List of MPs elected in the 1774 British general election

Aberdeen Burghs (seat 1/1) Thomas Lyon – resigned
Replaced by Adam Drummond 1779 Pro-Admin Whig Aberdeenshire (seat 1/1) Alexander Garden Independent Abingdon (seat 1/1) John Mayor – void election, re-elected 1775 Aldborough (seat 1/2) Charles Wilkinson – became insane
Replaced by William Baker 1777 Aldborough (seat 2/2) Abel Smith –- resigned
Replaced by Hon. William Hanger 1778 Whig
. Aldeburgh (seat 1/2) Thomas Fonnereau –- died
Replaced by Martyn Fonnereau 1779 Aldeburgh (seat 2/2) Richard Combe Amersham (seat1/2) William Drake, Jr. Tory Amersham (seat 2/2) William Drake, Sr. Tory Andover (seat 1/2) Benjamin Lethieullier Andover (seat 2/2) Sir John Griffin Anglesey (seat 1/1) The Viscount Bulkeley Anstruther Easter Burghs (seat 1/1) Philip Anstruther II – resigned
Replaced by Hon. George Damer 1778 Appleby (seat 1/2) George Johnstone Appleby (seat 2/2) Philip Honywood Argyllshire (seat 1/1) Adam Livingston Arundel (seat 1/2) Thomas Brand Arundel (seat 2/2) George Newnham Ashburton (seat 1/2) Robert Palk Ashburton (seat 2/2) Charles Boone Aylesbury (seat 1/2) Anthony Bacon Aylesbury (seat 2/2) John Aubrey Ayr Burghs (seat 1/1) Sir George Macartney – took post
Replaced by Frederick Stuart 1776 Ayrshire (seat 1/1) Sir Adam Fergusson Banbury (seat 1/1) Frederick North, Lord North Tory Banffshire (seat 1/1) James Duff Barnstaple (seat 1/2) William Devaynes Barnstaple (seat 2/2) John Clevland Whig Bath (seat 1/2) Abel Moysey Bath (seat 2/2) John Smith – died
replaced by Sir John Sebright, 6th Baronet 1775 Beaumaris (seat 1/1) Sir Hugh Williams, 8th Baronet Bedford (seat 1/2) Sir William Wake, 8th Baronet Bedford (seat 2/2) Robert Sparrow – unseated on petition
Replaced by Samuel Whitbread 1775 Bedfordshire (seat 1/2) John FitzPatrick, 2nd Earl of Upper Ossory Whig Bedfordshire (seat 2/2) Robert Ongley Tory Bere Alston (seat 1/2) Sir Francis Drake, 5th Baronet Bere Alston (seat 2/2) Hon. George Hobart Berkshire (seat 1/2) Christopher Griffith – died
replaced by Winchcombe Henry Hartley 1776 Berkshire (seat 2/2) John Elwes Berwickshire (seat 1/1) James Pringle – resigned
replaced by Sir John Paterson, Bt 1779 Berwick-upon-Tweed (seat 1/2) Jacob Wilkinson Berwick-upon-Tweed (seat 2/2) Hon. John Vaughan Beverley (seat 1/2) George Tufnell Beverley (seat 2/2) Sir James Pennyman, Bt Bewdley (seat 1/1) William Henry Lyttelton Bishops Castle (seat 1/2) George Clive – died
replaced by William Clive 1779 Bishops Castle (seat 2/2) Henry Strachey – took office
Replaced by Alexander Wedderburn 1778 – took office
Replaced by Henry Strachey1780 Bletchingley (seat 1/2) Frederick Standert Bletchingley (seat 2/2) Sir Robert Clayton Bodmin (seat 1/2) James Laroche Bodmin (seat 2/2) George Hunt Boroughbridge (seat 1/2) Anthony Eyre Boroughbridge (seat 2/2) Charles Mellish – sat for Pontefract.
Replaced by William Phillips, 1775 Bossiney (seat 1/2) John Stuart, Lord Mountstuart – ennobled
Replaced by Hon. Charles Stuart Bossiney (seat 2/2) Henry Lawes Luttrell Boston (seat 1/2) Lord Robert Bertie Boston (seat 2/2) Charles Amcotts – died
Replaced by Humphrey Sibthorp 1777 Brackley (seat 1/2) William Egerton Brackley (seat 2/2) Timothy Caswall Bramber (seat 1/2) Thomas Thoroton Bramber (seat 2/2) Sir Henry Gough Brecon (seat 1/1) Charles Van – died
Replaced by Charles Gould, 1778 Breconshire (seat 1/1) Charles Morgan Bridgnorth (seat 1/2) The Lord Pigot – died
Replaced by Hugh Pigot 1778 Bridgnorth (seat 2/2) Thomas Whitmore Bridgwater (seat 1/2) Hon. Anne Poulett Bridgwater (seat 2/2) Benjamin Allen Bridport (seat 1/2) Lucius Ferdinand Cary Bridport (seat 2/2) Thomas Coventry Bristol (seat 1/2) Henry Cruger Bristol (seat 2/2) Edmund Burke Buckingham (seat 1/2) Richard Grenville Grenvillite Buckingham (seat 2/2) James Grenville Grenvillite Buckinghamshire (seat 1/2) Ralph Verney, Earl Verney Buckinghamshire (seat 2/2) George Grenville – succeeded to peerage
Replaced by Thomas Grenville 1779 Bury St Edmunds (seat 1/2) Sir Charles Davers, Bt Bury St Edmunds (seat 2/2) Augustus John Hervey – succeeded to peerage
Replaced by Henry Seymour Conway 1775 Buteshire (seat 1/1) James Stuart II Caernarvon Boroughs (seat 1/1) Glyn Wynn Caernarvonshire (seat 1/1) Thomas Assheton Smith Caithness (seat 0/0) Alternating seat with Bute-shire. No representation in 1774 Callington (seat 1/2) John Dyke Acland – died
Replaced by George Stratton 1778 Callington (seat 2/2) William Skrine Calne (seat 1/2) John Dunning Calne (seat 2/2) Isaac Barré Cambridge (seat 1/2) Soame Jenyns Cambridge (seat 2/2) Charles Sloane Cadogan – ennobled
Replaced by Benjamin Keene Cambridgeshire (seat 1/2) Sir Sampson Gideon, Bt Cambridgeshire (seat 2/2) Sir John Hynde Cotton, Bt Cambridge University (seat 1/2) Richard Croftes Cambridge University (seat 2/2) Charles Manners, Marquess of Granby – succeeded to peerage
Replaced by James Mansfield, 1779 Camelford (seat 1/2) John Amyand Camelford (seat 2/2) Francis Herne – died
Replaced by Sir Ralph Payne 1776 Canterbury (seat 1/2) Richard Milles Canterbury (seat 2/2) Sir William Mayne Cardiff Boroughs (seat 1/1) Herbert Mackworth Cardigan Boroughs (seat 1/1) Sir Robert Smyth, Bt – unseated on petition
Replaced by Thomas Johnes, 1775 – resigned
Replaced by John Campbell 1780 Cardiganshire (seat 1/1) Viscount Lisburne Carlisle (seat 1/2) Fletcher Norton – sat for Guildford
Replaced by Walter Spencer-Stanhope Carlisle (seat 2/2) Anthony Morris Storer Carmarthen (seat 1/1) John Adams Carmarthenshire (seat 1/1) George Rice – died
replaced by John Vaughan 1779 Castle Rising (seat 1/2) Alexander Wedderburn – sat for Okehampton
Replaced by Hon. Charles Finch 1775 – resigned
Replaced by John Chetwynd Talbot 1777 Castle Rising (seat 2/2) Robert Mackreth Cheshire (seat 1/2) John Crewe Whig Cheshire (seat 2/2) Samuel Egerton – died
Replaced by Sir Robert Salusbury Cotton, Bt, 1779 Chester (seat 1/2) Richard Wilbraham-Bootle Chester (seat 2/2) Thomas Grosvenor Chichester (seat 1/2) William Keppel Chichester (seat 2/2) Thomas Conolly Chippenham (seat 1/2) Sir Edward Bayntun-Rolt Chippenham (seat 2/2) Samuel Marsh Chipping Wycombe (seat 1/2) Hon. Thomas Fitzmaurice Chipping Wycombe (seat 2/2) Robert Waller Christchurch (seat 1/2) Thomas Villiers, Lord Hyde Christchurch (seat 2/2) James Harris Whig Cirencester (seat 1/2) James Whitshed Cirencester (seat 2/2) Samuel Blackwell Clackmannanshire (seat 1/1) Ralph Abercromby Clitheroe (seat 1/2) Thomas Lister Clitheroe (seat 2/2) Assheton Curzon Cockermouth (seat 1/2) George Johnstone, RN – sat for Appleby
Replaced by Ralph Gowland 1775 Cockermouth (seat 2/2) Fletcher Norton – sat for Guildford
Replaced by James Adair 1775 Colchester (seat 1/2) Charles Gray Tory Colchester (seat 2/2) Isaac Martin Rebow Whig Corfe Castle (seat 1/2) John Bond Corfe Castle (seat 2/2) John Jenkinson Cornwall (seat 1/2) Sir John Molesworth, Bt – died
Replaced by Edward Eliot 1775 Cornwall (seat 2/2) Sir William Lemon, Bt Coventry (seat 1/2) Edward Roe Yeo Coventry (seat 2/2) Walter Waring – died
replaced by John Baker Holroyd, 1780 Cricklade (seat 1/2) William Earle – died
replaced by Samuel Peach 1775 – void election double return
Replaced by John Dewar 1776 Cricklade (seat 2/2) Arnold Nesbitt – died
replaced by John Macpherson 1779 Cromartyshire (seat 1/1) William Pulteney Cumberland (seat 1/2) Henry Fletcher Cumberland (seat 2/2) James Lowther, 1st Earl of Lonsdale Dartmouth (seat 1/2) Richard Hopkins Dartmouth (seat 2/2) Richard Howe, Viscount Howe Denbigh Boroughs (seat 1/1) Richard Myddelton Denbighshire (seat 1/1) Sir Watkin Williams-Wynn, 4th Baronet Derby (seat 1/2) Lord Frederick Cavendish Derby (seat 2/2) Wenman Coke – sat for Norfolk
Replaced by John Gisborne 1775 – unseated on petition
Replaced by Daniel Coke 1776 Derbyshire (seat 1/2) Lord George Cavendish Whig Derbyshire (seat 2/2) Godfrey Bagnall Clarke –- died
Replaced by Hon. Nathaniel Curzon 1775 Tory; Devizes (seat 1/2) James Sutton Devizes (seat 2/2) Charles Garth Devon (seat 1/2) John Parker Devon (seat 2/2) Sir Richard Bampfylde, Bt – died
Replaced by John Rolle Walter 1776 – died
Replaced by John Rolle 1780 Dorchester (seat 1/2) John Damer Dorchester (seat 2/2) William Ewer Dorset (seat 1/2) Humphrey Sturt Dorset (seat 2/2) Hon. George Pitt Dover (seat 1/2) John Henniker Dover (seat 2/2) John Trevanion Downton (seat 1/2) Thomas Duncombe – unseated on petition
Replaced by John Cooper 1775 – died
Replaced by Thomas Duncombe 1779 – died
Replaced by Hon. Bartholomew Bouverie 1779 – unseated on petition
Replaced by Robert Shafto 1780 Downton (seat 2/2) Thomas Dummer – unseated on petition
Replaced by Sir Philip Hales 1775 Droitwich (seat 1/2) Thomas Foley junior – succeeded to peerage
Replaced by Sir Edward Winnington, Bt 1777 Droitwich (seat 2/2) Andrew Foley Dumfries Burghs (seat 1/1) William Douglas Dumfriesshire (seat 1/1) Robert Laurie Dunbartonshire (seat 1/1) Sir Archibald Edmonstone, 1st Baronet Tory Dunwich (seat 1/2) Miles Barne – resigned
Replaced by Barne Barne 1777 Dunwich (seat 2/2) Gerard Vanneck Durham (City of) (seat 1/2) John Tempest Durham (City of) (seat 2/2) John Lambton Durham (County) (seat 1/2) Sir Thomas Clavering, 7th Baronet Durham (County) (seat 2/2) Sir John Eden, Bt Dysart Burghs (seat 1/1) John Johnstone East Grinstead (seat 1/2) Lord George Germain East Grinstead (seat 2/2) John Irwin East Looe (seat 1/2) Sir Charles Whitworth – resigned
Replaced by Thomas Graves 1775 – resigned
Replaced by William Graves 1775 East Looe (seat 2/2) John Buller East Retford (seat 1/2) Sir Cecil Wray, 13th Baronet East Retford (seat 2/2) Lord Thomas Pelham-Clinton – sat for Westminster
Replaced by William Hanger 1775 – resigned
Replaced by Lord John Pelham-Clinton 1778 Edinburgh (seat 1/1) Sir Lawrence Dundas Pro-Admin Whig Edinburghshire (seat 1/1) Henry Dundas Elgin Burghs (seat 1/1) Staats Long Morris Elginshire (seat 1/1) Arthur Duff – resigned
Replaced by Lord William Gordon 1779 Essex (seat 1/2) John Luther Essex (seat 2/2) John Conyers – died
Replaced by William Harvey 1775 – died
Replaced by Thomas Berney Bramston 1779 Evesham (seat 1/2) Henry Seymour Evesham (seat 2/2) John Rushout Exeter (seat 1/2) Sir Charles Warwick Bampfylde Exeter (seat 2/2) John Rolle Walter – resigned
Replaced by John Baring 1776 Eye (seat 1/2) Richard Burton Phillipson Eye (seat 2/2) John St John Fife (seat 1/1) John Scott – died
Replaced by James Townsend Oswald 1776 – took office
Replaced by Robert Skene 1779 – unseated on petition
Replaced by John Henderson 1780 Flint Boroughs (seat 1/1) Sir John Glynne, Bt – died
Replaced by Watkin Williams 1777 Flintshire (seat 1/1) Sir Roger Mostyn, Bt Forfarshire (seat 1/1) William Maule, Earl Panmure Fowey (seat 1/2) Philip Rashleigh Fowey (seat 2/2) Molyneaux Shuldham Gatton (seat 1/2) Sir William Mayne – sat for Canterbury
Replaced by Robert Mayne 1774 Gatton (seat 2/2) Robert Scott – sat for Wootton Bassett
Replaced by William Adam 1774 Glamorganshire (seat 1/1) George Venables-Vernon Glasgow Burghs (seat 1/1) Lord Frederick Campbell Gloucester (seat 1/2) George Augustus Selwyn Gloucester (seat 2/2) Charles Barrow Gloucestershire (seat 1/2) Edward Southwell – succeeded to peerage
Replaced by William Bromley-Chester 1776 Gloucestershire (seat 2/2) Sir William Guise, Bt Grampound (seat 1/2) Hon. Sir Joseph Yorke Grampound (seat 2/2) Richard Neville Grantham (seat 1/2) Sir Brownlow Cust – ennobled
Replaced by Peregrine Cust 1776 Grantham (seat 2/2) Lord George Manners-Sutton Great Bedwyn (seat 1/2) James Stopforth – resigned
Replaced by Viscount Cranborne 1774 Great Bedwyn (seat 2/2) Paul Methuen Great Grimsby (seat 1/2) Francis Evelyn Anderson Great Grimsby (seat 2/2) Joseph Mellish Great Marlow (seat 1/2) William Clayton Great Marlow (seat 2/2) Sir John Borlase Warren Great Yarmouth (seat 1/2) Charles Townshend Great Yarmouth (seat 2/2) Hon. Richard Walpole Guildford (seat 1/2) Sir Fletcher Norton Guildford (seat 2/2) George Onslow Haddington Burghs (seat 1/1) John Maitland – died
Replaced by Francis Charteris, 1780 Haddingtonshire (seat 1/1) Sir George Suttie, Bt – resigned
Replaced by William Hamilton Nisbet 1777 Hampshire (seat 1/2) Sir Henry St John, Bt Hampshire (seat 2/2) Sir Simeon Stuart, Bt – died
Replaced by Jervoise Clarke Jervoise 1779 Harwich (seat 1/2) Edward Harvey – died
Replaced by George Augustus North, 1778 Harwich (seat 2/2) John Robinson Haslemere (seat 1/2) Thomas More Molyneux -died
Replaced by Peter Burrell 1776 Haslemere (seat 2/2) Sir Merrick Burrell, Bt Hastings (seat 1/2) Henry Temple, Lord Palmerston Hastings (seat 2/2) Charles Jenkinson Haverfordwest (seat 1/1) William Edwardes Hedon (seat 1/2) Sir Charles Saunders – died
Replaced by Hon. Lewis Watson 1776 Hedon (seat 2/2) Beilby Thompson Helston (seat 1/2) Marquis of Carmarthen – unseated on petition
Replaced by Francis Cockayne-Cust 1775 Helston (seat 2/2) Francis Owen – unseated on petition
Replaced by Philip Yorke 1775 Hereford (seat 1/2) Richard Symons Hereford (seat 2/2) John Scudamore Herefordshire (seat 1/2) Thomas Foley snr – ennobled
Replaced by Thomas Harley 1776 Herefordshire (seat 2/2) Sir George Cornewall, Bt Hertford (seat 1/2) John Calvert Hertford (seat 2/2) Paul Feilde Hertfordshire (seat 1/2) William Plumer Hertfordshire (seat 2/2) Thomas Halsey Heytesbury (seat 1/2) William Ashe-à Court Heytesbury (seat 2/2) Hon. William Gordon Higham Ferrers (seat 1/1) Frederick Montagu Hindon (seat 1/2) Richard Smith – void election, writ suspended 1775 – Reelected 1776 Hindon (seat 2/2) Thomas Brand Hollis – void election, writ suspended 1775
Replaced by Henry Dawkins 1776 Honiton (seat 1/2) Sir George Yonge, Bt Honiton (seat 2/2) Laurence Cox Horsham (seat 1/2) Jeremiah Dyson -died
Replaced by Earl of Drogheda 1775 Horsham (seat 2/2) James Wallace Huntingdon (seat 1/2) George Wombwell Huntingdon (seat 2/2) Hon. William Augustus Montagu – died
Replaced by Constantine John Phipps 1776 Huntingdonshire (seat 1/2) Viscount Hinchingbrooke Huntingdonshire (seat 2/2) The Earl Ludlow Hythe (seat 1/2) Sir Charles Farnaby Hythe (seat 2/2) William Evelyn Ilchester (seat 1/2) Peregrine Cust – void election
Replaced by Nathaniel Webb 1775 Ilchester (seat 2/2) William Innes void election
Replaced by Owen Salusbury Brereton Inverness Burghs (seat 1/1) Sir Hector Munro Inverness-shire (seat 1/1) Simon Fraser Ipswich (seat 1/2) William Wollaston Ipswich (seat 2/2) Thomas Staunton Kent (seat 1/2) Hon. Charles Marsham Bt Kent (seat 2/2) Thomas Knight, junior Kincardineshire (seat 1/1) Lord Adam Gordon King’s Lynn (seat 1/2) Thomas Walpole King’s Lynn (seat 2/2) Crisp Molineux Kingston upon Hull (seat 1/2) Lord Robert Manners Kingston upon Hull (seat 2/2) David Hartley Kinross-shire (seat 0/0) Alternating seat with Clackmannanshire. No representation in 1774 Kirkcudbright Stewartry (seat 1/1) William Stewart Knaresborough (seat 1/2) Robert Boyle-Walsingham Knaresborough (seat 2/2) Sir Anthony Abdy, Bt – resigned
Replaced by Lord George Cavendish 1775 Lanarkshire (seat 1/1) Andrew Stuart Lancashire (seat 1/2) Lord Stanley – succeeded to peerage
Replaced by Thomas Stanley I 1776 –died
Replaced by Thomas Stanley II 1780 Lancashire (seat 2/2) Sir Thomas Egerton Lancaster (seat 1/2) Sir George Warren Lancaster (seat 2/2) Lord Richard Cavendish Launceston (seat 1/2) John Buller Launceston (seat 2/2) Humphry Morice Leicester (seat 1/2) Hon. Booth Grey Leicester (seat 2/2) John Darker Leicestershire (seat 1/2) Sir John Palmer, Bt Leicestershire (seat 2/2) Thomas Noel – succeeded to peerage
Replaced by John Peach-Hungerford 1775 Leominster (seat 1/2) Thomas Hill – died
Replaced by Frederick Cornewall 1776 Leominster (seat 2/2) John Bateman, Viscount Bateman Lewes (seat 1/2) Sir Thomas Miller, Bt Lewes (seat 2/2) Thomas Hay Lichfield (seat 1/2) Thomas Gilbert Lichfield (seat 2/2) George Adams (later Anson) Lincoln (seat 1/2) The Viscount Lumley Lincoln (seat 2/2) Robert Vyner Lincolnshire (seat 1/2) Lord Brownlow Bertie – succeeded to peerage
Replaced by John Thorold 1779 Lincolnshire (seat 2/2) Charles Anderson-Pelham Linlithgow Burghs (seat 1/1) Sir James Cockburn, Bt Linlithgowshire (seat 1/1) Sir William Cunynghame Liskeard (seat 1/2) Edward Gibbon Liskeard (seat 2/2) Samuel Salt Liverpool (seat 1/2) Sir William Meredith, Bt Liverpool (seat 2/2) Richard Pennant London (City of) (seat 1/4) Richard Oliver London (City of) (seat 2/4) Frederick Bull London (City of) (seat 3/4) John Sawbridge London (City of) (seat 4/4) George Hayley Lostwithiel (seat 1/2) Viscount Fairford Lostwithiel (seat 2/2) Charles Brett – resigned
Replaced by Thomas Potter 1776 Ludgershall (seat 1/2) Lord George Gordon Ludgershall (seat 2/2) Peniston Lamb Ludlow (seat 1/2) Viscount Villiers Ludlow (seat 2/2) The Lord Clive Lyme Regis (seat 1/2) Hon. Henry Fane Lyme Regis (seat 2/2) Henry Fane (of Worsley) – died
Replaced by Francis Fane 1777 Lymington (seat 1/2) Edward Morant Lymington (seat 2/2) Harry Burrard – resigned
Replaced by Henry Goodricke 1778 Maidstone (seat 1/2) Sir Horatio Mann Maidstone (seat 2/2) Lord Guernsey – succeeded to peerage
Replaced by Hon. Charles Finch, 1777 Maldon (seat 1/2) John Strutt Tory Maldon (seat 2/2) Hon. Richard Savage Nassau – died
Replaced by Eliab Harvey 1780 Malmesbury (seat 1/2) Hon. Charles James Fox Whig Malmesbury (seat 2/2) William Strahan Tory Malton (seat 1/2) Savile Finch Malton (seat 2/2) Edmund Burke – sat for Bristol
Replaced by William Weddell 1775 Whig Marlborough (seat 1/2) Sir James Long, Bt Marlborough (seat 2/2) Hon. James Brudenell Merionethshire (seat 1/1) Evan Lloyd Vaughan Middlesex (seat 1/2) John Wilkes Radical Middlesex (seat 2/2) John Glynn – died
Replaced by Thomas Wood 1779 Midhurst (seat 1/2) Herbert Mackworth – sat for Cardiff
Replaced by Hon. Henry Seymour-Conway 1774 Midhurst (seat 2/2) Clement Tudway – sat for Wells
Replaced by John Ord 1774 Milborne Port (seat 1/2) Hon. Temple Luttrell Milborne Port (seat 2/2) Captain Charles Wolseley Minehead (seat 1/2) Henry Fownes Luttrell – resigned
Replaced by Thomas Pownall 1774 Minehead (seat 2/2) John Fownes Luttrell Mitchell (seat 1/2) John Stephenson Mitchell (seat 2/2) James Scawen –- sat for Surrey
Replaced by Hon. Thomas Howard 1774 – succeeded to peerage
Replaced by Francis Hale 1779 Monmouth Boroughs (seat 1/1) John Stepney Monmouthshire (seat 1/2) John Morgan Monmouthshire (seat 2/2) John Hanbury Montgomery (seat 1/1) Whitshed Keene Montgomeryshire (seat 1/1) William Mostyn Owen Morpeth (seat 1/2) Francis Eyre – unseated on petition
Replaced by Hon. William Byron 1775 – died
Replaced by Gilbert Elliot 1776 – resigned
Replaced by John William Egerton 1777 Morpeth (seat 2/2) Peter Delmé Nairnshire (seat 1/1) Cosmo Gordon – took office
Replaced by John Campbell 1777 Newark (seat 1/2) George Manners-Sutton Newark (seat 2/2) Henry Clinton Newcastle-under-Lyme (seat 1/2) George Hay – died
Replaced by George Leveson-Gower, Viscount Trentham 1779 Newcastle-under-Lyme (seat 2/2) George Waldegrave, Viscount Chewton Newcastle-upon-Tyne (seat 1/2) Sir Walter Calverley Blackett – died
Replaced by Sir John Trevelyan, Bt, 1777 Newcastle-upon-Tyne (seat 2/2) Sir Matthew White Ridley, Bt Newport (Cornwall) (seat 1/2) Humphry Morice – sat for Launceston
Replaced by John Frederick 1775 Newport (Cornwall) (seat 2/2) Richard Bull Newport (Isle of Wight) (seat 1/2) Sir Richard Worsley Newport (Isle of Wight) (seat 2/2) Hans Sloane New Radnor Boroughs (seat 1/1) John Lewis – unseated on petition
Replaced by Edward Lewis 1775 New Romney (seat 1/2) Sir Edward Dering, Bt New Romney (seat 2/2) Richard Jackson New Shoreham (seat 1/2) Charles Goring New Shoreham (seat 2/2) Sir John Shelley Newton (Lancashire) (seat 1/2) Anthony James Keck Newton (Lancashire) (seat 2/2) Robert Vernon Atherton Gwillym Newtown (Isle of Wight) (seat 1/2) Sir John Barrington, Bt – resigned
Replaced by Edward Meux Worsley 1775 Newtown (Isle of Wight) (seat 2/2) Harcourt Powell – resigned
Replaced by Charles Ambler 1775 New Windsor (seat 1/2) Augustus Keppel New Windsor (seat 2/2) John Montagu New Woodstock (seat 1/2) John Skynner –- took office
Replaced by Viscount Parker 1777 New Woodstock (seat 2/2) William Eden Norfolk (seat 1/2) Sir Edward Astley, Bt Norfolk (seat 2/2) Wenman Coke – died
Replaced by Thomas Coke 1776 Northallerton (seat 1/2) Daniel Lascelles Northallerton (seat 2/2) Henry Peirse (younger) Northampton (seat 1/2) Sir George Robinson Northampton (seat 2/2) Wilbraham Tollemache Northamptonshire (seat 1/2) Lucy Knightley Northamptonshire (seat 2/2) Thomas Powys Northumberland (seat 1/2) Lord Algernon Percy Northumberland (seat 2/2) Sir William Middleton, Bt Norwich (seat 1/2) Harbord Harbord Norwich (seat 2/2) Edward Bacon Nottingham (seat 1/2) Colonel the Hon. (Sir) William Howe Nottingham (seat 2/2) Sir Charles Sedley, Bt – died
Replaced by Abel Smith 1778 – -died
Replaced by Robert Smith 1779 Nottinghamshire (seat 1/2) Thomas Willoughby – succeeded to peerage
Replaced by Lord Edward Bentinck 1775 Nottinghamshire (seat 2/2) Earl of Lincoln – died
Replaced by Charles Medows (Charles Pierrepont) 1778 Okehampton (seat 1/2) Richard Vernon Okehampton (seat 2/2) Alexander Wedderburn – took office
Replaced by Humphrey Minchin 1778 Old Sarum (seat 1/2) Pinckney Wilkinson Old Sarum (seat 2/2) Thomas Pitt (the younger) Orford (seat 1/2) Viscount Beauchamp Orford (seat 2/2) Hon. Robert Seymour-Conway Orkney and Shetland (seat 1/1) Thomas Dundas Oxford (seat 1/2) Lord Robert Spencer Oxford (seat 2/2) Captain the Hon. Peregrine Bertie Oxfordshire (seat 1/2) Lord Charles Spencer Whig Oxfordshire (seat 2/2) Viscount Wenman Oxford University (seat 1/2) Francis Page Oxford University (seat 2/2) Sir Roger Newdigate, Bt Peeblesshire (seat 1/1) James William Montgomery – took office
Replaced by Adam Hay 1775 –- died
Replaced by Sir Robert Murray-Keith, 1775 Pembroke Boroughs (seat 1/1) Hugh Owen [III] Whig Pembrokeshire (seat 1/1) Hugh Owen Penryn (seat 1/2) Sir George Osborn Penryn (seat 2/2) William Chaytor Perth Burghs (seat 1/1) George Dempster Perthshire (seat 1/1) James Murray Peterborough (seat 1/2) Richard Benyon Peterborough (seat 2/2) Matthew Wyldbore Whig Petersfield (seat 1/2) William Jolliffe Petersfield (seat 2/2) Sir Abraham Hume Plymouth (seat 1/2) The Viscount Barrington – resigned
Replaced by Viscount Lewisham 1778 Plymouth (seat 2/2) Admiral Sir Charles Hardy – died
Replaced by Sir Frederick Leman Rogers 1780 Plympton Erle (seat 1/2) Sir Richard Philipps, Bt – resigned
Replaced by William Fullarton 1779 Plympton Erle (seat 2/2) Paul Henry Ourry – took office
Replaced by John Durand 1775 Pontefract (seat 1/2) Sir John Goodricke, Bt. Pontefract (seat 2/2) Charles Mellish Poole (seat 1/2) Joshua Mauger Poole (seat 2/2) Sir Eyre Coote Portsmouth (seat 1/2) Sir Edward Hawke –- ennobled
Replaced by Maurice Suckling 1776 – died
Replaced by Hon. Robert Monckton 1778 Portsmouth (seat 2/2) Peter Taylor – died
Replaced by Sir William Gordon 1777 Preston (seat 1/2) John Burgoyne Preston (seat 2/2) Sir Harry Hoghton, Bt Queenborough (seat 1/2) Sir Charles Frederick Queenborough (seat 2/2) Sir Walter Rawlinson Radnorshire (seat 1/1) Chase Price –- died
Replaced by Thomas Johnes 1777 – died
Replaced by Thomas Johnes Reading (seat 1/2) John Dodd Reading (seat 2/2) Francis Annesley Reigate (seat 1/2) Charles Cocks Reigate (seat 2/2) John Yorke Renfrewshire (seat 1/1) John Craufurd Richmond (Yorkshire) (seat 1/2) Thomas Dundas – sat for Stirlingshire
Replaced by William Norton 1775 Richmond (Yorkshire) (seat 2/2) Sir Lawrence Dundas, Bt – sat for Edinburgh
Replaced by Charles Dundas 1775 Ripon (seat 1/2) William Aislabie Ripon (seat 2/2) Charles Allanson – died
Replaced by William Lawrence 1775 Rochester (seat 1/2) George Finch-Hatton Rochester (seat 2/2) Robert Gregory Ross-shire (seat 1/1) James Stuart-Mackenzie Roxburghshire (seat 1/1) Sir Gilbert Elliot, Bt – died
Replaced by Sir Gilbert Elliot 1777 Rutland (seat 1/2) Thomas Noel Rutland (seat 2/2) George Bridges Brudenell Rye (seat 1/2) Middleton Onslow – resigned
Replaced by Hon. Thomas Onslow 1775 Rye (seat 2/2) Rose Fuller – died
Replaced by William Dickinson 1777 St Albans (seat 1/2) Richard Sutton St Albans (seat 2/2) John Radcliffe St Germans (seat 1/2) Edward Eliot – resigned
Replaced by John Pownall 1775 – took office
Replaced by John Peachey 1776 Whig. St Germans (seat 2/2) Benjamin Langlois St Ives (seat 1/2) William Praed – void election
Replaced by Thomas Wynn 1775 St Ives (seat 2/2) Adam Drummond – resigned
Replaced by Philip Dehany 1778 St Mawes (seat 1/2) Viscount Clare St Mawes (seat 2/2) Hugh Boscawen Salisbury (seat 1/2) Viscount Folkestone – succeeded to peerage
Replaced by Hon. William Henry Bouverie 1776 Salisbury (seat 2/2) William Hussey Saltash (seat 1/2) Grey Cooper Saltash (seat 2/2) Thomas Bradshaw –died
Replaced by Sir Charles Whitworth 1775 – died
Replaced by Henry Strachey 1778 –- resigned
Replaced by Paul Wentworth Sandwich (seat 1/2) Philip Stephens Sandwich (seat 2/2) William Hey – took office
Replaced by Charles Brett 1776 Scarborough (seat 1/2) Earl of Tyrconnell Scarborough (seat 2/2) Sir Hugh Palliser, Bt – resigned
Replaced by Charles Phipps 1779 Seaford (seat 1/2) William Gage, Viscount Gage Seaford (seat 2/2) George Medley Selkirkshire (seat 1/1) John Pringle Shaftesbury (seat 1/2) Thomas Rumbold – unseated on petition seat declared vacant 1775
By-election George Rous 1776 Shaftesbury (seat 2/2) Francis Sykes – unseated on petition
Replaced by Hans Winthrop Mortimer 1775 Shrewsbury (seat 1/2) Charlton Leighton – unseated on petition
Replaced by William Pulteney 1775 Shrewsbury (seat 2/2) Robert Clive, Baron Clive – died
Replaced by John Corbet 1775 Tory Shropshire (seat 1/2) Noel Hill Shropshire (seat 2/2) Charles Baldwyn Somerset (seat 1/2) Edward Phelips Somerset (seat 2/2) Richard Hippisley Coxe Southampton (seat 1/2) Hans Stanley – died
Replaced by John Fuller 1780 Southampton (seat 2/2) John Fleming Southwark (seat 1/2) Nathaniel Polhill Southwark (seat 2/2) Henry Thrale Stafford (seat 1/2) Hugo Meynell Stafford (seat 2/2) Richard Whitworth Staffordshire (seat 1/2) William Bagot Staffordshire (seat 2/2) Sir John Wrottesley, Bt Stamford (seat 1/2) Henry Cecil Stamford (seat 2/2) Sir George Howard Steyning (seat 1/2) Thomas Edwards-Freeman Steyning (seat 2/2) Filmer Honywood Stirling Burghs (seat 1/1) Archibald Campbell Stirlingshire (seat 1/1) Sir Thomas Dundas Pro-Admin Whig Stockbridge (seat 1/2) Captain the Hon. John Luttrell – resigned
Replaced by Lieutenant the Hon. James Luttrell 1775 Stockbridge (seat 2/2) The Lord Irnham Sudbury (seat 1/2) Thomas Fonnereau – unseated on petition
Replaced by Sir Patrick Blake, 1st Baronet 1775 Sudbury (seat 2/2) Philip Champion Crespigny – unseated on petition
Replaced by Walden Hanmer 1775 Suffolk (seat 1/2) Sir Charles Bunbury, Bt Suffolk (seat 2/2) Rowland Holt Surrey (seat 1/2) James Scawen Surrey (seat 2/2) Sir Francis Vincent, Bt – died
Replaced by Sir Joseph Mawbey, Bt 1775 Sussex (seat 1/2) Sir Thomas Wilson, Bt Sussex (seat 2/2) Lord George Lennox Sutherland (seat 1/1) James Wemyss Tain Burghs (seat 1/1) James Grant Tamworth (seat 1/2) Thomas de Grey Tamworth (seat 2/2) Edward Thurlow –- ennobled
Replaced by Anthony Chamier 1778 Taunton (seat 1/2) Hon. Edward Stratford – unseated on petition
Replaced by John Halliday 1775 Taunton (seat 2/2) Nathaniel Webb – unseated on petition
Replaced by Alexander Popham 1775 Tavistock (seat 1/2) Richard Rigby Whig Tavistock (seat 2/2) Hon. Richard Fitzpatrick Tewkesbury (seat 1/2) Joseph Martin -– died
Replaced by James Martin 1776 Tewkesbury (seat 2/2) Sir William Codrington, Bt Tory Thetford (seat 1/2) Hon. Charles FitzRoy Thetford (seat 2/2) Charles FitzRoy-Scudamore Thirsk (seat 1/2) Thomas Frankland Thirsk (seat 2/2) Sir Thomas Frankland, Bt Tiverton (seat 1/2) Nathaniel Ryder – ennobled
Replaced by John Eardley Wilmot 1776 Tiverton (seat 2/2) John Duntze Totnes (seat 1/2) Philip Jennings Totnes (seat 2/2) James Amyatt Tregony (seat 1/2) Hon. George Lane Parker Tregony (seat 2/2) Alexander Leith Truro (seat 1/2) George Boscawen Truro (seat 2/2) Bamber Gascoyne Wallingford (seat 1/2) John Cator Wallingford (seat 2/2) Sir Robert Barker Wareham (seat 1/2) William Gerard Hamilton Wareham (seat 2/2) Christopher D’Oyly Warwick (seat 1/2) Hon. Charles Greville Warwick (seat 2/2) Hon. Robert Fulke Greville Warwickshire (seat 1/2) Sir Charles Holte, Bt Warwickshire (seat 2/2) Thomas Skipwith, Bt Wells (seat 1/2) Robert Child Wells (seat 2/2) Clement Tudway Wendover (seat 1/2) Joseph Bullock – resigned
Replaced by Thomas Dummer 1775 Wendover (seat 2/2) John Adams – sat for Carmarthen
Replaced by Henry Drummond 1774 Wenlock (seat 1/2) Henry Bridgeman Wenlock (seat 2/2) George Forester Weobley (seat 1/2) Sir William Lynch – resigned
Replaced by Andrew Bayntun-Rolt 1789 Weobley (seat 2/2) John St Leger Douglas Westbury (seat 1/2) Hon. Thomas Wenman Westbury (seat 2/2) Nathaniel Bayly – resigned
Replaced by Samuel Estwick 1779 West Looe (seat 1/2) Sir William James West Looe (seat 2/2) Charles Ogilvie – resigned
Replaced by John Rogers 1775 Westminster (seat 1/2) Lord Thomas Pelham-Clinton Westminster (seat 2/2) Baron Warkworth (Earl Percy) – succeeded to peerage
Replaced by Viscount Petersham 1776 – succeeded to peerage
Replaced by Viscount Malden 1779 Westmorland (seat 1/2) Sir James Lowther – sat for Cumberland
Replaced by James Lowther Westmorland (seat 2/2) Sir Michael le Fleming Weymouth and Melcombe Regis (seat 1/4) Welbore Ellis Weymouth and Melcombe Regis (seat 2/4) John Purling Weymouth and Melcombe Regis (seat 3/4) William Chaffin Grove Weymouth and Melcombe Regis (seat 4/4) John Tucker – resigned
Replaced by Gabriel Steward 1778 Whitchurch (seat 1/2) The Viscount Midleton Whitchurch (seat 2/2) Thomas Townshend Whig Wigan (seat 1/2) George Byng Wigan (seat 2/2) Beaumont Hotham – took office
Replaced by John Morton 1775 -– died
Replaced by Henry Simpson Bridgeman 1780 Wigtown Burghs (seat 1/1) William Norton – unseated on petition
Replaced by Henry Watkin Dashwood 1775 Wigtownshire (seat 1/1) Keith Stewart Wilton (seat 1/2) Henry Herbert Wilton (seat 2/2) Hon. Nicholas Herbert – died
Replaced by Charles Herbert 1775 Wiltshire (seat 1/2) Charles Penruddocke Wiltshire (seat 2/2) Ambrose Goddard Winchelsea (seat 1/2) Arnold Nesbitt – sat for Cricklade
Replaced by William Nedham 1775 Winchelsea (seat 2/2) Charles Wolfran Cornwall Winchester (seat 1/2) Henry Penton Winchester (seat 2/2) Lovell Stanhope Wootton Bassett (seat 1/2) Hon. Henry St John Wootton Bassett (seat 2/2) Robert Scott Worcester (seat 1/2) John Walsh Worcester (seat 2/2) Thomas Bates Rous Worcestershire (seat 1/2) Edward Foley Worcestershire (seat 2/2) William Dowdeswell – died
Replaced by William Lygon Yarmouth (Isle of Wight) (seat 1/2) Edward Meux Worsley – resigned
Replaced by James Worsley 1775 Yarmouth (Isle of Wight) (seat 2/2) Jervoise Clarke – resigned
Replaced by Captain Robert Kingsmill 1779 York (seat 1/2) Charles Turner York (seat 2/2) Lord John Cavendish Yorkshire (seat 1/2) Edwin Lascelles Yorkshire (seat 2/2) Sir George Savile