inalienable right to self-determination and national independence. Namibia supports the admission of Palestine into the United Nations as a full member.”[243]  Nauru N ABST A    Nepal Y F F Prime Minister Baburam Bhattarai told reporters in New York that Nepal will support Palestine’s bid for membership if there is a voting at the General Assembly.[244] In his address, Bhattarai said, “It is our principled position that we support a fully independent and sovereign Palestine State based on the UN resolutions.”[245]  Netherlands N A ABST [246]  New Zealand N ABST F [247]  Nicaragua Y F F Foreign Minister Samuel Santos López stated in his address: “Before this General Assembly, Nicaragua ratifies its recoguition of the Palestinian State with its 1967 borders and East Jerusalem as its capital. We call for the proclamation, here and now, of Palestine as member State 194 of the UN.”[248]  Niger Y F F President Mahamadou Issoufou said: “The failure of [peace] negotiations has caused the Palestinian Authority to take measures for the recognition of the State of Palestine based on the 1967 borders on the one hand, and its admission as a full member of United Nations on the other. This is an opportunity for our organisation to take a bold decision to settle the Israeli–Palestinian conflict.” He confirmed, “My country, one of the 122 UN member states that have already recognised the State of Palestine, is supporting the demand for statehood and full membership in the United Nations.”[249]  Nigeria Y F F [250]  Niue N NP NM  Norway N F F Prior to the gathering in New York, Foreign Minister Jonas Støre confirmed that Norway will support the Palestinians’ request for full membership.[251] At a meeting in New York, Støre reiterated that Norway’s support would depend on the official proposal: “The Palestinians must be willing to start negotiations on final status issues. The text must recognise Israel’s right to exist and not delegitimise the State of Israel, either directly or indirectly.”[252] In his speech to the General Assembly, Støre’s deputy Espen Barth Eide said that these conditions had been met, and that Norway endorsed the application: “Both the Palestinian readiness for statehood and the declarations and commitments they have made should be acknowledged. Norway looks forward to welcoming Palestine as a full member of the United Nations.”[253]  Oman Y F F Foreign Minister Yusuf bin Alawi bin Abdullah, speaking to the General Assembly, said: “We believe that an establishment of Palestinian State on the borders of June 4, 1967 and the recognition of this State as a member of this organisation will certainly lead to serious negotiations and will reach a just, comprehensive and lasting solution of the Arab–Israeli conflict.”[254]  Pakistan Y F F In her address to the General Assembly, Foreign Minister Hina Rabbani Khar stated: “I would like to reaffirm our principled position. President Mahmoud Abbas made an historic and memorable case for his people. We stand by him and the Palestinian people. We stand by our brothers and sisters. And we agree: This really is not, sustainable, anymore. We support the quest of the State of Palestine for membership in the United Nations.”[255]  Palau N A A At the Pacific Islands Forum summit in early September 2011, the leader of the country’s delegation expressed understanding for the suffering of the Palestinians and his desire to see a Palestinian state. He stressed, however, the importance of his country’s relations with the U.S. and that his government would not interfere with its vital interests.[256]  Panama N A A  Papua New Guinea Y ABST ABST  Paraguay Y F ABST President Fernando Lugo reiterated his government’s support in his address to the General Assembly: “We welcome the inclusion in the agenda of this 66th Session, the recognition of the State of Palestine as free, sovereign and independent, and we believe that this represents the consecration of an historic debt of the international community towards the legitimate right of the Palestinian people to have their own state with its borders properly defined.”[257]  Peru Y F F During the General Assembly, Peruvian government officials said that their country endorses the Palestinians’ application.[258] In his speech, President Ollanta Humala expressed his support for the Palestinian people to live in peace and harmony as an independent state and United Nations member.[259][260]  Philippines Y F F The Philippine ambassador to Palestine said “it’s time for Palestine to fully exercise its rights and gain full membership in the United Nations”, and said that the Philippines supports the establishing of a Palestinian state.[261]  Poland Y ABST ABST  Portugal N ABST F On the request for full membership for Palestine, Prime Minister Pedro Passos Coelho said that an agreement with Israel must be achieved first: “This step must be the result and logical outcome of negotiations. Therefore, we understand this request to be an expression of interest that will be fulfilled with the signing of a Peace Agreement.” However, Coelho openly backed the call for an upgrade in Palestine’s observer status: “Until then, we are open to support a strengthened status for Palestine in the United Nations. This would be an important step towards the creation of a new state. It would also represent an additional commitment by the Palestinians to the negotiation process, reinforcing the confidence needed to reach a definitive and global Peace Agreement.”[262] It was reported in November 2012 that Portugal would support Palestine’s UN status upgrade.[citation needed]  Qatar Y F F Emir Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani, whose nation is presiding over this General Assembly session, delivered an address at its opening ceremony on 21 September in which he gave his support for the bid and urged fellow members to do the same: “We urge all the members of the UN to listen to the voice of right and respond to the Palestinians legitimate request for a Palestinian state with full membership at the organisation, at equal footing with other peoples in order to prepare the way for the realisation of peace in our region.”[263] At the beginning of the month it was reported that Prime Minister Hamad bin Jassim bin Jaber Al Thani had been actively campaigning for the Palestinians’ application. His government’s efforts were hailed by Abbas and other Palestinian officials.[264][265]  South Korea N ABST ABST  Republic of Moldova N ABST ABST  Romania Y ABST ABST Prime Minister Emil Boc voiced his opposition to the bid in July, saying, “A negotiated solution between the parties, with no unilateral solution, is the only way to ensure real and solid grounds for a lasting peace.”[266] In an interview in mid-September, Foreign Minister Teodor Baconschi said that Romania will abstain from voting if a resolution is put to the General Assembly. He also said that there was no consensus on the subject within the European Union, but that if one forms, Romania will comply.[267] Romania was one of only four states to vote against the approval of Palestine’s application to UNESCO.[68] Baconschi explained that he believes UNESCO should not decide on a matter whilst it is under the analysis of the Security Council. He also reinforced his government’s opposition to the application, saying, “Romania does not support unilateral initiatives.”[268]  Russian Federation Y F F President Dmitry Medvedev pledged his support for the bid in January 2011.[30] It was reiterated by Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov at the General Assembly in September.[269] In response to a question regarding the prospect of a veto from the United States, Lavrov said that Russia would prefer to see the request resolved by means of consensus: “Russia has long ago recognised the State of Palestine, and we see no problem to support this bid. … It’s, of course, for the Palestinians to decide. We would prefer to see the issue resolved by consensus. There are also suggestions that they ask the UN General Assembly not for membership, but for an observer state status. But we cannot impose this or that decision on them.”[270]  Rwanda Y ABST ABST  Saint Kitts and Nevis Y ABST F  Saint Lucia Y F F  Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Y F F In his address to the General Assembly, Prime Minister Ralph Gonsalves said: “Saint Vincent and the Grenadines echoes the relevant portions of yesterday’s Group of 77 Ministerial Declaration, which welcomed the State of Palestine’s application for full membership in the United Nations.”[271]  Samoa N A ABST Tentatively alluding to the matter in his address, Prime Minister Tuila’epa Sailele Malielegaoi said: “It is our long-held conviction that an independent Palestinian nation taking its rightful place in our global family living side by side with a secure Israel is the only road to permanent peace. But while we all know that this is the sensible outcome that must be achieved, it will sadly remain elusive without a clear sense of commitment and willingness by both sides to negotiate in good faith. … Solutions must be decided by the two parties and not imposed from outside.” He did not touch upon the application itself.[272]  San Marino N ABST ABST San Marino’s government reportedly received intense pressure from Israel to vote no on the resolution.[273]  São Tomé and Príncipe Y IE F  Saudi Arabia Y F F Foreign Minister Saud al-Faisal blamed the Israeli government’s settlement activities for the impasse in negotiations and called on member states to support the application in order to overcome this. He said, “As a result of the continued Israeli intransigence and disruption of the peace process, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia calls upon all member states of the United Nations to state of Palestine on the border of June 4, 1967 with East Jerusalem as its capital, and to grant it full membership in the United Nations.”[274]  Senegal Y F F In his address to the General Assembly, President Abdoulaye Wade said that his country, as President of the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People, supported the application for membership. He said: “Senegal reaffirms its support for Palestine and for the international recognition of an independent Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital, co-existing peacefully with Israel, each within secure and internationally recognised borders. As required by the relevant resolutions of the United Nations, the Palestinian people have a place in this forum.”[275]  Serbia Y F F President of Serbia Boris Tadic during his address to the UN General Assembly didn’t mention the application for Palestine’s membership[276] but later stated in September 2011, that Serbia would decide after hearing the arguments of both sides.[277]  Seychelles Y F F In September, President James Michel reportedly affirmed his country’s full support for the Palestinian bid. Foreign Minister Jean-Paul Adam said that Seychelles will vote in favour of Palestine should a resolution be proposed, and that it will support all decisions that further the two-state solution.[278]  Sierra Leone Y IE F  Singapore N ABST ABST  Slovakia Y ABST ABST  Slovenia N F ABST In a letter addressed to Ban Ki-moon dated April 2011, President Danilo Türk claimed that “the moment to solve the Israeli–Palestinian conflict, on the basis of two independent states, Israel and Palestine, living alongside each other peacefully, is now”.[279] In June, Foreign Minister Samuel Žbogar stated that his government was ready to “start making [the] first steps towards recognising Palestine”, but stressed that the issue of recognition as a state has to be separated from its membership in the UN. He also noted that “Slovenia is not waiting for a joint position of the EU, because there will not be one.”[280]  Solomon Islands N A F Prime Minister Danny Philip did not announce his government’s position on the application, but noted that more than two-thirds of UN members had recognised Palestine as a state.[281]  Somalia Y F F Speaking to the General Assembly, Prime Minister Abdiweli Mohamed Ali said, “We fully support the right of Palestine to become a full member of the Community of Nations”, and that “the international community must support the peaceful and democratic aspirations of the people.”[282]  South Africa Y F F President Jacob Zuma threw his country’s support behind the bid, stating: “The Palestinian Authority … has stated its intention to seek UN membership for the State of Palestine. South Africa fully supports this position. It is a decisive step towards achieving lasting peace, economic cooperation and prosperity for the millions of people in the Middle East, and urge that it be viewed favourably.”[283] He added, “We are dealing with a people who don’t have rights, and as a follow-up to UN human rights kind of condition and principle, I think they have to be given an opportunity because they have been blocked all the time.”[284]  South Sudan Y IE F  Spain N F F During the leadup to September, Spain emerged as the most vocal proponent of the Palestinians within the European Union. In late July, Foreign Minister Trinidad Jiménez said that Spain supported the bid, but that it would not determine its position until the proposal was made official.[285] Jiménez confirmed Spain’s support in August: “We are working with the idea that there is a majority in the EU that will support moving forward with the recognition of Palestine”, adding, “There is a feeling that now is the moment to act, to give the Palestinians some hope that their state will become a reality.”[286] She said that if a vote takes place and no common European position has been reached, Spain would vote in favour. In her address to the General Assembly, it appeared that Spain had, officially, committed itself to the compromise proposal reached amongst EU members: “This session may be remembered as the one in which the General Assembly granted Palestine the status of non-member observer state.” She added, “This new step could be conceived as a stage towards the legitimate objective of Palestine to become a member state of the United Nations. Effective, sustainable peace can only be achieved through negotiations between the parties. Spain believes that the Palestinians could find in this new status a stimulus for the prompt resumption of negotiations.”[287]  Sri Lanka Y F F Foreign Minister Gamini Peiris affirmed his country’s support for the Palestinians’ intentions in August.[288] In his address to the General Assembly in September, President Mahinda Rajapaksa expressed disappointment with lack of progress. He called the application “a window of opportunity” and urged “decisive action rather than more discussion”.[289]  Sudan Y F F In his address to the General Assembly, Foreign Minister Ali Ahmed Karti affirmed Sudan’s support to the efforts of the Palestinian people to establish their independent state and to obtain a full membership at the United Nations.[290]  Suriname Y F F In his address to the General Assembly, President Dési Bouterse stated: “Suriname has answered to the plight of the Palestinian people and has taken the decision to recognise Palestine as a sovereign state, worthy of becoming a full-fledged member of this world organisation.”[173]  Swaziland Y NP F Foreign Minister Lutfo Dlamini announced in June his government’s support for full membership for the State of Palestine.[291]  Sweden Y A F Sweden upgraded its Palestinian delegation in Stockholm in early September, a decision that legislators speculated had implied Sweden’s voting intentions.[292] Considered one of the most pro-Palestinian states within the EU, Sweden was widely reported by diplomats to be in favour of the bid.[234] However, the government has not officially announced a position, and Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt did not mention the matter in his address to the General Assembly. On 27 November 2012 Sweden announced that it would support the motion to grant Palestine an upgrade in status at the UN.[293]  Switzerland N ABST F Switzerland was expected to adopt an official position at the end of August 2011, based on the recommendations of the foreign affairs parliamentary committee. On 16 August, the Senate committee advised that Switzerland should not take a position, in line with the country’s policy of neutrality. Members of parliament were divided.[294] On 22 November 2012, it was reported that Switzerland has decided to support a Palestinian bid for observer status.[295]  Syrian Arab Republic Y F F In his speech, Foreign Minister Walid Muallem empathised with the Palestinians and called on member states to support their request: “Negotiations between the two sides have continued for years. They have failed though to achieve any progress towards a solution due to Israeli well-known positions and measures. Therefore, the international community’s pursuit of the recognition of Palestinian statehood on the Palestinian territories occupied in 1967 is legitimate. It is a positive step in the direction of restoring all the Palestinian rights. Syria calls on the international community to support this request.”[296]  Tajikistan Y NP F Foreign Minister Hamrokhon Zarifi conveyed Tajikistan’s endorsement of the bid in his speech to the General Assembly, saying, “We support the state of Palestine in its efforts to take its well-deserved place in the community of nations as a full-fledged member.”[297]  Thailand Y ABST F [298]  the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia N ABST ABST  Timor-Leste Y NP F Upon his country’s admission to the General Assembly in 2002, President Xanana Gusmão declared East Timor “ready to recognise the Palestinian state”,[299] and did so in 2004. At a summit of the Pacific Islands Forum in September 2011, Foreign Minister Zacarias da Costa pledged his support for the Palestinians’ efforts to obtain full membership in the United Nations.[300] In the same month, President José Ramos-Horta appealed to the U.S. and Israel to support, rather than oppose, the application.[301]  Togo Y ABST ABST  Tonga N ABST ABST  Trinidad and Tobago N ABST F  Tunisia Y F F Speaking to the General Assembly, Foreign Minister Mouldi Kefi announced: “Tunisia strongly supports the Palestinian bid for United Nations recognition as expressed by the President of the Palestinian Authority, Mr. Mahmoud Abbas, last week before the General Assembly, and calls on the international community to support the legitimate Palestinian bid for a full membership in the United Nations.”[302]  Turkey Y F F Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan argued that “The most important step that needs to be taken … is to meet the legitimate demands of the Palestinian people for being recognised as a state and to allow the representatives of the State of Palestine to take their well-deserved place in this august Assembly, as a member of the UN. Turkey’s support to the recognition of the State of Palestine is unconditional.” He announced that Turkey would actively campaign for international recognition for the Palestinian state.[303]  Turkmenistan Y NP F  Tuvalu N ABST F  Uganda Y ABST F  Ukraine Y ABST NP On 23 September 2011 a Foreign Ministry spokesman stated that Ukraine had not yet defined its position regarding Palestine’s UN membership and added that “Ukraine supports Palestine’s efforts for self-determination and independence”.[304]  United Arab Emirates Y F F In his address to the General Assembly, Foreign Minister Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan said: “The UAE also supports the Palestinian Authority’s current attempts, which are backed by member countries of the League of Arab States and the UN Members, to gain international recognition of the independent Palestinian state in accordance with relevant international resolutions, the road map, and the Arab Peace Initiative, and also supports Palestine’s quest for full membership in the United Nations. The UAE regards this legal step as complimenting the pillars required for the establishment of the Palestinian State, and does not contradict the efforts of resuming peace talks.”  United Kingdom N ABST ABST  United Republic of Tanzania Y F F In October, Foreign Minister Bernard Membe affirmed that his country would give everything required to support Palestine in gaining membership within the United Nations and any other international organisation.[305]  United States N A A In September, President Barack Obama confirmed that the U.S. would veto any Security Council move aimed at recognising Palestinian statehood. A spokesman for the government stated, “We would have to oppose any action at the UN Security Council including, if necessary, vetoing.”[306] Obama stated it needs more than a UN voting to solve the conflict without a mutual agreement between the Israeli and Palestinian authorities.[307] Speaking to the General Assembly, he argued, “There is no shortcut to the end of a conflict that has endured for decades. Peace will not come through statements and resolutions at the United Nations … Ultimately, it is the Israelis and the Palestinians – not us – who must reach agreement on the issues that divide them.”[308]  Uruguay Y F F In his speech to the General Assembly, Foreign Minister Danilo Astori said: “In March we recognised the State of Palestine. We believe that all necessary conditions exist for this recognition to become universal and that the two-state solution, supported by Uruguay since 1947, to become effective.”[309]  Uzbekistan Y F F  Vanuatu Y A ABST   Vatican City Y NM NM After the UNGA vote upgrading Palestine’s status the Vatican endorsed the resolution, issuing a statement which read “It is hoped that (the resolution) will encourage the commitment of the international community to finding a fair and lasting solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, which may be reached only by resuming negotiations between the parties, in good faith and according due respect to the rights of both.”[310]  Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of Y F F In a letter addressed to Ban Ki-moon dated 17 September, President Hugo Chávez pledged “Venezuela’s full support of the recognition of the Palestinian State: of Palestine’s right to become a free, sovereign and independent state. This represents an act of historic justice towards a people who carry with them, from time immemorial, all the pain and suffering of the world.”[311] At the General Assembly, Foreign Minister Nicolás Maduro said, “Venezuela hereby ratifies its unconditional solidarity with the Palestinian people and its unrestricted support to the Palestinian national cause, which naturally includes the immediate admission of a full Palestinian member state within the United Nations.”[312]  Vietnam Y F F On 20 September, the spokesman for the Foreign Ministry stated, “Vietnam has recognised the state of Palestine since 1988 and always supports regional and international efforts towards the establishment of an independent and sovereign Palestinian state that co-exists peacefully with neighbouring Israel with their border line set up before June, 1967. In that spirit, Vietnam supports Palestine’s efforts to soon become a member of the United Nations.”[313] This position was reiterated in its address to the General Assembly.[314]  Yemen Y F F  Zambia Y ABST F  Zimbabwe Y F F In his address to the General Assembly on 22 September, President Robert Mugabe said, “My country fully supports the right of the gallant people of Palestine to statehood and membership of this UN organisation.”[315]