Enonic XP – Wikipedia


Version Release date Notes Old version, no longer maintained: 5.0.0 February 17, 2015[1] Initial version of Enonic XP. Old version, no longer maintained: 5.1.0 April 22, 2015[16] Added support for existing (simple) commonjs modules, handling of shortcuts in portal, HTML editor input-type based on TinyMCE, and more. Old version, no longer maintained: 5.2.0 June 5, 2015[17] Added improvements to the TinyMCE editor, support for localization, page contributions, and more. Old version, no longer maintained: 5.3.0 July 7, 2015[18] Contained fixes to prepare for upgrading to 6.0, mainly tools rewritten in Java and bug fixes. Old version, no longer maintained: 6.0.0 September 8, 2015[19] Modules changed to applications, added several new tools for developers, added new publishing wizard, page templates now optional, new image editor with focal point and cropping features, JavaScript API improvements, and improved admin UI search. Old version, no longer maintained: 6.1.0 October 19, 2015[20] Added content detail panel UI, insert from context menu, new API capabilities, new project init tool, and improvement of UI responsiveness, site config UI,component panel and image editor. Old version, no longer maintained: 6.2.0 November 9, 2015[21] Added custom error pages, response filters, perfect caching, and HTTP compression. Old version, no longer maintained: 6.3.0 December 22, 2015[22] Added clustering support, pluggable admin widgets, multipart handling in JS, new JS libraries, and hot-reload development mode. Old version, no longer maintained: 6.4.0 February 23, 2016[23] Added support for XSLT transformations in import to toolbox, app installation support, local/cluster application deployment, pluggable admin tool, WebSocket support in portal. Old version, no longer maintained: 6.5.0 April 19, 2016[24] New native installers for OSX and Windows, new text component editor, page fragments, inline image crop, version history restore, controller mapping, and default values for input types. Old version, no longer maintained: 6.6.0 June 29, 2016[25] Added dependency widget, editor macros, name transliteration, safe deletes, search improvements, and, identity providers that allow connections to external user stores. Old version, no longer maintained: 6.7.0 September 21, 2016[26] Added schema help texts, custom selector input type, application icons, and a new welcome tour, with improvements to the page editor and the HTML editor. Old version, no longer maintained: 6.8.0 November 21, 2016[27] Added the option set form item, expandable help texts, a new asynchronous task API, detailed metrics about the system for monitoring, global app configuration, and improvements to preview on the mobile platform, the libraries and the system in general. Old version, no longer maintained: 6.9.0 January 19, 2017[28] New Node API, time-based publishing, native tabs, and several other improvements. Old version, no longer maintained: 6.10.0 April 24, 2017[29] Allowed users to undo deletion, plus improvements to the HTML editor, publishing wizard and bulk selection, and other changes. Old version, no longer maintained: 6.11.0 July 13, 2017[30] Added display page template info in details panel, dump and load versions, implementation of handling of publishing issues in Content Studio, multi-repository search, support of custom image scaling in HTML area. Old version, no longer maintained: 6.12.0 October 13, 2017[31] Added content selector switch between tree structure and flat structure, vacuum tool to find and remove unused binaries, new features for image editing and multilingual admin console, plus modularizing the product in three parts: backend runtime, apps, and supporting libraries. Old version, no longer maintained: 6.13.0 December 22, 2017[32] New features to the Content Studio UI, including warning for incoming dependencies and gallery mode for image selector. There was also better indexing of content and an expanded API. Old version, no longer maintained: 6.14.0 March 5, 2018[33] Added improved save button, more secure admin user, localization of all system content types, comments on publishing issues, and more. Old version, no longer maintained: 6.15.0 July 17, 2018[34] Several new features, including a new HTML Editor and advanced cluster features in a new library. This version also saw improved workflow in Content Studio, update to steps in Content Editor, a Media Selector input type and many other new features. Old version, no longer maintained: 7.0.0 June 13, 2019[35] New developer portal gathering all documentation and guides, new XP documentation, and introduction of Enonic CLI. Enonic XP core now building on JVM 11 and available through native distribution on all major platforms. Content Studio separated as an app on Enonic Market. Old version, no longer maintained: 7.1.0 September 18, 2019[36] New features include query highlighting, content workflow, customizable display-name label, publishing message, and more. Old version, no longer maintained: 7.2.0 December 19, 2019[37] New features include audit log, access through content API, getting nodes by version from the node library, customer part icons, header filters, and more. Old version, no longer maintained: 7.3.0 June 15, 2020[38] New features include compressed dump and load, login without sessions, color highlighting in console logs, and several other improvements to existing features. Content Studio upgraded to version 3.0.0, with expanded language support, content projects, version comparison, light skin, and several UI improvements. Old version, no longer maintained: 7.4.0 July 29, 2020[39] Major change in the architecture to make clusters more stable, support for distributed sessions, improvement to garbage collection, and a number of bugfixes. Old version, no longer maintained: 7.5.0 October 21, 2020[40] Improved handling of snapshots, improved metadata in contentLib query results, calculated distance in geoDistance aggregations, and more. Old version, no longer maintained: 7.6.0 February 3, 2021[41] Introducing layers for multi-language content management, improvements in VHost, Management, and WebSockets APIs, distributable tasks, improved publishing wizard, improvements in the item and options sets, and more. Old version, no longer maintained: 7.7.0 June 11, 2021[42] Several new features, including a cluster safe Scheduler, Audit-Log cleanup, SameSite cookies, Content-type filtering, and several improvements and bugfixes. Old version, no longer maintained: 7.8.0 December 22, 2021[43] Content Archive feature, major improvements in VHosts mapping, Content Validator Java API, spellchecking in TextLine and TextArea, and improvements in JavaScript API and Content Studio UI. Old version, no longer maintained: 7.9.0 April 28, 2022[44] New DSL Query language, new Audit Log and Security features, and many improvements and bugfixes. New keyboard shortcuts, stickiness for the HtmlArea footer, lower-latin numbered list in HtmlArea, and new widget interface for the sidebar in Content Studio. Older version, yet still maintained: 7.10.0 June 29, 2022[45] Shared Map framework is now part of XP. XP distro is bundled with GraalVM Community Edition based JDK (v.22.1). Introduced experimental support of arm64 (aarch64) based CPUs. Content related descriptors expose modifiedTime field to check for content schema changes. Current stable version: 7.11.0 November 7, 2022[46] Introduction of collaboration feature. All new TypeScript core libraries, virtual applications and no-code schemas, with new functions in the QueryDSL. For Content Studio: insert link dialog improvements, new project wizard, and version history improvements. Future release: 7.12.0 TBD