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agreement between Uganda and BugandaThe Buganda Agreement, 1955 was made on 18 October 1955 between Andrew Cohen, the governor of the Uganda Protectorate, and Mutesa II, Kabaka of Buganda.[1] The agreement facilitated Mutesa II’s return as a constitutional monarch, ending the Kabaka crisis that began when the Kabaka was exiled to England by Cohen in 1953.[2] It amended the earlier 1900 Uganda Agreement.[1] The final text reflected the agreed outcomes of the Namirembe Conference.Table of ContentsBackground[edit]Namirembe Conference[edit]Agreement[edit]References[edit]External links[edit]Background[edit]Between 1953 and 1955 there was major unrest and discontent in Uganda, part of the British-administered Uganda Protectorate, following a speech in which the British Secretary of State for the Colonies made a “passing reference” to the possibility of East African federation.[3][4] The incident prompted widespread calls for Bugandan independence as the only protection against British overreach.[3][4]In order to force a resolution to the deepening political crisis, the Governor of Uganda, Sir Andrew Cohen, invoked the Uganda Agreement (1900) and demanded that the Kabaka (Mutesa II) fall into line British government policy which favoured the continuation of a single, unitary, Ugandan state.[3][4] The Kabaka refused.[4][5] As a result, the British Government withdrew its recognition of Mutesa II as Uganda’s native ruler under Article 6 of the 1900 Uganda agreement and forcibly deported Mutesa to Britain.[3][5] News about Mutesa’s deportation severely shocked the Baganda, leading to a constitutional crisis.[4] Cohen’s preference was for a new Kabaka to be installed immediately, but this proved impossible, necessitating a fuller negotiated outcome.[3][4]THE BUGANDA AGREEMENT, 1955(See Legal Notice No.190 of 1955Laws of Uganda, pp 383\u2013418)AN AGREEMENT made this 18th day of October 1955 between Sir AndrewBenjamin Cohen, Knight Commander of the Most Distinguished Order of SaintMichael and Saint George, Knight Commander of the Royal Victorian Order, Officerof the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire, Governor and Commander inChief of the Uganda Protectorate on behalf of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, bythe grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland andof Her other Realms and Territories Queen, Head of the Commonwealth, Defenderof the Faith ON THE ONE PART: and Edward William Frederick DavidWalugembe Mutebi Luwangula Mutesa II Kabaka of Buganda for and on behalf ofthe Kabaka, Chiefs and People of Buganda ON THE OTHER PART:WHEREAS by Agreement made on the 29th day of May, 1893, between MwangaKabaka of Uganda of the one part and Sir Gerald Herbert Portal, Knight Commanderof the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, Companion ofthe Most Honourable Order of the Bath, Her Britannic Majesty\u2019 Commissioner andConsul- General for East Africa on behalf of Her Majesty’s Government in theUnited Kingdom (hereinafter referred to as \u201cHer Majesty\u2019s Government\u201d) of theother part the said Kabaka Mwanga did pledge and bind himself to certain conditionswith the object of securing British protection and assistance and guidance for himselfand his people and dominions:AND WHEREAS the said Kabaka Mwanga by the said Agreement undertook onbehalf of himself and his successors to make a Treaty in the sense of or in a similarsense to the said Agreement in the event of Her Majesty’s Government being willingto assent to the said conditions:AND WHEREAS on the 19th day of June, 1894, a notification dated the 18th day ofJune, 1894, was published in the London Gazette stating that under and by virtue ofthe said Agreement Uganda was placed under the Protectorate of Her Majesty QueenVictoria:AND WHEREAS in pursuance of the undertaking of the aforementioned and inconsideration of the bestowal by Her Majesty Queen Victoria of the protection whichthe said Kabaka Mwanga had requested in the said Agreement of the 29th day of May,1893, by a Treaty made on the 27th day of August 1894 (here in after referred to as\u201cthe Buganda Agreement, 1894\u201d) between the said Kabaka Mwanga of the one partand Henry Edward Colville, a Companion of the Most Honourable Order of theBath, a Colonel in Her Majesty’s army, Her Britannic Majesty’s Acting Commissionerfor Uganda, for and on behalf of Her Majesty of the other part, the said KabakaMwanga did pledge and hind himself, his heirs and successors to conditions in allrespects similar to the conditions set out in the said Agreement:AND WHEREAS by an Agreement made on the 10th day of March, 1900(hereinafter referred to as \u201cthe Buganda Agreement, 1900\u201d) between Sir HenryHamilton Johnson, Knight Commander of the Most Honourable Order to the Bath,Her Majesty’s Special Commissioner, Commander-in-Chief and Consul-General forthe Uganda Protectorate and the adjoining Territories, on behalf of the Kabaka ofBuganda, and the Chiefs and People of Buganda on the other part the relationshipbetween Her Majesty’s Government, the Government of the Protectorate of\u2018 Uganda,(hereinafter referred to as \u201cthe Protectorate Government\u201d) and the Kabaka, Chiefsand People of Buganda, was further defined and provision was made for recognitionof the Kabaka of Buganda as native rulers of Buganda under Her Majesty’s protectionand over-rule:AND WHEREAS by various supplementary Agreements the Buganda Agreement,1900, has been extended and modified;AND WHEREAS Her Majesty’s Government has given an assurance to the Kabaka,Chiefs and People of Buganda in the following terms:-\u2018Her Majesty\u2019s Government has no intention whatsoever of raising the issue of EastAfrican federation either at the present time or while local public opinion on this issueremains as it is at the present time. Her Majesty\u2019s Government fully recognises thatpublic opinion in the Protectorate generally and Buganda in particular, including theopinion of the Great Lukiko, would be opposed to the inclusion of the UgandaProtectorate in any such federation; Her Majesty\u2019s Government has no intentionwhatsoever of disregarding this opinion either now or at any time, and recognisesaccordingly that the inclusion of the Uganda Protectorate in any such federation isoutside the realm of practical politics at the present time or while public opinionremains as it is at the present time. As regards the more distant future, Her Majesty\u2019sGovernment clearly cannot state now that the issue of East African federation willnever be raised, since public opinion in the Protectorate including that of theBaganda, might change, and it would not in any case be proper for Her Majesty\u2019sGovernment to make any statement now which might be used at some time in thefuture to prevent effect being given to the wishes of the people of the Protectorate atthat time. But Her Majesty\u2019s Government can and does say that, unless there is asubstantial change in public opinion in the Protectorate, including that of theBaganda, the inclusion of the Protectorate in an East African federation will remainoutside the realm of practical politics even in the more distant future\u201d.AND WHEREAS Her Majesty’s Government has given an undertaking that, shouldthe occasion ever arise in the future to ascertain public opinion in terms of theaforesaid assurance, the Protectorate Government will at that time consult fully withthe Buganda Government and the other Authorities throughout the country as to thebest method of ascertaining public opinion:AND WHEREAS by an Agreement made on the 15th day of August, 1955, entitledthe Buganda (Transitional) Agreement, 1955, representatives of Her Majesty and theKabaka, Chiefs and people undertook that this Agreement should be executed:NOW THEREFORE it is hereby agreed and declared as follows:1. (1) This Agreement may be cited as the Buganda Agreement, 1955, andshall be read as one with the Buganda Agreement, 1894, the BugandaAgreement, 1900, and the Agreements specified in the Third Schedule to thisAgreement.(2) The Agreements mentioned in paragraph (1) of this article andthis Agreement may be cited together as the Buganda Agreements, 1894 to1955.(3) This Agreement shall come into force when executed and shallthereafter be binding on Her Majesty’s Government and the Kabaka, and theChief and the People of Buganda.2. (1) The Kabaka (King) of Buganda who is the Ruler ofBuganda shall be styled \u201cHis Highness the Kabaka\u201dshall be elected, as hitherto, by a majority of votes in theLukiko(2) The range of selection must be limited to the Royal Family ofBuganda, that is to say, the descendants of Kabaka Mutesa I, andthe name of the prince chosen by the Lukiko must be submittedto Her Majesty’s Government for approval, and no prince shallbe recognised as Kabaka of Buganda whose election has notreceived the approval of Her Majesty’s Government.3. Before any prince shall be recognised by Her Majesty’s Government asKabaka of Buganda he shall enter into a Solemn Undertaking inaccordance with the provisions of the Constitution set out the FirstSchedule to this Agreement; and so long as he observes the terms ofthe said Solemn Undertaking, Her Majesty’s Government agrees torecognise him as Ruler of Buganda.4. Buganda shall be administered in accordance with the Constitution setout in the First Schedule to this Agreement, and the provisions of thesaid Schedule shall have effect as from the date upon which thisAgreement comes into force.5. The Lukiko shall, subject to the provisions of any Buganda lawmade pursuant to paragraph (2) of article 21 of the Constitution setout in the First Schedule to this Agreement, be constituted asfollows:(a) the Katikiro (or Prime Minister), the Omulamuzi (or Ministerof Justice), the Omuwanika (or Minister of Finance) and the othermembers of the Ministry constituted by Article 7 of the saidConstitution shall be ex-officio members of the Lukiko;(b) each chief of a saza (twenty in all) shall also be an ex-officiomember of the Lukiko;(c) the Kabaka may appoint six other persons of importance inthe country to be members of the Lukiko during his pleasure.6. The functions of the Lukiko shall be to discuss matters concerningthe Kabaka’s Government, and it may pass resolutionsrecommending measures to be adopted by the Government, but noeffect shall be given to such resolutions without the approval of HerMajesty’s Representative, that is to say the Governor except so far asit may be otherwise agreed between him and the Kabaka’sGovernment that such approval shall not be required.(1) At all times when provision has been made for at least three fifthsof all the Representative Members of the Legislative Council of theUganda Protectorate to be Africans and for such number of Africansto be appointed as Nominated Members of Council as will bring thetotal number of Africans who are members of the Council up to atleast one half of all the members of the council, excluding thePresident of the council, then Buganda shall be represented in theLegislative Council of the Uganda Protectorate, and for that purpose atleast one quarter of the Representative Members of the Council whoare Africans shall be persons who represent Buganda.(2) The Katikiro shall submit to Her Majesty's Representative, that is tosay the Governor, the names of the candidates for appointment as theRepresentative Members of the Legislative Council to representBuganda that is to say the persons who have been elected for thatpurpose in accordance with the provisions of the Second Schedule tothis Agreement.(3) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (2) of this Article, asystem of direct elections for the Representative Members of theLegislative Council who represent Buganda shall be introduced in theyear 1961 if such system has not been introduced earlier.(4) Her Majesty's Government shall during the year 1957 arrange fora review by representatives of the Protectorate Government and of theKabaka’s Government of the system of election of RepresentativeMembers of the Legislative Council who represent Buganda. In suchreview consideration will be given to any scheme submitted by theKabakas Government for the election of such representative Membersbased upon the recommendation contained in the Sixth Schedule to thisAgreement. Every effort will be made to give effect to theRecommendations resulting from such review in time for the election ofthe Representative Members of the Legislative Council who representBuganda when the Legislative Council is generally reconstituted after thegeneral vacation of seats in the Council next following the coming intoforce of this Agreement.8. The Constitution and jurisdiction of the Kabaka’s courts and theadministration of justice therein shall be that set out in the Buganda CourtsOrdinance of the Uganda Protectorate, subject to the provisions of anyOrdinance made with the consent of the Kabaka’s Government amendingor replacing that Ordinance.9. Notwithstanding anything contained in the BugandaAgreement, 1900:-(a) Payments shall be made by the ProtectorateGovernment to the Kabaka’s Government in respectof the revenue and mining rents and royalties payableto the Protectorate Government on land vested inHer Majesty under the provisions of the BugandaAgreements on the same basis as such payments aremade to District Councils in the rest of the UgandaProtectorate.(b) Discussions between Her Majesty’s Representative,that is to say the Governor, and the Kabaka’sGovernment with a view to determining whether thestatus of any land vested in her Majesty by theBuganda.Agreements can be modified shall be begun as soonas is practicable.10. (1) The Buganda Agreement, 1900, shall, as from the dateof the coming into force of this Agreement, beamended in the manner specified in the FourthSchedule to this Agreement.(2) The Agreements specified in the Fifth Schedule tothis Agreements shall, as from the date of the cominginto force of this Agreement, cease to have effect.11. No major changes shall be made to the Constitutionset out in the First Schedule to this Agreement for aperiod of six years after the coming into force of thisAgreement, but at the end of that period theprovisions of the said Constitution shall be reviewed.FIRST SCHEDULETHE CONSTITUTION OF BUGANDA1. This constitution may be cited as the Constitution of Buganda.2. (1) In this Constitution the expression \u201cthe Kabaka\u201d means the personwho is recognized as Kabaka of Buganda under article 2 of theBuganda Agreement, 1955, and the expression \u201cthe Kabaka\u2019sGovernment\u2019\u2019 means the Government established for Buganda bythis Constitution.(2) The Governor of the Uganda Protectorate shall be Her Majesty\u2019sRepresentative in Buganda and is referred to in this Constitution as\u201cthe Governor\u201d.(3) In this Constitution unless the context otherwise requires –\u201cBuganda Agreements\u201d means the Buganda Agreements, 1894 to 1955,and any other agreements hereinafter made on behalf of Her Majestywith the Kabaka, Chiefs, and People of Buganda or the Kabaka’sGovernment but does not include any Buganda law or any StandingOrder made in pursuance of this Constitution;\u201cBuganda law\u201d means a law made under the provisions of article 26 ofthis Constitution or a law enacted by the Kabaka or any Regents beforethis Constitution comes into force;\u201cLukiko\u201d means the Lukiko of Buganda;\u201cMinister\u201d means a member of the Ministry constituted by article 7 ofthis Constitution;\u201cMinor\u201d means, in relation to the Kabaka, a person under the age ofeighteen years.–(4) Any reference in this Constitution to an officer in the service of theProtectorate Government or the Kabaka’s Government by the termdesignating his office shall be construed as a reference to the officer forthe time being lawfully performing the functions of the office.(5) If there shall be a demise of the Crown, references to the Sovereign forthe time being shall be substituted for references to Her Majesty, QueenEIizabeth II.(6) This Constitution shall be expressed in both English and Luganda but,for the purpose of interpretation, regard shall be had only to theEnglish version.(7)(1)The Governor may, and shall if so requested by the Kabaka’s Councilof Ministers or the Kabaka (in respect of any matter affecting his personalposition or functions), refer to Her Majesty’s High Court of Uganda anyquestion relating to the interpretation of this Constitution, and the HighCourt shall determine the question in accordance with such procedure as theChief Justice of the Uganda Protectorate may direct.(2) Appeals from determinations of the High Court under this article shall liedirect to Her Majesty in Council or the Chief Justice may direct, andaccordingly no appeal shall lie to Her Majesty’s Court of Appeal for Eastern,Africa.(3). Buganda in the administration of the Uganda protectorate shall rank as aprovince of equal rank with any other provinces into which the Protectoratemay be divided.(4). The Kabaka shall enjoy all the titles, dignities and pre-eminence that attach tothe office of the Kabaka under the law and custom of Buganda and themembers of the Royal family of Buganda shall enjoy all such titles andprecedence as they have heretofore enjoyed.(5). (1) The Kabaka shall, before assuming the functions of his office underthis Constitution, enter into a Solemn Undertaking with Her Majesty andwith the Lukiko and People of Buganda in the presence of the Governor andrepresentatives of the Lukiko and, so long as he observes the terms of thesaid Solemn Undertaking he shall be entitled to perform the functionsconferred upon him by this Constitution.(2) The Solemn Undertaking shall be as follows:-\u201cI\u2026.do hereby undertake that I will be loyal to Her Majesty QueenElizabeth ll, whose protection Buganda enjoys, Her Heirs andSuccessors and will well and truly govern Buganda according to lawand will abide by the terms of the Agreements made with HerMajesty and by the Constitution of Buganda, and that I will upholdthe peace, order and good government of the Uganda Protectorateand will do right to all manner of people in accordance with the saidAgreements, the Constitution of Buganda, the laws and customs ofBuganda and the laws of the Uganda Protectorate without fear orfavour, affection or ill\u2014will\u2019\u2019.(3) If at the time of his election the Kabaka is a minor, then until heattains his majority, except where required by custom, he shall notperform the functions of Kabaka under this Constitution and shallnot be required to enter into the said Solemn Undertaking.(6) (1) (a) If at any time the Kabaka is a minor or is unable, other than by reasononly of his absence from Buganda to perform his functions underthis Constitution, the Lukiko shall elect three persons to be Regents.(b) A Regent elected under sub-paragraph (a) of this paargragh shallcease to hold office:-(i) When the Kabaka becomes able to perform his functionsunder this constitution(ii) if he resigns by writing under his hand addressed to theSpeaker, or(iii) if his appointment is terminated by the resolution of theLukiko upon a motion proposed by not less than twentymembers of the Lukiko and in favour of which there are castthe votes of not less than two-thirds of all the members ofthe Lukiko.(c) The Lukiko may elect a person to any office of Regent if at anytime during the subsistence of a Regency under this paragraph thatoffice has become vacant.(2)(a) Whenever the Kabaka has occasion to be absent from Buganda, hemay by writing under his hand appoint three persons to be Regentsduring such absence.(b) A Regent appointed under sub-paragraph (a) of this paragraph shallcease to hold office:-(i) upon the return of the Kabaka to Buganda;(ii) if he resigns by writing under his hand addressed to theKabaka;(iii) if his appointment is terminated by the Kabaka;(iv) the Kabaka ceases to be able to perform his functions underthis Constitution otherwise than by reason of absence fromBuganda.(c ) The Kabaka may appoint a person to any office of Regent if at anytime during the subsistence of a Regency under this paragraph thatoffice has become vacant.(d) The powers referred to in this paragraph shall not be exercisableduring any period in which the Kabaka is a minor or is for any othercause other than absence from Buganda unable to perform hisfunctions under this Constitution.(3) During the subsistence of a Regency under paragraph (I) or paragraph(2) of this article, the Regents shall, so long as they observe the termsof the Buganda Agreements and of this Constitution and uphold thepeace, order and good government of the Uganda protectorate, andsubject to the provisions of paragraphs (4),(5) and (6) of this articlehave full authority to perform the functions of the Kabaka under thisConstitution.(4)(a) A Regent shall not assume the functions of the office of Regent untilhe has first taken an oath for the due performance of the office andhis election or appointment has been approved by the Governor.(b) For the purposes of this paragraph, the form of the oath of the officeof Regent shall be as follows:\u201cI \u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026..do hereby swear that I will be loyal to Her MajestyQueen Elizabeth II, whose protection Buganda enjoys, Her Heirsand Successors and will well and truly perform the functions of theoffice of Regent of Buganda according to law and will uphold thepeace, order and good government of the Uganda Protectorate andwill do right to all manner of people in accordance with theAgreements made with Her Majesty, the Constitution of Buganda,the laws and customs of Buganda and the laws of the UgandaProtectorate without fear or favour, affection or ill-will. So help meGod\u201d.(5)(a) Any function of the Kabaka under this Constitution shall be performedby the Regents in the same manner, so far as custom allows, as that in whichthe functions would be performed by the Kabaka save that the signature oftwo Regents shall be sufficient signification of the will of the Regents.(b) Where any matter is dependent on the decision of the Regents, anydecision shall be regarded as the decision of the Regents if two of theRegents are in favour thereof.(c) If any Regent is absent from Buganda or for any other reason unableto perform the functions of a Regent or if the office of one of theRegents is vacant, it shall be sufficient if the functions of the regentsare performed by two Regents.(7)(1) There shall be a Ministry for Buganda, which shall be called the\u201cKabaka\u2019s Council of Ministers\u201d, and is hereinafter sometimes for brevityreferred to as \u201cthe Ministry\u201d.(2) The Kabaka’s Council of Ministers shall consist of\u00a0:-(a) the Katikiro(b) the Omulamuzi;(c) the Omuwanika(d) the Minister of Health;(e) the Minister of Education;(f) the Minister of Natural Resources:Provided that the number and designation of members of theMinistry other than the Katikiro, the Omulamuzi and theOmuwanika may be varied from time to time by resolution passed bythe Lukiko and approved by the Governor.(3) When there is occasion for the resignation of the Ministry to betendered the Katikiro shall tender the resignation of the Minister,collectively to the Kabaka through the Speaker, and the Kabakashall thereupon accept the resignation;Provided that where the resignation is tendered in accordance withthe provisions of article 10 of this Constitution, the Kabaka shallnot accept the resignation until the Katikiro designate submits tohim the names of persons selected from the ministerial offices inaccordance with paragraph (7) of article 12 of this Constitution.(4) Each member of the Ministry shall have such responsibilities as maybe determined by the Karikiro.8. (1) The Kabaka's Council of Ministers as a whole shall be charged with theconduct of the Kabaka’s Government, and each Minister shall beindividually responsible for such departments of the Kabaka’sGovernment as may he placed in his charge.(2) All acts of the Kabaka’s Government shall, save in so far as law andcustom otherwise require, shall be done in the name of the Kabaka.(3) Where any function under this Constitution is exercisable by theKabaka, that function shall, unless a contrary intention appears, be exercisedby him by means of a written instrument signed by him in the presence of aMinister, who shall sign the same as witness.(4) (a) Where it is provided in this Constitution that the Kabaka may exercisea power upon the recommendation of any person or authority heshall exercise that power in accordance with the recommendation.(b) (i) A statement in writing signed by the Katikiro that the Kabakahas exercised any power that is required to be exercised uponthe recommendation of the Katikiro or of the Ministry inaccordance with the recommendation shall be conclusiveevidence of that fact.(ii) A certified true copy of a minute of the BugandaAppointments Board or of any committee appointed by theKabaka under this Constitution recording that the Kabakahas exercised any power that is required to be exercised uponthe recommendation of the Board or committee inaccordance with the recommendation shall be conclusiveevidence of that fact.9. The Katikiro shall keep the Kabaka fully informed on allimportant matters concerning the Kabaka’s Government.10. (1) When the Lukiko meets for the first time after any dissolutionthereof, the resignation of the Kabaka’s Council of Ministers thenin office shall be tendered.(2) When the resignation of the Ministry has been tendered inaccordance with paragraph of this article, a Katikiro designateshall be elected in accordance with the procedure laid down inarticle 11 of this Constitution and candidates for the ministerialoffices shall be elected in accordance with the procedure laiddown in article 12 of this Constitution.11 (1) The Speaker shall fix a day by which nominations of candidates forthe office of Katikiro shall be submitted to him.(2)(a)Any person may be nominated as a candidate for the office ofKatikiro, whether or not he is a member of the Lukiko, by not lessthan five members of the Lukiko.(b) Nominations shall be submitted in writing signed by the membersmaking them, to the Speaker on or before the day fixed by him inthat behalf.(3) The Speaker shall prepare a list of the persons who have been dulynominated and shall cause copies of the list to be laid before theLukiko.(4) On the fifth weekday after the list has been so laid or such other dayas the Speaker shall consider convenient, the Lukiko shall by secretballot elect as Katikiro designate one of the persons whose nameappears on the list and the Speaker shall submit the name of theperson so elected to the Governor for approval.(5) If the name of a person elected as Katikiro designate in accordancewith the provisions of paragraph (4) of this article is not approved bythe Governor a further election of another person as Katikirodesignate shall be held in accordance with the foregoing provisions ofthis article.(6) If at any time the office of Katikiro is vacant, the Speaker shall keepthe Kabaka informed of the progress of elections under this article.12 (1) When the Katikiro designate has been elected and his election has beenapproved by the Governor, the Speaker shall fix a day by whichnominations of candidates for the ministerial offices other than the officeof Katikiro shall be submitted to him.(2) Any person may be nominated as a candidate for the ministerial offices,whether or not he is a member of the Lukiko, either by the Katikiro designate orby not less than three members of the Lukiko.(3) Nominations shall be for the ministerial offices generally and not for anyparticular ministerial office, and shall be submitted in writing, signed by the personor persons making them, to the Speaker on or before the day fixed by him in thatbehalf.Provided that:(a) no persons other than the Katikiro designate shall join innominating more than three candidates.(b) the Katikiro designate shall not nominate more than fivecandidates.(4) The Speaker shall prepare a list of the persons who have been dulynominated for the ministerial offices and shall cause copies of thelist to be laid before the Lukiko and if the names of more thanfifteen persons appear in the list, the Lukiko shall on the thirdweekday thereafter, or on such other day as the Speaker shallconsider convenient, by secret ballot elect as candidates for theministerial offices fifteen persons from among whose names appearin the list.(5) The Katikiro designate shall select persons for appointment to theministerial offices from the persons whose names appear in the listof candidate (or if the names of more than fifteen persons appear inthat list, from the names of the persons elected as candidates by theLukiko), and shall submit their names to the Governor for approvalas a Minister.(6) If the Governor does not approve the name at a person selected forappointment to a ministerial office, the Katikiro designate shallselect another person in the manner specified in paragraph (5) ofthis article, and shall submit his name to the Governor for approvalas a Minister.(7) The Katikiro designate shall submit the names of the personsselected under the foregoing provisions of this article, as approvedby the Governor, to the Kabaka with a recommendation that eachsuch person shall be appointed to a particular ministerial office.(8) If at any time the office of Katikiro is vacant, the Speaker shall keepthe Kabaka informed of the progress of elections under thisarticle.13. When the names of persons selected for the ministerial offices have beensubmitted to the Kabaka, the Kabaka shall appoint the Katikiro designateto be Katikiro by handing him the Ddamula and not earlier than thefollowing day, the Kabaka shall appoint the persons selected to theministerial offices for which they have been recommend by the Katikirodesignate by receiving their homage and allegiance in customary form inrespect of such offices.14 (1) The Kabaka may, on the recommendation of the Katikiro, transfer theholder of any ministerial office, other than the office of Katikiro, to anothersuch ministerial office.(a) When any person is to be transferred from one ministerial office toanother under this article, he shall tender his resignation from theoffice that he is relinquishing to the Kabaka, who shall then receivehis homage and allegiance in customary form in respect of the officeto which he is being transferred.15 (1) If the offices of the Ministers become vacant at any time by reason ofthe resignation of the Ministry under article 16 or article 40 of thisConstitution, a Katikiro shall be elected in accordance with theprocedure laid down in Article 11 and 12 of this Constitution, andthe Katikiro designate and the other persons so elected shall beappointed to be Ministers in accordance with article 13 of thisConstitution.(2)(a) If the office of Katikiro becomes vacant at any tine otherwise than byreason of the resignation of the Ministry, a Katikiro designate shall be electedin accordance with the procedure laid down in article 11 of this Constitution,and the Kabaka shall appoint him to the Katikiro by handing him theDdamula.(b) When a Katikiro has been appointed in pursuance of sub-.paragraph(a) of this paragraph, the other Ministers holding office at the time ofthe appointment shall tender their resignations to the Kabaka and theKatikiro shall recommend to the Kabaka either that he should acceptor that he should refuse the resignations, and the Kabaka shall act inaccordance with the recommendation.(c ) If by reason of the acceptance of the resignations, the offices of theMinisters other than the Katikiro become vacant\u00a0:-(i) the speaker shall fix a day by which nominations ofcandidates for the ministerial offices other than the office ofKatikiro shall he submitted to him;(ii) any person not being a person who held office as a Ministerat the time when the Katikiro was appointed, may benominated as a candidate for the ministerial offices, whetheror not he is a member of the Lukiko, either by the Katikiro orby not less than three members of the Lukiko;(iii) nominations shall be for the ministerial offices generally andnot for any particular ministerial office, and shall bestimulated in writing, signed by the person or persons makingthem, to the Speaker on or before the day fixed by him inthat behalf.Provided that:a) no person other than the Katikiro shall join in thenomination of more than three candidates;b) the Katikiro shall not nominate more than fivecandidates;(iv) the Speaker shall prepare a list of the persons who have beenduly nominated for the ministerial office and shall causecopies of the list to be laid before the Katikiro and if thenames of more than ten persons appear on the list, theLukiko shall on the third weekday thereafter, or on suchother day as the Speaker shall consider convenient, by secretballot elect as candidates for the ministerial offices tenpersons from among those persons whose names appear inthe list;v) The Katikiro shall select persons for appointment to theministerial offices from:-(a) The persons whose names appear in the list ofcandidates (or, if the names of more than ten personsappear in that list, from the names of the personselected as the candidates by the Lukiko); and(b) the persons who were holding office as Ministers atthe time of his appointment, and shall submit theirnames to the Governor for approval as Ministers;vi) If the Governor does not approve the name of a personselected for appointment to a ministerial office, the Katikiroshall select another person in the manner specified in subparagraph (v) of this sub-paragraph, and shall submit hisname to the Governor for approval as a Minister;vii) The Katikiro shall submit the names of the persons selectedunder the foregoing provision of this sub-paragraph, asapproved by the Governor, to the Kabaka with arecommendation that each such person shall be appointed toa particular ministerial office, and the Kabaka shall appointthe person selected to the ministerial offices for which theyhave been recommended by receiving their homage andallegiance in customary form in respect of those offices.(3)(a) If a ministerial office other than that of the Katikiro becomesvacant at any time otherwise than by reason of the resignationof the Ministry, the Speaker shall, so soon as convenient, fix aday by which nominations of candidates for the office shallbe submitted to him.(b) Any person may be nominated for the vacant office whetheror not he is a member of the Lukiko, either by the Katikiro orby not less than three members of the Lukiko.(c) Nominations shall be submitted in writing signed by theperson or persons making them, to the Speaker on or beforethe day fixed by him in that behalf:Provided that no person shall join in nominating more than one candidate.(d) The Speaker shall prepare a list of the persons who have been dulynominated for the vacant office and shall cause copies of the list to belaid before the Lukiko, and if the names of more than five personsappear in the list, the Lukiko shall on the third weekday thereafter oron such other day as the Speaker shall consider convenient, by secretballot elect as candidates for the vacant office five persons fromamong those persons whose names appear in the list.(e) The Katikiro shall select a person for appointment to the vacant officefrom the persons whose names appear in the list of candidates (or, ifthe names of more than five persons appear in that list, from thenames of the persons elected as candidates by the Lukiko), and shallsubmit his name to the Governor for approval.(f) If the Governor does not approve the name of a person selected forappointment to the vacant office, the Katikikiro shall select anotherperson in the manner specified in sub-paragraph (e) of this paragraph,and shall submit his name to the Governor for approval.(g) When the Governor has approved the name of any person selectedunder the foregoing provisions of this paragraph the Katikiro shallsubmit his name to the Kabaka, and the Kabaka shall appoint him tothe vacant office by receiving his homage and allegiance in customaryform in respect of the office.16(1) If a motion declared by the Speaker under paragraph (3) of this article to bea motion of no confidence in the Kabaka’s council of Ministers on animportant matter, in favour of which there are cast the votes of not lessthan two third of all the members of the Lukiko, is carried by the Lukikothe resignation of the Ministry shall be tendered to the Kabaka throughthe Speaker.(2) Fourteen days notice shall be given to the Speaker before any such motionis debated.(3) If in the opinion of the Speaker any motion (including a notion that hasbeen an amended) that has been proposed by nor less than twenty membersof the Lukiko is a motion signifying no confidence in the Ministry on animportant matter, he shall declare it as such and his declaration shall hefinal:Provided that any motion proposed by not less than forty members of theLukiko that specifically expresses no confidence in the Minister shall bedeemed for the purposes of this article to be a motion of no confidence inthe Ministry on an important matter and shall be declared by the Speakerto be such a motion.17(1) The office of the Minister shall become vacant:-a) If the holder of the office resigns by writing under his handaddressed to the Kabaka through the Speaker;a) If the resignation of the Minister is accepted by the Kabaka; orb) If the appointment is terminated under article 18 or article 19 ofthis Constitution.(2) Whenever the office of the Katikiro becomes vacant the Ddamula shall bedelivered to the Kabaka forthwith in the customary manner.(3) If ant any time the office of a Minister is vacant, the functions of the Ministershall be discharged during the period of the vacancy in such manner as theremaining Minister shall decide:Provided that if the office of all the Ministers are vacant, the functions ofeach Minister (other than those functions that he performs in his capacity asa member of a Lukiko) shall during the period in which the said officesremain vacant, be discharged by the Permanent Secretary to that Minister.18 (1) The Kabaka shall terminate the appointment of a Minister if he isconvicted of a criminal offence and is sentenced to imprisonment withoutthe option of a fine.(2) If a Minister is convicted of a criminal offence and is not sentenced toimprisonment without the option of a fine, and the offence in the opinion ofthe Kabaka might involve moral turpitude, the Kabaka shall appoint acommittee, consisting of such persons as he shall consider suitable, toenquire into the nature of the offence; and the committee shall; if it issatisfied that the offence involves moral turpitude, inform the Kabakaccordingly and thereupon the Kabaka shall terminate the appointment ofthe Minister.(3) If in the opinion of the Kabaka a Minister may have becomeincapable of performing his functions as a Minister by reason of physicalor mental infirmity, the Kabaka shall appoint a committee consisting ofsuch persons as he shall consider suitable to enquire into the matter; andthe committee shall, if it is satisfied that the Minister has becomeincapable of performing his functions as a Minister by reason of physicalor mental infirmity, inform the Kabaka accordingly and thereupon theKabaka shall terminate the appointment of the Minister.19(1) If in the opinion of the Katikiro any Minister has failed to carry out the policyor the decisions of the Ministry either persistently or in respect of animportant matter, he may call a meeting of the Ministers, and propose thatthe Minister should be dismissed.(2) The proposal shall be put to vote, and a majority of the votes of theMinisters are cast in favour the proposal, the Katikiro shall recommend tothe Kabaka that he should terminate the appointment of the Minister andKabaka shall terminate the appointment accordingly.(3) Each Minister, other than the Minister whose dismissal is proposed, mayvote on the proposal and in the event of an equality of votes the Katikiromay exercise casting vote as well as an original vote.20. (1) There shall be a Permanent Secretary to each Minister.(2) The Permanent Secretary to the Katikiro shall be the Head of the BugandaCivil Service.21 (1) Subject to the provisions of this article, the Lukiko shall be constituted inaccordance with the article 5 of the Buganda Agreement 1955, in the mannerprovided in the Great Lukiko (Election of Representatives) Law, 1953.(2) Provision may be made by a Buganda law for amending the aforesaid articleor law, or making other provision in lieu thereof, and generally in respect ofall matters relating to the Constitution of the Lukiko.(3) Notwithstanding the provisions of the Great Lukiko (Election ofRepresentatives) Law, 1953, the Lukiko as established at the commencementof this Constitution shall stand dissolved on the thirty- first day of December1958, and thereafter the Lukiko established by this Constitution shall standdissolved on the thirty-first day of December of every succeeding fifth year:and the provisions of section 5 of the said law shall be deemed to bemodified accordingly,22 (1) When the Lukiko first meets after any dissolution thereof, the memberspresent shall, before transacting any other business, elect a Speaker and aDeputy Speaker of the Lukiko.(2) As often as the office of Speaker or the Deputy Speaker falls vacant otherwisethan by reason of a dissolution of the Lukiko, the members thereof shall assoon as is practicable elect a person to the office.(3) A person may be elected to be Speaker whether or not he is a member of theLukiko:Provided that no person shall be elected unless he is a person who has been amember of the Lukiko, for at least five years.(4) No person shall be elected as Deputy Speaker unless he is a member of theLukiko and is a person who would be eligible for election as Speaker.(5) The Speaker shall receive such salary as may from tine to time be determinedby a Buganda law.(6) The office of the Speaker or the Deputy Speaker shall become vacant\u00a0:-a) If the holder of the office resigns his office by writing under his handaddressed to the Katikiro;b) In the case of the Deputy Speaker if he ceases to be a member of the Lukikootherwise than by reason of a dissolution thereof; orc) If his appointment is terminated by resolution of the Lukiko upon a motionproposed by not less than twenty members of the Lukiko and in favour ofwhich there are cast, the votes of not less than two-thirds of all the membersof the Lukiko.23. There shall preside at meetings of the Lukiko:-a) The Speakera) In the absence of the Speaker, the Deputy Speaker;b) In the absence of the Speaker, and the Deputy Speaker, such person as maybe elected by the Lukiko from among the members of the Lukiko24. Subject to the provisions of this Constitution and of the Buganda Agreements, theLukiko may take Standing Orders for the regulation and orderly conduct of its ownproceedings and for the passing of Buganda laws:Provided that no such Orders shall have effect unless they have been approved bythe Governor.25. (1) Save as otherwise provided in this Constitution(a) all questions proposed for decision in the Lukiko shall be determined by amajority of the votes of the members present and voting;Provided that neither the Speaker nor the Deputy Speaker, nor any member of theLukiko while presiding therein, shall have a vote or be entitled to take part in debate;(b) If on any question the votes are equally divided, the motion shall be lost.(2) No business except that of adjournment shall be transacted in the Lukiko if thereare present (beside the Speaker or other person presiding) less than forty-fivemembers of the Lukiko.26 (1) Subject to the provisions of the this Constitution and of the BugandaAgreements, the Kabaka may, with the advise and consent of the Lukiko,make laws binding upon Africans in Buganda:Provided that no law shall be enacted by the Kabaka unless the draft thereof hasfirst been approved by the Governor.(2) When a draft law has been passed by the Lukiko in accordance with StandingOrders made under article 24 of this Constitution and has been approved by theGovernor, it shall be submitted by the Katikiro to the Kabaka, who shall sign thesame in token of assent, whereupon the draft shall become a law.(3) A law enacted under this article shall be published in the Uganda Gazette, andshall come into operation on the date of its publication or on such other date asmay be provided in the law.(4) The laws made for the general governance of the Uganda Protectorate shall beequally applicable to Buganda, except in so far as they may in any particularconflict with the terms of the Buganda Agreements, in which case terms of theBuganda Agreements shall constitute a special exception in regard to Buganda.(5) For the purpose of this article the expression \u201cAfrican\u201d shall have the meaningassigned to it by the Interpretation and General Clauses Ordinance of theUganda Protectorate, as from time to time amended, or any Ordinance replacingthat ordinance.27. (1) The annual estimates of revenue and expenditure of the Kabaka’s Governmentand schedules of supplementary expenditure, which may be submittedquarterly, shall require the approval of the Governor.(2) The accounts of the Kabaka's Government shall be audited by officers of HerMajesty’s Overseas Audit Service(3) Moneys granted or lent by the Protectorate Government to the Kabaka'sGovernment for any specific purpose shall be expended in such, manner asmay be approved by the Governor28 (1) If any motion for the approval of the annual estimates of revenue andexpenditure of the Kabak’s Government of schedules of supplementaryexpenditure or for making financial provision for any purpose is proposed inthe Lukiko by a Minister, and the motion is rejected by the Lukiko, theKatikiro may give notice to the Speaker that he proposes to treat the saidmotion as a matter of confidence in the Ministry.(2) At any time not less than, fourteen days and not more than twenty-eightdays after notice has been given to the Speaker in pursuance of paragraph(1) of this article, a Minister may again propose the motion with or withoutamendment.(3) If the motion is then rejected by the Lukiko by the votes of at least two thirdsof all the members of the Lukiko, a vote of no confidence in the Kabaka’sCouncil of Ministers shall be deemed to have been carried by the Lukiko, andthe resignation of the Ministry shall be tendered in accordance with theprovisions of article 7 of this Constitution; but in any case the motion shallbe deemed to have been carried by the Lukiko.(4) In this article the expression \u2018rejected by the Lukiko\u201d means not carried bythe Lukiko without amendment or carried by the Lukiko with amendmentsthat are not acceptable to the Ministry.29. (1) The Lukiko may establish standing and ad hoc committees, consisting ofmembers of the Lukiko, for any purpose.(2) The Lukiko shall establish a standing committee to deal with each of thefollowing subjects: -(a) Finance:(b) Public works(c) Education(d) Health;(e) Natural Resources(f) Local Government and Community Development:Provided that the Lukiko may by resolution vary the subjects specified in thisparagraph.(3) Each standing committee established under paragraph (2) of this article shall beunder the chairmanship of the Minister responsible for the subject with which thecommittee is dealing; and its function shall be to study that subject and advise theMinister thereon.(4) The Permanent Secretary to the Minister who is chairman of the committee andany other persons who are required by the committee for its efficient working mayattend and take part in the deliberations of any committee established underparagraph, (2) of this article, but shall not vote therein.(5) Nothing in this article shall apply to or affect the functions of the StandingCommittee of the Lukiko in existence at the commencement of thisConstitution.30. (1) There shall be established a board, called the Buganda Appointments Board(hereinafter in this article referred to as the \u201cBoard\u201d), which shall consist of\u00a0:-(a) A Chairman who shall be appointed by the Kabaka with the approval of theGovernor;(b) The Permanent Secretary to the Katikiro who shall, ex-officio, be deputychairman; and(c) Three other persons, who shall be appointed by the Kabaka upon therecommendation of the Ministry with the approval of the Governor.(2) The Ministry shall recommend or appointment as members of the Boardpersons who they are satisfied are experienced in public affairs but are not atthe time actively engaged in politics.(3) The office of a person appointed to be a member of the Board in pursuanceof sub-paragraphs (a) or (c) of paragraph (1) of this article shall becamevacant –a) in the case of the chairman, at the expiration of seven years from thedateof his appointment;b) in the case of a member of the Board, other than the chairman, at theexpiration of five years from the date of his appointment;c) if he resigns; ord) if his appointment is terminated under paragraph (4) of this article.(4) (a) The Kabaka shall terminate the appointment of a member of the Board ifhe is convicted of a criminal offence and is sentenced to imprisonmentwithout the option of a fine.(b) If a member of the Board is convicted of a criminal offence and is notsentenced to imprisonment without the option of a fine, and the offence inthe opinion of the Kabaka might involve moral turpitude, the Kabaka shallappoint a committee consisting of such persons as he shall consider suitableto enquire into the nature of the offence; and the committees shall, if it issatisfied that the offence involved moral turpitude inform the Kabakaaccordingly,a nd thereupon the Kabaka shall terminate the appointment ofthe member.(c) If in the opinion of the Kabaka a member of the Board may have becomeincapable of performing his functions as a member of the Board by reason ofphysical infirmity, the Kabaka shall appoint a committee consisting of suchpersons as he shall consider suitable to enquire into the matter; and thecommittee shall, if it is satisfied that the member has become incapable ofperforming his infirmity, inform the Kabaka accordingly, and thereupon theKabaka shall terminate the appointment of the member.31 (1) (a) Appointments to office of Permanent Secretary to a Minister, to the office ofthe Saza Chief, Gombolola Chief, Muluka Chief, and to the offices specifiedin Appendix B of this Constitution, shall subject to the provisions of thisarticle, be made by the Kabaka on the recommendation of the BugandaAppointments Board.(b) The Board shall only recommend for appointment as Permanent Secretary tothe Katikiro a person who is at the time a Saza Chief or other senior officerin the service of the Kabaka’s Government.(c) No person shall be appointed to the office of Permanent Secretary to aMinister without the approval of the Governor, which approval shall not bewithheld unless the Governor is satisfied that there are exceptionalcircumstances in which he ought to withhold his approval.(d) The Kabaka shall make appointments under this paragraph by receivingfrom, each person to be appointed to an office his homage and allegiance incustomary form in respect of that office.(2) (a) The Buganda appointments Board shall, subject to the provisions of thisarticle be responsible for the appointment of all officers and employees inthe service of the Kabaka’s Government other than those appointed by theKabaka under paragraph (1) of this article.For the purposes of this paragraph, the office of Minister, Speaker of theLukiko, Deputy Speaker of the Lukiko and the member of the AppointmentBoard shall not be regarded as officers in the service of the Kabaka’sGovernment.(3) Appointments under this article shall be in conformity with the provisions ofthe Buganda Staff Regulations.(4) The provisions of this article shall not extend to officers seconded from theservice of the Protectorate of the Kabaka’s Government.32(1) (a) The office of a Permanent Secretary to a Minister or a Saza Chief shall becomevacant:-i. If the holder of the office resigns by writing under his hand addressed to theKabaka through the Katikiro.ii. In case of the Permanent Secretary to the Katikiro, if his appointment isterminated by the Kabaka on the recommendation of the Katikiro on thegrounds of misconduct, inefficiency or ill health.iii. In the case of the Permanent Secretary to a Minister, other than thePermanent Secretary to the Katikiro and in the case of a Saza Chief, if hisappointment is terminated by the Kabaka on the recommendation of theBuganda Appointments Board on the grounds of misconduct, inefficiency orill health.(b) The appointment of a Permanent Secretary to a Minister shall not beterminated under sub- paragraph (a) of this paragraph without the approvalof the Governor, which approval shall not be withheld unless the Governoris satisfied that there are exceptional circumstances in which he ought towithhold his approval.(2) An office in the service of the Kabaka’s Government, not being an office towhich, paragraph (1) of this article applies, shall become vacant \u2014(a) If the holder of the office resigns;(b) If his appointment is terminated by the Buganda Appointments Board on thegrounds of misconduct, inefficiency or ill-health.(3) The Buganda Appointments Board shall, subject to the provisions of this article,be responsible for the disciplinary control of all chiefs, officers and employees inthe service of the Kabaka’s Government other than the Permanent Secretary to theKatikiro.(4) The powers conferred upon the Buganda Appointments Board by this article,shall be exercised in conformity with the provisions of the Buganda StaffRegulations.(5) The provisions of this article shall not exceed to officers seconded from theservice of the Protectorate Government to the service of the Kabaka’s Government(6) For the purposes of this article, the offices of Minister, Speaker of theLukiko, Deputy Speaker of the Lukiko and member of the Buganda AppointmentsBoard shall not be regarded as officers in the service of the Kabaka’s Government.33(1) The Kabaka’s Council of Ministers, after consultation with the Governor, maymake regulations to be known as the Buganda Staff Regulations, for all or any of thefollowing purposes relating to persons in or desiring to enter the service of theKabaka’s Government:(a) the manner in which the Buganda Appointments Board shall carry out itsfunctions.(b) the maintenance of discipline;(c) the regulation of appointments( including appointments, on promotion andtransfer), remuneration, termination of appointments, and leave;(d) providing for suspension from duty and the salary to be paid during suchsuspension;(e) regulating the payment of allowances, the making of advances and otherterms and conditions of service(f) authorizing the Buganda Appointments Board to its responsibilities underparagraph (2) of article 32 of this Constitution in respect of such classes ofofficers and employees in the service of the Kabaka’s Government as may bespecified in the regulations; and(g) such other matters relating to departmental procedure and the duties andresponsibilities of chiefs, officers and employees, as the Ministers consider canbe best regulated by such regulations:Provided that no regulations made under this paragraph shall come into operationuntil they have been approved by the Governor.(2) The Buganda Staff Regulations in so far as they relate to discipline, may, withoutprejudice to the generality of the provisions of paragraph(1) of this article, providefor:-a) withholding or deferring increments either permanently or a specified periodb) reduction in rank or salary permanently or temporarilyc) deductions from salary in respect of damage to property caused by misconductor breach of duty.(3) The Buganda Staff Regulations as from time to time in force shall, except asotherwise provided in such regulations or in any contract of service form part ofthe terms of service of any person to whom they apply.(4) Except so far as may be otherwise agreed by the Governor and the Kabaka’sGovernment, the Buganda Staff Regulations shall not apply to officers secondedfrom the service of the Protectorate Government to the service of the Kabaka’sGovernment.34. (1) For the purposes of administration Buganda shall as heretofore be divided into thefollowing Sazas namely: Kiagwe, Bugerere, Bulemezi, Buruli, Bugangadzi, Buyaga, Bwekula,Singo, Busuju, Gomba, Butambala, Kiadondo, Busiro, Mawokota, Buvuma, Sese, Buddu,Koki, Mawogola, Kabula and each Saza shall be divided into gombololas and eachgombolola into miruka.(2) At the head of each saza there shall be a chief, who shall be called a Saza Chiefwho shall be responsible to the Katikiro for the administration of his saza, for thecollection of all taxes imposed by the Kabaka’s Government and for the collection ofpoll tax on behalf of the Protectorate Government .(3) Every gombolola in each saza shall be in the charge of a chief, who shall be called aGombolola Chief, and every muluka in each gombolola shall be in the charge of achief, who shall be styled a Muluka Chief.(4) Gombolola and Muluka Chiefs shall assist Saza Chiefs in the performance of theirduties.(5) The Governor may give directions to the Kabaka’s Government as to the mannerin which, the Saza Chiefs shall perform their functions in relation to the maintenanceof law and order.35. (1) The Resident of Buganda shall be the Governor’s representative in his relationswith the Kabaka’s Government;(2) (a) The functions of the Resident shall be:i.to advise and assist the Kabaka's Government in the discharge of its functions;ii.to keep the protectorate Government informed of the views of the Kabaka'sGovernment and of important developments in Buganda.iii. to keep the protectorate Government informed of the views of the Kabaka'sGovernment and of important developments in Buganda.(b) In the discharge of his functions under this article, the Resident shall be assisted bya staff consisting of such officers and employees of the Protectorate Government asthe Governor shall think fit.(b) The functions of officers and employees of the Protectorate Government stationed inBuganda, other than the Resident and his staff and officers who have been secondedto the service of the Kabaka’s Government, shall, in relation to the Kabaka’sGovernment, be to give advice and assistance to the Kabaka’s Government and itsofficers and employees in respect of the departmental activities for which such officersand employees of the Protectorate Government are responsible.36 (1) The Local Government in each saza shall be developed in such manner as may beagreed by the Governor and the Kabaka’s Government.(2) Except in so far as may be otherwise agreed under paragraph (1) of this article, theResident and his staff shall advise and assist the Saza Chiefs and, through them, thelocal councils, in the development of local government.37 The Protectorate Government acting through the officers concerned shall be entitled toinspect:a) such services administered by the Kabaka’s Government as officers of theProtectorate Government have heretofore inspected; andb) the services to be transferred to the Kabaka’s Government pursuant to article 38of this Constitution.38. (1) The Kabaka’s Government shall assume responsibility for the administration inBuganda of the services, hitherto administered by the Protectorate Government, setout in Appendix A of this Constitution (in this article referred to as \u201cthe transferredservices\u201d) so soon as suitable arrangements have been made for the secondment of thenecessary officers and employees of the Protectorate Government in pursuance ofparagraph (4) of this article.(2) The Kabaka’s Government shall administer the transferred services in accordancewith the laws governing those services and, subject thereto, with the general policy ofthe Protectorate Government.(3) The Governor may by order under his hand made with the concurrence of theKabaka’s Government vary Appendix A to this Constitution.4(a) Such officers and employees of the Protectorate Government as the Governor andthe Kabaka’s Government shall agree are necessary shall be seconded to the service ofthe Kabaka’s Government, on such terms as may be so agreed, for the purpose ofassisting in the administration of the transferred services:Provided that no officer or employee shall be so seconded without his writtenconsent.(b) Officers seconded from the service of the Protectorate Government to the serviceof the Kabaka’s Government may be appointed as Permanent Secretaries to Ministerswho are administering the transferred services39 If any disagreement arises between the Protectorate Government and the Kabaka’sGovernment, and the disagreement cannot be resolved by discussion between therepresentative of the two Governments, and the Governor is satisfied that the issueaffects the interests of the peace, order or good government of the UgandaProtectorate, the Governor may tender formal advice to the Ministers upon the matter.40. lf the Ministers refuse to accept formal advice tendered to them by the Governorunder article 39 of this Constitution, the Governor may give notice to the Speaker thathe requires the Kabaka’s Council of Ministers to resign, and upon receipt of any suchnotice, the Speaker shall forthwith inform the Kabaka, the Lukiko and the Katikiro;and the resignation of the Ministry shall be tendered to the Kabaka through theSpeaker when the Katikiro is so informed.41. The Constitution of Buganda contained in the First Schedule to the Buganda(Transitional) Agreement, 1955 (hereinafter in this article referred to as \u2018theTransitional Constitution\u201d) shall cease to have effect on the coming into force of thisConstitution.Provided that the Solemn Undertaking made under the provisions of article 41 of theTransitional Constitution shall he deemed to have been made under paragraph (1) ofarticle 5 of this Constitution and the provisions in respect thereof in that article shallapply thereto:And provided that any appointment lawfully made or anything done under theprovisions of the Transitional Constitution shall be deemed to have been done underthis Constitution.And provided further that the Kabaka shall appoint the acting Ministers appointedunder the Transitional Constitution to be the Ministers under this Constitution in themanner provided in article 13 of this Constitution.APPENDIX \u201cA\u201d TO THE FIRST SCHEDULE(a) Primary schools and junior secondary schools;(b) Rural hospitals, dispensaries (including sub-dispensaries), aid posts and rural healthservices.(c) The field service for the improvement of farming methods and soil conservation:(d) The field service for the improvement of farming methods and soil conservation oflivestock breeding and keeping and disease control.(e) Local Government in the Sazas.(f) Community Development(Provided that this service shall be administered concurrently with the Government ofthe Protectorate.)APPENDIX \u201cB\u201d TO THE FIRST SCHEDULEThe Assistants to MinistersThe Secretary to the LukikoThe Private Secretary to the KabakaThe Provincial Luwalo InspectorAssistants to the Provincial Luwalo OfficerThe Omukulu wo LubiriThe Omukulu we KomeraDeputy Saza ChiefsLegal Assistants to Saza Chiefs and Gombolola ChiefsSECOND SCHEDULEREGULATIONS FOR THE ELECTION OF PERSONS FORRECOMMENDATION TO THE GOVERNOR FOR APPOINTMENT ASREPRESENTATIVE MEMBERS FROM BUGANDA OF THE LEGISLATIVECOUNCIL OF THE UGANDA PROTECRORATE1. These Regulations may be called the Buganda (Legislative Council Candidates)Regulations.2. In these Regulations anything ordered to be done by the Chief may be done by hisdeputy if the Chief is incapable of doing it because of illness or for other good cause.3. If by these Regulations the day on which anything ordered to be done is a Sunday orholiday, that which is ordered to be done on that day may be done on the next workingday.4. In these Regulations the \u201cElectoral Law\u201d means the Great Lukiko (Election ofRepresentative) Law 1953, as may be from time to time amended.5. Whenever there is occasion to appoint a Representative Member or Members torepresent Buganda in the Legislative Council of the Protectorate the Governor shall bynotice in writing request the Katikiro to submit names to him for that purpose and theKatikiro shall submit to him the names of persons who have been elected in that behalfby the Electoral College in accordance with these Regulations.6. (1) There shall be established an electoral college for Buganda (herein referred to as theElectoral College) which shall consist of three persons elected in accordance with theprovisions of these Regulations from each Saza in Buganda.(2) The election of persons to the Electoral College shall take place so soon after thecommencement of these Regulations as the necessary arrangements can be made.(3)If any member of the Electoral College for any reason ceases to be a member of theElectoral College, the Saza which elected him shall, in the same manner as hispredecessor was elected, on being required so to do by the Katikiro, elect a person tofill the vacancy.7. The three representatives from each Saza shall be elected as members of the ElectoralCollege by representatives of each Muluka who have themselves been elected for thispurpose in the manner provided in these Regulations.8. (1)Whenever there is an election for the Electoral College an election shall he held ineach Muluka for the purpose of electing one representative from each Muluka (to beknown as the Muluka Representative).(2) the Miruka Representatives so elected shall themselves elect in accordance withthe provisions of these Regulations three persons to be Representatives in theElectoral College.9. Every person entitled to vote at a Muluka election under the Electoral Law shall beentitled to vote at a Muluka election under these Regulations.10. The latest Register of Voters kept under the provisions of section 9 of the ElectoralLaw shall be used for the purposes of elections under these Regulations.11. So soon as the Katikiro announces there to be an election of members of the ElectoralCollege every Muluka Chief shall cause all voters in his Muluka to be informed that ameeting of voters will take place in the Muluka Hall on the day fixed by the Katikirofor the Election of Miruka Representatives.12. Any person who was eligible to be elected as a Muluka Representative under theElectoral Law at the last preceding elections to the Lukiko shall be eligible to be electedas a Muluka Representative under these Regulations.13. (1) On the day fixed by the Katikiro for the election of Miruka Representatives theMuluka Chief shall be present at the Muluka Hall and shall preside over the meetingfor the election of Miruka Representatives.(2) The Miruka Representatives shall thereupon be elected in the same manner asMiruka Representatives are elected under the Electoral Law.14. (I) Any person wishing to stand as a candidate for election as a member of theElectoral College shall present to the Saza Chief not later than a day fixed by theKatikiro for that purpose an application in the Form \u201cA\u201d in the Appendix to theseRegulations signed by himself. The Muluka Chief of the Muluka, where a personwishing to stand as a candidate lives, shall sign as a witness.(2)Not later than three days after the day fixed for the submission of application underparagraph (1) of this Regulation the Saza Chief shall cause a list of all candidates forelection to be displayed in a prominent place at the headquarters of the Saza and ofevery Gombolola in the Saza.(3)The Saza Chief shall not place on the list of candidates for election any person whoin his opinion is not qualified to be a Saza Representative under the provisions ofsection 8 of the Electoral Law. Any person may within three days appeal against thedecision of the Saza Chief to the Special Court established under section 321 of theElectoral Law who shall hear the appeal before a date to be fixed by the Katikiro.I5. On the day fixed by the Katikiro in that behalf the Miruka Representatives shall meetin the Council Hall of the Saza to elect three of the persons offering themselves ascandidates for appointment as Representatives in the Electoral College and suchelection shall take place in the same manner as is provided for elections of SazaRepresentatives under the Electoral Law.16. The Saza Chief shall forward to the Katikiro so soon as the elections of the Saza arecompleted a return of Form \u201cB\u201d in the Appendix to these Regulations showing thenames of the persons elected as Representatives.(a) Provided that he shall not cast more votes than the number of candidates thatrequire to be elected and shall not cast more than one vote in favour of anyparticular person.(b) the chairman assisted by two tellers appointed by him from amongst themembers shall count the votes cast and shall declare elected the person orpersons who have the most votes;(c) if a number of candidates have received the same number of votes, and if asingle candidate having received that number of votes would have beenelected, the chairman shall require the Electoral College to vote again todecide which of the candidates with equal votes shall be elected and for thispurpose shall provide each member with a fresh voting paper.(2) Any voting paper improperly completely shall not be used in counting votes.17. The Special Court established under the Electoral Law shall have the same functionsin relation to elections held under these Regulations as it has in relation to electionsheld under the Electoral Law.18. So soon as the Governor requests the Katikiro to submit a name or names for theappointment of a person or persons as a Representative Member or Members of theLegislative Council the Katikiro shall summon the Electoral College to meet on aconvenient date and if the Electoral College has not yet been elected shall fix all thenecessary dates for elections to the Electoral College.19. (1) When the Electoral College meets on the first occasion it shall elect a chairmanfrom amongst its members who shall thereupon and on each subsequent occasionwhen the Katikiro summons the Electoral College fix a day within seven days of hiselection by which nominations of candidates for submission to the Governor shall besubmitted to him.(2) Nominations shall be in writing and shall be submitted to the chairman by notless than three members of the Electoral College.20 (1)Persons may be nominated as candidates for recommendation to the Governorwhether or not they are members of the Electoral College.(2) No person shall he nominated as a candidate for submission to the Governor if-(a) he is in prison, or(b) he is not literate in the English language, or(c) he is not resident in Buganda, or(d) he is not twenty-one years of age.21. (1) The Chairman of the Electoral College shall prepare a list of the persons whohave been duly nominated and shall so soon as convenient summon the ElectoralCollege and cause copies of the list to be laid before it.(2) If the number of persons who have been duly nominated does not exceed thenumber of candidates required the chairman shall forward the names of thesepersons to the Katikiro for submission to the Governor for appointment asRepresentative Members of the Legislative Council.(3) If the number of persons who have been duly nominated exceeds the number ofcandidates required the Electoral College shall proceed forthwith by secret ballot toelect the required number of candidates from among the persons nominated.22 (1) Elections by the Electoral College shall be conducted in the following manner-(a) each member shall be given a voting paper on which the names of thepersons duly nominated are written and shall cast his vote in favour of theperson or persons whom he wishes to be elected by putting a cross againstthe name of each such person on the voting paper.Provided that he shall not cast more votes than the number of candidates thatrequire to be elected and shall not cast more than one vote in favour of anyparticular person.(b) the chairman assisted by two tellers appointed by him from amongst themembers shall count the votes cast and shall declare elected the person orpersons who have the most votes;(c) if a number of candidates have received the same number of votes, and isf asingle candidate having received that number of votes would have beenelected, the chairman shall require the Electoral College to vote again todecide which of the candidate with equal votes shall be elected and for thispurpose shall provide each member with a fresh voting paper.(2) Any voting paper improperly completed shall not be used in counting votes.23. The Chairman of the Electoral College, after an election, shall forthwith forward to theKatikiro the names of the person or persons elected and the Katikiro shall thereuponsubmit the names of such person or persons to the Governor for appointment asRepresentative Members of the Legislative Council.24. (1) Any person who in respect of elections under these Regulations acts in a mannerwhich, in respect of elections under the Electoral law, would be an offence under thatLaw shall be guilty of an offence under these Regulations and shall on conviction beliable to the same penalty as he would have been liable if he had been found guilty of asimilar offence under the Electoral Law.(2) Any offence against these Regulations shall be triable, if the offender is an African, bythe Principal Court established under the Buganda Courts Ordinance of the UgandaProtectorate.APPENDIXFORM A(Regulation 14)I ………………………of …………………..in the Muluka of……………in the Gombolaof ………………..in the Saza of………….. offer myself for election as arepresentative of the Saza of ……………………..in the Electoral College...................................Signature of Candidate..................................Signature of ChiefDate..............................FORM B(Regulation 16)I …………………………Saza Chief…………..declare that the following were elected inmy Saza as Saza Representatives in the Electoral College:Name Saza…………………………………………..………………………………..…………………………………………..………………………………..…………………………………………..………………………………..………………………………..Signature of ChiefAt ………………………………..On……………….19…………….………………………………..………………………………..………………………………..Signature of ChairmanSecretary and ExaminersTHIRD SCHEDULEThe Uganda Agreement (Judicial),1905The Uganda Memorandum of Agreement (Forests), 1907The Uganda (Payment of Chiefs) Agreements 1908The Buganda Agreement (Allotment and Survey) 1913The Uganda Agreement (Poll Tax), 1920FOURTH SCHEDULE1. For the expression \u201cthe Kingdom of Uganda\u201d whenever it occurs throughout thereshall be substituted the expression \u201cthe Kingdom of Buganda\u2019\u2019.2. Article l. Delete the word \u201cUganda\u201d in the last sentence and substitute the word\u201cBuganda\u201d.3. Article 6. Delete the first sentences, ending with the expression \u201csubject such sentenceto Reconsideration\u201d.4. Article 8. Delete this Article.5. Article 9. Delete this Article except for the sixth sentence, which begins with thewords \u201cWhen arrangements have been made\u201d, and the last sentence.6. Article 10. Delete this Article.7. Article 11. Delete this Article.8. Article 12(a) Delete the expression \u2018\u2018guided by a majority of votes in his nativecouncil\u201d in the third sentence and substitute \u201c guided by a resolution passed by amajority of votes in the Great Lukiko\u201d(b) Delete the expression \u201cprovince of Uganda\u201d whenever it occurs and substituteprovince of Buganda\u201dFIFTH SCHEDULEThe Buganda Agreement (Native Laws), I910The Buganda (Declaratory) Agreement (Native Laws), 1937SIXTH SCHEDULEEXTRACT FROM THE REPORT OF THE SUB-COMMITTEE OF THE LUKIKOSET UP TO EXAMINE THE RECOMMENDATIONS MADEBY THE HANCOCK COMMITTEE\u201cThe Hancock Committee proposed that the Baganda representatives should be elected bythe Lukiko itself. We think, after very careful consideration that they should be directlyelected by the people \u2013 whom they will represent\u201d.SIGNED this eighteen day of October, 1955.For and on behalf ofHer Majesty Queen Elizabeth, II A.B. COHENGovernorFor and on behalf of theKabaka, Chiefs and People of Buganda MUTESAKabakaWITNESSES:C. H. HARTWELLM. KINTUR. DRESCHFIELDA.M. GITTAL.M. BOYDB.K. KAVUMAK.S. MALEA. KALULE SEMPAY.K LULER.M. KASULEA.K. KIRONDED.S. MUSOKE MUKUBIRAC.A.L. RICHARDSD. SERWANIKOL. SSENDAGALAA. KIRONDEY.M. YAKUZEH. M.N. KIBIRIGEJUMA TAMUSANGEANDREA K. LUBECASERWANO KAPALAGAJOSEPH MUTEWETAL. BASSUDED.K MUKASAY. MATOVU LUBOWAE.M. K. MULIIRAP. NTWATWASHEIK A. KASUJJAE.M. KALULEKENNETH DIPLOCKDINGLE FOOTJ.G. MARTIN FLEGGNamirembe Conference[edit]Following a successful Bugandan delegation to London, new negotiations on the future of Baganda took place in June to September 1954 at Namirembe, with the Australian Sir Keith Hancock (Director of the Institute of Commonwealth Studies in London) acting as the mediator and Stanley Alexander de Smith as Secretary.[3][5] Initially, Hancock met solely with a constitutional committee selected by the Lukiiko.[3] The four main issues considered by the committee were the degree to which Buganda was ‘independent’ under the 1900 Agreement; the balance between federalism versus the need to preserve a unitary Ugandan state; the role of the Kabaka; and the participation of Buganda in the Uganda Legislative Council (LEGCO).[3] Discussions were lengthy, and while there was some progress, it was clear to Hancock that the Committee in particular held firm views in favour of a federal model for Buganda that would be at odds with the British emphasis on a unitary state.[5]The Namirembe Conference proper opened on 30 July, with both the Committee and Cohen represented.[3] On the crucial issue of federalism, Cohen produced a paper in early August arguing for greater devolution to Buganda, without going as far as federalism.[5] At the same time, the non-African members of LEGCO agreed to give up one European and one Asian representative seat and transfer these to African members.[5]By the time the conference closed in early September, it had agreed a number of recommendations, including that “the Kingdom of Buganda… should continue to be an integral part of the Protectorate; that the conduct of public affairs in Buganda should be in the hands of Ministers; and that, while all the traditional dignities of the Kabaka should be fully safeguarded, Kabakas in future should be constitutional rulers bound by a Solemn Engagement to observe the conditions of the Agreements regarding the Constitution and not to prejudice the security and welfare of the Buganda people and the Protectorate”.[3][6] A number of constitutional changes to the Governments of Uganda and Buganda and to LEGCO were agreed at the same time, increasing African representation, and progressing Cohen’s reformist goals.[3][5] As a result of these changes, Buganda would end its boycott of the reformed LEGCO.[5]Strictly speaking, the return of Mutesa himself to Uganda was outside the conference’s terms of reference.[5] However, the Kampala High Court’s finding that the British Government’s reliance on Article 6 was “mistaken” \u2013 coming shortly after news of the agreement at Namirembe, but before the Agreed Recommendations could be published \u2013 put pressure on Cohen to concede. In November, he reversed the British Government’s position and agreed to Mutesa’s return, contingent on the adoption and implementation of the Namirembe recommendations.[5][6]In December a committee was established, chaired by Michael Kintu, to advise the Bugandan Lukiko on whether to accept the Namirembe recommendations.[3] Ultimately, the Kintu Committee supported the recommendations, with a number of proposed amendments: the deferral of local government and succession reforms, and the instigation of direct elections to the Lukiko.[3] The Kintu Committee’s report was adopted by the Lukiko on 9 May 1955 by 77 votes to 8 with 1 abstention.[3]Agreement[edit]Following further negotiations, held in London, the Namirembe recommendations (with minor modifications) were adopted in July 1955 in the form of a new Buganda Agreement that would “supplement and where necessary amend the Agreement of 1900” rather than replace it.[3][7] The main delay had been caused by a conflict between Mutesa’s desire to sign the final agreement in Buganda, and the British view that his agreement was a prerequisite for his return.[7] The solution found was “a transitional Agreement which will run until the main Agreement is signed in Buganda by the Kabaka on his return. This transitional Agreement will be in the same terms as the main Agreement, apart from the transitional provisions, and after approval by the Lukiko will be signed by personal representatives of the Kabaka. Six weeks after the appointment of Buganda Ministers and the Buganda representative members of the Legislative Council under the new arrangements, [the British Government would] authorise the Kabaka to return to Buganda, where he will sign the main Agreement”.[7] The transitional Agreement was translated into Luganda and adopted on 15 August 1955.[1]Following adoption of the new agreement, Mutesa duly returned to Buganda[3] and the main Agreement was duly signed on 18 October.[1][3] Signatures of the Kabaka, the Governor, and other witnesses appear at the end of the treaty.[1]References[edit]External links[edit]"},{"@context":"http:\/\/schema.org\/","@type":"BreadcrumbList","itemListElement":[{"@type":"ListItem","position":1,"item":{"@id":"https:\/\/wiki.edu.vn\/en\/wiki24\/#breadcrumbitem","name":"Enzyklop\u00e4die"}},{"@type":"ListItem","position":2,"item":{"@id":"https:\/\/wiki.edu.vn\/en\/wiki24\/buganda-agreement-1955-wikipedia\/#breadcrumbitem","name":"Buganda Agreement (1955) – Wikipedia"}}]}]