Cohomological dimension – Wikipedia

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In abstract algebra, cohomological dimension is an invariant of a group which measures the homological complexity of its representations. It has important applications in geometric group theory, topology, and algebraic number theory.

Cohomological dimension of a group[edit]

As most cohomological invariants, the cohomological dimension involves a choice of a “ring of coefficients” R, with a prominent special case given by R = Z, the ring of integers. Let G be a discrete group, R a non-zero ring with a unit, and RG the group ring. The group G has cohomological dimension less than or equal to n, denoted cdR(G) ≤ n, if the trivial RG-module R has a projective resolution of length n, i.e. there are projective RG-modules P0, …, Pn and RG-module homomorphisms dk: Pk

{displaystyle to }

Pk − 1 (k = 1, …, n) and d0: P0

{displaystyle to }

R, such that the image of dk coincides with the kernel of dk − 1 for k = 1, …, n and the kernel of dn is trivial.

Equivalently, the cohomological dimension is less than or equal to n if for an arbitrary RG-module M, the cohomology of G with coefficients in M vanishes in degrees k > n, that is, Hk(G,M) = 0 whenever k > n. The p-cohomological dimension for prime p is similarly defined in terms of the p-torsion groups Hk(G,M){p}.[1]

The smallest n such that the cohomological dimension of G is less than or equal to n is the cohomological dimension of G (with coefficients R), which is denoted

n=cdR(G){displaystyle n=operatorname {cd} _{R}(G)}


A free resolution of

Z{displaystyle mathbb {Z} }

can be obtained from a free action of the group G on a contractible topological space X. In particular, if X is a contractible CW complex of dimension n with a free action of a discrete group G that permutes the cells, then

cdZ(G)n{displaystyle operatorname {cd} _{mathbb {Z} }(G)leq n}



In the first group of examples, let the ring R of coefficients be

Z{displaystyle mathbb {Z} }


  • A free group has cohomological dimension one. As shown by John Stallings (for finitely generated group) and Richard Swan (in full generality), this property characterizes free groups. This result is known as the Stallings–Swan theorem.[2] The Stallings-Swan theorem for a group G says that G is free if and only if every extension by G with abelian kernel is split.[3]
  • The fundamental group of a compact, connected, orientable Riemann surface other than the sphere has cohomological dimension two.
  • More generally, the fundamental group of a closed, connected, orientable aspherical manifold of dimension n has cohomological dimension n. In particular, the fundamental group of a closed orientable hyperbolic n-manifold has cohomological dimension n.
  • Nontrivial finite groups have infinite cohomological dimension over

Now consider the case of a general ring R.

  • A group G has cohomological dimension 0 if and only if its group ring RG is semisimple. Thus a finite group has cohomological dimension 0 if and only if its order (or, equivalently, the orders of its elements) is invertible in R.
  • Generalizing the Stallings–Swan theorem for

Cohomological dimension of a field[edit]

The p-cohomological dimension of a field K is the p-cohomological dimension of the Galois group of a separable closure of K.[4] The cohomological dimension of K is the supremum of the p-cohomological dimension over all primes p.[5]


  • Every field of non-zero characteristic p has p-cohomological dimension at most 1.[6]
  • Every finite field has absolute Galois group isomorphic to
  • The field of formal Laurent series

See also[edit]


  • Brown, Kenneth S. (1994). Cohomology of groups. Graduate Texts in Mathematics. Vol. 87 (Corrected reprint of the 1982 original ed.). New York: Springer-Verlag. ISBN 0-387-90688-6. MR 1324339. Zbl 0584.20036.
  • Dicks, Warren (1980). Groups, Trees, and Projective Modules. Lecture Notes in Mathematics. Vol. 790. Berlin: Springer-Verlag. doi:10.1007/BFb0088140. ISBN 3-540-09974-3. MR 0584790. Zbl 0427.20016.
  • Dydak, Jerzy (2002). “Cohomological dimension theory”. In Daverman, R. J. (ed.). Handbook of geometric topology. Amsterdam: North-Holland. pp. 423–470. ISBN 0-444-82432-4. MR 1886675. Zbl 0992.55001.
  • Gille, Philippe; Szamuely, Tamás (2006). Central simple algebras and Galois cohomology. Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics. Vol. 101. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-86103-9. Zbl 1137.12001.
  • Serre, Jean-Pierre (1997). Galois cohomology. Springer-Verlag. ISBN 3-540-61990-9. Zbl 0902.12004.
  • Shatz, Stephen S. (1972). Profinite groups, arithmetic, and geometry. Annals of Mathematics Studies. Vol. 67. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. ISBN 0-691-08017-8. MR 0347778. Zbl 0236.12002.
  • Stallings, John R. (1968). “On torsion-free groups with infinitely many ends”. Annals of Mathematics. Second Series. 88: 312–334. doi:10.2307/1970577. ISSN 0003-486X. MR 0228573. Zbl 0238.20036.
  • Swan, Richard G. (1969). “Groups of cohomological dimension one”. Journal of Algebra. 12: 585–610. doi:10.1016/0021-8693(69)90030-1. ISSN 0021-8693. MR 0240177. Zbl 0188.07001.