Hangul Syllables – Wikipedia


Version Final code points[a] Count UTC ID L2 ID WG2 ID Document 2.0 U+AC00..D7A3 11,172 N767 Ksar, Mike (1991-11-25), Unconfirmed minutes WG2-Paris meeting of October 1991 X3L2/93-078 N848 Modified Korean Position, 1992-07-02 UTC/1994-xxx “Discussion on Korean Hangul Proposal”, Unicode Technical Committee Meeting #62: Discussion of Korean Hangul Proposal, 1994-09-30 X3L2/95-031 N1158 Korean National Position for adding Hangul characters, 1995-03-08 N1170 Canadian Position on Korean Proposal in N 1158 for adding Hangul characters, 1995-03-10 UTC/1995-021B Aliprand, Joan (1995-03-10), Closed Caucus Minutes, UTC #64 N1198 Working Draft for a pDAM to 10646 on Korean Hangul, 1995-04-05 X3L2/95-053.1 N1199 Background on Korean Coding, 1995-04-30 N1203 Umamaheswaran, V. S.; Ksar, Mike (1995-05-03), “6.4.1”, Unconfirmed minutes of SC2/WG2 Meeting 27, Geneva X3L2/95-053 N1209 PDAM no. 5 to ISO/IEC 10646-1: Hangul Character Collections, 1995-05-09 UTC/1995-xxx “Discussion on Korean”, Unicode Technical Committee Meeting #65, Minutes, 1995-06-02 X3L2/95-090 N1253 (doc, txt) Umamaheswaran, V. S.; Ksar, Mike (1995-09-09), “6.3”, Unconfirmed Minutes of WG 2 Meeting # 28 in Helsinki, Finland; 1995-06-26–27 N1285 Hangul Syllable Character Name Generation Algorithm, 1995-11-08 N1303 (html, doc) Umamaheswaran, V. S.; Ksar, Mike (1996-01-26), “7. Disposition of comments on pDAM-5 – Korean Hangul”, Minutes of Meeting 29, Tokyo N1331 Paterson, Bruce (1996-03-14), DAM 5 (Korean Hangul) Submittal to JTC1 N1332 Paterson, Bruce (1996-03-14), BMP Revised Layout (DAM 5 diagram attachment) N1391 Paterson, Bruce (1996-05-18), Hangul syllable name algorithm, simplified N1353 Umamaheswaran, V. S.; Ksar, Mike (1996-06-25), “6.1”, Draft minutes of WG2 Copenhagen Meeting # 30 N1537 Table of Replies and Feedback on Amendment 5 – Hangul, 1997-01-29 L2/97-125 N1561 Paterson, Bruce (1997-05-27), Draft Report on JTC1 letter ballot on DAM No. 5 to ISO/IEC 10646-1 (Hangul) N1570 Paterson, Bruce (1997-06-23), Almost Final Text (pages 2-5 and 182 only) of DAM 5 – Hangul L2/97-288 N1603 Umamaheswaran, V. S. (1997-10-24), “5.3.1”, Unconfirmed Meeting Minutes, WG 2 Meeting # 33, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, 20 June – 4 July 1997 N1806 (pdf, doc) Kim, Kyongsok; Paterson, Bruce (1998-07-08), Defect Report on AMD 5 – Hangul Syllables with Editor’s response L2/99-022 N1942 Paterson, Bruce (1998-12-08), Hangul syllable name rules, proposed for ISO/IEC 10646 2nd Edition L2/99-010 N1903 (pdf, html, doc) Umamaheswaran, V. S. (1998-12-30), “11.1”, Minutes of WG 2 meeting 35, London, U.K.; 1998-09-21–25 L2/99-114 N2018 Paterson, Bruce (1999-03-31), Draft Technical Technical Corrigendum No. 3 to ISO/IEC 10646-1: 1993 L2/99-232 N2003 Umamaheswaran, V. S. (1999-08-03), “7.1.2 Hangul syllable name rules”, Minutes of WG 2 meeting 36, Fukuoka, Japan, 1999-03-09–15 L2/99-297 N2119 Disposition of Comments Report on SC 2 N 3306, Draft Technical Corrigendum No. 3 to ISO/IEC 10646-1: 1993, 1999-09-20 L2/99-298 N2120 Paterson, Bruce (1999-09-21), Final Text for Technical Corrigendum No. 3 to ISO/IEC 10646-1: 1993 L2/03-100 Edberg, Peter (2002-11-05), Hangul Mapping Errors L2/02-463 N2564 Kim, Kyongsok (2002-11-30), 3-way cross-reference tables – KS X 1001, KPS 9566, and UCS L2/04-392 West, Andrew (2004-10-21), Unicode 1 Hangul Mapping Errors L2/04-361 Moore, Lisa (2004-11-23), “Properties – Unicode 1 Hangul Mapping Errors”, UTC #101 Minutes L2/17-080 Chung, Jaemin (2017-03-29), Informative document about three pre-Unicode-2.0 modern hangul syllables
  1. ^ Proposed code points and characters names may differ from final code points and names