Discrete measure – Wikipedia


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Schematic representation of the Dirac measure by a line surmounted by an arrow. The Dirac measure is a discrete measure whose support is the point 0. The Dirac measure of any set containing 0 is 1, and the measure of any set not containing 0 is 0.

In mathematics, more precisely in measure theory, a measure on the real line is called a discrete measure (in respect to the Lebesgue measure) if it is concentrated on an at most countable set. The support need not be a discrete set. Geometrically, a discrete measure (on the real line, with respect to Lebesgue measure) is a collection of point masses.

Definition and properties[edit]

A measure

μ{displaystyle mu }

defined on the Lebesgue measurable sets of the real line with values in

[0,]{displaystyle [0,infty ]}

is said to be discrete if there exists a (possibly finite) sequence of numbers

such that

The simplest example of a discrete measure on the real line is the Dirac delta function

δ.{displaystyle delta .}

One has

δ(R{0})=0{displaystyle delta (mathbb {R} backslash {0})=0}


δ({0})=1.{displaystyle delta ({0})=1.}

More generally, if

s1,s2,{displaystyle s_{1},s_{2},dots }

is a (possibly finite) sequence of real numbers,

a1,a2,{displaystyle a_{1},a_{2},dots }

is a sequence of numbers in

[0,]{displaystyle [0,infty ]}

of the same length, one can consider the Dirac measures

δsi{displaystyle delta _{s_{i}}}

defined by

for any Lebesgue measurable set

X.{displaystyle X.}

Then, the measure

is a discrete measure. In fact, one may prove that any discrete measure on the real line has this form for appropriately chosen sequences

s1,s2,{displaystyle s_{1},s_{2},dots }


a1,a2,{displaystyle a_{1},a_{2},dots }


One may extend the notion of discrete measures to more general measure spaces. Given a measurable space

(X,Σ),{displaystyle (X,Sigma ),}

and two measures

μ{displaystyle mu }


ν{displaystyle nu }

on it,

μ{displaystyle mu }

is said to be discrete in respect to

ν{displaystyle nu }

if there exists an at most countable subset

S{displaystyle S}


X{displaystyle X}

such that

  1. All singletons

Notice that the first two requirements are always satisfied for an at most countable subset of the real line if

ν{displaystyle nu }

is the Lebesgue measure, so they were not necessary in the first definition above.

As in the case of measures on the real line, a measure

μ{displaystyle mu }


(X,Σ){displaystyle (X,Sigma )}

is discrete in respect to another measure

ν{displaystyle nu }

on the same space if and only if

μ{displaystyle mu }

has the form


S={s1,s2,},{displaystyle S={s_{1},s_{2},dots },}

the singletons

{si}{displaystyle {s_{i}}}

are in

Σ,{displaystyle Sigma ,}

and their

ν{displaystyle nu }

measure is 0.

One can also define the concept of discreteness for signed measures. Then, instead of conditions 2 and 3 above one should ask that

ν{displaystyle nu }

be zero on all measurable subsets of

S{displaystyle S}


μ{displaystyle mu }

be zero on measurable subsets of

XS.{displaystyle Xbackslash S.}


  • Kurbatov, V. G. (1999). Functional differential operators and equations. Kluwer Academic Publishers. ISBN 0-7923-5624-1.

External links[edit]
