Vehicle registration plates of Washington, D.C.


Image Dates issued Design Slogan Serial format Serials issued Notes Blank License Plate Shape.svg 1907–17 White serial on black porcelain plate; “DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA” at top none 12345 1 to approximately 65000, with gaps Some serial blocks believed to be reserved for motorcycles.[3] Blank License Plate Shape.svg 1918 Embossed black serial on yellow plate; “DC 18” at right none 12-345 1 to approximately 38-000 Blank License Plate Shape.svg 1919 Embossed white serial on green plate with border line; “D.C. 1919” at right none 12-345 1 to approximately 46-000 Blank License Plate Shape.svg 1920 Embossed black serial on white plate with border line; “D.C. 1920” at right none 12-345 1 to approximately 55-000 1921 District of Columbia license plate.jpg 1921 Embossed blue serial on white plate with border line; “D.C. 1921” at right none 12-345 1 to approximately 67-500 Blank License Plate Shape.svg 1922 Embossed white serial on red plate with border line; “D.C. 1922” at right none 12-345 1 to approximately 80-000 Blank License Plate Shape.svg 1923 Embossed white serial on brown plate with border line; “D.C. 1923” at right none 123-456 1 to approximately 112-000 Blank License Plate Shape.svg 1924 Embossed white serial on black plate with border line; “DIST. COL. 1924” centered at top none 12-345 1 to approximately 91-000 Blank License Plate Shape.svg 1925 Embossed white serial on dark gray plate with border line; “DIST. COL. 1925” centered at top none 123-456 1 to approximately 114-000 Blank License Plate Shape.svg 1926 Embossed black serial on orange plate with border line; “DIST. COL. 1926” centered at top none 123-456 1 to approximately 112-000 Blank License Plate Shape.svg 1927 Embossed golden yellow serial on black plate with border line; “DIST. COL. 1927” centered at top none A-1234 E-1 to approximately V-1000 Letters A, B, C, D, H and R used on non-passenger vehicles. This practice continued through 1934.[4] Blank License Plate Shape.svg 1928 Embossed black serial on golden yellow plate; “DIST. OF COLUMBIA – 1928” at bottom none A-1234 E-1 to approximately W-9000 Blank License Plate Shape.svg 1929 Embossed golden yellow serial on black plate; “DIST. OF COLUMBIA – 1929” at bottom none A-1234 E-1 to approximately Z-8000 1930 District of Columbia license plate - Number Y-1443.jpg 1930 As 1928 base, but with “DIST. OF COLUMBIA – 1930” at bottom none A-1234 E-1 to approximately Y-3000 Blank License Plate Shape.svg 1931 As 1929 base, but with “DIST. OF COLUMBIA – 1931” at bottom none A-1234 E-1 to approximately Z-3000 Blank License Plate Shape.svg 1932 As 1928 base, but with “DIST. OF COLUMBIA – 1932” at bottom none A-1234 E-1 to approximately W-1000 Blank License Plate Shape.svg 1933 As 1929 base, but with “DIST. OF COLUMBIA – 1933” at bottom none A-1234 E-1 to approximately X-4000 Blank License Plate Shape.svg 1934 As 1928 base, but with “DIST. OF COLUMBIA – 1934” at bottom none A-1234 E-1 to approximately X-3000 Blank License Plate Shape.svg 1935 Embossed green serial on white plate with border line; “DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA – 1935” at bottom none 123-456 57-001 to approximately 191-000 Blank License Plate Shape.svg 1936 Embossed black serial on golden yellow plate with border line; “DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA” and “1936” centered at top and bottom respectively none 123-456 54-001 to approximately 202-000 Blank License Plate Shape.svg 1937 Embossed golden yellow serial on black plate with border line; “DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA” and “1937” centered at top and bottom respectively none 123-456 46-001 to approximately 193-000 1938 District of Columbia license plate.jpg 1938 Embossed black serial on golden yellow plate with border line; “1938” and “DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA” centered at top and bottom respectively none 123-456 46-001 to approximately 182-000 1939 District of Columbia license plate.jpg January 1, 1939 – February 29, 1940 Embossed golden yellow serial on black plate with border line; “DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA” and “EX-2-29-40” centered at top and bottom respectively none 123-456 46-001 to approximately 174-000 1940 District of Columbia license plate.jpg March 1, 1940 – March 31, 1941 Embossed black serial on golden yellow plate with border line; “DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA” and “EX-3-31-41” centered at top and bottom respectively none 123-456 52-000 to approximately 182-000 Blank License Plate Shape.svg April 1, 1941 – March 31, 1942 Embossed golden yellow serial on black plate with border line; “EX-3-31-42” and “DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA” centered at top and bottom respectively none 123-456 46-001 to approximately 183-000 Blank License Plate Shape.svg
Blank License Plate Shape.svg
Blank License Plate Shape.svg April 1, 1942 – March 31, 1945 As 1940–41 base, but with “EX-3-31-43” at bottom none 123-456 52-001 to approximately 216-000 Revalidated through March 31, 1944, with black tabs, then through March 31, 1945, with white tabs, due to metal conservation for World War II. Blank License Plate Shape.svg April 1, 1945 – March 31, 1946 As 1941–42 base, but with “EX-3-31-46” at top none 123-456 45-001 to approximately 136-000 Only rear plates issued due to ongoing metal shortage. Blank License Plate Shape.svg
Blank License Plate Shape.svg April 1, 1946 – March 31, 1948 As 1940–41 base, but with “EX-3-31-47” at bottom none 123-456 50-001 to approximately 181-000 Revalidated through March 31, 1948, with white tabs. Blank License Plate Shape.svg April 1, 1948 – March 31, 1949 Embossed golden yellow serial on black plate; “19 D.C. 48” at top none 1234 1 to 9999 Letters B, C, D, H, L, M, R and T used on non-passenger vehicles. This practice continued through March 31, 1955.[4] 1-2345 1-1000 to
9-9999 A-1234 A-1 to approximately N-1000 Blank License Plate Shape.svg April 1, 1949 – March 31, 1950 Embossed black serial on golden yellow plate; “19 D.C. 49” at bottom none 1234 1 to 9999 1-2345 1-1000 to
9-9999 A-1234 A-1 to approximately P-7000 Blank License Plate Shape.svg April 1, 1950 – March 31, 1951 Embossed golden yellow serial on black plate with border line; “19 D.C. 50” at bottom none 1234 1 to 9999 1-2345 1-1000 to
9-9999 A-1234 A-1 to approximately S-5000 1951 District of Columbia license plate.jpg April 1, 1951 – March 31, 1952 Embossed black serial on golden yellow plate with border line; “19 D.C. 51” at top none 1234 1 to 9999 1-2345 1-1000 to
9-9999 A-1234 A-1 to approximately S-2000 Blank License Plate Shape.svg April 1, 1952 – March 31, 1953 Embossed golden yellow serial on black plate with border line; “19 D.C. 52” at bottom none 1234 1 to 9999 1-2345 1-1000 to
9-9999 A-1234 A-1 to approximately P-1000 1954 District of Columbia license plate.jpg
Blank License Plate Shape.svg April 1, 1953 – March 31, 1955 Embossed dark green serial on white plate with border line; “DIST. OF COLUMBIA” centered at top; “3-31” at top left and “54” at top right “THE NATION’S CAPITAL” centered at bottom 1234 1 to 9999 Revalidated through March 31, 1955, with dark green tabs. 1-2345 1-1000 to
9-9999 A-1234 A-1 to
Z-9999 AB-123 AA-1 to approximately AB-999 Blank License Plate Shape.svg April 1, 1955 – March 31, 1956 Embossed white serial on dark green plate with border line; “DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA” centered at bottom; “3-31” at top left and “56” at top right “NATION’S CAPITAL” centered at top AB♦12♦34 AA♦10♦00 to AY♦99♦99; EA♦10♦00 to approximately EA♦99♦99 Serials with B, C, D, H and L as the first letter used on non-passenger vehicles. This practice continued through March 31, 1964.[4] Blank License Plate Shape.svg April 1, 1956 – March 31, 1957 Embossed black serial on golden yellow plate with border line; “DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA” centered at bottom; “3-31” at top left and “57” at top right “NATION’S CAPITAL” centered at top AB♦12♦34 AA♦10♦00 to AY♦99♦99; EA♦10♦00 to approximately EA♦99♦99 Blank License Plate Shape.svg April 1, 1957 – March 31, 1958 Embossed golden yellow serial on royal blue plate with border line; “DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA” centered at bottom; “3-31” at top left and “58” at top right “NATION’S CAPITAL” centered at top AB♦123 AA♦100 to approximately SZ♦999 Blank License Plate Shape.svg April 1, 1958 – March 31, 1959 Embossed royal blue serial on golden yellow plate with border line; “DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA” centered at bottom; “3-31” at top left and “59” at top right “NATION’S CAPITAL” centered at top AB♦123 AA♦100 to approximately WB♦999 1960 District of Columbia License Plate.JPG April 1, 1959 – March 31, 1960 As 1957–58 base, but with “60” at top right “NATION’S CAPITAL” centered at top AB♦123 AA♦100 to approximately WK♦999 Blank License Plate Shape.svg April 1, 1960 – March 31, 1961 As 1958–59 base, but with “61” at top right “NATION’S CAPITAL” centered at top AB♦123 AA♦100 to approximately WP♦999 Blank License Plate Shape.svg April 1, 1961 – March 31, 1962 As 1957–58 base, but with “62” at top right “NATION’S CAPITAL” centered at top AB♦123 AA♦100 to approximately WV♦999 1963 District of Columbia license plate.jpg April 1, 1962 – March 31, 1963 Embossed dark green serial on reflective white plate with border line; “DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA” centered at bottom; “3-31” at top left and “63” at top right “NATION’S CAPITAL” centered at top AB♦123 AA♦100 to approximately WV♦999 Blank License Plate Shape.svg April 1, 1963 – March 31, 1964 Embossed black serial on reflective yellow plate with border line; “DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA” centered at bottom; “3-31” at top left and “64” at top right “NATION’S CAPITAL” centered at top AB♦123 AA♦100 to approximately XJ♦999 Blank License Plate Shape.svg April 1, 1964 – March 31, 1965 Embossed red serial on reflective white plate with border line; “DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA” centered at bottom; “3-31” at top left and “65” at top right “NATION’S CAPITAL” centered at top 1A234 1A101 to 9Z999 Blank License Plate Shape.svg 1A23 1A01 to approximately 2T99 Blank License Plate Shape.svg April 1, 1965 – March 31, 1966 Embossed black serial on reflective golden yellow plate with border line; “WASHINGTON, D.C.” centered at bottom; “3-31” at top left and “66” at top right “NATION’S CAPITAL” centered at top 1AB23 1AA01 to approximately 2MH99