List of Saskatchewan by-elections – Wikipedia


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The list of Saskatchewan by-elections includes every by-election held in the Canadian province of Saskatchewan. By-elections occur whenever there is a vacancy in the Legislative Assembly, although an imminent general election may allow the vacancy to remain until the dissolution of parliament.

A by-election occurs whenever there is a vacancy in the Saskatchewan legislature. Vacancies can occur for the following reasons:

  • Death of a member.
  • Resignation of a member.
  • Voided results
  • Expulsion from the legislature.
  • Ineligibility to sit.
  • Appointment to the cabinet. Incumbent members were required to recontest their seats upon being appointed to Cabinet. These Ministerial by-elections were almost always uncontested. This requirement was amended in 1930 to exempt members if they were appointed within six months of a general election. This requirement was abolished completely in 1936.

Table of Contents

29th Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan (2020–present)[edit]

28th Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan (2016–2020)[edit]

* Boyd was expelled from Saskatchewan Party caucus due to conflict-of-interest allegations four days before resignation from legislature took effect.

27th Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan (2011–2016)[edit]

26th Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan (2007–2011)[edit]

*LeClerc was a former member of the Saskatchewan Party


25th Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan (2003–2007)[edit]

24th Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan (1999–2003)[edit]

23rd Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan (1995–1999)[edit]

*Goohsen was a former Progressive Conservative.

22nd Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan (1991–1995)[edit]

21st Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan (1986–1991)[edit]

20th Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan (1982–1986)[edit]

19th Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan (1978–1982)[edit]

18th Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan (1975–1978)[edit]

17th Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan (1971–1975)[edit]

16th Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan (1967–1971)[edit]

15th Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan (1964–1967)[edit]

14th Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan (1960–1964)[edit]

13th Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan (1956–1960)[edit]

12th Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan (1952–1956)[edit]

11th Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan (1948–1952)[edit]

10th Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan (1944–1948)[edit]

9th Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan (1938–1944)[edit]

† Won by acclamation

8th Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan (1934–1938)[edit]

† Won by acclamation

7th Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan (1929–1934)[edit]

By-election Date Incumbent Party Winner Party Cause Retained
Kinistino May 22, 1933 Charles McIntosh      Liberal John Richard Parish Taylor      Liberal Sought reelection upon appointment as Minister of Natural Resources Yes*
Estevan December 23, 1930 Eleazer Garner      Liberal David McKnight      Conservative Resignation No
David McKnight      Conservative Norman Leslie McLeod      Liberal McLeod declared elected due to ballot tampering on February 9, 1931. Results Voided November 7, 1932. No by-election held. No
Yorkton October 7, 1929† Alan Carl Stewart      Independent Alan Carl Stewart      Independent Sought reelection upon appointment as Minister of Highways Yes
Tisdale October 7, 1929† Walter Clutterbuck Buckle      Conservative Walter Clutterbuck Buckle      Conservative Sought reelection upon appointment as Minister of Agriculture Yes
Moosomin October 7, 1929† Frederick Dennis Munroe      Conservative Frederick Dennis Munroe      Conservative Sought reelection upon appointment as Minister of Public Health Yes
Saskatoon City September 30, 1929 James Thomas Milton Anderson      Conservative James Thomas Milton Anderson      Conservative Sought reelection upon appointment as Premier and Minister of Education and Natural Resources Yes
Howard McConnell      Conservative Howard McConnell      Conservative Sought reelection upon appointment as Provincial Treasurer and Minister of Municipal Affairs Yes
Regina City September 30, 1929 Murdoch Alexander MacPherson      Conservative Murdoch Alexander MacPherson      Conservative Sought reelection upon appointment as Attorney General Yes
Moose Jaw City September 30, 1929 John Alexander Merkley      Conservative John Alexander Merkley      Conservative Sought reelection upon appointment as Provincial Secretary and Minister of Railways, Labour and Industries Yes
Lumsden September 30, 1929 James Fraser Bryant      Conservative James Fraser Bryant      Conservative Sought reelection upon appointment as Minister of Public Works and Minister of Telephones and Telegraphs Yes

† Won by acclamation

*McIntosh was a Liberal who became a coalition government supporter in 1932 and was defeated when he sought reelection upon entering the cabinet

6th Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan (1925–1929)[edit]

By-election Date Incumbent Party Winner Party Cause Retained
Arm River October 25, 1928 George Adam Scott      Liberal Thomas Frederick Waugh      Liberal Resignation upon appointment as an income tax inspector Yes
Maple Creek December 1, 1927 Peter Lawrence Hyde      Liberal George Spence      Liberal Resignation Yes
Morse August 15, 1927† William Paris MacLachlan      Liberal Duncan Morris Robertson      Liberal Death Yes
Moose Jaw City May 17, 1927 William Erskine Knowles      Liberal William Gladstone Ross      Liberal Appointed a judge Yes
Saskatoon City January 21, 1927 Archibald Peter McNab      Liberal Howard McConnell      Conservative Appointed to the local government board No
Kerrobert November 9, 1926 John Albert Dowd      Liberal Donald Laing      Liberal Resignation Yes
Notukeu June 1, 1926 George Spence      Liberal Alexander Lothian Grant      Liberal Resignation to run federally Yes
Moose Jaw County May 25, 1926† Charles Avery Dunning      Liberal Thomas Waddell      Liberal Resignation to run federally Yes
Île-à-la-Crosse April 26, 1926 Joseph Nolin      Liberal Jules Marion      Liberal Death Yes
Prince Albert March 18, 1926† Thomas Clayton Davis      Liberal Thomas Clayton Davis      Liberal Sought reelection upon appointment as Minister of Municipal Affairs Yes
Pipestone March 18, 1926† William John Patterson      Liberal William John Patterson      Liberal Sought reelection upon appointment as Provincial Treasurer Yes
Willow Bunch August 31, 1925† Abel James Hindle      Liberal James Albert Cross      Liberal Resignation to provide a seat for Cross Yes

† Won by acclamation

5th Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan (1921–1925)[edit]

† Won by acclamation

4th Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan (1917–1921)[edit]

† Won by acclamation

3rd Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan (1912–1917)[edit]

By-election Date Incumbent Party Winner Party Cause Retained
Moose Jaw County December 5, 1916 John Albert Sheppard      Liberal John Edwin Chisholm      Conservative Sought reelection in order to “give him the opportunity of vindicating his character by an appeal to the people” No
Regina City November 13, 1916 James Franklin Bole      Liberal William Melville Martin      Liberal Appointed Saskatchewan liquor commissioner Yes
Kinistino November 13, 1916 Edward Devline      Liberal Charles Avery Dunning      Liberal Resignation upon conviction for forgery Yes
Shellbrook May 10, 1915 Samuel James Donaldson      Conservative Edgar Sidney Clinch      Liberal Resignation to run federally No
Rosthern June 25, 1914 Gerhard Ens      Liberal William Benjamin Bashford      Liberal Resignation to become Inspector of Public Institutions Yes
North Qu’Appelle June 25, 1914 John Archibald McDonald      Conservative James Garfield Gardiner      Liberal Resignation after admitting to “corrupt practices on the part of his agent” No
Cumberland September 8, 1913 Vacant      n/a Deakin Hall      Liberal Void Election n/a
Hanley June 28, 1913 James Walter MacNeill      Liberal Macbeth Malcolm      Liberal Resignation to travel abroad and study mental diseases Yes
South Qu’Appelle December 4, 1912 Frederick W. A. G. Haultain      Conservative Joseph Glenn      Conservative Appointed a judge Yes
Redberry September 5, 1912 George Langley      Liberal George Langley      Liberal Sought reelection upon appointment as Minister of Municipal Affairs Yes
Estevan September 5, 1912 George Alexander Bell      Liberal George Alexander Bell      Liberal Sought reelection upon appointment as Provincial Treasurer Yes

† Won by acclamation

2nd Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan (1908–1912)[edit]

† Won by acclamation

1st Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan (1905–1908)[edit]

See also[edit]

