Sanremo Music Festival 2019 – Wikipedia

The Sanremo Music Festival 2019 (Italian: 69º Festival della Canzone Italiana di Sanremo 2019) was the 69th annual Sanremo Music Festival, a television song contest held in the Teatro Ariston of Sanremo and organised and broadcast by RAI. The show was held between 5 February 2019 and 9 February 2019. Claudio Baglioni was the artistic director of the contest, and co-hosted it with Virginia Raffaele and Claudio Bisio. 24 entries competed in one section only. Mahmood emerged as the winner of the festival with his song “Soldi”.


Singer-songwriter and musician, Claudio Baglioni, who was also the competition’s artistic director, hosted the Sanremo Music Festival for the second consecutive year, alongside co-hosts Claudio Bisio and Virginia Raffaele.[1]


Voting during the five evenings occurred through different combinations of four methods:

  • Public televoting, carried out via landline, mobile phone, the contest’s official mobile app, and online voting.
  • Press jury voting, expressed by accredited journalists that followed the competition from the Roof Hall at the Teatro Ariston.
  • A demoscopic poll, composed of a sample of 300 music fans, which voted from their homes via an electronic voting system managed by Ipsos.
  • Expert jury voting, resulting from points assigned by personalities from the world of music, entertainment and culture. The jury was composed by Mauro Pagani (president), Ferzan Özpetek, Camila Raznovich, Claudia Pandolfi, Elena Sofia Ricci, Beppe Severgnini, Serena Dandini and Joe Bastianich.

The three voting systems were distributed in the following percentages:[2]

  • First, Second and Third Evening: 40% Public televoting; 30% Demoscopic poll; 30% Press jury voting
  • Fourth and Fifth Evening: 50% Public televoting; 30% Press jury voting; 20% Expert jury voting

In the final part of the fifth evening, a new rank indicating the first three acts -determined by the percentage of votes obtained in this evening’s vote and those obtained in previous evenings- was drawn up.


Ecco Sanremo Giovani[edit]

Unlike previous editions, the Newcomers’ section was not included in the Festival, but a similar selection was held to decree the two places reserved in the Big Artist section.[3] The artists competing in the new format were selected through two separate contests: Standard section and Area Sanremo. The selection was preceded by four afternoon shows, conducted by Luca Barbarossa and Andrea Perroni, where the artists and their entries were presented.

Standard selection[edit]

On October 19, 2018, Rai Commission for Sanremo Music Festival 2019 announced a list of 677 acts, but only 69 artists coming from all Italian regions -excluding Basilicata and Valle d’Aosta- and from abroad were selected in the first phase.[4][5]

On November 27, 2018, Rai Commission announced the eighteen finalists.[6][7]

Area Sanremo[edit]

After the auditions, RAI Commission – composed by Claudio Baglioni, Claudio Fasulo, Duccio Forzano, Massimo Giuliano, Massimo Martelli and Geoff Westley- identified 6 finalists for the competition among the 225 acts:[6][8]

Sanremo Giovani 2018[edit]

On December 20 and 21, 2018, the twenty four finalists performed their songs at Sanremo Casino in Sanremo, with the show Sanremo Giovani 2018 broadcast on Rai 1 presented by Pippo Baudo and Fabio Rovazzi. The two winners of the nights participated in Sanremo 2019 with a new entry. Einar and Mahmood were selected as the winners.[9][10]

  Enters Sanremo 2019

Big Artists section[edit]

The Big Artists section of the contest reverted to 24 artists, after briefly going up to 22 the previous year. Like the previous year, there were no eliminations during the four weeknight shows. All the artists performed several times and were scored during the week, but every competing artist advanced to the final night.[11][12]

Competing entries[edit]

First evening[edit]

The 24 Big Artists each performed their song for the first time.

  •   High ranking

  •   Middle ranking

  •   Low ranking

Artist Draw Song Votes[22] Place
(weight 40%)
Demoscopic Jury
(weight 30%)
Press Jury
(weight 30%)
Francesco Renga 1 “Aspetto che torni” 3.74% 8 20 3.47% 11
Nino D’Angelo & Livio Cori 2 “Un’altra luce” 2.51% 20 21 1.94% 22
Nek 3 “Mi farò trovare pronto” 4.04% 5 16 4.11% 10
The Zen Circus 4 “L’amore è una dittatura” 2.28% 17 11 2.98% 16
Il Volo 5 “Musica che resta” 17.21% 1 13 10.72% 2
Loredana Bertè 6 “Cosa ti aspetti da me” 3.92% 3 5 5.85% 4
Daniele Silvestri 7 “Argentovivo” 2.90% 6 3 5.30% 5
Federica Carta & Shade 8 “Senza farlo apposta” 5.27% 12 24 3.45% 12
Ultimo 9 “I tuoi particolari” 17.99% 2 6 11.53% 1
Paola Turci 10 “L’ultimo ostacolo” 2.57% 11 14 3.15% 14
Motta 11 “Dov’è l’Italia” 1.57% 22 9 2.63% 19
Boomdabash 12 “Per un milone” 4.80% 10 12 4.55% 9
Patty Pravo feat. Briga 13 “Un po’ come la vita” 3.31% 16 19 2.69% 18
Simone Cristicchi 14 “Abbi cura di me” 4.06% 4 2 6.43% 3
Achille Lauro 15 “Rolls Royce” 2.74% 24 7 3.14% 15
Arisa 16 “Mi sento bene” 2.07% 9 4 4.69% 7
Negrita 17 “I ragazzi stanno bene” 2.09% 14 15 2.58% 20
Ghemon 18 “Rose viola” 1.81% 23 18 1.75% 23
Einar 19 “Parole nuove” 2.49% 18 23 1.96% 21
Ex-Otago 20 “Solo una canzone” 3.95% 21 16 2.82% 17
Anna Tatangelo 21 “Le nostre anime di notte” 1.20% 15 22 1.57% 24
Irama 22 “La ragazza con il cuore di latta” 4.52% 7 9 4.91% 6
Enrico Nigiotti 23 “Nonno Hollywood” 1.22% 13 8 3.22% 13
Mahmood 24 “Soldi” 1.74% 19 1 4.55% 8

Second evening[edit]

The first twelve Big Artists each performed their song again.

  •   High ranking

  •   Middle ranking

  •   Low ranking

Artist Draw Song Votes Place
(weight 40%)
Demoscopic Jury
(weight 30%)
Press Jury
(weight 30%)
Achille Lauro 1 “Rolls Royce” 7.13% 12 4 7.55% 5
Einar 2 “Parole nuove” 6.57% 8 11 4.96% 10
Il Volo 3 “Musica che resta” 38.32% 1 8 21.51% 1
Arisa 4 “Mi sento bene” 5.83% 5 1 12.78% 2
Nek 5 “Mi farò trovare pronto” 5.88% 4 9 6.56% 6
Daniele Silvestri 6 “Argentovivo” 5.40% 3 2 10.95% 4
Ex-Otago 7 “Solo una canzone” 5.78% 10 6 5.00% 9
Ghemon 8 “Rose viola” 3.42% 11 5 3.92% 11
Loredana Bertè 9 “Cosa ti aspetti da me” 8.12% 2 3 12.35% 3
Paola Turci 10 “L’ultimo ostacolo” 3.21% 6 7 5.04% 8
Negrita 11 “I ragazzi stanno bene” 3.06% 9 10 3.79% 12
Federica Carta & Shade 12 “Senza farlo apposta” 7.29% 7 12 5.58% 7

Third evening[edit]

The other twelve Big Artists each performed their song for the second time.

  •   High ranking

  •   Middle ranking

  •   Low ranking

Artist Draw Song Votes Place
(weight 40%)
Demoscopic Jury
(weight 30%)
Press Jury
(weight 30%)
Mahmood 1 “Soldi” 4.32% 8 2 8.94% 4
Enrico Nigiotti 2 “Nonno Hollywood” 8.02% 5 6 8.65% 5
Anna Tatangelo 3 “Le nostre anime di notte” 2.85% 7 9 4.15% 10
Ultimo 4 “I tuoi particolari” 27.92% 2 3 19.90% 1
Francesco Renga 5 “Aspetto che torni” 6.83% 4 8 7.29% 7
Irama 6 “La ragazza con il cuore di latta” 14.62% 3 4 12.32% 3
Patty Pravo feat. Briga 7 “Un po’ come la vita” 3.77% 10 11 3.58% 11
Simone Cristicchi 8 “Abbi cura di me” 9.69% 1 1 13.99% 2
Boomdabash 9 “Per un milione” 11.42% 6 10 8.29% 6
Motta 10 “Dov’è l’Italia” 2.64% 12 5 4.66% 9
The Zen Circus 11 “L’amore è un dittatura” 3.73% 9 7 5.11% 8
Nino D’Angelo & Livio Cori 12 “Un’altra luce” 4.20% 11 12 3.13% 12

Fourth evening[edit]

The 24 Big Artists performed their songs in a duet with a guest artist.

Artist – Guest[23] Draw Song Votes Place
(weight 50%)
Experts Jury
(weight 20%)
Press Jury
(weight 30%)
Federica Carta & Shade – Cristina D’Avena 1 “Senza farlo apposta” 7 21 20 2,40 16
Motta – Nada 2 “Dov’è l’Italia” 23 3 13 3,89 9
Irama – Noemi 3 “La ragazza con il cuore di latta” 4 13 11 5,61 7
Patty Pravo feat. Briga – Giovanni Caccamo 4 “Un po’ come la vita” 15 15 23 1,42 21
Negrita – Enrico Ruggeri and Roy Paci 5 “I ragazzi stanno bene” 20 11 19 1,86 19
Il Volo – Alessandro Quarta 6 “Musica che resta” 1 21 9 12,47 1
Arisa – Tony Hadley and Kataklò 7 “Mi sento bene” 9 8 1 5,41 8
Mahmood – Gué Pequeno 7 “Soldi” 13 1 3 8,30 3
Ghemon – Diodato and Calibro 35 9 “Rose viola” 19 5 8 3,82 10
Francesco Renga – Bungaro, Eleonora Abbagnato
and Friedemann Vogel
10 “Aspetto che torni” 8 18 18 2,10 17
Ultimo – Fabrizio Moro 11 “I tuoi particolari” 3 6 7 10,29 2
Nek – Neri Marcorè 12 “Mi farò trovare pronto” 13 15 20 1,60 20
Boomdabash – Rocco Hunt and Musici Cantori di Milano 13 “Per un milione” 6 9 16 3,76 11
The Zen Circus – Brunori Sas 14 “L’amore è una dittatura” 14 10 14 2,61 14
Paola Turci – Giuseppe Fiorello 15 “L’ultimo ostacolo” 22 12 17 1,87 18
Anna Tatangelo – Syria 16 “Le nostre anime di notte” 24 18 15 1,29 22
Ex-Otago – Jack Savoretti 17 “Solo una canzone” 17 6 12 3,05 13
Enrico Nigiotti – Paolo Jannacci and Massimo Ottoni 18 “Nonno Hollywood” 10 18 10 2,49 15
Loredana Bertè – Irene Grandi 19 “Cosa ti aspetti da me” 1 4 6 7,08 4
Daniele Silvestri – Manuel Agnelli 20 “Argentovivo” 21 2 2 6,35 6
Einar – Biondo and Sergio Sylvestre 21 “Parole nuove” 16 21 23 1,19 23
Simone Cristicchi – Ermal Meta 22 “Abbi cura di me” 5 13 4 6,55 5
Nino D’Angelo & Livio Cori – Sottotono 23 “Un’altra luce” 18 21 22 1,18 24
Achille Lauro – Morgan 24 “Rolls Royce” 11 15 6 3,41 12

Fifth evening[edit]

The 24 Big Artists each performed their entry again for a final time. The top three faced a superfinal vote, then the winner of Sanremo 2019 was decided.

  •   Advanced to second round

Artist Draw[24] Song Votes Place
(weight 50%)
Experts Jury
(weight 20%)
Press Jury
(weight 30%)
Daniele Silvestri 1 “Argentovivo” 9 2 3 5,87 6
Anna Tatangelo 2 “Le nostre anime di notte” 18 18 18 1,08 22
Ghemon 3 “Rose viola” 17 5 9 3,16 12
Negrita 4 “I ragazzi stanno bene” 21 10 18 1,55 20
Ultimo 5 “I tuoi particolari” 1 7 6 12,92 2
Nek 6 “Mi farò trovare pronto” 14 17 20 1,49 19
Loredana Bertè 7 “Cosa ti aspetti da me” 3 6 1 10,35 4
Francesco Renga 8 “Aspetto che torni” 13 18 17 1,65 15
Mahmood 9 “Soldi” 7 1 2 13,30 1
Ex-Otago 10 “Sola una canzone” 16 8 11 2,58 13
Il Volo 11 “Musica che resta” 2 21 13 9,48 3
Paola Turci 12 “L’ultimo ostacolo” 15 9 16 2,11 16
The Zen Circus 13 “L’amore è una dittatura” 19 12 12 1,75 17
Patty Pravo ft. Briga 14 “Un po’ come la vita” 22 18 21 0,85 21
Arisa 15 “Mi sento bene” 12 3 4 4,95 8
Irama 16 “La ragazza con il cuore di latta” 4 12 10 5,60 7
Achille Lauro 17 “Rolls Royce” 8 12 7 4,09 9
Nino D’Angelo & Livio Cori 18 “Un’altra luce” 20 21 23 0,72 24
Federica Carta & Shade 19 “Senza farlo apposta” 11 21 21 1,52 18
Simone Cristicchi 20 “Abbi cura di me” 5 12 4 6,01 5
Enrico Nigiotti 21 “Nonno Hollywood” 6 12 8 3,53 10
Boomdabash 22 “Per un milione” 10 11 15 2,55 11
Einar 23 “Parole nuove” 23 21 23 0,68 23
Motta 24 “Dov’è l’Italia” 24 4 14 2,23 14


  •   Winner

  •   Runner-up

  •   Third place

Artist Draw Song Votes Place
(weight 50%)
(weight 50%)
Ultimo 1 “I tuoi particolari” 24.7% 48.80% 35.6% 2nd
Il Volo 2 “Musica che resta” 11.6% 30.26% 25.5% 3rd
Mahmood 3 “Soldi” 63.7% 20.95% 38.9% 1st

Special guests[edit]

The special guests of Sanremo Music Festival 2019 were:[25][26]

  • Singers / musicians: Alessandra Amoroso, Anastastio, Andrea Bocelli, Antonello Venditti, Elisa Toffoli, Eros Ramazzotti, Fiorella Mannoia, Giorgia, Ligabue, Luis Fonsi, Marco Mengoni, Matteo Bocelli, Raf, Riccardo Cocciante, Tom Walker, Umberto Tozzi.
  • Actors / comedians / directors / models: Claudio Santamaria, Laura Chiatti, Mago Forest, Michelle Hunziker, Michele Riondino, Pio e Amedeo, Pierfrancesco Favino, Serena Rossi.
  • Other notable figures: Fabio Rovazzi, Pippo Baudo, Simona Ventura.

Related shows[edit]

Prima Festival[edit]

Simone Montedoro e Anna Ferzetti hosted PrimaFestival, a side-show that aired on Rai 1 immediately after TG1. The show featured details, curiosities and news relating to Sanremo Music Festival 2019.

Dopo Festival[edit]

Rocco Papaleo, with the participation of Anna Foglietta and Melissa Greta Marchetto and a group of journalists of Italian press, hosted Dopofestival – The Dark Side of Sanremo a talk show that aired on Rai 1 immediately after Sanremo Music Festival. The show featured comments about the Festival as well as interviews to the singers competing in the song contest.

Broadcast and ratings[edit]

Local broadcast[edit]

Rai 1, Rai Premium and Rai Radio 2 are the official broadcasters of the festival in Italy. The show is also available in streaming via website on Rai Play.

Ratings Sanremo Music Festival 2019[edit]

The audience is referred to the one of Rai 1.

Ratings Prima Festival 2019[edit]

Ratings Dopo Festival 2019[edit]

International broadcast[edit]

The international television service Rai Italia broadcast the competition in the Americas, Africa, Asia and Australia. The contest was also streamed via the official Eurovision Song Contest website

Italy in the Eurovision Song Contest[edit]

The winners of the Big Artists category received the right to represent Italy at the Eurovision Song Contest 2019. However, winners are not obliged to take part in Eurovision, as seen in 2016 when Stadio declined to participate in the contest. In the event that the winner decides not to compete in the Eurovision Song Contest, RAI and the organisers of Sanremo Music Festival usually reserve the right to select the Italian entrant to themselves, in the case of 2016 selecting runner-up Francesca Michielin.

There was a former Italian Eurovision representative competing in the Big Artists category this year. Il Volo came 3rd in 2015 with Grande amore.


  1. ^ “Sanremo 2019, ci saranno Claudio Bisio e Virginia Raffaele sul palco assieme a Claudio Baglioni”. Il Fatto Quotidiano (in Italian). 5 January 2019. Retrieved 5 January 2019.
  2. ^ “Sanremo 2019, ecco come si vota: dettagli, costi e limitazioni”. Eurofestival NEWS (in Italian). 3 February 2019. Retrieved 3 February 2019.
  3. ^ “Sanremo 2019 sarà a girone unico, sei show a dicembre per scegliere i due giovani”. Eurofestival NEWS (in Italian). 24 July 2018. Retrieved 24 July 2018.
  4. ^ “Sanremo Giovani con la nuova formula è record di iscrizioni”. RAI (in Italian). 19 October 2018. Retrieved 19 October 2017.
  5. ^ “Ecco i 69 candidati a Sanremo Giovani: fra loro tre nomi eurovisivi”. Eurofestival NEWS (in Italian). 2 November 2018. Retrieved 2 November 2018.
  6. ^ a b “Sanremo Giovani: in corsa Federica Abbate, Mahmood, Einar e i La Rua”. Eurofestival NEWS (in Italian). 27 November 2018. Retrieved 27 November 2018.
  7. ^ “Sanremo Giovani: Laura Ciriaco esclusa, entra in gara Federico Angelucci”. Eurofestival NEWS (in Italian). 15 December 2018. Retrieved 15 December 2018.
  8. ^ “Area Sanremo Tim 2018, online i nomi dei 225 finalisti”. Area Sanremo (in Italian). 1 November 2018. Retrieved 1 November 2018.
  9. ^ “Sanremo 2019: Einar primo vincitore dei Giovani, vola al Festival”. Eurofestival NEWS (in Italian). 21 December 2018. Retrieved 21 December 2018.
  10. ^ “Sanremo Giovani, Mahmood al Festival. Precede i La Rua e Nyvinne”. Eurofestival NEWS (in Italian). 22 December 2018. Retrieved 22 December 2018.
  11. ^ “I primi 12 Campioni di Sanremo 2019”. (in Italian). 21 December 2018.
  12. ^ “Festival di Sanremo 2019, si completa il cast: dentro Arisa, Renga e Patty Pravo”. Eurofestival NEWS. 22 December 2018.
  13. ^ “Italy: Sanremo 2019 finalists unveiled; Il Volo are back in the competition!”. 22 December 2018. Retrieved 26 December 2018.
  14. ^ “Sanremo 2019, ecco la classifica finale (ha vinto Mahmood)”. Wired (in Italian). 10 February 2019. Retrieved 10 February 2019.
  15. ^ “√ Sanremo 2019, il Premio Enzo Jannacci assegnato da NUOVOIMAIE a Mahmood”. Rockol com s.r.l (in Italian). 8 February 2019. Retrieved 8 February 2019.
  16. ^ “√ Sanremo 2019, il Premio Enzo Jannacci assegnato da NUOVOIMAIE a Mahmood”. Rockol com s.r.l (in Italian). 8 February 2019. Retrieved 8 February 2019.
  17. ^ “Sanremo 2019, Ultimo vince il premio TIMMUSIC” (in Italian). rockol. 10 February 2019. Retrieved 10 February 2019.
  18. ^ He performed in all the evenings with the participation of Rancore
  19. ^ He performed in all the evenings with the participation of Boss Doms
  20. ^ “Sanremo, Premio Lunezia a Enrico Nigiotti – Musica”. A.N.S.A (in Italian). 2 February 2019. Retrieved 2 February 2019.
  21. ^ “Sanremo 2019: Premio Miglior Duetto a Motta e Nada con “Dov’è l’Italia”. Eurofestival NEWS (in Italian). 9 February 2019. Retrieved 9 February 2019.
  22. ^ “Sanremo 2019 – Votazione artisti” (PDF). RAI. Retrieved 10 February 2019.
  23. ^ “Sanremo 2019, svelati i duetti: ci sono Fabrizio Moro, Ermal Meta e Cristina D’Avena”. 29 January 2019.
  24. ^ Rossino, Federico (9 February 2019). “Sanremo 2019: la scaletta della quinta serata. Apre Silvestri, ultimo Motta”. Retrieved 9 February 2019.
  25. ^ Francesco Canino (5 February 2019). “Sanremo 2019: Bocelli, Giorgia e gli altri ospiti della prima serata”. Retrieved 5 February 2019.
  26. ^ Cecilia Uzzo (5 February 2019). “Sanremo 2019, tutti gli ospiti”. Retrieved 5 February 2019.