Sacred Books of the East


Vol. Group Published Translator Title and contents 1 Hindu 1879 Max Müller The Upanishads, part 1/2:[2] 2 Hindu 1879 Georg Bühler The Sacred Laws of the Âryas (Dharmaśāstra), part 1/2: 3 China 1879 James Legge The Sacred Books of China, part 1/6 – the texts of Confucianism:

  • The Shû King (Classic of History)
    • Book of Thang
    • Books of
    • Books of Hsiâ
    • Books of Shang
    • Books of Kâu
  • Shih King, the Book of Odes (Classic of Poetry)
    • I. Odes of the Temple and the Altar
    • II. Minor Odes of the Kingdom
    • III. Major Odes of the Kingdom
    • IV. Lessons from the States
  • The Hsiâo King (Classic of Filial Piety)
4 Zor 1880 James Darmesteter Zend-Avesta, part 1/3: 5 Zor 1880 E. W. West Pahlavi Texts, part 1/5: 6 Islam 1880 E. H. Palmer Qur’an part 1/2 – chapters I-XVI 7 Hindu 1880 Julius Jolly The Institutes of Visnu. 8 Hindu 1882 Kâshinâth Trimbak Telang The Bhagavadgîtâ: 9 Islam 1880 E. H. Palmer The Qur’an, part 2/2 – chapters XVII-CXIV 10 Bud 1881 Max Müller (Dhammapada, from Pāli) Viggo Fausböll (Sutta-Nipata, from Pāli) Dhammapada: a collection of verses

Sutta-Nipâta: a collection of discourses; being one of the canonical books of the Buddhists

11 Bud 1881 T. W. Rhys Davids Buddhist Suttas: 12 Hindu 1882 Julius Eggeling Satapatha Brahmana, part 1/5: 13 Bud 1881 T. W. Rhys Davids and Hermann Oldenberg Vinaya Texts, part 1/3: 14 Hindu 1882 Georg Bühler The Sacred Laws of the Âryas, part 2/2: 15 Hindu 1884 Max Müller The Upanishads, part 2/2: 16 China 1882 James Legge The Sacred Books of China, part 2/6 – the texts of Confucianism: 17 Bud 1882 T. W. Rhys Davids and Hermann Oldenberg Vinaya Texts, part 2/3 18 Zor 1882 E. W. West Pahlavi Texts, part 2/5 19 Bud 1883 Samuel Beal The Fo-sho-hing-tsan-king: a life of Buddha, by Ashvaghosha, Bodhisattva; translated from Sanskrit into Chinese by Dharmakṣema (A. D. 420). 20 Bud 1885 T. W. Rhys Davids and Hermann Oldenberg Vinaya Texts, part 3/3: 21 Bud 1884 H. Kern The Saddharma-Pundarika or The Lotus of the True Law. 22 Jain 1884 Hermann Jacobi


from the Prâkrit

Jaina Sûtras, part 1/2 23 Zor 1883 James Darmesteter Zend-Avesta, part 2/3: 24 Zor 1884 E. W. West Pahlavi Texts, part 3/5: 25 Hindu 1886 Georg Bühler The Laws of Manu: with extracts from seven commentaries. 26 Hindu 1885 Julius Eggeling Satapatha Brahmana, part 2/5 27 China 1885 James Legge The Sacred Books of China, part 3/6 – the texts of Confucianism: 28 China 1885 James Legge The Sacred Books of China, part 4/6 – the texts of Confucianism: 29 Hindu 1886 Hermann Oldenberg Grihya-sutras, part 1/2 – rules of Vedic domestic ceremonies:

  • Sankhyayana-Grihya-sutra
  • Āśvalāyana-Grihya-sutra
  • Paraskara-Grihya-sutra
  • Khadia-Grihya-sutra
30 Hindu 1892 Hermann Oldenberg (Apstamba),

Max Müller (Yajna)

Grihya-sutras, part 2/2 – rules of Vedic domestic ceremonies: 31 Zor 1887 Lawrence Heyworth Mills Zend-Avesta, part 3/3: 32 Hindu 1891 Max Müller Vedic Hymns, part 1/2

  • Hymns to the Maruts
  • Hymns to Rudra
  • Hymns to Vâyu
  • Hymns to Vâta
  • Bibliographical list of the more important publications on the Rigveda
33 Hindu 1889 Julius Jolly The Minor Law-Books: Brihaspati 34 Hindu 1890 George Thibaut Vedanta-Sutras, part 1/3

  • Commentary by Sankaracharya, part 1 of 2
  • Adhyâya I–II (Pâda I–II).
35 Bud 1890 T. W. Rhys Davids The Questions of King Milinda, part 1/2 36 Bud 1894 T. W. Rhys Davids The Questions of King Milinda, part 2/2 37 Zor 1892 E. W. West Pahlavi Texts, part 4/5 38 Hindu 1896 George Thibaut Vedanta-Sutras, part 2/3

  • Commentary by Sankaracharya, part 2 of 2
  • Adhyâya II (Pâda III–IV)–IV
39 China 1891 James Legge Texts of Taoism, part 1/2 40 China 1891 James Legge Texts of Taoism, part 2/2

  • The Writings of Kwang Tse, XVII–XXXIII
  • The Thâi-shang tractate of actions and their retributions
  • Other Taoist texts
  • the Index to vols. 39 and 40
41 Hindu 1894 Julius Eggeling Satapatha Brahmana, part 3/5: 42 Hindu 1897 Maurice Bloomfield Hymns of the Atharvaveda, Together With Extracts From the Ritual Books and the Commentaries 43 Hindu 1897 Julius Eggeling Satapatha Brahmana, part 4/5: 44 Hindu 1900 Julius Eggeling Satapatha Brahmana, part 5/5: 45 Jain 1895 Hermann Jacobi

(from Prâkrit)

Jaina Sûtras, part 2 of 2: 46 Hindu 1897 Hermann Oldenberg Vedic Hymns, part 2/2: 47 Zor 1897 E. W. West Pahlavi Texts, part 5/5: 48 Hindu 1904 George Thibaut Vedanta-Sutras, part 3/3, with the commentary of Râmânuja 49 Bud 1894 Edward Byles Cowell (part 1, from Sanskrit), Max Müller, and Takakusu Junjiro (Amitâyur) Buddhist Mahâyâna Texts, part 1/2:

Buddhist Mahâyâna Texts, part 2/2:

50 Index 1910 Moriz Winternitz, with a preface by Arthur Anthony Macdonell General index to the names and subject-matter of the Sacred Books of the East.