List of secondary schools in the Toronto District School Board

Name[9] Location Year founded Population (Dec. 2017) ESL population EQAO Academic Math score (2016-2018) OSSLT pass (2016-2018) Special programs[10][11] Picture A. Y. Jackson Secondary School North York 1970 1,055 84% 93% Increase 90% Decrease A. Y. Jackson Secondary School (Toronto).jpg Agincourt Collegiate Institute Scarborough 1915 1,236 79% 90% Decrease 92% Increase French Immersion, Extended French Agincourt Collegiate Institute.JPG Albert Campbell Collegiate Institute Scarborough 1976 1,219 86% 84% Decrease 80% Decrease Albert Campbell Collegiate Institute.JPG Birchmount Park Collegiate Institute Scarborough 1964 849 43% 67% Increase 70% Steady Elite Athletes/Arts Birchmount Park Collegiate Institute.JPG Bloor Collegiate Institute Toronto 1925 777 65% 91% Decrease 91% Decrease Math, Science & Technology

Advanced Placement

Bloor Collegiate Institute front facade.jpg C. W. Jefferys Collegiate Institute North York 1965 731 61% 74% Decrease 66% Decrease Arts Programs, Math, Science & Technology C.W. Jefferys Collegiate Institute.JPG Cedarbrae Collegiate Institute Scarborough 1961 1,146 58% 49% Increase 68% Steady French Immersion, Extended French, Media Arts Cedarbrae CI.jpg Central Technical School Toronto 1915 1,129 48% 41% Decrease 53% Increase Arts Programs Central Technical School (37661342775).jpg Central Toronto Academy Toronto 1911 537 59% 60% Increase 68% Increase Advanced Placement Central Toronto Academy (37601930775).jpg Danforth Collegiate and Technical Institute Toronto 1923 917 43% 84% Increase 72% Increase Math, Science & Technology Danforth Collegiate.JPG David and Mary Thomson Collegiate Institute Scarborough 1959 987 68% 59% Decrease 66% Decrease Advanced Placement David and Mary Thomson Collegiate Institute (2).jpg Don Mills Collegiate Institute North York 1959 1,055 67% 87% Steady 87% Increase Cyber Arts Don Mills Collegiate Institute.JPG Downsview Secondary School North York 1955 588 48% 60% Increase 44% Decrease Africentric Secondary Program, Arts Programs Dr Norman Bethune Collegiate Institute Scarborough 1979 1,076 91% 92% Decrease 87% Steady Dr Norman Bethune Collegiate Institute.JPG Earl Haig Secondary School North York 1929 1,993 75% 93% Decrease 92% Decrease Arts Focused Schools Earl Haig Secondary School Exterior.jpg East York Collegiate Institute East York 1927 972 55% 72% Increase 70% Increase French Immersion East York Collegiate.JPG Emery Collegiate Institute North York 1961 617 57% 35% Increase 61% Decrease Cyber Studies Etobicoke Collegiate Institute Etobicoke 1928 1,027 45% 94% Steady 84% Decrease Etobicoke Collegiate Institute.JPG Etobicoke School of the Arts Toronto 1981 921 20% 90% Decrease 97% Steady Arts Focused Schools Etobicoke School of the Arts.jpg Forest Hill Collegiate Institute Toronto 1948 979 53% 92% Steady 89% Decrease Forest Hill Collegiate Institute.JPG George Harvey Collegiate Institute York 1952 533 63% 42% Decrease 71% Decrease Cyber Studies George Harvey Collegiate Institute.JPG George S. Henry Academy North York 1965 401 70% 69% Steady 68% Decrease Georges Vanier Secondary School North York 1966 814 83% 76% Increase 69% Steady Arts Programs, Math, Science & Technology Georges Vanier Secondary School.JPG Harbord Collegiate Institute Toronto 1892 1,051 44% 77% Decrease 89% Decrease French Immersion, Extended French Harbord Collegiate Institute, prior to 1932.jpg Humberside Collegiate Institute Toronto 1892 1,181 29% 88% Decrease 94% Steady French Immersion, Extended French Humberside Collegiate Institute.JPG Jarvis Collegiate Institute Toronto 1807 684 78% 56% Decrease 76% Steady Advanced Placement Jarvis CI.JPG John Polanyi Collegiate Institute North York 1968 896 62% 57% Decrease 76% Decrease Math, Science & Technology John Polanyi Collegiate Insititute.jpg Kipling Collegiate Institute Etobicoke 1960 462 77% 44% Decrease 53% Decrease Math, Science & Technology Kipling Collegiate Institute.JPG L’Amoreaux Collegiate Institute Scarborough 1973 537 82% 83% Decrease 76% Steady Extended French L'Amoreaux Collegiate Institute.JPG Lakeshore Collegiate Institute Etobicoke 1983 626 35% 66% Increase 69% Increase Cyber Arts, Advanced Placement Lakeshore Collegiate Institute.jpg Lawrence Park Collegiate Institute Toronto 1936 1,162 21% 89% Steady 96% Decrease French Immersion, Extended French Lawrence Park Collegiate Institute.JPG Leaside High School East York 1945 997 37% 87% Increase 97% Steady French Immersion, Extended French Leaside High School.png Lester B. Pearson Collegiate Institute Scarborough 1978 1,383 72% 77% Decrease 75% Steady Lester B. Pearson Collegiate Institute.JPG Malvern Collegiate Institute Toronto 1903 1,130 13% 89% Decrease 94% Decrease French Immersion, Extended French Malvern Collegiate.JPG Marc Garneau Collegiate Institute East York 1973 1,715 94% 87% Decrease 80% Increase Math, Science & Technology Marc Garneau Collegiate Inst.JPG Martingrove Collegiate Institute Etobicoke 1966 1,177 58% 83% Decrease 85% Steady Advanced Placement Monarch Park Collegiate Institute Toronto 1964 825 42% 78% Decrease 85% Increase International Baccalaureate Monarch Park Collegiate.JPG Newtonbrook Secondary School North York 1964 893 81% 72% Decrease 69% Decrease French Immersion, Extended French Newtonbrook Secondary School.JPG North Albion Collegiate Institute Etobicoke 1962 842 69% 76% Increase 74% Increase Nalbion.jpg North Toronto Collegiate Institute Toronto 1910 1,265 37% 91% Steady 98% Increase New North Toronto Collegiate Institute.JPG Northern Secondary School Toronto 1930 1,776 24% 86% Steady 89% Decrease Northern Secondary, Toronto.JPG Northview Heights Secondary School North York 1957 1,692 79% 91% Steady 84% Steady Cyber Arts, Elite Athletes/Arts, Math, Science & Technology Northview Heights Secondary School.JPG Oakwood Collegiate Institute Toronto 1908 460 32% 45% Decrease 68% Decrease Extended French Oakwood Collegiate Institute.JPG Parkdale Collegiate Institute Toronto 1888 500 59% 76% Steady 81% Increase International Baccalaureate Parkdale Colleiate Institute.JPG R. H. King Academy Scarborough 1922 1,239 62% 89% Decrease 88% Decrease Leadership Pathway R.H. King Collegiate Institute.jpg Richview Collegiate Institute Etobicoke 1958 961 34% 85% Decrease 94% Steady French Immersion, Extended French Richview Collegiate Institute.jpg Riverdale Collegiate Institute Toronto 1907 1,181 44% 89% Increase 85% Increase Extended French Riverdale CI From Jones (Phone).jpg Rosedale Heights School of the Arts Toronto 1,044 17% 79% Steady 95% Steady Arts Focused Schools Rosedale Heights School of the Arts.JPG Runnymede Collegiate Institute York 1927 613 47% 65% Increase 65% Decrease Math, Science & Technology Runnymede Collegiate Back View.jpg SATEC @ W. A. Porter Collegiate Institute Scarborough 1958 1,264 77% 90% Decrease 87% Decrease Cyber Studies, Math, Science & Technology W.A. Porter Collegiate Institute.JPG Silverthorn Collegiate Institute Etobicoke 1964 912 51% 80% Decrease 80% Steady Elite Athletes/Arts Sir John A. Macdonald Collegiate Institute Scarborough 1964 1,104 73% 87% Steady 87% Steady Sir John A Macdonald Collegiate Institute.JPG Sir Oliver Mowat Collegiate Institute Scarborough 1970 1,098 30% 75% Decrease 83% Increase Sir Oliver Mowat Collegiate Institute.jpg Sir Wilfrid Laurier Collegiate Institute Scarborough 1965 1,354 56% 79% Increase 73% Decrease International Baccalaureate Sir Wilfrid Laurier Collegiate Institute, Scarborough.jpg Stephen Leacock Collegiate Institute Scarborough 1969 639 76% 87% Decrease 77% Increase Media Arts Stephen Leacock Collegiate Institute.JPG Thistletown Collegiate Institute Etobicoke 1957 485 62% 65% Decrease 72% Increase Thistletown Collegiate Institute.jpg Ursula Franklin Academy Toronto 1995 501 29% 94% Steady 99% Steady Integrated Technology Victoria Park Collegiate Institute North York 1960 1,289 77% 90% Decrease 84% Decrease International Baccalaureate VictoriaParkCollegiateInstitute - 20150607.JPG West Hill Collegiate Institute Scarborough 1955 704 43% 55% Decrease 72% Steady Advanced Placement West Hill Collegiate Institute (2013).jpg West Humber Collegiate Institute Etobicoke 1966 984 64% 88% Increase 75% Increase Math, Science & Technology, Advanced Placement West Humber Collegiate Institute.JPG Western Technical-Commercial School Toronto 1927 1,106 38% 72% Decrease 73% Increase Cyber Arts Weston Collegiate Institute York 1857 1,043 58% 49% Steady 66% Decrease Africentric Secondary Program, International Baccalaureate, SHSM Westview Centennial Secondary School North York 1967 892 50% 47% Increase 47% Steady Westview Centennial SS.JPG Wexford Collegiate School for the Arts Scarborough 1965 1,120 41% 73% Increase 80% Decrease Arts Focused Schools Wexford Collegiate Institute.JPG William Lyon Mackenzie Collegiate Institute North York 1960 1,348 67% 92% Increase 93% Steady Math, Science & Technology Mackenzie school1.JPG Winston Churchill Collegiate Institute Scarborough 1954 633 61% 73% Decrease 64% Steady Africentric Secondary Program, Advanced Placement Winston Churchill Collegiate Institute.JPG Woburn Collegiate Institute Scarborough 1963 944 75% 78% Decrease 79% Decrease Woburn Collegiate Institute.JPG York Memorial Collegiate Institute York 1929 871 62% 61% Decrease 77% Decrease Advanced Placement York Memo Coll.JPG York Mills Collegiate Institute North York 1957 984 70% 91% Steady French Immersion York Mills Collegiate.JPG