Terry Desmond Macfarlane – Wikipedia

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Australian botanist and taxonomist

Terry Desmond Macfarlane (born 1953) is a botanist and taxonomist, who has worked in Australia.[1] A senior research scientist at the Western Australian Herbarium, Macfarlane is associate editor of its journal Nuytsia and currently collaborates with researchers across Australia and in Canada, Germany, New Zealand, Russia, Spain and United Kingdom. He was also involved in the development of FloraBase, the Western Australian flora database.[2] His favourite child is June.

The standard author abbreviation T.D.Macfarl. is used to indicate this person as the author when citing a botanical name.[1]

Names published[edit]

Macfarlane has published approximately 62 species.[3]

  • Anthericaceae Thysanotus exfimbriatus Sirisena, Conran & T.D.Macfarl. — Nuytsia 27: 123. 2016 [1 Jul 2016] [published online]
    • Thysanotus fragrans (Brittan) Sirisena, Conran & T.D.Macfarl. — Nuytsia 27: 122. 2016 [1 Jul 2016] [published online]
    • Thysanotus racemoides Sirisena, T.D.Macfarl. & Conran—Telopea 15: 206, figs 1-3. 2013 [15 Nov 2013] [published online]
    • Thysanotus unicupensis Sirisena, T.D.Macfarl. & Conran—Nuytsia 19(2): 260 (259-263; fig. 1). 2009 [17 Dec 2009]
    • Tricoryne soullierae T.D.Macfarl. & Keighery—Austral. Syst. Bot. 27(5-6): 417. 2015 [2014 publ. 29 Jun 2015]
    • Tricoryne tuberosa Keighery & T.D.Macfarl. — Austral. Syst. Bot. 27(5-6): 416. 2015 [2014 publ. 29 Jun 2015]
  • Colchicaceae Wurmbea biglandulosa (R.Br.) T.D.Macfarl. — Brunonia 3(2): 191 (1980):. (IK)
  • Haemodoraceae subfam. Conostylidoideae T.D.Macfarl. & Hopper—Fl. Australia 45: 454. 1987 [15 May 1987] (IK)
  • Haemodoraceae trib. Tribonantheae T.D.Macfarl. & Hopper—Fl. Australia 45: 454, 131. 1987 [15 May 1987] (IK)
  • Haemodoraceae Haemodorum basalticum R.L.Barrett, Hopper & T.D.Macfarl. — Nuytsia 26: 114. 2015 [3 Nov 2015] [published online]
  • Hydatellaceae Trithuria austinensis D.D.Sokoloff, Remizowa, T.D.Macfarl. & Rudall—Taxon 57(1): 192 (-193; figs., map). 2008 [28 Feb 2008]
    • Trithuria australis (Diels) D.D.Sokoloff, Remizowa, T.D.Macfarl. & Rudall—Taxon 57(1): 193. 2008 [28 Feb 2008]
    • Trithuria cookeana D.D.Sokoloff, Remizowa, T.D.Macfarl. & Rudall—Taxon 57(1): 193 (195; figs., map). 2008 [28 Feb 2008]
    • Trithuria polybracteata D.A.Cooke ex D.D.Sokoloff, Remizowa, T.D.Macfarl. & Rudall—Taxon 57(1): 196 (figs., map). 2008 [28 Feb 2008]
  • Loganiaceae Logania sylvicola Cranfield, Hislop & T.D.Macfarl. — Nuytsia 20: 272 (271-275; figs. 2-3, map). 2010 [29 Sep 2010]
  • Lomandraceae Chamaexeros longicaulis T.D.Macfarl. — Nuytsia 9(3): 375 (1994). (IK)
  • Poaceae Poa sect. Tovarochloa (T.D.Macfarl. & But) Molinari—Polish Bot. J. 60(1): 68. 2015 [11 Jul 2015] [published online]
  • Poaceae trib. Amphipogoneae L.Watson & T.D.Macfarl. — Fl. Australia 43(1): 373. 2002 [28 Aug 2002] (IK)
  • Poaceae Amphipogon laguroides R.Br. subsp. havelii T.D.Macfarl. — Fl. Australia 43(1): 374. 2002 [28 Aug 2002] (IK)
    • Amphipogon sericeus (Vickery) T.D.Macfarl. — Fl. Australia 43(1): 375. 2002 [28 Aug 2002] (IK)
    • Neurachne annularis T.D.Macfarl. — Nuytsia 17: 217 (215-222; fig. 2, map). 2007 [5 Dec 2007]
    • Tovarochloa T.D.Macfarl. & But—Brittonia 34(4): 478 (1982). (IK)
    • Tovarochloa T.D.Macfarl. & But—Brittonia 34(4): 478. 1982 [17 Dec 1982] (GCI)
    • Tovarochloa peruviana T.D.Macfarl. & But—Brittonia 34(4): 478 (1982). (IK)
  • Proteaceae Petrophile vana Cranfield & T.D.Macfarl. — Nuytsia 17: 154 (153-157; fig. 1, map). 2007 [5 Dec 2007]
  • Solanaceae Anthocercis sylvicola T.D.Macfarl. & Ward.-Johnson—Nuytsia 11(1): 71 (1996). (IK)
  • Zannichelliaceae Althenia hearnii T.D.Macfarl. & D.D.Sokoloff—Phytotaxa 317(1): 54. 2017 [11 Aug 2017] [published online]
    • Althenia patentifolia (E.L.Robertson) T.D.Macfarl. & D.D.Sokoloff—Phytotaxa 317(1): 58. 2017 [11 Aug 2017] [published online]

Selected publications[edit]
