List of people executed in Mexico


Name of the convict Execution date Method Charge Jurisdiction Description Image Arcadio Jímenez 28 April 1909 Firing squad Murder  Mexico, Federal Government Farmer who was condemned to death for murdering a policeman named Tomás Morales. The crime occurred during a protest in Chalco, State of Mexico, in the years previous to the beginning of the Mexican Revolution. Two other men, Hilario Silva and Marcelino Martínez, were executed for their participation in this murder.[2] Marcelino Martínez 28 April 1909 Firing squad Murder  Mexico, Federal Government Farmer executed with Arcadio Jímenez and Hilario Silva for the same crime.[3] Hilario Silva 28 April 1909 Firing squad Murder  Mexico, Federal Government Farmer executed with Arcadio Jímenez and Marcelino Martínez for the same crime.[4] José de Jesús Negrete Medina 22 December 1910 Firing squad Murder, robbery and organized delinquency  Mexico, Federal Government 37-year-old man, ex-military, and leader of a gang who was condemned to death for the murder of two policemen. Negrete was a bandit, better known as “The Tiger of Santa Julia” (Spanish: El Tigre de Santa Julia), with a modus operandi similar to Robin Hood. He was arrested and incarcerated in 1905 for several attacks on plantations, shops, and several armory stations. He escaped from prison and murdered two police officers in the process. He was re-arrested, sentenced to death, and executed by firing squad at Belem Prison in Mexico City in 1910. José Guadalupe Posada - The very Sensational Plot of Jesús Negrete, a.k.a., The Tiger of Santa Julia - Google Art Project.jpg Luis Segura Vilchis [es] 23 November 1927 Firing squad Conspiracy to commit murder, attempted murder, and terrorism  Mexico, Federal Government A 24-year-old hydraulic engineer, and active member of group named Liga Nacional para la Defensa de las Libertades Religiosas (English: National League for the Defense of Religious Liberties). Vilchis was condemned to death for the attempted murder of Mexican Presidential candidate, Alvaro Obregón. He orchestrated and executed a bomb attack on November 13, 1927 in Mexico City.[5] The day of murder attempt, Vilchis and three other men (Juan Tirado, Nahum Lamberto Ruíz, and an unidentified man) approached Obregón’s retinue; Vilchis and Tirado threw two bombs at the retinue, while Ruíz shot at them. No fatalities resulted from the attack. A few hours later, Vilchis turned himself in. On 23 November 1927, Vilchis was executed by firing squad at the same time as Juan Tirado and the brothers Miguel and Humberto Pro. Neither Ruíz nor the unidentified man were executed for their roles in the plot.[6] Juan Tirado Arías 23 November 1927 Firing squad Conspiracy to commit murder, attempted murder, and terrorism  Mexico, Federal Government Executed with Luis Segura Vilchis and the Pro brothers for his participation in the bomb attack on 13 November 1927.[7] Father Miguel Agustín Pro 23 November 1927 Firing squad Conspiracy to commit murder, attempted murder, and terrorism  Mexico, Federal Government A Mexican Jesuit Catholic priest also known as Blessed Miguel Pro, executed with Luis Segura Vilchis, Juan Tirado Arías, and his brother Humberto for his participation in the bomb attack on 13 November 1927. Pro’s arrest, lack of trial, and evidential support gained prominence during the Cristero War, and his execution, intended to frighten Mexican Catholics, served the opposite effect. Known for his religious piety and innocence, Pro was beatified in Rome on September 25, 1988, by Pope John Paul II as a Catholic martyr, killed “in odium fidei” (in hatred of the faith).[8][9] Humberto Pro 23 November 1927 Firing squad Conspiracy to commit murder, attempted murder, and terrorism  Mexico, Federal Government Executed with Luis Segura Vilchis, Juan Tirado Arías, and his brother Miguel for his participation in the bomb attack on 13 November 1927.[10] José de León Toral 9 February 1929 Firing squad Magnicide and terrorism.  Mexico, Federal Government 29 years-old anti-government Roman Catholic who was condemned to death for the murder of Mexican president-elect, Álvaro Obregón. At 17 July 1928, at 2:20 pm, De León Toral shot Obregón six times while the president-elect ate in a restaurant named “La Bombilla” localised in San Ángel neighborhood, now Álvaro Obregón borough, Mexico City.[11] De León was a destaca citizen without a criminal record, a father of three, a caricaturist, and a professional soccer player; he was convinced that the Obregón death would end the civil war.[12] He was also opposed to the government’s advocacy of anti-Catholicism. Some[who?] have considered him a martyr or hero, but the official position of the Mexican government and Mexican Roman Catholic clergy is that he was an extremist.[13] Toral was shot in Palacio de Lecumberri, Mexico City. Reportedly, his last words were, “¡Viva Cristo Rey!” (English: Long Live Christ the King), the frequent defiant rallying cry of the Cristeros. JoseDeLeonToral.JPG Juan Castillo Martínez 17 February 1938 Firing squad (not an official, state-sanctioned execution) Rape and murder.  Baja California Male soldier who was condemned to death for the rape and murder of an 8-year-old girl. He was sentenced with inconsistent evidence. After his death sentence was passed, he was removed from the courtroom and summarily executed under the ley fuga, a law active in Mexico at the time that allowed authorities to kill prisoners who attempted to flee; the law was also often used as an excuse for summary executions. After his death, rumors of his innocence persisted. Alleged apparitions of his ghost and miracles attributed to him caused some to believe that Juan Castillo, now called “Juan Soldado”, was unjustly executed. He became an apocryphal saint venerated in some places near the U.S.-Mexican border.[14] Juansoldado.jpg Francisco Ruíz Corrales 17 June 1957 Firing squad Rape and murder.  Sonora 27-year-old laborer who was condemned to death for the rape and murder of María de la Luz Margarita Mendoza Noriega, a 9-year-old girl. On 18 January 1957, in Hermosillo, Sonora, Ruíz Corrales kidnapped the girl and carried her to an isolated place, where he raped and strangled her. The victim sold tomatoes in a local market, and several witnesses saw her go with Ruíz Corrales. He was arrested the same day of the murder and was sentenced to capital punishment one week afterwards. He was executed together with José Rosario Zamarripa, another man condemned for similar crimes.[15][16][17]