Egyptian Hieroglyphs (Unicode block) – Wikipedia


Version Final code points[a] Count L2 ID WG2 ID Document 5.2 U+13000..1342E 1,071 L2/97-266 N1636 Everson, Michael (1997-08-25), Encoding Egyptian Hieroglyphics, Plane 1 L2/97-267 N1637 Everson, Michael (1997-09-18), Proposal to encode Basic Egyptian Hieroglyphics, Plane 1 L2/98-070 Aliprand, Joan; Winkler, Arnold, “3.A.4. item a. Egyptian hieroglyphs”, Minutes of the joint UTC and L2 meeting from the meeting in Cupertino, February 25-27, 1998 L2/98-286 N1703 Umamaheswaran, V. S.; Ksar, Mike (1998-07-02), “8.19”, Unconfirmed Meeting Minutes, WG 2 Meeting #34, Redmond, WA, USA; 1998-03-16–20 L2/99-008 N1944 Everson, Michael (1999-01-09), Encoding Egyptian Hieroglyphs in Plane 1 of the UCS L2/99-223 N2096, N2025-1 Schenkel, Wolfgang (1999-07-23), Comments on the question of encoding Egyptian hieroglyphs in the UCS L2/00-010 N2103 Umamaheswaran, V. S. (2000-01-05), “10.1”, Minutes of WG 2 meeting 37, Copenhagen, Denmark: 1999-09-13—16 L2/00-128 Bunz, Carl-Martin (2000-03-01), Scripts from the Past in Future Versions of Unicode L2/00-153 Bunz, Carl-Martin (2000-04-26), Further comments on historic scripts L2/01-184R Moore, Lisa (2001-06-18), “Consensus 87-C4”, Minutes from the UTC/L2 meeting L2/02-290 Hornung, Erik; Green, Lyn (2002-08-05), Two letters of support for encoding Egyptian Hieroglyphics L2/02-281 Snell, Daniel; Hollis, Susan; Johnson, Janet (2002-08-07), Three letters of support for encoding Egyptian Hieroglyphics L2/02-288 Everson, Michael (2002-08-13), Status report on proposal encode Egyptian Hieroglyphs L2/02-295 Rocchi, Federico (2002-08-13), Letter of support for encoding Egyptian Hieroglyphics L2/02-307 Baines, John (2002-08-20), Letter of support for encoding Egyptian Hieroglyphics L2/05-311 Cook, Richard; Everson, Michael; McGowan, Rick; Richmond, Robert (2005-10-24), Revised proposal to encode Egyptian hieroglyphs in Plane 1 of the UCS L2/05-312 Cook, Richard (2005-10-24), Sample of Hieroglyphic mapping data file L2/05-313 Cook, Richard (2005-10-24), Scans from Catalog of the Egyptian Hieroglyphic Printing Type L2/06-354 N3181 Everson, Michael; Richmond, Bob (2006-10-29), Towards a Proposal to encode Egyptian Hieroglyphs in Unicode L2/06-355 N3182 Everson, Michael (2006-10-29), Sources for the encoding of Egyptian Hieroglyphs L2/06-356 N3183 Everson, Michael; Richmond, Bob (2006-10-29), Report on progress made at the Oxford meeting of Egyptologists L2/07-097 N3237 Everson, Michael; et al. (2007-04-10), Proposal to encode Egyptian Hieroglyphs in the SMP of the UCS N3353 (pdf, doc) Umamaheswaran, V. S. (2007-10-10), “M51.11k – M51.11m”, Unconfirmed minutes of WG 2 meeting 51 Hanzhou, China; 2007-04-24/27 L2/07-118R2 Moore, Lisa (2007-05-23), “111-C17”, UTC #111 Minutes L2/07-268 N3253 (pdf, doc) Umamaheswaran, V. S. (2007-07-26), “M50.29”, Unconfirmed minutes of WG 2 meeting 50, Frankfurt-am-Main, Germany; 2007-04-24/27 L2/07-292 N3308 Everson, Michael (2007-08-31), Towards a default deterministic ordering for Egyptian Hieroglyphs L2/07-306 N3310 Aguizy, Ola El (2007-09-04), Letter in Support of N3237 Egyptian Hieroglyphs Proposal L2/07-345 Moore, Lisa (2007-10-25), “Consensus 113-C14”, UTC #113 Minutes, Accept the revised repertoire for Egyptian Hieroglyphs as documented in L2/07-322. L2/15-069 Richmond, Bob (2015-02-03), Egyptian Hieroglyphs in Unicode plain text, a note on a suggested approach L2/15-149 Anderson, Deborah; Whistler, Ken; McGowan, Rick; Pournader, Roozbeh; Pandey, Anshuman; Glass, Andrew (2015-05-03), “14. Egyptian”, Recommendations to UTC #143 May 2015 on Script Proposals L2/15-208 Davis, Mark (2015-07-27), Hieroglyphs as emoji? L2/15-209 Davis, Mark (2015-07-27), Egyptian hieroglyphs spreadsheet L2/15-187 Moore, Lisa (2015-08-11), “E.1.9”, UTC #144 Minutes L2/21-028 Anderson, Deborah; Suignard, Michel (2021-01-07), Glyph changes to Egyptian Hieroglyphs for Unicode 14.0 with proposed annotations L2/21-016R Anderson, Deborah; Whistler, Ken; Pournader, Roozbeh; Moore, Lisa; Liang, Hai (2021-01-14), “8a. Glyph changes to Egyptian Hieroglyphs block”, Recommendations to UTC #166 January 2021 on Script Proposals L2/21-009 Moore, Lisa (2021-01-27), “B.1 — 8a. Glyph changes to Egyptian Hieroglyphs block”, UTC #166 Minutes L2/21-248 Glass, Andrew; Grotenhuis, Jorke; Nederhof, Mark-Jan; Polis, Stéphane; Rosmorduc, Serge; Werning, Daniel A. (2021-12-22), Additional control characters for Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic texts L2/22-012R Werning, Daniel A. (2022-04-22), Rotations of Egyptian Hieroglyphs to be Registered in Unicode L2/22-023 Anderson, Deborah; Whistler, Ken; Pournader, Roozbeh; Constable, Peter (2022-01-22), “4b Variation Sequences for Egyptian Hieroglyphs”, Recommendations to UTC #170 January 2022 on Script Proposals L2/22-016 Constable, Peter (2022-04-21), “D.1 4b Variation Sequences for Egyptian Hieroglyphs”, UTC #170 Minutes 15.0 U+1342F 1 L2/21-208 Glass, Andrew; Grotenhuis, Jorke; Nederhof, Mark-Jan; Polis, Stéphane; Rosmorduc, Serge; Werning, Daniel A. (2021-08-11), Additional control characters for Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic texts L2/21-174 Anderson, Deborah; Whistler, Ken; Pournader, Roozbeh; Liang, Hai (2021-10-01), “2a. Format Control Characters”, Recommendations to UTC #169 October 2021 on Script Proposals L2/21-248 Glass, Andrew; Grotenhuis, Jorke; Nederhof, Mark-Jan; Polis, Stéphane; Rosmorduc, Serge; Werning, Daniel A. (2021-12-22), Additional control characters for Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic texts L2/22-023 Anderson, Deborah; Whistler, Ken; Pournader, Roozbeh; Constable, Peter (2022-01-22), “4a. Format Control Characters”, Recommendations to UTC #170 January 2022 on Script Proposals L2/22-016 Constable, Peter (2022-04-21), “D.1 4a Format Control Characters”, UTC #170 Minutes
  1. ^ Proposed code points and characters names may differ from final code points and names