41st United States Congress – Wikipedia



1. Alfred E. Buck (R)
2. Charles W. Buckley (R)
3. Robert S. Heflin (R)
4. Charles Hays (R)
5. Peter M. Dox (D)
6. William C. Sherrod (D)


1. Logan H. Roots (R)
2. Anthony A. C. Rogers (D)
3. Thomas Boles (R)


1. Samuel B. Axtell (D)
2. Aaron A. Sargent (R)
3. James A. Johnson (D)


1. Julius L. Strong (R)
2. Stephen W. Kellogg (R)
3. Henry H. Starkweather (R)
4. William H. Barnum (D)


At-large. Benjamin T. Biggs (D)


At-large. Charles M. Hamilton (R)


1. William W. Paine (D), from December 22, 1870
2. Richard H. Whiteley (R), from December 22, 1870
3. Marion Bethune (R), from December 22, 1870
4. Jefferson F. Long (R), from January 16, 1871
5. Stephen A. Corker (D), from January 24, 1871
6. William P. Price (D), from December 22, 1870
7. Pierce M. B. Young (D), from December 22, 1870


1. Norman B. Judd (R)
2. John F. Farnsworth (R)
3. Elihu B. Washburne (R), until March 6, 1869

Horatio C. Burchard (R), from December 6, 1869
4. John B. Hawley (R)
5. Ebon C. Ingersoll (R)
6. Burton C. Cook (R)
7. Jesse H. Moore (R)
8. Shelby M. Cullom (R)
9. Thompson W. McNeely (D)
10. Albert G. Burr (D)
11. Samuel S. Marshall (D)
12. John B. Hay (R)
13. John M. Crebs (D)
At-large. John A. Logan (R), until March 3, 1871


1. William E. Niblack (D)
2. Michael C. Kerr (D)
3. William S. Holman (D)
4. George W. Julian (R)
5. John Coburn (R)
6. Daniel W. Voorhees (D)
7. Godlove S. Orth (R)
8. James N. Tyner (R)
9. John P. C. Shanks (R)
10. William Williams (R)
11. Jasper Packard (R)


1. George W. McCrary (R)
2. William Smyth (R), until September 30, 1870

William P. Wolf (R), from December 6, 1870
3. William B. Allison (R)
4. William Loughridge (R)
5. Francis W. Palmer (R)
6. Charles Pomeroy (R)


At-large. Sidney Clarke (R)


1. Lawrence S. Trimble (D)
2. William N. Sweeney (D)
3. Jacob Golladay (D), until February 28, 1870

Joseph H. Lewis (D), from May 10, 1870
4. J. Proctor Knott (D)
5. Boyd Winchester (D)
6. Thomas L. Jones (D)
7. James B. Beck (D)
8. George M. Adams (D)
9. John M. Rice (D)


1. J. Hale Sypher (R), from November 7, 1870
2. Lionel A. Sheldon (R)
3. Chester B. Darrall (R)
4. Joseph P. Newsham (R), from May 23, 1870
5. Frank Morey (R)


1. John Lynch (R)
2. Samuel P. Morrill (R)
3. James G. Blaine (R)
4. John A. Peters (R)
5. Eugene Hale (R)


1. Samuel Hambleton (D)
2. Stevenson Archer (D)
3. Thomas Swann (D)
4. Patrick Hamill (D)
5. Frederick Stone (D)


1. James Buffington (R)
2. Oakes Ames (R)
3. Ginery Twichell (R)
4. Samuel Hooper (R)
5. Benjamin F. Butler (R)
6. Nathaniel P. Banks (R)
7. George S. Boutwell (R), until March 12, 1869

George M. Brooks (R), from November 2, 1869
8. George F. Hoar (R)
9. William B. Washburn (R)
10. Henry L. Dawes (R)


1. Fernando C. Beaman (R)
2. William L. Stoughton (R)
3. Austin Blair (R)
4. Thomas W. Ferry (R), until March 3, 1871
5. Omar D. Conger (R)
6. Randolph Strickland (R)


1. Morton S. Wilkinson (R)
2. Eugene M. Wilson (D)


1. George E. Harris (R), from February 23, 1870
2. Joseph L. Morphis (R), from February 23, 1870
3. Henry W. Barry (R), from April 8, 1870
4. George C. McKee (R), from February 23, 1870
5. Legrand W. Perce (R), from February 23, 1870


1. Erastus Wells (D)
2. Gustavus A. Finkelnburg (R)
3. James R. McCormick (D)
4. Sempronius H. Boyd (R)
5. Samuel S. Burdett (R)
6. Robert T. Van Horn (R)
7. Joel F. Asper (R)
8. John F. Benjamin (R)
9. David P. Dyer (R)


At-large. John Taffe (R)


At-large. Thomas Fitch (R)

New Hampshire[edit]

1. Jacob H. Ela (R)
2. Aaron F. Stevens (R)
3. Jacob Benton (R)

New Jersey[edit]

1. William Moore (R)
2. Charles Haight (D)
3. John T. Bird (D)
4. John Hill (R)
5. Orestes Cleveland (D)

New York[edit]

1. Henry A. Reeves (D)
2. John G. Schumaker (D)
3. Henry W. Slocum (D)
4. John Fox (D)
5. John Morrissey (D)
6. Samuel S. Cox (D)
7. Hervey C. Calkin (D)
8. James Brooks (D)
9. Fernando Wood (D)
10. Clarkson N. Potter (D)
11. George W. Greene (D), until February 17, 1870

Charles H. Van Wyck (R), from February 17, 1870
12. John H. Ketcham (R)
13. John A. Griswold (D)
14. Stephen L. Mayham (D)
15. Adolphus H. Tanner (R)
16. Orange Ferriss (R)
17. William A. Wheeler (R)
18. Stephen Sanford (R)
19. Charles Knapp (R)
20. Addison H. Laflin (R)
21. Alexander H. Bailey (R)
22. John C. Churchill (R)
23. Dennis McCarthy (R)
24. George W. Cowles (R)
25. William H. Kelsey (R)
26. Giles W. Hotchkiss (R)
27. Hamilton Ward Sr. (R)
28. Noah Davis (R), until July 15, 1870

Charles H. Holmes (R), from December 6, 1870
29. John Fisher (R)
30. David S. Bennett (R)
31. Porter Sheldon (R)

North Carolina[edit]

1. Clinton L. Cobb (R)
2. David Heaton (R), until June 25, 1870

Joseph Dixon (R), from December 5, 1870
3. Oliver H. Dockery (R)
4. John T. Deweese (R), until February 28, 1870

John Manning Jr. (D), from December 7, 1870
5. Israel G. Lash (R)
6. Francis E. Shober (D)
7. Alexander H. Jones (R)


1. Peter W. Strader (D)
2. Job E. Stevenson (R)
3. Robert C. Schenck (R), until January 5, 1871
4. William Lawrence (R)
5. William Mungen (D)
6. John A. Smith (R)
7. James J. Winans (R)
8. John Beatty (R)
9. Edward F. Dickinson (D)
10. Truman H. Hoag (D), until February 5, 1870

Erasmus D. Peck (R), from April 23, 1870
11. John T. Wilson (R)
12. Philadelph Van Trump (D)
13. George W. Morgan (D)
14. Martin Welker (R)
15. Eliakim H. Moore (R)
16. John Bingham (R)
17. Jacob A. Ambler (R)
18. William H. Upson (R)
19. James A. Garfield (R)


At-large. Joseph S. Smith (D)


1. Samuel J. Randall (D)
2. Charles O’Neill (R)
3. John Moffet (D), until April 9, 1869

Leonard Myers (R), from April 9, 1869
4. William D. Kelley (R)
5. John R. Reading (D), until April 13, 1870

Caleb N. Taylor (R), from April 13, 1870
6. John D. Stiles (D)
7. Washington Townsend (R)
8. J. Lawrence Getz (D)
9. Oliver J. Dickey (R)
10. Henry L. Cake (R)
11. Daniel M. Van Auken (D)
12. George W. Woodward (D)
13. Ulysses Mercur (R)
14. John B. Packer (R)
15. Richard J. Haldeman (D)
16. John Cessna (R)
17. Daniel J. Morrell (R)
18. William H. Armstrong (R)
19. Glenni W. Scofield (R)
20. Calvin W. Gilfillan (R)
21. John Covode (R), February 9, 1870 – January 11, 1871
22. James S. Negley (R)
23. Darwin Phelps (R)
24. Joseph B. Donley (R)

Rhode Island[edit]

1. Thomas A. Jenckes (R)
2. Nathan F. Dixon Jr. (R)

South Carolina[edit]

1. B. Frank Whittemore (R), until February 24, 1870

Joseph Rainey (R), from December 12, 1870
2. Christopher C. Bowen (R)
3. Solomon L. Hoge (R), from April 8, 1869
4. Alexander S. Wallace (R), from May 27, 1870


1. Roderick R. Butler (R)
2. Horace Maynard (R)
3. William B. Stokes (R)
4. Lewis Tillman (R)
5. William F. Prosser (R)
6. Samuel M. Arnell (R)
7. Isaac R. Hawkins (R)
8. William J. Smith (R)


1. George W. Whitmore (R), from March 30, 1870
2. John C. Conner (D), from March 31, 1870
3. William T. Clark (R), from March 31, 1870
4. Edward Degener (R), from March 31, 1870


1. Charles W. Willard (R)
2. Luke P. Poland (R)
3. Worthington C. Smith (R)


1. Richard S. Ayer (R), from January 31, 1870
2. James H. Platt Jr. (R), from January 26, 1870
3. Charles H. Porter (R), from January 26, 1870
4. George Booker (C), from January 26, 1870
5. Robert Ridgway (C), from January 27, 1870 – October 16, 1870

Richard T. W. Duke (C), from November 8, 1870
6. William Milnes Jr. (C), from January 27, 1870
7. Lewis McKenzie (C), from January 31, 1870
8. James K. Gibson (C), from January 28, 1870

West Virginia[edit]

1. Isaac H. Duval (R)
2. James C. McGrew (R)
3. John Witcher (R)


1. Halbert E. Paine (R)
2. Benjamin F. Hopkins (R), until January 1, 1870

David Atwood (R), from February 23, 1870
3. Amasa Cobb (R)
4. Charles A. Eldredge (D)
5. Philetus Sawyer (R)
6. Cadwallader C. Washburn (R)

Non-voting members[edit]

Arizona Territory. Richard C. McCormick (D)
Colorado Territory. Allen A. Bradford (R)
Dakota Territory. Solomon L. Spink (R)
Idaho Territory. Jacob K. Shafer (D)
Montana Territory. James M. Cavanaugh (D)
New Mexico Territory. J. Francisco Chaves (R)
Utah Territory. William H. Hooper (D)
Washington Territory. Selucius Garfielde (R)
Wyoming Territory. Stephen F. Nuckolls (D), from December 6, 1869

House seats by party holding plurality in state

  80+% to 100% Democratic

  80+% to 100% Republican

  60+% to 80% Democratic

  60+% to 80% Republican

  Up to 60% Democratic

  Up to 60% Republican
