Interior product – Wikipedia


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Mapping from p forms to p-1 forms

In mathematics, the interior product (also known as interior derivative, interior multiplication, inner multiplication, inner derivative, insertion operator, or inner derivation) is a degree −1 (anti)derivation on the exterior algebra of differential forms on a smooth manifold. The interior product, named in opposition to the exterior product, should not be confused with an inner product. The interior product

ιXω{displaystyle iota _{X}omega }

is sometimes written as

Xω.{displaystyle Xmathbin {lrcorner } omega .}


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The interior product is defined to be the contraction of a differential form with a vector field. Thus if

X{displaystyle X}

is a vector field on the manifold

M,{displaystyle M,}


is the map which sends a

p{displaystyle p}


ω{displaystyle omega }

to the

(p1){displaystyle (p-1)}


ιXω{displaystyle iota _{X}omega }

defined by the property that

for any vector fields

X1,,Xp1.{displaystyle X_{1},ldots ,X_{p-1}.}

The interior product is the unique antiderivation of degree −1 on the exterior algebra such that on one-forms

α{displaystyle alpha }


,{displaystyle langle ,cdot ,cdot ,rangle }

is the duality pairing between

α{displaystyle alpha }

and the vector

X.{displaystyle X.}

Explicitly, if

β{displaystyle beta }

is a

p{displaystyle p}

-form and

γ{displaystyle gamma }

is a

q{displaystyle q}

-form, then

The above relation says that the interior product obeys a graded Leibniz rule. An operation satisfying linearity and a Leibniz rule is called a derivation.


If in local coordinates

(x1,...,xn){displaystyle (x_{1},…,x_{n})}

the vector field

X{displaystyle X}

is described by functions

f1,...,fn{displaystyle f_{1},…,f_{n}}

, then the interior product is given by


dx1...dxr^...dxn{displaystyle dx_{1}wedge …wedge {widehat {dx_{r}}}wedge …wedge dx_{n}}

is the form obtained by omitting

dxr{displaystyle dx_{r}}


dx1...dxn{displaystyle dx_{1}wedge …wedge dx_{n}}


By antisymmetry of forms,

and so

ιXιX=0.{displaystyle iota _{X}circ iota _{X}=0.}

This may be compared to the exterior derivative

d,{displaystyle d,}

which has the property

dd=0.{displaystyle dcirc d=0.}

The interior product relates the exterior derivative and Lie derivative of differential forms by the Cartan formula (also known as the Cartan identity, Cartan homotopy formula[2] or Cartan magic formula):

This identity defines a duality between the exterior and interior derivatives. Cartan’s identity is important in symplectic geometry and general relativity: see moment map.[3] The Cartan homotopy formula is named after Élie Cartan.[4]

The interior product with respect to the commutator of two vector fields

X,{displaystyle X,}

Y{displaystyle Y}

satisfies the identity

See also[edit]

  • Cap product – method of adjoining a chain of with a cochain
  • Inner product – Generalization of the dot product; used to define Hilbert spaces
  • Tensor contraction – in mathematics and physics, an operation on tensors


  • Theodore Frankel, The Geometry of Physics: An Introduction; Cambridge University Press, 3rd ed. 2011
  • Loring W. Tu, An Introduction to Manifolds, 2e, Springer. 2011. doi:10.1007/978-1-4419-7400-6
