Danish Culture Canon – Wikipedia

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Danish curation of cultural works

The Danish Culture Canon (Danish: Kulturkanonen) consists of 108 works of cultural excellence in eight categories: architecture, visual arts, design and crafts, film, literature, music, performing arts, and children’s culture. An initiative of Brian Mikkelsen in 2004, it was developed by a series of committees under the auspices of the Danish Ministry of Culture in 2006–2007 as “a collection and presentation of the greatest, most important works of Denmark’s cultural heritage.” Each category contains 12 works although music contains 12 works of score music and 12 of popular music and the literature section’s 12th item is an anthology of 24 works.[1][2]


The committee for architecture was asked to choose 12 works covering both buildings and landscaping. It was decided that works could either be in Denmark designed by one or more Danes or abroad designed by Danish architects. The committee consisted of: Lone Wiggers (chair), Carsten Juel-Christiansen, Malene Hauxner, Lars Juel Thiis and Kent Martinussen.[3]

Visual arts[edit]

The committee for visual arts decided that only works of artists who had completed their oeuvre could be included. They also decided that members of the committee could each select a work they especially appreciated. In this way the committee first selected seven works whereafter five members selected one work each. The committee consisted of Hein Heinsen (chair), Hans Edvard Nørregård-Nielsen, Bente Scavenius, Bjørn Nørgaard and Sophia Kalkau.[4]

Design and crafts[edit]

The committee for design and crafts decided that selection should be based on works with a useful function which were relevant at the time they were created while remaining recognizable today. They should also fall into an international perspective. The committee consisted of Merete Ahnfeldt-Mollerup (chair), Erik Magnussen, Astrid Krogh, Ursula Munch-Petersen and Louise Campbell.[5]

In their selection, the committee for film focused on films reflecting Danish life with Danish actors. The included nevertheless the film Sult (Hunger) which takes place in Oslo and has Swedish actors. The committee consisted of Susanne Bier (chair), Vinca Wiedemann, Tivi Magnusson, Ole Michelsen and Jacob Neiiendam.[6]


The committee for literature found it important to select works with a quality which had been appreciated over time. The selected works were also considered to have made an important contribution both to Danish literature and to Danish culture in the widest sense. They reflect an original and bold artistic approach to works of value. They are worthy of being preserved for posterity as they serve as reference points in a modern global context. The committee consisted of Finn Hauberg Mortensen (chair), Erik A. Nielsen, Mette Winge, Claes Kastholm Hansen and Jens Christian Grøndahl.[7]

The 12th item is an Anthology of lyrics consisting of the following 24 works:

The committee for music explained that, taking account of the wide range of Danish music, they gave focus to individual works rather than a composer’s oeuvre. They presented two lists: one for what they called score music (classical), the other for popular music, although the two should be considered as a whole. The committee consisted of Per Erik Veng (chair), Jørgen I. Jensen, Torben Bille, Inger Sørensen and Henrik Marstal.[8]

Classical music[edit]

The 12th item titled Højskolesange (Folk High School Songs) consists of the following 12 songs:

Composer/author Work Year Image
C. E. F. Weyse (1826), words: N. F. S. Grundtvig Den signede dag med fryd vi ser 1826
Folk song, words rewritten by Svend Grundtvig Det var en lørdag aften 1849 Svend Grundtvig
Folk song from the Mariager area En yndig og frydefuld sommertid Published in A.P. Berggreen’s Danske folkesange 1869
Music: Carl Nielsen, words: Ludvig Holstein Vi sletternes sønner Music 1906, words 1903
Music: Carl Nielsen, words: Jeppe Aakjær Jens Vejmand Music 1907, words 1905
Music: Thomas Laub, words: St.St. Blicher «Det er hvidt herude» Melodi 1914, tekst 1838
Music: Oluf Ring, words: Thøger Larsen Danmark, nu blunder den lyse nat Music 1922, words 1914
Music: Poul Schierbeck, words: Hans Christian Andersen I Danmark er jeg født Music 1926, words 1850
Music: Thorvald Aagaard, words: Laurits Christian Nielsen Jeg ser de bøgelyse øer Music 1931, words 1901
Music: Otto Mortensen, words: Helge Rode Du gav os de blomster, som lyste imod os Music 1939, words 1921
Music: Otto Mortensen, words: Alex Garff Septembers himmel er så blå Music and words 1949
Music: Peter Erasmus Lange-Müller/Shu-Bi-Dua, words: Holger Drachmann Vi elsker vort land Music 1887 and 1980, words 1885

Popular music[edit]

Composer/author Work Year Image
Kai Normann Andersen A selection of 12 songs: Musens sang, Den allersidste dans, Pige træd varsomt, Å hvor jeg, ih, hvor jeg, uh hvor jeg vil, I dit korte liv, Man binder os på mund og hånd, Alle går rundt og forelsker sig, Gå ud og gå en tur, Glemmer du, Titte til hinanden, Drømmeland og Gå med i lunden 1925–1959
Dansk Guldalderjazz Dansk Guldalderjazz Vol. 1–4 1940–1949
Savage Rose The Savage Rose 1968
Kim Larsen Værsgo 1973 Kim Larsen
Benny Andersen and Povl Dissing Svantes Viser 1973 Dissing
Gasolin’ Live sådan 1976
Kliché Supertanker 1980
C.V. Jørgensen Tidens Tern 1980 Jørgensen
Sebastian Stjerne til støv 1981 Sebastian
Palle Mikkelborg with Miles Davis Aura 1984/1985
tv·2 Nærmest lykkelig 1988

The 12th item Evergreens is an anthology consisting of the following works:

Composer/author Work Year Image
Sven Gyldmark/Poeten Solitudevej – sung by Elga Olga Svendsen. From Cirkusrevyen 1953
Sven Gyldmark & Erik Leth Er du dus med himlens fugle – sung by Poul Reichhardt. From the film Vagabonderne på Bakkegården 1958
Vidar Sandbeck & Peter Mynte – single Heksedans (her kommer mutter med kost og spand) – sung by Raquel Rastenni. 1960
Bjarne Hoyer & Ida From To lys på et bord – sung by Otto Brandenburg From Dansk Melodi Grand Prix, 1960
Otto Helge Francker & Sejr Volmer-Sørensen Dansevise – performed by Grethe Ingmann and Jørgen Ingmann. From Dansk Melodi Grand Prix, 1963
Bent Fabricius-Bjerre & Klaus Rifbjerg Duerne flyver – sung by Cæsar. From the film Jeg er sgu min egen, 1967
John Mogensen Så længe jeg lever – sung by John Mogensen. Single 1970, also in the album John Mogensen: John, 1973
Anne Linnet Smuk og dejlig – performed by Shit & Chanel. From the album Shit & Chanel, 1975 Linnet
Peter A. G. Nielsen/Gnags Under Bøgen – performed by Gnags. From the album Er du hjemme i aften, 1977 Nielsen
Shu-bi-dua Danmark – performed by Shu-bi-dua. From Shu-bi-dua 78’eren, 1978
Frans Bak & Per Nielsen Danse i måneskin – performed by Trine Dyrholm & Moonlighters. From Dansk Melodi Grand Prix, 1987
Lars Lilholt Kald det kærlighed – performed by Lars Lilholt Band. From Lars Lilholt Band: Portland, 1986 Lilholt

Performing arts[edit]

The committee for performing arts explained that their selection was based on works of unique creativity representing something new for their time while still remaining meaningful today. The committee consisted of Flemming Enevold (chair), Karen-Maria Bille, Jokum Rohde, Sonja Richter and Erik Aschengreen.[9]

Creator Work Year Image
Ludvig Holberg Jeppe på Bjerget 1722 Holberg
Adam Oehlenschläger Aladdin 1805 Oehlenschläger
August Bournonville and Herman Severin Løvenskiold La Sylphide 1836 Bournonville
Henri Nathansen Indenfor Murene (Inside the Walls) 1912 Nathansen
Kaj Munk Ordet (The Word) 1932 Munk
Kjeld Abell Anna Sophie Hedvig 1939
Four revue numbers: Man binder os på mund og hånd (Liva Weel, 1940), Skolekammerater (Kellerdirk, 1956), Brevet til Bulganin (Osvald Helmuth, 1957), Fingernummeret (Dirch Passer, 1974) 1940, 1956, 1957 and 1974
Harald Lander and Knudåge Riisager Etudes 1948
Flemming Flindt and Georges Delerue Enetime 1963
Solvognen Julemandshæren 1974
Sort Sol Sort Sol live, Carlton og Wurst 1986–1987
Jess Ørnsbo Majonæse 1988

Children’s canon[edit]

The committee was formed spontaneously as work proceeded in the other areas. It is therefore not an independent selection as suggestions were received from all the other areas.[10]

According to press reports, the canon has had limited impact and has been ineffective in its stated goal of fostering integration between the Danes and the immigrant communities.[11]Berlingske pointed out, nevertheless, that the canon will remain a milestone as a non-socialist government had dared to “simply state that some works are better than others” and assert in that “this country may well be a modern society in a globalised world but that does not mean we have no merit as a nation or no right to national pride.”[12] Erik A. Nielsen, a member of the canon’s literature committee, is not surprised the literature canon has had such limited effect, faced as it is with a “tsunami of international, strongly commercial cultural interests.” He points out that the only reason his students take an interest in Danish culture is that “they have to take exams in it. If they are free to choose culture themselves, they go for films, rock music and a whole lot more that is essentially English or American in origin.[13]


  1. ^ “Denmark/ 4. Current issues in cultural policy development and debate” Archived 2015-04-07 at the Wayback Machine, Compendium: Cultural Policies and Trends in Europe. Retrieved 11 January 2013.
  2. ^ “Kulturkanon”, Den Store Danske. (in Danish) Retrieved 11 January 2013.
  3. ^ “Om kanon for arkitektur” Archived December 11, 2012, at the Wayback Machine, Kulturkanonen. (in Danish) Retrieved 12 January 2012.
  4. ^ Hein Heinsen, “Om kanon for billedkunst” Archived December 11, 2012, at the Wayback Machine, Kulturkanonen. (in Danish) Retrieved 12 January 2013.
  5. ^ “Om kanon for design og kunstværk” Archived December 11, 2012, at the Wayback Machine, Kulturkanonen. (in Danish) Retrieved 12 January 2013.
  6. ^ “Om kanon for film” Archived December 11, 2012, at the Wayback Machine, Kulturkanonen. (in Danish) Retrieved 12 January 2013.
  7. ^ “Om kanon for litteratur” Archived December 11, 2012, at the Wayback Machine, Kulturkanon. (in Danish) Retrieved 13 January 2013.
  8. ^ “Om kanon for musik” Archived December 11, 2012, at the Wayback Machine, Kulturkanonen. (in Danish) Retrieved 13 January 2013.
  9. ^ “Om kanon for scenekunst” Archived December 11, 2012, at the Wayback Machine, Kulturkanon. (in Danish) Retrieved 13 January 2013.
  10. ^ Henrik Marstal, “Om kanon for bornekultur” Archived December 11, 2012, at the Wayback Machine, Kulturkanonen. (in Danish) Retrieved 13 January 2013.
  11. ^ “Denmark’s canon – a damp squib” Archived 2014-01-14 at the Wayback Machine, Presseurop, 27 January 2011. Retrieved 17 January 2013.
  12. ^ “Regeringens kulturkanon blåstemplede retten til være stolt af det bedste i dansk kultur. Det er dens store og varige fortjeneste”. Berlingske, 23 January 2011. (in Danish) Retrieved 17 January 2013.
  13. ^ Annegerd Lerche Kristiansen and Morten Runge, “Hvad blev der af kulturkanonen?”, Danmarks Radio, 16 January 2013. (in Danish) Retrieved 17 January 2013.

External links[edit]