List of executive actions by John F. Kennedy


Relative No. Absolute No. Title/Description Date signed Date published FR citation Ref. 71 10984 Amending the Selective Service Regulations January 5, 1962 January 9, 1962 27 FR 193 [3] 72 10985 Amendment of Executive Order No. 10501, relating to safeguarding official information in the interests of the defense of the United States January 12, 1962 January 16, 1962 27 FR 439 73 10986 Amendment of Executive Order No. 10898, Establishing the Interdepartmental Highway Safety Board 74 10987 Agency systems for appeals from adverse actions January 17, 1962 January 19, 1962 27 FR 550 75 10988 Employee-management cooperation in the Federal service 27 FR 551 76 10989 Amendment of Executive Order No. 10168, of October 11, 1950, as amended, prescribing regulations relating to the right of enlisted members of the uniformed services to additional pay for sea and foreign duty January 22, 1962 January 25, 1962 27 FR 727 77 10990 Reestablishing the Federal Safety Council February 2, 1962 February 6, 1962 27 FR 1065 78 10991 Making a change with respect to the membership of the Commission established by Executive Order No. 10929, relating to a controversy between certain carriers and certain of their employees February 6, 1962 February 9, 1962 27 FR 1207 79 10992 Redefining the boundaries of the Caribbean National Forest—Puerto Rico February 9, 1962 February 13, 1962 27 FR 1311 80 10993 Consolidating the Hiawatha and Marquette National Forests (Michigan) and correcting the land descriptions of Nebraska National Forest (Nebraska) and Wasatch National Forest (Utah) 27 FR 1312 81 10994 The President’s Committee on Employment of the Handicapped February 14, 1962 February 16, 1962 27 FR 1447 82 10995 Assigning telecommunications management functions February 16, 1962 February 20, 1962 27 FR 1519 83 10996 Promulgating regulations concerning withholding of compensation of civilian employees of the National Guard for State and State-sponsored employee retirement, disability, or death benefits programs 27 FR 1521 84 10997 Assigning emergency preparedness functions to the Secretary of the Interior 27 FR 1522 85 10998 Assigning emergency preparedness functions to the Secretary of Agriculture 27 FR 1524 86 10999 Assigning emergency preparedness functions to the Secretary of Commerce 27 FR 1527 87 11000 Assigning emergency preparedness functions to the Secretary of Labor 27 FR 1532 88 11001 Assigning emergency preparedness functions to the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare 27 FR 1534 89 11002 Assigning emergency preparedness functions to the Postmaster General 27 FR 1539 90 11003 Assigning emergency preparedness functions to the Administrator of the Federal Aviation Agency 27 FR 1540 91 11004 Assigning certain emergency preparedness functions to the Housing and Home Finance Administrator 27 FR 1542 92 11005 Assigning emergency preparedness functions to the Interstate Commerce Commission 27 FR 1544 93 11006 Creating an emergency board to investigate a dispute between Eastern Air Lines, Inc., and certain of its employees February 22, 1962 February 27, 1962 27 FR 1789 94 11007 Prescribing regulations for the formation and use of advisory committees February 26, 1962 February 28, 1962 27 FR 1875 95 11008 Creating an emergency board to investigate dispute between the Akron & Barberton Belt Railroad Company and other carriers and certain of their employees March 3, 1962 March 6, 1962 27 FR 2143 96 11009 Amending the Manual for Courts-Martial, United States, 1951, to implement section 923a of Title 10, United States Code, relating to prosecution of bad check offenses March 16, 1962 March 20, 1962 27 FR 2585 97 11010 Amending Executive Order No. 10713, relating to the administration of the Ryukyu Islands March 19, 1962 March 21, 1962 27 FR 2621 98 11011 Creating an emergency board to investigate a dispute between the Trans World Airlines, Inc., and certain of its employees March 20, 1962 March 22, 1962 27 FR 2677 99 11012 Providing for the performance of certain functions under sections 1(a) and 1(b) of the Administrative Expenses Act of 1946 March 27, 1962 March 30, 1962 27 FR 2983 100 11013 Creating a board of inquiry to report on a labor dispute affecting the maritime industry of the United States April 7, 1962 April 10, 1962 27 FR 3373 101 11014 Delegating to the Secretary of Commerce functions with respect to participation of the United States in the New York World’s Fair April 17, 1962 April 19, 1962 27 FR 3731 102 11015 Creating an emergency board to investigate disputes between the Chicago and North Western Railway Company, the former Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis and Omaha Railway Company, now a part of the Chicago and North Western Railway Company by merger, and certain of their employees April 23, 1962 April 25, 1962 27 FR 3905 103 11016 Authorizing award of the Purple Heart April 25, 1962 May 1, 1962 27 FR 4139 104 11017 Providing for coordination with respect to outdoor recreation resources and establishing the Recreation Advisory Council April 27, 1962 27 FR 4141 105 11018 Increasing from three to four the number of Vice Chairmen of the President’s Committee on Employment of the Handicapped 27 FR 4143 106 11019 Amending Executive Order No. 10873 to provide for an exception to the Inter-American Development Bank’s Immunity from suit specified in the International Organizations Immunities Act 27 FR 4145 107 11020 Inspection of income, excess-profits, estate, and gift tax returns by the Senate Committee on Armed Services May 7, 1962 May 9, 1962 27 FR 4407 108 11021 Administration of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands by the Secretary of the Interior 27 FR 4409 109 11022 Establishing this President’s Council on Aging May 14, 1962 May 17, 1962 27 FR 4659 110 11023 Providing for the performance by the Secretary of Commerce of certain functions relating to the Coast and Geodetic Survey May 28, 1962 June 1, 1962 27 FR 5131 111 11024 Exemption of Alan T. Waterman from compulsory retirement for age June 4, 1962 June 7, 1962 27 FR 5385 112 11025 Creating a Board of Inquiry to report on a labor dispute affecting the aircraft industry of the United States June 7, 1962 June 9, 1962 27 FR 5467 113 11026 Amendment of Executive Order No. 11025, creating a Board of Inquiry to report on a labor dispute affecting the aircraft industry of the United States June 8, 1962 ? 27 FR 5531 114 11027 Creating an emergency board to investigate a dispute between the New York Central Railroad Company System and the Pittsburgh and Lake Erie Railroad Company and certain of their employees June 12, 1962 27 FR 5533 115 11028 Transferring lands between the Clark and Mark Twain National Forests (Missouri) and adding certain lands to the Hiawatha National Forest (Michigan) June 9, 1962 June 13, 1962 27 FR 5589 116 11029 Amendment of Executive Order No. 11025, creating a Board of Inquiry to report on a labor dispute affecting the aircraft industry of the United States June 13, 1962 June 15, 1962 27 FR 5699 117 11030 Preparation, presentation, filing, and publication of Executive Orders and Proclamations June 15, 1962 June 21, 1962 27 FR 5847 118 11031 Quetico-Superior Committee June 19, 1962 June 22, 1962 27 FR 5899 119 11032 Amendment of Executive Order No. 5952 of November 23, 1932, as amended, prescribing the Army ration 27 FR 5901 120 11033 Creating an emergency board to investigate disputes between the American Airlines, Inc., and certain of its employees June 20, 1962 27 FR 5903 121 11034 Administration of the Mutual Educational and Cultural Exchange Act of 1961 June 25, 1962 June 28, 1962 27 FR 6071 122 11035 Management of Federal office space July 9, 1962 July 11, 1962 27 FR 6519 123 11036 Administration of the Agricultural Trade Development and Assistance Act of 1954, as amended July 11, 1962 July 13, 1962 27 FR 6653 124 11037 Amendment of section 12 of Executive Order No. 6260 of August 28, 1933, as amended July 20, 1962 July 24, 1962 27 FR 6967 125 11038 Continuing in effect Executive Order No. 10945 of May 24, 1961, relating to the administration of the Export Control Act of 1949, as amended July 23, 1962 July 25, 1962 27 FR 7003 126 11039 Extension of the President’s Commission on Campaign Costs August 3, 1962 August 7, 1962 27 FR 7755 127 11040 Creating an emergency board to investigate dispute between the Belt Railway Company of Chicago and certain of its employees August 6, 1962 August 9, 1962 27 FR 7857 128 11041 Continuance and administration of the Peace Corps in the Department of State 27 FR 7859 129 11042 Creating an emergency board to investigate a dispute between the Southern Pacific Company (Pacific Lines) and certain of its employees August 10, 1962 August 14, 1962 27 FR 8067 130 11043 Creating an emergency board to investigate dispute between the Pan American World Airways, Inc. and certain of its employees August 14, 1962 August 16, 1962 27 FR 8157 131 11044 Interagency Coordination of Arms Control and Disarmament Matters August 20, 1962 August 22, 1962 27 FR 8341 132 11045 Discontinuing the Guam Island Naval Defensive Sea Area and Guam Island Naval Airspace Reservation August 21, 1962 August 25, 1962 27 FR 8511 133 11046 Authorizing Award of the Bronze Star Medal August 24, 1962 August 28, 1962 27 FR 8575 134 11047 Delegating Certain Authority to the Secretary of Defense and the Administrator of the Federal Aviation Agency August 28, 1962 August 30, 1962 27 FR 8665 135 11048 Administration of Wake Island and Midway Island September 4, 1962 September 6, 1962 27 FR 8851 136 11049 Providing for the carrying out of the Public Works Acceleration Act September 14, 1962 September 18, 1962 27 FR 9203 137 11050 Creating an emergency board to investigate disputes between the REA Express and certain of its employees 27 FR 9205 138 11051 Prescribing responsibilities of the Office of Emergency Planning in the Executive Office of the President September 27, 1962 October 2, 1962 27 FR 9683 139 11052 Cotton textiles and cotton textile products September 28, 1962 27 FR 9691 140 11053 Providing assistance for the removal of unlawful obstructions of justice in the State of Mississippi September 30, 1962 27 FR 9693 141 11054 Creating a Board of Inquiry to report on certain labor disputes affecting the maritime industry of the United States October 1, 1962 27 FR 9695 142 11055 Inspection of income tax returns by the House Select Committee on Small Business October 9, 1962 October 11, 1962 27 FR 9981 143 11056 Assigning to the Civil Service Commission certain authority with respect to Federal salaries October 11, 1962 October 12, 1962 27 FR 10017 144 11057 Authorization for the communication of restricted data by the Department of State October 18, 1962 October 20, 1962 27 FR 10289 145 11058 Assigning authority with respect to ordering persons and units in the Ready Reserve to active duty and with respect to extension of enlistments and other periods of service in the armed forces October 23, 1962 October 25, 1962 27 FR 10403 146 11059 Designating public international organizations entitled to enjoy certain privileges, exemptions, and immunities 27 FR 10405 147 11060 Prescribing certain regulations and delegating to the Attorney General certain authority of the President to prescribe other regulations relating to the recovery from tortiously liable third persons of the cost of hospital and medical care and treatment furnished by the United States November 7, 1962 November 9, 1962 27 FR 10925 148 11061 Mrs. Anna Eleanor Roosevelt November 8, 1962 27 FR 10927 149 11062 Amendment of Executive Order No. 10480, relating to the administration of the Defense Mobilization Program, so as to designate the Department of Defense as a loan guaranteeing agency November 19, 1962 November 21, 1962 27 FR 11447 150 11063 Equal opportunity in housing November 20, 1962 November 24, 1962 27 FR 11527 151 11064 Excusing Federal employees from duty on December 24, 1962 November 21, 1962 November 27, 1962 27 FR 11579 152 11065 Inspection of income, excess-profits, estate, and gift tax returns by the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations 27 FR 11581 153 11066 Including certain tracts of land in the Cherokee and Jefferson National Forests, in Tennessee and Virginia November 27, 1962 November 29, 1962 27 FR 11733 154 11067 Including certain tracts of land in the Nantahala and Cherokee National Forests, respectively 27 FR 11749 155 11068 Creating a board of inquiry to report on a labor dispute affecting the ballistics missile, space vehicle and military aircraft industry November 28, 1962 November 30, 1962 27 FR 11793 156 11069 Amending Executive Order No. 11017 so as to designate the Secretary of Commerce as a member of the Recreation Advisory Council December 1, 1962 27 FR 11847 157 11070 Amendment of the list of communicable diseases contained in Executive Order No. 9708 of March 26, 1946, as amended by Executive Order No. 10532 of May 28, 1954 December 12, 1962 December 14, 1962 27 FR 12393 158 11071 Designation of certain foreign countries as economically less developed countries for purposes of the Revenue Act of 1962 December 27, 1962 December 29, 1962 27 FR 12875 159 11072 Extending the exterior boundaries of the Superior National Forest in Minnesota and the Clark National Forest in Missouri December 28, 1962 January 1, 1963 28 FR 3