Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Pamplona and Tudela


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Roman Catholic archdiocese in Spain

The Archdiocese of Pamplona y Tudela (Latin: Pampilonen(sis) et Tudelen(sis)) is an archdiocese located in the cities of Pamplona and Tudela in Spain.[1][2]


  • 5th century: Established as Diocese of Pamplona
  • 9th century: northern boundary established by Charles’s Cross
  • 5 September 1851: Renamed as Diocese of Pamplona – Tudela
  • 17 July 1889: Renamed as Diocese of Pamplona
  • 2 September 1955: Renamed as Diocese of Pamplona – Tudela
  • 11 August 1956: Promoted as Metropolitan Archdiocese of Pamplona – Tudela
  • 11 August 1984: Renamed as Metropolitan Archdiocese of Pamplona y Tudela


Bishops of Pamplona[edit]

In 850, in the face of a Muslim invasion, the seat of the bishop was transferred to Leire.

Bishops of Pamplona at Leire[edit]

In 1023, the see was reestablished in Pamplona.


Bishops of Pamplona[edit]

Between 1238 and 1242, the throne was vacant while the chapter was divided between supporters of Lope García and of the archdeacon Guillermo de Oriz.

Martín resigned the see to become a cardinal in 1390, but he continued as apostolic administrator until 1403.

  • Miguel de Zalba, cardinal (1404–1406), elected
  • Sancho Sánchez de Oteiza (1420–1425)
  • Martín de Peralta I (1426–1456)
  • Martín de Peralta II (1457–1458)
  • Nicolás de Echávarri (1462–1469)
  • Alfonso Carrillo (1473–1491)
  • César Borja, cardinal (1491–1492), transferred to the archdiocese of Valencia
    • Antonio Pallavicino Gentili, cardinal (1492–1507), apostolic administrator
    • Fazio Giovanni Santori, cardinal (1507–1510), apostolic administrator
    • Amaneu de Labrit, cardinal (1510–1512), apostolic administrator (first time)
    • Giovanni Ruffo de Theodoli (1512–1517), apostolic administrator
    • Amaneu de Labrit (1517–1520), apostolic administrator (second time)
    • Alessandro Cesarini, cardinal (1520–1538), apostolic administrator, resigned
  • Juan Remmia (1538–1539)
  • Pedro Pacheco Ladrón de Guevara, cardinal (1539–1545), transferred to the diocese of Jaén
  • Antonio de Fonseca (1545–1550), resigned
  • Álvaro Moscoso (1550–1561), transferred to the diocese of Zamora[3]
  • Diego Ramírez Sedeño de Fuenleal (1561–1573)[4]
  • Antonio Manrique Valencia (1575–1577)[5]
  • Pedro de Lafuente (1578–1587)[6]
  • Bernardo de Sandoval y Rojas (1588–1596), transferred to the diocese of Jaén
  • Antonio Zapata y Cisneros (1596–1600), transferred to the archdiocese of Burgos
  • Mateo de Burgos (1600–1606), transferred to the diocese of Sigüenza
  • Antonio Venegas y Figueroa (1606–1612), transferred to the diocese of Sigüenza
  • Prudencio de Sandoval (1612–1620)
  • Francisco Hurtado de Mendoza y Ribera (1621–1622), transferred to the diocese of Málaga
  • Cristóbal de Lobera y Torres (1623–1625), transferred to the diocese of Córdoba
  • José González Díez (1625–1627), transferred to the archdiocese of Santiago de Compostela[7]
  • Pedro Fernández Zorrilla (1627–1637)
  • Juan Queipo de Llano y Flórez (1639–1647), transferred to the diocese of Jaén
  • Francisco Diego Alarcón y Covarrubias (1648–1657), transferred to the diocese of Córdoba[8]
  • Diego de Tejada y la Guardia (1658–1663)
  • Andrés Girón (1664–1670)
  • Pedro Roche (1670–1683)
  • Juan Grande Santos de San Pedro (1683–1692)
  • Toribio de Mier (1693–1698)
  • Juan Íñiguez Arnedo (1700–1710)
  • Pedro Aguado (1713–1716)
  • Juan Camargo Angulo (1716–1725)
  • Andrés Murillo Velarde (1725–1728)
  • Melchor Angel Gutiérrez Vallejo (1729–1734)
  • Francisco Ignacio Añoa y Busto (1735–1742), transferred to the archdiocese of Zaragoza
  • Gaspar Miranda Argáiz (1742–1767)
  • Juan Lorenzo Irigoyen Dutari (1768–1778)
  • Agustín de Lezo Palomeque (1779–1783), transferred to the archdiocese of Zaragoza
  • Esteban Antonio Aguado Rojas (1785–1795)
  • Lorenzo Igual de Soria (1795–1803), transferred to the diocese of Plasencia
  • Veremundo Anselmo Arias Teixeiro (1804–1814), transferred to the archdiocese of Valencia
  • Joaquín Javier Uriz Lasaga (1815–1829)
  • Severo Leonardo Andriani Escofet (1829–1861)
  • Pedro Cirilo Uriz Labayru (1861–1870)
  • José Oliver y Hurtado (1875–1886)
  • Antonio Ruiz–Cabal y Rodríguez (1886–1899)
  • José López Mendoza y García (1899–1923)
  • Mateo Múgica y Urrestarazu (1923–1928), transferred to the diocese of Vitoria
  • Tomás Muñiz Pablos (1928–1935), transferred to the archdiocese of Santiago de Compostela
  • Marcelino Olaechea Loizaga (1935–1946), transferred to the archdiocese of Valencia
  • Enrique Delgado y Gómez (1946–1955), became also bishop of Tudela

Bishops of Pamplona and Tudela[edit]

Archbishops of Pamplona and Tudela[edit]

Auxiliary bishops[edit]

Suffragan dioceses[edit]

See also[edit]



Coordinates: 42°49′11″N 1°38′28″W / 42.8197°N 1.6410°W / 42.8197; -1.6410
