Senate of Chile – Wikipedia


Constituency Region Class Senator Name Political Group Party Prior Public Office/Position Education Assumed Office Term Expires 1 Arica and Parinacota 1 José Miguel Insulza Salinas.jpg José Miguel Insulza Constituent Unity PS Secretary General of the Organization of American States University of Chile March 11, 2018 March 11, 2026 1 Arica and Parinacota 1 José Durana Semir.jpg José Durana Chile Vamos UDI Intendant of the Arica y Parinacota Region University of Tarapacá March 11, 2018 March 11, 2026 2 Tarapacá 1 Jorge Soria Quiroga.jpg Jorge Soria Constituent Unity Independent Mayor of Iquique Iquique Men’s High School, Iquique March 11, 2018 March 11, 2026 2 Tarapacá 1 Luz Ebensperger Orrego.jpg Luz Ebensperger Chile Vamos UDI Intendant of the Tarapacá Region Pontifical Catholic University of Chile March 11, 2018 March 11, 2022 3 Antofagasta 2 Pedro Araya Guerrero.jpg Pedro Araya Guerrero Constituent Unity Independent Deputy District 4° (Antofagasta, Mejillones, Sierra Gorda and Taltal) University of Antofagasta March 11, 2014 March 11, 2022 3 Antofagasta 2 Alejandro Guillier.jpg Alejandro Guillier Constituent Unity Independent Journalist and television reporter Catholic University of the North March 11, 2014 March 11, 2022 4 Atacama 1 Yasna Provoste Campillay.jpg Yasna Provoste Constituent Unity DC Deputy District 6° (Alto del Carmen, Caldera, Freirina, Huasco, Tierra Amarilla and Vallenar) University of Playa Ancha March 11, 2018 March 11, 2026 4 Atacama 1 Rafael Prohens.jpg Rafael Prohens Chile Vamos RN Intendant of the Atacama Region Excelsior College, Santiago March 11, 2018 March 11, 2026 5 Coquimbo 2 Adriana Muñoz D'Albora.jpg Adriana Muñoz Constituent Unity PPD Deputy by District 9° (Combarbalá, Punitaqui, Monte Patria, Illapel, Salamanca, Los Vilos and Canela) University of Chile
University of Vienna March 11, 2014 March 11, 2022 5 Coquimbo 2 Jorge Pizarro Soto.jpg Jorge Pizarro Constituent Unity DC Deputy by District 8° (Coquimbo, Ovalle and Rio Hurtado) University of Chile March 11, 2014 March 11, 2022 6 Valparaíso 1 Francisco Chahuán Chahuán.jpg Francisco Chahuán Chile Vamos RN Deputy District 14° (Viña del Mar and Concon) University of Valparaíso March 11, 2010 March 11, 2026 6 Valparaíso 1 Kenneth Pugh Olavarría.jpg Kenneth Pugh Olavarría Chile Vamos RN General Director of the Personnel of the Chilean Navy Arturo Prat Naval School, Valparaíso March 11, 2018 March 11, 2026 6 Valparaíso 1 Ricardo Lagos Weber.jpg Ricardo Lagos Weber Constituent Unity PPD General Secretariat of Government minister during the government of Michelle Bachelet University of Chile
University of Sussex March 11, 2010 March 11, 2026 6 Valparaíso 1 María Isabel Allende Bussi.jpg Isabel Allende Constituent Unity PS Senator for Constituency 3 University of Chile March 11, 2018 March 11, 2026 6 Valparaíso 1 Juan Ignacio Latorre.jpg Juan Ignacio Latorre Broad Front RD No previous public office Central University of Chile March 11, 2018 March 11, 2026 7 Santiago West 2 Guido Girardi Lavín.jpg Guido Girardi Constituent Unity PPD Deputy District 18° (Cerro Navia, Lo Prado and Quinta Normal) University of Chile March 11, 2006 March 11, 2022 7 Santiago West 2 Marcela Constanza Sabat Fernández.jpg Marcela Sabat Chile Vamos RN Deputy District 10° (Santiago, Providencia, Ñuñoa, Macul, La Granja and San Joaquín) Universidad del Desarrollo
Finis Terrae University August 4, 2020 March 11, 2022 8 Santiago East 2 Manuel José Ossandón Irarrázabal.jpg Manuel José Ossandón Chile Vamos RN Mayor of Puente Alto Inacap March 11, 2014 March 11, 2022 8 Santiago East 2 Carlos Montes Cisternas.jpg Carlos Montes Cisternas Constituent Unity PS Deputy District 26° (La Florida) Pontifical Catholic University of Chile March 11, 2014 March 11, 2022 9 O’Higgins 2 Juan Pablo Letelier Morel.jpg Juan Pablo Letelier Constituent Unity PS Deputy District 33° (Mostazal, Graneros, Codegua, Machalí, Requínoa, Rengo, Olivar, Doñihue, Coinco, Coltauco, Quinta de Tilcoco and Malloa) Georgetown University March 11, 2006 March 11, 2022 9 O’Higgins 2 Alejandro García Huidobro Sanfuentes.jpg Alejandro García-Huidobro Chile Vamos UDI Deputy District 32° (Rancagua) University of Chile August 2, 2011 March 11, 2022 10 Maule 1 Juan castro prieto talca senador.jpg Juan Castro Prieto Chile Vamos Independent Mayor of Talca Industrial A-10 High School, Talca March 11, 2018 March 11, 2026 10 Maule 1 Rodrigo Galilea.jpg Rodrigo Galilea Chile Vamos RN Intendant of the Maule Region Pontifical Catholic University of Chile March 11, 2018 March 11, 2026 10 Maule 1 Juan Antonio Coloma Correa oficial.jpg Juan Antonio Coloma Correa Chile Vamos UDI Deputy District 31° (Talagante, Peñaflor, El Monte, Isla de Maipo, Melipilla, María Pinto, Curacaví, Alhué and San Pedro) Pontifical Catholic University of Chile March 11, 2002 March 11, 2026 10 Maule 1 Ximena Rincón González, ministra Segpres.jpg Ximena Rincón Constituent Unity DC Labor Minister during the government of Michelle Bachelet University of Chile March 11, 2018 March 11, 2026 10 Maule 1 Álvaro Elizalde, Ministro Segegob.jpg Álvaro Elizalde Constituent Unity PS General Secretariat of Government during the government of Michelle Bachelet University of Chile March 11, 2018 March 11, 2026 11 Biobío 2 Alejandro Navarro Brain.jpg Alejandro Navarro Constituent Unity PRO Deputy District 45° (Tomé, Penco, Florida, Hualqui, Coronel and Santa Juana) University of Concepción March 11, 2006 March 11, 2022 11 Biobío 2 Jacqueline Van Rysselberghe Herrera.jpg Jacqueline Van Rysselberghe Chile Vamos UDI Intendant of the Bío Bío Region University of Concepción March 11, 2014 March 11, 2022 12 Biobío
Ñuble 2 María Loreto Carvajal Ambiado (2018).jpg Loreto Carvajal Constituent Unity PPD Deputy District 19º (Bulnes, Cabrero, Cobquecura, Coelemu, Ñiquén, Portezuelo, Quillón, Quirihue, Ninhue, Ránquil, San Carlos, San Fabián, San Nicolás, Treguaco, Yumbel, Chillán, Chillán Viejo, Coihueco, El Carmen, Pemuco, Pinto, San Ignacio and Yungay). Catholic University of the Most Holy Conception March 3, 2021 March 11, 2022 12 Biobío
Ñuble 2 CLAUDIO ALVARADO.jpg Claudio Alvarado Chile Vamos UDI General Secretariat of Presidency during the government of Sebastián Piñera Valparaiso Business School August 4, 2020 March 11, 2022 13 Araucanía 1 Felipe José Kast Sommerhoff.jpg Felipe Kast Chile Vamos Evópoli Deputy District 22° (Santiago) Pontifical Catholic University of Chile
Harvard University March 11, 2018 March 11, 2026 13 Araucanía 1 Carmen Gloria Aravena Acuña.jpg Carmen Gloria Aravena Chile Vamos Independent Traiguén municipal administrator University of La Frontera March 11, 2018 March 11, 2026 13 Araucanía 1 José García Ruminot.jpg José García Ruminot Chile Vamos RN Deputy District 50° (Temuco and Padre Las Casas) Higher Institute of Trade March 11, 2002 March 11, 2026 13 Araucanía 1 Francisco Huenchumilla - Intendente Región de la Araucanía.jpg Francisco Huenchumilla Constituent Unity DC Intendant of the Araucanía Region University of Chile March 11, 2018 March 11, 2026 13 Araucanía 1 Jaime Quintana Leal.jpg Jaime Quintana Constituent Unity PPD Deputy District 49° (Victoria, Curacautín, Lonquimay, Melipeuco, Vilcún, Lautaro, Perquenco and Galvarino) Pontifical Catholic University of Chile
University of La Frontera March 11, 2010 March 11, 2026 14 Los Ríos 2 Alfonso De Urresti Longton.jpg Alfonso de Urresti Constituent Unity PS Deputy District 53° (Corral, Lanco, Mafil, Mariquina and Valdivia) University of Chile March 11, 2014 March 11, 2022 14 Los Ríos 2 Ena von Baer.jpg Ena von Baer Chile Vamos UDI Senator for Constituency 8 Pontifical Catholic University of Chile
RWTH Aachen University March 11, 2014 March 11, 2022 15 Los Lagos 2 Rabindranath Quinteros Lara.jpg Rabindranath Quinteros Constituent Unity PS Mayor of Puerto Montt University of Chile March 11, 2014 March 11, 2022 15 Los Lagos 2 Iván Moreira Barros.jpg Iván Moreira Chile Vamos UDI Deputy District 27° (El Bosque, La Cisterna and San Ramon) Luis Alberto Barrera High School, Punta Arenas March 11, 2014 March 11, 2022 16 Aysén 1 David Sandoval Plaza.jpg David Sandoval Chile Vamos UDI Deputy District 59° (Coihaique, Lago Verde, Aisén, Cisnes, Guaitecas, Chile Chico, Río Ibáñez, Cochrane, O’Higgins and Tortel) University of Chile March 11, 2018 March 11, 2026 16 Aysén 1 Ximena Órdenes Neira.jpg Ximena Órdenes Constituent Unity Independent Intendant of the Aysén Region Andrés Bello National University March 11, 2018 March 11, 2016 17 Magallanes 2 Carlos Antonio Karim Bianchi Chelech.jpg Carlos Bianchi Out of pact Independent Councillor of Punta Arenas Luis Alberto Barrera High School, Punta Arenas March 11, 2006 March 11, 2022 17 Magallanes 2 Carolina Goić Borojević.jpg Carolina Goic Constituent Unity DC Deputy District 60° (Puerto Natales, Torres del Paine, Punta Arenas, Río Verde, Laguna Blanca, San Gregorio, Porvenir, Primavera, Timaukel, Cabo de Hornos and Antártica) Pontifical Catholic University of Chile March 11, 2014 March 11, 2022