List of Phyllanthus species – Wikipedia

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As of January 2018, the World Checklist of Selected Plant Families accepted about 1000 species, with a further 1200-odd synonyms. The accepted names are listed below.[1]


  • Phyllanthus abditus G.L.Webster – S.W. Haiti (Massif de la Hotte)
  • Phyllanthus abnormis Baill. – Florida, S. Central U.S. to N.E. Mexico — Drummond’s leafflower
  • Phyllanthus acacioides Urb. – Tobago
  • Phyllanthus acidus (L.) Skeels – Brazil (Pará) – country gooseberry, gooseberry tree, Malay gooseberry, Otaheite gooseberry or Tahitian gooseberry tree
  • Phyllanthus acinacifolius Airy Shaw & G.L.Webster – N.E. Papua New Guinea
  • Phyllanthus actephilifolius J.J.Sm. – W. New Guinea
  • Phyllanthus acuminatus Vahl – Caribbean, Mexico to N.W. Argentina – Jamaican gooseberry tree
  • Phyllanthus acutifolius Poir. ex Spreng. – S.E. Brazil
  • Phyllanthus acutissimus Miq. – S. Myanmar to W. Malesia
  • Phyllanthus adenodiscus Müll.Arg. – Mexico
  • Phyllanthus adianthoides Klotzsch – Guyana to Suriname
  • Phyllanthus aeneus Baill. – New Caledonia
  • Phyllanthus affinis Müll.Arg. – Sri Lanka
  • Phyllanthus ajmerianus L.B.Chaudhary & R.R.Rao – India (Rajasthan)
  • Phyllanthus albidiscus (Ridl.) Airy Shaw – Peninsula Thailand to Pen. Malaysia, Jawa
  • Phyllanthus albizzioides (Kurz) Hook.f. – Myanmar
  • Phyllanthus albus (Blanco) Müll.Arg. – Philippines, Sulawesi
  • Phyllanthus allemii G.L.Webster – Brazil (Goiás)
  • Phyllanthus almadensis Müll.Arg. – Brazil (S.E. Bahia)
  • Phyllanthus alpestris Beille – W. Tropical Africa
  • Phyllanthus amarus Schumach. & Thonn. – Tropical & Subtrop. America
  • Phyllanthus ambatovolanus Leandri – CE. Madagascar
  • Phyllanthus amentuliger Müll.Arg. – Fiji (E. Viti Levu, Vanua Levu)
  • Phyllanthus amicorum G.L.Webster – Tonga
  • Phyllanthus amieuensis Guillaumin – New Caledonia (Col d’Amieu)
  • Phyllanthus amnicola G.L.Webster – Dominican Rep
  • Phyllanthus ampandrandavae Leandri – S. Madagascar
  • Phyllanthus anabaptizatus Müll.Arg. – Sri Lanka
  • Phyllanthus analamerae Leandri – W. Madagascar (Diego-Suarez)
  • Phyllanthus anamalayanus (Gamble) G.L.Webster – S. India (Anamalai Hills)
  • Phyllanthus andamanicobaricus Chakrab. & N.P.Balakr. – Andaman & Nicobar Islands, Myanmar
  • Phyllanthus andamanicus N.P.Balakr. & N.G.Nair – N. Andaman Islands
  • Phyllanthus anderssonii Müll.Arg. – Windward Islands
  • Phyllanthus andranovatensis Jean F.Brunel & J.P.Roux – S.E. Madagascar
  • Phyllanthus anfractuosus (Gibbs) W.L.Wagner & Lorence – Fiji (Viti Levu, Ovalau)
  • Phyllanthus angkorensis Beille – E. Thailand to Cambodia
  • Phyllanthus angolensis Müll.Arg. – Malawi, Zambia, Angola
  • Phyllanthus angustatus Hutch. – Zambia
  • Phyllanthus angustifolius (Sw.) Sw. – Caribbean
  • Phyllanthus angustissimus Müll.Arg. – Brazil (Bahia to Rio Grande do Sul)
  • Phyllanthus anisolobus Müll.Arg. – Nicaragua to W. Ecuador
  • Phyllanthus anisophyllioides Merr. – Philippines
  • Phyllanthus ankarana Leandri – N. & W. Madagascar
  • Phyllanthus ankaratrae (Leandri) Petra Hoffm. & McPherson – Central Madagascar (Ambositra)
  • Phyllanthus ankazobensis Ralim. & Petra Hoffm. – Madagascar
  • Phyllanthus anthopotamicus Hand.-Mazz. – S. China
  • Phyllanthus aoraiensis Nadeaud – Society Islands
  • Phyllanthus aoupinieensis M.Schmid – New Caledonia (Massif de l’Aoupinié)
  • Phyllanthus aphanostylus Airy Shaw & G.L.Webster – New Guinea (incl. D’Entrecasteaux Islands)
  • Phyllanthus apiculatus Merr. – Philippines
  • Phyllanthus aracaensis G.L.Webster ex Secco & A.Rosário – Brazil (Amazonas, Roraima)
  • Phyllanthus arachnodes Govaerts & Radcl.-Sm. – Cambodia
  • Phyllanthus arbuscula (Sw.) J.F.Gmel. – Jamaica
  • Phyllanthus archboldianus Airy Shaw & G.L.Webster – New Guinea
  • Phyllanthus ardisianthus Airy Shaw & G.L.Webster – W. New Guinea
  • Phyllanthus arenarius Beille – Vietnam, S. China
  • Phyllanthus arenicola Casar. – S.E. Brazil
  • Phyllanthus argyi H.Lév. – S. China
  • Phyllanthus aridus Benth. – N. Western Australia, Northern Territory
  • Phyllanthus armstrongii Benth. – Northern Territory
  • Phyllanthus artensis M.Schmid – New Caledonia (N. Ile Art)
  • Phyllanthus arvensis Müll.Arg. – DR Congo to S. Africa
  • Phyllanthus aspersus Jean F.Brunel & J.P.Roux – Cameroon
  • Phyllanthus asperulatus Hutch. – Northern Province, Botswana, Mozamboque, Zimbabwe
  • Phyllanthus assamicus Müll.Arg. – India to Taiwan
  • Phyllanthus atabapoensis Jabl. – Colombia to N. Brazil
  • Phyllanthus atalaiensis G.L.Webster – Brazil (Goiás)
  • Phyllanthus atalotrichus (A.C.Sm.) W.L.Wagner & Lorence – Fiji (Viti Levu)
  • Phyllanthus atrovirens (A.C.Sm.) W.L.Wagner & Lorence – Fiji (S. Viti Levu)
  • Phyllanthus attenuatus Miq. – S. Tropical America
  • Phyllanthus augustini Baill. – Brazil (Espírito Santo, Rio de Janeiro)
  • Phyllanthus australis Hook.f. – S. & E. Australia, Tasmania
  • Phyllanthus austroparensis Radcl.-Sm. – Tanzania
  • Phyllanthus avanguiensis M.Schmid – New Caledonia (Mt. Boulinda)
  • Phyllanthus avicularis Müll.Arg. – Brazil (Minas Gerais, São Paulo)
  • Phyllanthus awaensis G.L.Webster – Ecuador (Carchi)
  • Phyllanthus axillaris (Sw.) Müll.Arg. – W. Jamaica


  • Phyllanthus baeckeoides J.T.Hunter & J.J.Bruhl – Western Australia (near Laverton)
  • Phyllanthus baeobotryoides Wall. ex Müll.Arg. – Assam to Myanmar
  • Phyllanthus bahiensis Müll.Arg. – N.E. Brazil
  • Phyllanthus baillonianus Müll.Arg. – S.W. India, Sri Lanka
  • Phyllanthus baladensis Baill. – N.W. & Central New Caledonia
  • Phyllanthus balakrishnanii Sunil, K.M.P.Kumar & Naveen Kum. – India (Kerala)
  • Phyllanthus balansae Beille – Vietnam
  • Phyllanthus balansanus Guillaumin – S.W. New Caledonia
  • Phyllanthus balgooyi Petra Hoffm. & A.J.M.Baker – Borneo (Sabah) to Philippines
  • Phyllanthus bancilhonae Jean F.Brunel & J.P.Roux – W. Tropical Africa
  • Phyllanthus baraouaensis M.Schmid – New Caledonia (W. Mé Maoya)
  • Phyllanthus barbarae M.C.Johnst. – N.E. Mexico
  • Phyllanthus bathianus Leandri – Central Madagascar
  • Phyllanthus beddomei (Gamble) M.Mohanan – S.W. India
  • Phyllanthus bemangidiensis Ralim. – Madagascar
  • Phyllanthus benguelensis Müll.Arg. – Angola
  • Phyllanthus benguetensis C.B.Rob. – Philippines
  • Phyllanthus bequaertii Robyns & Lawalrée – W. Central & E. Tropical Africa
  • Phyllanthus bernardii Jabl. – Venezuela (Mérida)
  • Phyllanthus bernierianus Baill. ex Müll.Arg. – Mozambique, Madagascar
  • Phyllanthus berteroanus Müll.Arg. – N. Hispaniola
  • Phyllanthus betsileanus Leandri – Madagascar
  • Phyllanthus biantherifer Croizat – Brazil (Amazonas: Humayta)
  • Phyllanthus bicolor Vis. – Venezuela
  • Phyllanthus billardierei (Baill.) Müll.Arg. – New Caledonia (incl. îs. Loyauté)
  • Phyllanthus binhii Thin – Vietnam
  • Phyllanthus birmanicus Müll.Arg. – Myanmar
  • Phyllanthus blanchetianus Müll.Arg. – Brazil (Bahia)
  • Phyllanthus blancoanus Müll.Arg. – Philippines
  • Phyllanthus bodinieri (H.Lév.) Rehder – China (S.E. Guangxi, SE. Guizhou)
  • Phyllanthus boehmii Pax – Ethiopia to S. Tropical Africa
  • Phyllanthus boguenensis M.Schmid – Central New Caledonia
  • Phyllanthus bojerianus (Baill.) Müll.Arg. – Madagascar
  • Phyllanthus bokorensis Tagane – S. Cambodia
  • Phyllanthus bolivarensis Steyerm. – Venezuela (Bolívar)
  • Phyllanthus bolivianus Pax & K.Hoffm. – Bolivia
  • Phyllanthus bonnardii Jean F.Brunel – Ivory Coast
  • Phyllanthus borenensis M.G.Gilbert – Ethiopia (Sidamo)
  • Phyllanthus borjaensis Jabl. – Colombia to S. Venezuela
  • Phyllanthus borneensis Müll.Arg. – W. Malesia
  • Phyllanthus botryanthus Müll.Arg. – S.W. Mexico, Colombia, Venezuela, Aruba, Curaçao, Bonaire
  • Phyllanthus bourdillonii (Gamble) Chakrab. & N.P.Balakr. – Bhutan, S. India
  • Phyllanthus bourgeoisii Baill. – New Guinea to N.W. & S. Central New Caledonia
  • Phyllanthus brachyphyllus Urb. – Haiti
  • Phyllanthus bracteatus (Gillespie) W.L.Wagner & Lorence – Fiji (Viti Levu)
  • Phyllanthus brandegeei Millsp. – Mexico (Baja California Sur)
  • Phyllanthus brasiliensis (Aubl.) Poir. – Lesser Antilles to S. Tropical America
  • Phyllanthus brassii C.T.White – Queensland (Thornton Peak)
  • Phyllanthus brevipes Hook.f. – Arunachal Pradesh (Mishmi Hills)
  • Phyllanthus breynioides (P.T.Li) Govaerts & Radcl.-Sm. – China (Guangxi)
  • Phyllanthus brothersonii (J.Florence) W.L.Wagner & Lorence – Society Islands
  • Phyllanthus brunnescens (A.C.Sm.) W.L.Wagner & Lorence – Fiji
  • Phyllanthus brynaertii Jean F.Brunel – DR Congo
  • Phyllanthus buchii Urb. – Hispaniola
  • Phyllanthus bupleuroides Baill. – New Caledonia
  • Phyllanthus burundiensis Jean F.Brunel – Burundi
  • Phyllanthus buxifolius (Blume) Müll.Arg. – Jawa to Lesser Sunda Islands
  • Phyllanthus buxoides Guillaumin – N.W. New Caledonia


  • Phyllanthus cacuminum Müll.Arg. – Jawa
  • Phyllanthus caesiifolius Petra Hoffm. & Cheek – Cameroon
  • Phyllanthus caesius Airy Shaw & G.L.Webster – New Guinea
  • Phyllanthus caespitosus Brenan – Malawi, Zambia
  • Phyllanthus calcicola M.Schmid – N.W. New Caledonia
  • Phyllanthus calciphilus (Croizat) W.L.Wagner & Lorence – Fiji (Fulanga, Kambara)
  • Phyllanthus caledonicus (Müll.Arg.) Müll.Arg. – New Caledonia (incl. î. des Pins, îs. Loyauté)
  • Phyllanthus caligatus Jean F.Brunel & J.P.Roux – Cameroon
  • Phyllanthus callejasii G.L.Webster – Colombia
  • Phyllanthus calocarpus (Kurz) Chakrab. & N.P.Balakr. – Andaman and Nicobar Islands
  • Phyllanthus calycinus Labill. – S.E. Sulawesi, Western Australia, South Australia
  • Phyllanthus camerunensis Jean F.Brunel – Cameroon
  • Phyllanthus candolleanus (Wight & Arn.) Chakrab. & N.P.Balakr. – S.W. India, Sri Lanka
  • Phyllanthus caparaoensis G.L.Webster – S.E. Brazil
  • Phyllanthus caraculiensis Jean F.Brunel – Angola
  • Phyllanthus caribaeus Urb. – S. Mexico to S. Tropical America and Windward Islands
  • Phyllanthus carinatus Beille – Vietnam
  • Phyllanthus carlottae M.Schmid – S.E. New Caledonia
  • Phyllanthus carnosulus Müll.Arg. – S.E. Cuba
  • Phyllanthus caroliniensis Walter – Central & E. U.S. to N.E. Argentina – Carolina leafflower
  • Phyllanthus carpentariae Müll.Arg. – Northern Territory, Queensland, New South Wales
  • Phyllanthus carrenoi Steyerm. – Venezuela (Bolívar: Cerro Jaua)
  • Phyllanthus carunculatus Jean F.Brunel – DR Congo
  • Phyllanthus carvalhoi G.L.Webster – Brazil (S.E. Bahia)
  • Phyllanthus casearioides S.Moore – New Caledonia (Touho Reg.)
  • Phyllanthus cassioides Rusby – Bolivia
  • Phyllanthus casticum P.Willemet – W. Indian Ocean
  • Phyllanthus castus S.Moore – S.E. New Caledonia
  • Phyllanthus caudatifolius Merr. – Philippines
  • Phyllanthus caudatus Müll.Arg. – S.E. New Caledonia
  • Phyllanthus cauliflorus (Sw.) Griseb. – W. Jamaica
  • Phyllanthus cauticola J.T.Hunter & J.J.Bruhl – Northern Territory
  • Phyllanthus caymanensis G.L.Webster & Proctor – Cayman Islands
  • Phyllanthus cedrelifolius Verdc. – KwaZulu-Natal, Cape Province
  • Phyllanthus celastroides Müll.Arg. – Borneo (S.E. Kalimantan), Sumatera (Bangka, Billiton)
  • Phyllanthus celebicus Koord. – Sulawesi
  • Phyllanthus ceratostemon Brenan – W. Central Tropical Africa to Chad, Zambia
  • Phyllanthus chacoensis Morong – Brazil to Bolivia and N.E. Argentina
  • Phyllanthus chamaecerasus Baill. – New Caledonia
  • Phyllanthus chamaecristoides Urb. – Cuba
  • Phyllanthus chamaepeuce Ridl. – S. Indo-China to Philippines
  • Phyllanthus chandrabosei Govaerts & Radcl.-Sm. – India (Tamil Nadu)
  • Phyllanthus chantrieri André – Vietnam
  • Phyllanthus chayamaritiae Chantar. & Kantachot – Thailand
  • Phyllanthus chekiangensis Croizat & Metcalf – S.E. China
  • Phyllanthus cherrieri M.Schmid – New Caledonia (Mt. Arago)
  • Phyllanthus chevalieri Beille – Chad to W. Ethiopia and Tanzania
  • Phyllanthus chiapensis Sprague – Mexico (Chiapas: Cacote)
  • Phyllanthus chimantae Jabl. – Venezuela (Bolívar: Macizo del Chimantá)
  • Phyllanthus choretroides Müll.Arg. – Brazil (Bahia, Minas Gerais)
  • Phyllanthus christophersenii (Croizat) W.L.Wagner & Lorence – Samoa
  • Phyllanthus chrysanthus Baill. – New Caledonia
  • Phyllanthus chryseus Howard – E. Cuba (Sierra de Moa)
  • Phyllanthus ciccoides Müll.Arg. – Papua New Guinea to Vanuatu
  • Phyllanthus ciliaris Baill. – New Caledonia (near Balade)
  • Phyllanthus cinctus Urb. – E. Cuba
  • Phyllanthus cinereus Müll.Arg. – Sri Lanka
  • Phyllanthus cladanthus Müll.Arg. – Central & E. Jamaica
  • Phyllanthus cladotrichus Müll.Arg. – S.E. Brazil (to Bahia)
  • Phyllanthus clamboides (F.Muell.) Diels – Papuasia to Queensland
  • Phyllanthus clarkei Hook.f. – Bhutan to S. China
  • Phyllanthus claussenii Müll.Arg. – Brazil
  • Phyllanthus cleistanthoides (Fosberg) W.L.Wagner & Lorence – Caroline Islands
  • Phyllanthus coalcomanensis Croizat – W. Mexico, Nicaragua
  • Phyllanthus coccineus (Banks) Müll.Arg. – Assam to S. China and Indo-China
  • Phyllanthus cochinchinensis Spreng. – Assam to Nansei-shoto and Indo-China
  • Phyllanthus cocumbiensis Jean F.Brunel – Angola
  • Phyllanthus collinsiae Craib – Indo-China, Lesser Sunda Islands
  • Phyllanthus collinus Domin – Queensland
  • Phyllanthus columnaris Müll.Arg. – Andaman Islands, Myanmar to N. Peninsula Malaysia
  • Phyllanthus coluteoides Baill. ex Müll.Arg. – W. Madagascar, Mozambique Channel Islands
  • Phyllanthus comitus (J.Florence) W.L.Wagner & Lorence – Pitcairn Islands
  • Phyllanthus comorensis Leandri – Comoros
  • Phyllanthus comosus Urb. – N.E. Cuba
  • Phyllanthus compressus Kunth – Mexico to Peru
  • Phyllanthus comptonii S.Moore – New Caledonia (Ngoye Valley)
  • Phyllanthus comptus G.L.Webster – Cuba (Cajalbana Reg.)
  • Phyllanthus concolor (Müll.Arg.) Müll.Arg. – Wallis-Futuna Is, Fiji, Tonga, Cook Islands
  • Phyllanthus confusus Brenan – Malawi (Mt. Mulanje)
  • Phyllanthus conjugatus M.Schmid – New Caledonia
  • Phyllanthus consanguineus Müll.Arg. – Réunion
  • Phyllanthus coodei Ralim. & Petra Hoffm. – Madagascar
  • Phyllanthus cordatulus C.B.Rob. – Philippines
  • Phyllanthus cordatus (Seem. ex Müll.Arg.) Müll.Arg. – Fiji
  • Phyllanthus coriaceus (Thwaites) Müll.Arg. – Sri Lanka
  • Phyllanthus cornutus Baill. – New Caledonia (incl. î. des Pins)
  • Phyllanthus coursii Leandri – E. Central Madagascar (near Lac Alaotra)
  • Phyllanthus craibii Chakrab. & N.P.Balakr. – E. Myanmar to Cambodia
  • Phyllanthus crassinervius Radcl.-Sm. – DR Congo, Tanzania (Mbeya), Malawi, Zambia
  • Phyllanthus cristalensis Urb. – E. Cuba (Sierra del Cristal)
  • Phyllanthus cryptophilus (Comm. ex A.Juss.) Müll.Arg. – S.E. & ESE. Madagascar
  • Phyllanthus cuatrecasanus G.L.Webster – Colombia
  • Phyllanthus cuneifolius (Britton) Croizat – Puerto Rico
  • Phyllanthus cunenensis Jean F.Brunel – Angola
  • Phyllanthus curranii C.B.Rob. – Philippines
  • Phyllanthus cuscutiflorus S.Moore – Papua New Guinea to Queensland
  • Phyllanthus cuspidatus Müll.Arg. – Samoa
  • Phyllanthus cyrtophylloides Müll.Arg. – Jawa
  • Phyllanthus cyrtophyllus (Miq.) Müll.Arg. – Sumatera
  • Phyllanthus cyrtostylus (Miq.) Müll.Arg. – Jawa to Lesser Sunda Islands




  • Phyllanthus fadyenii Urb. – Jamaica
  • Phyllanthus faguetii Baill. – New Caledonia
  • Phyllanthus fallax Müll.Arg. – Brazil (Minas Gerais)
  • Phyllanthus fangchengensis P.T.Li – China (S.E. Guangxi)
  • Phyllanthus fastigiatus Mart. ex Müll.Arg. – Brazil (Minas Gerais, Mato Grosso)
  • Phyllanthus favieri M.Schmid – New Caledonia
  • Phyllanthus felicis Jean F.Brunel – Guinea
  • Phyllanthus ferdinandi Müll.Arg. – Northern Territory, Queensland, New South Wales
  • Phyllanthus filicifolius Gage – Peninsula Malaysia (Kedah)
  • Phyllanthus fimbriatitepalus Guillaumin – Vanuatu
  • Phyllanthus fimbriatus (Wight) Müll.Arg. – S.W. India
  • Phyllanthus fimbricalyx P.T.Li – China (S.W. Yunnan)
  • Phyllanthus finschii K.Schum. – New Guinea, Bismarck Arch., Tenimbar I
  • Phyllanthus fischeri Pax – Eritrea to Tanzania
  • Phyllanthus flagellaris Benth. – Northern Territory (Darwin)
  • Phyllanthus flagelliformis Müll.Arg. – N.E. Brazil
  • Phyllanthus flavidus (Kurz ex Teijsm. & Binn.) Müll.Arg. – Jawa
  • Phyllanthus flaviflorus (K.Schum. & Lauterb.) Airy Shaw – Papua New Guinea
  • Phyllanthus flexuosus (Siebold & Zucc.) Müll.Arg. – S. China, S. Central & S. Japan
  • Phyllanthus florencei W.L.Wagner & Lorence – Society Islands, Tubuai Is
  • Phyllanthus fluitans Benth. ex Müll.Arg. – Mexico (Tabasco), S. Tropical America
  • Phyllanthus fluminis-athi Radcl.-Sm. – S. Central Kenya
  • Phyllanthus fluminis-zambesi Radcl.-Sm. – Zambia
  • Phyllanthus formosus Urb. – E. Cuba
  • Phyllanthus forrestii W.W.Sm. – S. Central China
  • Phyllanthus fotii Jean F.Brunel – Cameroon
  • Phyllanthus fractiflexus M.Schmid – New Caledonia (Mt. Koniambo)
  • Phyllanthus fraguensis M.C.Johnst. – Mexico
  • Phyllanthus franchetianus H.Lév. – China (Guizhou, Sichuan, Yunnan)
  • Phyllanthus francii Guillaumin – S. New Caledonia
  • Phyllanthus fraternus G.L.Webster – Pakistan to N.W. India – Gulf leafflower
  • Phyllanthus frazieri Radcl.-Sm. – Tanzania
  • Phyllanthus friesii Hutch. – Tanzania (Iringa), Zambia
  • Phyllanthus frodinii Airy Shaw – N.E. Papua New Guinea
  • Phyllanthus fuernrohrii F.Muell. – Australia
  • Phyllanthus fuertesii Urb. – Hispaniola
  • Phyllanthus fulvirameus (Miq.) Müll.Arg. – Jawa, New Guinea (incl. Kep. Aru), Solomon Islands
  • Phyllanthus fuscoluridus Müll.Arg. – Madagascar








  • Phyllanthus macgregorii C.B.Rob. – Philippines
  • Phyllanthus macphersonii M.Schmid – New Caledonia (Ouaco)
  • Phyllanthus macraei Müll.Arg. – S.W. India
  • Phyllanthus macranthus Pax – Tanzania to Angola
  • Phyllanthus macrocalyx Müll.Arg. – S.W. India
  • Phyllanthus macrochorion Baill. – N.W. New Caledonia
  • Phyllanthus macrophyllus (Labill.) Müll.Arg. – New Caledonia
  • Phyllanthus macrosepalus (Hosok.) W.L.Wagner & Lorence – Caroline Islands
  • Phyllanthus madagascariensis Müll.Arg. – S. Central & E. Madagascar
  • Phyllanthus madeirensis Croizat – N. Brazil, W. Bolivia
  • Phyllanthus maderaspatensis L. – Africa, W. Indian Ocean, Arabian Peninsula, Pakistan to Australia – canoe weed
  • Phyllanthus maestrensis Urb. – Cuba (Sierra Maestra)
  • Phyllanthus mafingensis Radcl.-Sm. – Malawi (Mafinga Mts.)
  • Phyllanthus magdemeanus Jean F.Brunel – Cameroon
  • Phyllanthus magnificens Jean F.Brunel & J.P.Roux – Ghana, Togo
  • Phyllanthus maguirei Jabl. – Venezuela (Amazonas: Cerro Duida, Cerro de la Neblina)
  • Phyllanthus mahengeaensis Jean F.Brunel – Tanzania
  • Phyllanthus major Steyerm. – S. Venezuela to Guyana and Brazil (Roraima)
  • Phyllanthus makitae Jean F.Brunel – Congo
  • Phyllanthus maleolens Urb. & Ekman – Hispaniola
  • Phyllanthus mananarensis Leandri – S. Madagascar
  • Phyllanthus manausensis W.A.Rodrigues – N. Brazil
  • Phyllanthus mandjeliaensis M.Schmid – N.W. New Caledonia
  • Phyllanthus mangenotii M.Schmid – Central New Caledonia (Monéo reg.)
  • Phyllanthus manicaensis Jean F.Brunel ex Radcl.-Sm. – Mozambique
  • Phyllanthus mannianus Müll.Arg. – W. Tropical Africa to Cameroon
  • Phyllanthus manono (Baill. ex Müll.Arg.) Müll.Arg. – Society Islands
  • Phyllanthus mantadiensis Ralim. & Petra Hoffm. – Madagascar
  • Phyllanthus marchionicus (F.Br.) W.L.Wagner & Lorence – Marquesas
  • Phyllanthus margaretae M.Schmid – Central New Caledonia (Mt. Aoupinié)
  • Phyllanthus mariannensis W.L.Wagner & Lorence – Marianas
  • Phyllanthus marianus Müll.Arg. – Marianas
  • Phyllanthus maritimus J.J.Sm. – W. New Guinea
  • Phyllanthus marojejiensis (Leandri) Petra Hoffm. & McPherson – Central Madagascar (Marojejy Mts.)
  • Phyllanthus martii Müll.Arg. – Brazil (Amazonas)
  • Phyllanthus martini Radcl.-Sm. – Zambia
  • Phyllanthus matitanensis Leandri – N. & E. Madagascar
  • Phyllanthus mckenziei Fosberg – Aldabra
  • Phyllanthus mcvaughii G.L.Webster – Mexico (Chiapas) to El Salvador
  • Phyllanthus megacarpus (Gamble) Kumari & Chandrab. – S.W. India
  • Phyllanthus megalanthus C.B.Rob. – Philippines
  • Phyllanthus megapodus G.L.Webster – Dominica, Martinique
  • Phyllanthus meghalayensis Chakrab. & N.P.Balakr. – Nepal to Thailand and Nansei-shoto
  • Phyllanthus melleri Müll.Arg. – Central Madagascar
  • Phyllanthus melvilleorum (Airy Shaw) W.L.Wagner & Lorence – Fiji (Viti Levu)
  • Phyllanthus memaoyaensis M.Schmid – Central New Caledonia
  • Phyllanthus mendesii Jean F.Brunel – Namibia to Zimbabwe
  • Phyllanthus mendoncae Jean F.Brunel – Ethiopia to Mozambique
  • Phyllanthus meridensis G.L.Webster – Venezuela (Mérida)
  • Phyllanthus merinthopodus Diels – New Guinea
  • Phyllanthus meuieensis M.Schmid – New Caledonia (Mé Ouié)
  • Phyllanthus meyerianus Müll.Arg. – S. Africa
  • Phyllanthus mickelii McVaugh – Mexico (Jalisco, Colima)
  • Phyllanthus micranthus A.Rich. – S.E. Cuba
  • Phyllanthus microcarpus (Benth.) Müll.Arg. – S.E. China to W. Malesia
  • Phyllanthus microcladus Müll.Arg. – E. Queensland to E. New South Wales
  • Phyllanthus microdendron Müll.Arg. – Angola, Zambia
  • Phyllanthus microdictyus Urb. – N.E. Cuba
  • Phyllanthus micromeris Radcl.-Sm. – Tanzania to Malawi
  • Phyllanthus microphyllinus Müll.Arg. – Angola
  • Phyllanthus microphyllus Kunth – Venezuela to Brazil and E. Bolivia
  • Phyllanthus mieschii Jean F.Brunel & J.P.Roux – Congo, DR Congo
  • Phyllanthus millei Standl. – Ecuador
  • Phyllanthus mimicus G.L.Webster – Trinidad-Tobago
  • Phyllanthus mimosoides Sw. – Lesser Antilles to Trinidad
  • Phyllanthus minahassae Koord. – Sulawesi
  • Phyllanthus minarum Standl. & Steyerm. – Guatemala
  • Phyllanthus mindorensis C.B.Rob. – Philippines (Mindoro), Sulawesi
  • Phyllanthus mindouliensis Jean F.Brunel – Congo
  • Phyllanthus minutifolius Jabl. – Venezuela (Amazonas: Cerro Sipapo)
  • Phyllanthus minutulus Müll.Arg. – Colombia to Guyana and Brazil
  • Phyllanthus mirabilis Müll.Arg. – Indo-China – one of the four succulents, and one of the only two described.
  • Phyllanthus mirificus G.L.Webster – N.E. Cuba
  • Phyllanthus mitchellii Benth. – Queensland (Leichhardt)
  • Phyllanthus mittenianus Hutch. – Kenya (Teita), Tanzania (Uluguru Mts.)
  • Phyllanthus mkurirae Jean F.Brunel – Tanzania
  • Phyllanthus mocinoanus Baill. – Mexico to W. El Salvador
  • Phyllanthus mocotensis G.L.Webster – Brazil (Rio de Janeiro)
  • Phyllanthus moeroensis De Wild. – DR Congo
  • Phyllanthus moi P.T.Li – China (W. Guangxi)
  • Phyllanthus mollis (Blume) Müll.Arg. – Borneo (Sabah), Philippines, Sulawesi, Maluku, Tenimber Islands, Jawa to Lesser Sunda Is
  • Phyllanthus monroviae Jean F.Brunel – Liberia
  • Phyllanthus montanus (Sw.) Sw. – Jamaica
  • Phyllanthus montis-fontium M.Schmid – S.E. New Caledonia
  • Phyllanthus montrouzieri Guillaumin – N.W. & W. Central New Caledonia
  • Phyllanthus mooneyi M.G.Gilbert – Ethiopia
  • Phyllanthus moonii (Thwaites) Müll.Arg. – Sri Lanka
  • Phyllanthus moorei M.Schmid – New Caledonia
  • Phyllanthus moramangicus (Leandri) Leandri – E. Central Madagascar
  • Phyllanthus moratii M.Schmid – N.W. New Caledonia (Tiwaka-Amoa Reg.)
  • Phyllanthus mouensis M.Schmid – S.E. New Caledonia
  • Phyllanthus mozambicensis Gand. – Mozambique (Delagoa Bay)
  • Phyllanthus muellerianus (Kuntze) Exell – Tropical Africa
  • Phyllanthus mukerjeeanus D.Mitra & Bennet – India
  • Phyllanthus multiflorus Poir. – N. & W. Madagascar
  • Phyllanthus multilobus (A.C.Sm.) W.L.Wagner & Lorence – Fiji (Vanua Levu)
  • Phyllanthus multilocularis (Roxb. ex Willd.) Müll.Arg. – India to N. Myanmar, Nepal to China (Yunnan)
  • Phyllanthus muriculatus J.J.Sm. – Jawa
  • Phyllanthus muscosus Ridl. – Peninsula Malaysia
  • Phyllanthus mutisianus G.L.Webster – Colombia
  • Phyllanthus myrianthus Müll.Arg. – Vanuatu
  • Phyllanthus myriophyllus Urb. – S. Haiti
  • Phyllanthus myrsinites Kunth – S. Tropical America
  • Phyllanthus myrtaceus Sond. – Zimbabwe to S. Africa
  • Phyllanthus myrtifolius (Wight) Müll.Arg. – S.W. India, Sri Lanka – mousetail plant
  • Phyllanthus myrtilloides Griseb. – E. Cuba




  • Phyllanthus pachyphyllus Müll.Arg. – Hainan, Indo-China to Singapore, Borneo
  • Phyllanthus pachystylus Urb. – E. Cuba to N.W. Haiti
  • Phyllanthus pacificus Müll.Arg. – Marquesas
  • Phyllanthus pacoensis Thin – Vietnam
  • Phyllanthus paezensis Jabl. – Colombia (Vichada), Venezuela (Bolívar)
  • Phyllanthus palauensis Hosok. – Caroline Islands
  • Phyllanthus panayensis Merr. – Philippines
  • Phyllanthus pancherianus Baill. – New Caledonia
  • Phyllanthus papenooensis (J.Florence) W.L.Wagner & Lorence – Society Islands
  • Phyllanthus papuanus Gage – New Guinea
  • Phyllanthus paraguayensis Parodi – Paraguay
  • Phyllanthus parainduratus M.Schmid – E. Central & W. Central New Caledonia
  • Phyllanthus parangoyensis M.Schmid – New Caledonia (Canala)
  • Phyllanthus paraqueensis Jabl. – Venezuela (Amazonas: Cerro Sipapo)
  • Phyllanthus parvifolius Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don – N. Pakistan to S. China
  • Phyllanthus parvulus Sond. – DR Congo to S. Africa
  • Phyllanthus parvus Hutch. – W. & S. Tanzania to S. Tropical Africa
  • Phyllanthus paucitepalus M.Schmid – New Caledonia (Col de Mô)
  • Phyllanthus pavonianus Baill. – S. Ecuador to N.W. Peru
  • Phyllanthus paxianus Dinter – DR Congo, Angolia, Namibia
  • Phyllanthus paxii Hutch. – DR Congo, Burundi, Tanzania, Mozambique, Malawi, Zambia, Angola
  • Phyllanthus pectinatus Hook.f. – Peninsula Malaysia
  • Phyllanthus peltatus Guillaumin – N.W. New Caledonia
  • Phyllanthus pendulus Roxb. – Bangladesh
  • Phyllanthus peninsularis Brandegee – W. Mexico
  • Phyllanthus pentandrus Schumach. & Thonn. – Tropical & S. Africa
  • Phyllanthus pentaphyllus C.Wright ex Griseb. – S. Florida, Caribbean to Venezuela
  • Phyllanthus pergracilis Gillespie – Fiji (Viti Levu)
  • Phyllanthus perpusillus Baill. – Brazil (Minas Gerais, Santa Catarina)
  • Phyllanthus perrieri (Leandri) Petra Hoffm. & McPherson – Central Madagascar
  • Phyllanthus pervilleanus (Baill.) Müll.Arg. – Seychelles, Comoros, N. Madagascar
  • Phyllanthus petaloideus Paul G.Wilson – Mexico (México State)
  • Phyllanthus petchikaraensis M.Schmid – New Caledonia (Col de Petchikara)
  • Phyllanthus petelotii Croizat – Vietnam
  • Phyllanthus petenensis Lundell – Guatemala
  • Phyllanthus petraeus A.Chev. & Beille – W. Tropical Africa to Chad
  • Phyllanthus philippioides Leandri – Central Madagascar
  • Phyllanthus phillyreifolius Poir. – Mascarenes
  • Phyllanthus phlebocarpus Urb. – N.E. Cuba
  • Phyllanthus phuquocensis Beille – Cambodia to Vietnam
  • Phyllanthus physocarpus Müll.Arg. – W. Central Tropical Africa to Kenya and KwaZulu-Natal
  • Phyllanthus pierlotii Jean F.Brunel – Togo
  • Phyllanthus pileostigma Coode – Mauritius
  • Phyllanthus pilifer M.Schmid – New Caledonia
  • Phyllanthus pilosus (Lour.) Müll.Arg. – Vietnam
  • Phyllanthus pindaiensis M.Schmid – W. Central New Caledonia (Népoui Peninsula)
  • Phyllanthus pinifolius Baill. – S.E. Brazil (to Paraná)
  • Phyllanthus pinjenensis M.Schmid – N.W. New Caledonia (near Koné)
  • Phyllanthus pinnatus (Wight) G.L.Webster – Kenya to Northern Province
  • Phyllanthus piranii G.L.Webster – Brazil (Espírito Santo)
  • Phyllanthus pireyi Beille – Vietnam
  • Phyllanthus pitcairnensis (F.Br.) W.L.Wagner & Lorence – Pitcairn Islands
  • Phyllanthus platycalyx Müll.Arg. – New Caledonia
  • Phyllanthus podocarpus Müll.Arg. – Fiji (?)
  • Phyllanthus poeppigianus (Müll.Arg.) Müll.Arg. – Brazil (Amazonas), Peru (Loreto), N.E. Bolivia
  • Phyllanthus pohlianus Müll.Arg. – Brazil (Minas Gerais)
  • Phyllanthus poilanei Beille – S. Vietnam
  • Phyllanthus poliborealis Airy Shaw – W. New Guinea
  • Phyllanthus polygonoides Nutt. ex Spreng. – S.W. Missouri to S.E. New Mexico & N. Mexico – smartweed leafflower
  • Phyllanthus polygynus M.Schmid – N.W. New Caledonia
  • Phyllanthus polyphyllus Willd. – S. India, Sri Lanka
  • Phyllanthus polyspermus Schumach. – Tropical & S. Africa
  • Phyllanthus pomiferus Hook.f. – S. Myanmar
  • Phyllanthus ponapensis (Hosok.) W.L.Wagner & Lorence – Caroline Islands
  • Phyllanthus popayanensis Pax – Colombia
  • Phyllanthus poueboensis M.Schmid – N.W. New Caledonia (Pouébo Reg.)
  • Phyllanthus poumensis Guillaumin – N.W. New Caledonia
  • Phyllanthus praelongipes Airy Shaw & G.L.Webster – Papua New Guinea to Queensland
  • Phyllanthus praetervisus Müll.Arg. – E. Himalaya to Myanmar
  • Phyllanthus prainianus Collett & Hemsl. – Myanmar
  • Phyllanthus procerus C.Wright – Cuba (incl. I. de la Juventud)
  • Phyllanthus proctoris G.L.Webster – W. Jamaica
  • Phyllanthus profusus N.E.Br. – Guinea to Congo
  • Phyllanthus prominulatus J.T.Hunter & J.J.Bruhl – Northern Territory
  • Phyllanthus pronyensis Guillaumin – S.E. New Caledonia
  • Phyllanthus prostratus Müll.Arg. – Angola, Zimbabwe
  • Phyllanthus pseudocarunculatus Radcl.-Sm. – S. DR Congo, Zambia
  • Phyllanthus pseudocicca Griseb. – E. Cuba
  • Phyllanthus pseudoguyanensis Herter & Mansf. – Uruguay
  • Phyllanthus pseudoniruri Müll.Arg. – Cameroon to Somalia and Botswana
  • Phyllanthus pseudoparvifolius R.L.Mitra & Sanjappa – Bhutan to Assam (Meghalaya)
  • Phyllanthus pseudotrichopodus M.Schmid – E. Central New Caledonia (Houaïlou to Touho)
  • Phyllanthus pterocladus S.Moore – N.W. New Caledonia
  • Phyllanthus puberus (L.) Müll.Arg. – China, Taiwan, Japan (Kyushu)
  • Phyllanthus pulcher Wall. ex Müll.Arg. – China (Yunnan, Guangxi) to W. Malesia – tropical leafflower
  • Phyllanthus pulcherrimus Herter ex Arechav. – Uruguay
  • Phyllanthus pulchroides Beille – Indo-China
  • Phyllanthus pullenii Airy Shaw & G.L.Webster – New Guinea
  • Phyllanthus pulverulentus Urb. – S.E. Cuba
  • Phyllanthus pumilus (Blanco) Müll.Arg. – Philippines
  • Phyllanthus puncticulatus Jean F.Brunel – Ethiopia
  • Phyllanthus puntii G.L.Webster – Brazil (Acre), W. Bolivia
  • Phyllanthus purpureus Müll.Arg. – Angola, Namibia
  • Phyllanthus purpusii Brandegee – Mexico (Oaxaca, Chiapas)
  • Phyllanthus pycnophyllus Müll.Arg. – S. Venezuela to Guyana


  • Phyllanthus quintuplinervis M.Schmid – S. Central New Caledonia
  • Phyllanthus racemigerus Müll.Arg. – Venezuela
  • Phyllanthus raiateaensis W.L.Wagner & Lorence – Society Islands
  • Phyllanthus raivavensis (F.Br.) W.L.Wagner & Lorence – Tubuai Islands
  • Phyllanthus ramillosus Müll.Arg. – S. Brazil to N. Argentina
  • Phyllanthus ramosii Quisumb. & Merr. – Philippines
  • Phyllanthus ramosus Vell. – S.E. Brazil
  • Phyllanthus rangachariarii Murugan, Kabeer & G.V.S.Murthy – India (Tamil Nadu)
  • Phyllanthus rangoloakensis Leandri – E. Central & S.E. Madagascar
  • Phyllanthus rapaensis (J.Florence) W.L.Wagner & Lorence – Tubuai Islands
  • Phyllanthus raynalii Jean F.Brunel & J.P.Roux – Cameroon
  • Phyllanthus reinwardtii Müll.Arg. – Jawa
  • Phyllanthus reticulatus Poir. – Tropical & Subtrop. Asia to N. Australia – kajibajiba[what language is this?], potatobush
  • Phyllanthus retinervis Hutch. – Tanzania to Zambia
  • Phyllanthus retroflexus Brade – Brazil (Bahia, Espírito Santo)
  • Phyllanthus revaughanii Coode – Mozambique Channel Islands
  • Phyllanthus rhabdocarpus Müll.Arg. – Jawa
  • Phyllanthus rheedei Wight – E. Himalaya to Sri Lanka
  • Phyllanthus rheophilus Airy Shaw – Papua New Guinea
  • Phyllanthus rheophyticus M.G.Gilbert & P.T.Li – Hainan
  • Phyllanthus rhizomatosus Radcl.-Sm. – Tanzania (Morogoro)
  • Phyllanthus rhodocladus S.Moore – New Caledonia (E. Ignambi)
  • Phyllanthus ridleyanus Airy Shaw – S. Thailand to Peninsula Malaysia
  • Phyllanthus riedelianus Müll.Arg. – S.E. & S. Brazil
  • Phyllanthus rivae Pax – DR Congo, Ethiopia
  • Phyllanthus robinsonii Merr. – Philippines
  • Phyllanthus robustus Mart. ex Colla – Brazil (Rio de Janeiro)
  • Phyllanthus roseus (Craib & Hutch.) Beille – China (Yunnan) to Peninsula Malaysia
  • Phyllanthus rosmarinifolius Müll.Arg. – Brazil (Rio de Janeiro: Serra dos Órgãos)
  • Phyllanthus rosselensis Airy Shaw & G.L.Webster – New Guinea (Louisiade Arch.)
  • Phyllanthus rotundifolius J.G.Klein ex Willd. – Cape Verde, Tropical Africa, Arabian Peninsula, Pakistan to Sri Lanka
  • Phyllanthus rouxii Jean F.Brunel – Ghana, Togo
  • Phyllanthus rozennae M.Schmid – New Caledonia (S. I. Art)
  • Phyllanthus ruber (Lour.) Spreng. – Hainan, Vietnam
  • Phyllanthus ruber (Blume) T.Kuros. – Tropical & Subtrop. Asia
  • Phyllanthus rubescens Beille – Indo-China
  • Phyllanthus rubicundus Beille – Vietnam
  • Phyllanthus rubriflorus J.J.Sm. – New Guinea
  • Phyllanthus rubristipulus Govaerts & Radcl.-Sm. – Vietnam
  • Phyllanthus rufuschaneyi Welzen, R.W.Bouman & Ent – Sabah
  • Phyllanthus rufoglaucus Müll.Arg. – Jawa
  • Phyllanthus rupestris Kunth – Colombia to N. Brazil
  • Phyllanthus rupicola Elmer – Philippines
  • Phyllanthus rupiinsularis Hosok. – Caroline Islands
  • Phyllanthus ruscifolius Müll.Arg. – Colombia (Valle del Cauca)


  • Phyllanthus saffordii Merr. – Marianas
  • Phyllanthus salesiae M.J.Silva – Brazil (Minas Gerais)
  • Phyllanthus salicifolius Baill. – N.W. New Caledonia
  • Phyllanthus salomonis Airy Shaw – New Guinea (Louisiade Arch.) to Santa Cruz Islands
  • Phyllanthus salviifolius Kunth – Costa Rica to N.W. Venezuela and Peru
  • Phyllanthus samarensis Müll.Arg. – Philippines (Samar), Sulawesi
  • Phyllanthus sambiranensis Leandri – Madagascar
  • Phyllanthus samoanus (Müll.Arg.) W.L.Wagner & Lorence – Samoa, Niue
  • Phyllanthus sanjappae Chakrab. & M.Gangop. – Andaman Islands
  • Phyllanthus sarasinii Guillaumin – Central New Caledonia
  • Phyllanthus sarothamnoides Govaerts & Radcl.-Sm. – Brazil (Bahia: Serra da Lapa)
  • Phyllanthus sauropodoides Airy Shaw – Queensland
  • Phyllanthus savannicola Domin – Queensland
  • Phyllanthus saxosus F.Muell. – Western Australia, South Australia
  • Phyllanthus scaber Klotzsch – W. & S. Western Australia
  • Phyllanthus scabrifolius Hook.f. – W. & S. India
  • Phyllanthus schaulsii Jean F.Brunel – Cameroon
  • Phyllanthus schliebenii Mansf. ex Radcl.-Sm. – Tanzania (Lindi)
  • Phyllanthus scopulorum (Britton) Urb. – N.E. Cuba
  • Phyllanthus securinegoides Merr. – Philippines
  • Phyllanthus seemannii (Müll.Arg.) Müll.Arg. – Fiji
  • Phyllanthus selbyi Britton & P.Wilson – Cuba (incl. I. de la Juventud)
  • Phyllanthus sellowianus (Klotzsch) Müll.Arg. – S. Brazil to Paraguay
  • Phyllanthus semicordatus Müll.Arg. – Jawa
  • Phyllanthus senyavinianus (Glassman) W.L.Wagner & Lorence – Caroline Islands
  • Phyllanthus sepialis Müll.Arg. – South Sudan to Tanzania
  • Phyllanthus serandii Jean F.Brunel – Guinea
  • Phyllanthus sericeus (Blume) Müll.Arg. – S. Indo-China to W. Malesia and Philippines (Palawan)
  • Phyllanthus serpentinicola Radcl.-Sm. – Zimbabwe
  • Phyllanthus serpentinus S.Moore – N.W. New Caledonia
  • Phyllanthus sessilis Warb. – New Guinea
  • Phyllanthus shabaensis Jean F.Brunel – S. DR Congo
  • Phyllanthus sibuyanensis Elmer – Philippines
  • Phyllanthus sieboldianus T.Kuros. – Japan (S. Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu) to Nansei-shoto
  • Phyllanthus sikkimensis Müll.Arg. – Nepal to N. Peninsula Malaysia
  • Phyllanthus similis Müll.Arg. – Queensland, New South Wales
  • Phyllanthus simplicicaulis Müll.Arg. – Brazil (Minas Gerais)
  • Phyllanthus sincorensis G.L.Webster – Brazil (Bahia)
  • Phyllanthus singalensis (Miq.) Müll.Arg. – Sumatera
  • Phyllanthus singampattianus (Sebast. & A.N.Henry) Kumari & Chandrab. – S. India (Tirunelveli Distr.)
  • Phyllanthus skutchii Standl. – S. Costa Rica
  • Phyllanthus smithianus G.L.Webster – Fiji
  • Phyllanthus societatis Müll.Arg. – S. Pacific
  • Phyllanthus somalensis Hutch. – S. Somalia, N.E. Kenya
  • Phyllanthus songboiensis Thin – Vietnam
  • Phyllanthus sootepensis Craib – China (S. Yunnan) to N. Thailand
  • Phyllanthus spartioides Pax & K.Hoffm. – Brazil (Bahia, Minas Gerais, Goiás)
  • Phyllanthus sphaerogynus Müll.Arg. – E. Himalaya to S. China
  • Phyllanthus spinosus Chiov. – Somalia
  • Phyllanthus spirei Beille – Laos
  • Phyllanthus sponiifolius Müll.Arg. – Colombia to Ecuador
  • Phyllanthus spruceanus Müll.Arg. – Brazil (Amazonas)
  • Phyllanthus squamifolius (Lour.) Stokes – Vietnam
  • Phyllanthus st-johnii W.L.Wagner & Lorence – Society Islands
  • Phyllanthus standleyi McVaugh – Mexico (Sinaloa to Michoacán)
  • Phyllanthus stellatus Retz. – Sri Lanka
  • Phyllanthus stenophyllus Guillaumin – New Caledonia (Poindimié-Touho)
  • Phyllanthus stipitatus M.Schmid – N. Central New Caledonia (Massif du Boulinda)
  • Phyllanthus stipularis Merr. – Philippines
  • Phyllanthus stipulatus (Raf.) G.L.Webster – Mexico to Tropical America
  • Phyllanthus striaticaulis J.T.Hunter & J.J.Bruhl – South Australia
  • Phyllanthus strobilaceus Jabl. – S. Venezuela
  • Phyllanthus stultitiae Airy Shaw – W. New Guinea
  • Phyllanthus stylosus Griff. – Nepal to Assam
  • Phyllanthus subapicalis Jabl. – S. Venezuela to Brazil (Roraima)
  • Phyllanthus subcarnosus C.Wright ex Griseb. – Cuba, Haiti
  • Phyllanthus subcrenulatus F.Muell. – Queensland, New South Wales
  • Phyllanthus subcuneatus Greenm. – Mexico
  • Phyllanthus subemarginatus Müll.Arg. – E. & S. Brazil
  • Phyllanthus sublanatus Schumach. & Thonn. – W. Tropical Africa to Chad
  • Phyllanthus submarginalis Airy Shaw – Lesser Sunda Islands
  • Phyllanthus submollis K.Schum. & Lauterb. – New Guinea
  • Phyllanthus subobscurus Müll.Arg. – Jawa
  • Phyllanthus subsessilis (N.P.Balakr. & Chakr.) Chakrab. & N.P.Balakr. – Andaman Islands
  • Phyllanthus suffrutescens Pax – S. Ethiopia, Somalia, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania
  • Phyllanthus sulcatus J.T.Hunter & J.J.Bruhl – Northern Territory, Queensland
  • Phyllanthus superbus (Baill. ex Müll.Arg.) Müll.Arg. – Peninsula Thailand to W. Malesia
  • Phyllanthus sylvincola S.Moore – S.E. New Caledonia
  • Phyllanthus symphoricarpoides Kunth – Colombia to Peru


  • Phyllanthus tabularis Airy Shaw – Papua New Guinea
  • Phyllanthus tagulae Airy Shaw & G.L.Webster – New Guinea (Louisiade Arch.)
  • Phyllanthus taitensis (Baill. ex Müll.Arg.) Müll.Arg. – Cook Islands, Society Is., Marquesas
  • Phyllanthus talbotii Sedgw. – S.W. India (Goa, Karnataka)
  • Phyllanthus tanaensis Jean F.Brunel – Kenya
  • Phyllanthus tangoensis M.Schmid – New Caledonia (Plateau de Tango)
  • Phyllanthus tanzanianus Jean F.Brunel – Tanzania
  • Phyllanthus tanzaniensis Jean F.Brunel – Tanzania
  • Phyllanthus taxodiifolius Beille – China (S. Yunnan, S.W. Guangxi) to Indo-China
  • Phyllanthus taylorianus Jean F.Brunel – Cameroon to Ethiopia and Zimbabwe
  • Phyllanthus temehaniensis (J.W.Moore) W.L.Wagner & Lorence – Society Islands
  • Phyllanthus tenellus Roxb. – Tanzania to Mozambique, S.W. Arabian Peninsula, W. Indian Ocean – Mascarene island leafflower
  • Phyllanthus tener Radcl.-Sm. – Zambia
  • Phyllanthus tenuicaulis Müll.Arg. – E. Cuba, Haiti
  • Phyllanthus tenuipedicellatus M.Schmid – New Caledonia
  • Phyllanthus tenuipes C.B.Rob. – Philippines
  • Phyllanthus tenuirhachis J.J.Sm. – Sulawesi to W. New Guinea
  • Phyllanthus tenuis Radcl.-Sm. – Zambia
  • Phyllanthus tepuicola Steyerm. – Venezuela (Amazonas: Cerro Duida)
  • Phyllanthus tequilensis B.L.Rob. & Greenm. – Mexico
  • Phyllanthus tessmannii Hutch. – São Tomé, Equatorial Guinea
  • Phyllanthus tetrandrus Roxb. – Assam to Bangladesh
  • Phyllanthus thaii Thin – Vietnam
  • Phyllanthus thomsonii Müll.Arg. – S.E. Tibet to Bangladesh
  • Phyllanthus thulinii Radcl.-Sm. – Tanzania (Morogoro)
  • Phyllanthus tiebaghiensis M.Schmid – N.W. New Caledonia (Massif de la Tiébaghi)
  • Phyllanthus tireliae M.Schmid – New Caledonia (Massif du Boulinda)
  • Phyllanthus tixieri M.Schmid – New Caledonia (Kouaoua Reg.)
  • Phyllanthus torrentium Müll.Arg. – New Caledonia
  • Phyllanthus touranensis Beille – Vietnam
  • Phyllanthus triandrus (Blanco) Müll.Arg. – N. & Central Philippines
  • Phyllanthus trichogynus (Müll.Arg.) Müll.Arg. – Philippines
  • Phyllanthus trichopodus Guillaumin – New Caledonia (Touho Reg.)
  • Phyllanthus trichosporus Adelb. – Jawa, Sulawesi
  • Phyllanthus trichotepalus Brenan – South Sudan to Burundi
  • Phyllanthus triphlebius C.B.Rob. – Philippines
  • Phyllanthus tritepalus M.Schmid – E. Central New Caledonia (Canala)
  • Phyllanthus trungii Thin – Vietnam
  • Phyllanthus tsarongensis W.W.Sm. – Tibet, China (Sichuan, Yunnan)
  • Phyllanthus tsetserrae Jean F.Brunel – Mozambique
  • Phyllanthus tuamotuensis (J.Florence) W.L.Wagner & Lorence – Tuamotu (Niau, Taravai)
  • Phyllanthus tuerckheimii G.L.Webster – Mexico (Oaxaca, Chiapas) to Guatemala
  • Phyllanthus tukuyuanus Jean F.Brunel – Tanzania






External links[edit]