Centre de Liaison et d’Information des Puissances maçonniques Signataires de l’Appel de Strasbourg


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The Centre of Liaison and Information of Masonic Powers Signatories of Strasbourg Appeal (French: Centre de Liaison et d’Information des Puissances maçonniques Signataires de l’Appel de Strasbourg) or CLIPSAS is an international group of Masonic Grand Orients and Grand Lodges that adhere to Continental Freemasonry and signed the Strasbourg Appeal.[1] Members include the Grand Orient de France, the Grand Orient of Belgium and the Grand Lodge of Italy, of which the first two left the group between 2000-2010.[2][3]

Since 2011 it has had Special Consultative Status at the UNESCO[4]



  • France Grand Orient de France, founder 1961, absent between 1996 and 2010, reintegrated in 2010
  • Belgium Grand Orient of Belgium, founder 1961, absent between 1996 and 2008, reintegrated in 2008
  • Italy Grand Lodge of Italy, founder 1961
  • Switzerland Grand Orient of Switzerland, founder 1961
  • Austria Grand Orient of Austria, founder 1961
  • Luxembourg Grand Orient of Luxembourg, founder 1961
  • Spain Serenísima Gran Logia de Lengua Española, founder 1961
  • Denmark Grand Lodge of Denmark of Ancient Free & Accepted Masons, 1970
  • Puerto Rico Mixed Grand Lodge of Puerto Rico, 1976
  • United States George Washington Union, 1979
  • Venezuela Grand Lodge of the Republic of Venezuela, 1980
  • Madagascar Grand Rite malgache, 1981
  • United States Omega Grand Lodge of the State of New York, 1982
  • Cameroon United Grand Orient and Lodge of Cameroon, 1982
  • Spain Symbolic Grand Lodge of Spain, 1983
  • France French Federation of “Droit Humain”, 1983 (absent between 1996 and 2011), reintegrated in 2012
  • France Mixed Universal Grand Lodge, 1984, rejoined in May 2013
  • France Mixed Grand Lodge of France, 1984, rejoined in May 2013
  • Republic of the Congo Grand Orient of the Congo, 1984
  • Belgium Female Grand Lodge of Belgium, 1984
  • Belgium Nederlandse Grootloge der Gemengde Vrijmetsalerij, 1985
  • Portugal Grande Oriente Lusitano, 1985
  • Haiti Grande Loge haïtienne de St. Jean des Orients d’Outre-Mer, 1985
  • Haiti Grande Loge d’Haïti de 1961, 1987
  • Germany HUMANITAS – Freimaurergrossloge für Frauen und Männer in Deutschland, 1987
  • Haiti Gran Oriente Latino Americano, 1987
  • Benin Grand Lodge of the Republic of Benin, 1988
  • Austria Großloge Humanitas Austria, 1989
  • Republic of the Congo Grands Orient et Loge associés du Congo, 1989
  • Turkey Liberal Grand Lodge of Turkey, 1989
  • Chile Mixed Grand Lodge of Chile, 1991
  • France French Grand Lodge of Memphis-Misraïm, 1991
  • France Female Grande Lodge of Memphis-Misraïm, 1992
  • Switzerland Helvetic Symbolic Grand Lodge, 1992
  • Ivory Coast Grande Eburnie, 1992
  • Chile Female Grand Lodge of Chile, 1994
  • Italy Female Grand Lodge of Italy, 1995
  • Switzerland Grande Loja Unida do Paraná, 1995
  • Greece Serenissime Grand Orient de Grece, 1996 https://www.sgog.gr/home
  • Colombia Grande Loge des Caraïbes, 1997
  • Mexico Grand Orient of Mexico, 1997
  • Canada National Grand Lodge of Canada, 1997
  • Brazil Grande Oriente Nacional Gloria do Occidente do Brasil, 1998
  • Colombia Gran Logia del Norte de Colombia, 2000
  • Brazil Grande Loja Maçonica Mixta do Brasil, 2001
  • Greece International Masonic Order of Delphi, 2001
  • Lebanon Central Grand Lodge of Lebanon, 2002
  • Greece Mixed Grand Orient of Greece, 2002
  • Brazil Grande Loja Unida de Pernambuco, 2002
  • France Mixed Grand Lodge of Memphis-Misraïm, 2003
  • Colombia Central Grand Lodge of Colombia, 2003
  • Lebanon Grande Loge des Cèdres, 2003
  • Republic of the Congo Symbolic Masculine Grand Lodge of Africa, 2003
  • Madagascar Grand Rite Malagasy Féminin, 2003
  • Chile Grande Oriente Masónico Chileno, 2004
  • Argentina Gran Logia Femenina de Argentina, 2004
  • Brazil Grande Loja Feminina da Maçonaria Brasileira, 2005
  • Brazil Grande Loja Arquitetos de Aquário, 2005
  • Lebanon Grand Lodge Bet-El, 2005
  • Romania Female Grand Lodge of Romania, 2006
  • Colombia Benjamin Herrera, 2006
  • France Grande Loge indépendante et souveraine des Rites unis, 2008
  • Peru Gran Oriente de la Francmasonaria Mixta Universal, 2008
  • Morocco Grand Lodge of Morocco, 2008
  • Peru Constitutional Grand Lodge of Peru, 2009
  • Argentina Federal Grand Orient of the Republic of Argentina, 2009
  • El Salvador Grand Orient of El Salvador, 2009
  • Spain Gran Logia Hiram Habif, 2009
  • Romania Grand Orient of Romania, 2009
  • Romania National United Grand Lodge of Romania, 2009
  • Colombia Federación Colombiana de Logias Masónicas, 2010
  • Brazil Grande Loja Feminina do Brasil, 2010
  • Catalonia Gran Orient de Catalunya, 2011
  • Belgium Lithos – Confédération de loges, 2011
  • Austria Liberal Grand Lodge of Austria, 2011
  • Lebanon United Grand Lodge of Lebanon, 2011
  • Belgium Grand Lodge of Belgium, 2011
  • Peru Gran Logia Oriental del Perú, 2011
  • Venezuela Sovereign Grand Lodge of Venezuela, 2011
  • Gabon Grande Oriente Ibérico, 2012
  • France Grande Loge mixte souveraine, 2014
  • France Ordre initiatique et traditionnel de l’art royal, 2014
  • France Grande Loge Symbolique travaillant au Rite Écossais Primitif, 2014
  • Canada Grand Lodge ANI of Canada, 2016
  • Lebanon Grand Orient de Canaan, 2017
  • Albania Albanian Grand Lodge/Grande Loge Albanaise – ILLYRIA (since 2018)
  • Slovenia Grand Orient of Slovenia (since 2016)
  • Italy Ordine Massonico Tradizionale Italiano (since 2022)

See also[edit]


  1. ^ CLIPSAS, The Strasbourg Appeal, accessed 8 January 2015
  2. ^ Pope, Tony; At a perpetual distance: Liberal and Adogmatic Grand Lodges (Presented to Waikato Lodge of Research No 445 at Rotorua, New Zealand, on 9 November 2004, as the annual Verrall Lecture, and subsequently published in the Transactions of the Lodge, vol 14 #1, March 2005) – as reproduced at Pietre-Stones Review of Freemasonry.
  3. ^ CLIPSAS membership list, accessed 8 January 2015
  4. ^ Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations Recommends Special Consultative Status for Eight Civil Society Groups, Postpones Consideration of 19 Applications, ECOSOC/6458, NGO/712, 2 February 2011, United Nations Department of Public Information, News and Media Division, New York

External links[edit]

