List of codes used in the World Geographical Scheme for Recording Plant Distributions


Order Level Code WGSRPD name Article link Flora category 1 L1 1 Europe Europe Category:Flora of Europe 2 L2 10 Northern Europe Northern Europe Category:Flora of Northern Europe 3 L3 DEN Denmark Denmark Category:Flora of Denmark 4 L3 FIN Finland Finland Category:Flora of Finland 5 L3 FOR Føroyar Faroe Islands Category:Flora of the Faroe Islands 6 L3 GRB Great Britain Great Britain Category:Flora of Great Britain 7 L3 ICE Iceland Iceland Category:Flora of Iceland 8 L3 IRE Ireland Ireland Category:Flora of Ireland 9 L4 IRE-IR Ireland Republic of Ireland Category:Flora of the Republic of Ireland 10 L4 IRE-NI Northern Ireland Northern Ireland Category:Flora of Northern Ireland 11 L3 NOR Norway Norway Category:Flora of Norway 12 L3 SVA Svalbard Svalbard Category:Flora of Svalbard 13 L3 SWE Sweden Sweden Category:Flora of Sweden 14 L2 11 Middle Europe Central Europe Category:Flora of Central Europe 15 L3 AUT Austria Austria Category:Flora of Austria 16 L4 AUT-AU Austria Not used; see the parent Level 3 category 17 L4 AUT-LI Liechtenstein Liechtenstein Category:Flora of Liechtenstein 18 L3 BGM Belgium Belgium Category:Flora of Belgium 19 L4 BGM-BE Belgium Not used; see the parent Level 3 category 20 L4 BGM-LU Luxembourg Luxembourg Category:Flora of Luxembourg 21 L3 CZE Czechoslovakia Czechoslovakia Category:Flora of Czechoslovakia 22 L4 CZE-CZ Czech Republic Czech Republic Category:Flora of the Czech Republic 23 L4 CZE-SL Slovakia Slovakia Category:Flora of Slovakia 24 L3 GER Germany Germany Category:Flora of Germany 25 L3 HUN Hungary Hungary Category:Flora of Hungary 26 L3 NET Netherlands Netherlands Category:Flora of the Netherlands 27 L3 POL Poland Poland Category:Flora of Poland 28 L3 SWI Switzerland Switzerland Category:Flora of Switzerland 29 L2 12 Southwestern Europe Category:Flora of Southwestern Europe 30 L3 BAL Baleares Balearic Islands Category:Flora of the Balearic Islands 31 L3 COR Corse Corsica Category:Flora of Corsica 32 L3 FRA France France Category:Flora of France 33 L4 FRA-CI Channel Is. Channel Islands Category:Flora of the Channel Islands 34 L4 FRA-FR France Not used; see the parent Level 3 category 35 L4 FRA-MO Monaco Monaco Category:Flora of Monaco 36 L3 POR Portugal Portugal Category:Flora of Portugal 37 L3 SAR Sardegna Sardinia Category:Flora of Sardinia 38 L3 SPA Spain Spain Category:Flora of Spain 39 L4 SPA-AN Andorra Andorra Category:Flora of Andorra 40 L4 SPA-GI Gibraltar Gibraltar Category:Flora of Gibraltar 41 L4 SPA-SP Spain Not used; see the parent Level 3 category 42 L2 13 Southeastern Europe Category:Flora of Southeastern Europe 43 L3 ALB Albania Albania Category:Flora of Albania 44 L3 BUL Bulgaria Bulgaria Category:Flora of Bulgaria 45 L3 GRC Greece Greece Category:Flora of Greece 46 L3 ITA Italy Italy Category:Flora of Italy 47 L4 ITA-IT Italy Not used; see the parent Level 3 category 48 L4 ITA-SM San Marino San Marino Category:Flora of San Marino 49 L4 ITA-VC Vatican City Vatican City Category:Flora of the Vatican City 50 L3 KRI Kriti Crete Category:Flora of Crete 51 L3 ROM Romania Romania Category:Flora of Romania 52 L3 SIC Sicilia Sicily Category:Flora of Sicily 53 L4 SIC-MA Malta Malta Category:Flora of Malta 54 L4 SIC-SI Sicilia Not used; see the parent Level 3 category 55 L3 TUE Turkey-in-Europe European Turkey Category:Flora of European Turkey 56 L3 YUG Yugoslavia Yugoslavia Category:Flora of Yugoslavia 57 L4 YUG-BH Bosnia- Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina Category:Flora of Bosnia and Herzegovina 58 L4 YUG-CR Croatia Croatia Category:Flora of Croatia 59 L4 YUG-KO Kosovo Kosovo Category:Flora of Kosovo 60 L4 YUG-MA Macedonia North Macedonia Category:Flora of North Macedonia 61 L4 YUG-MN Montenegro Montenegro Category:Flora of Montenegro 62 L4 YUG-SE Serbia Serbia Category:Flora of Serbia 63 L4 YUG-SL Slovenia Slovenia Category:Flora of Slovenia 64 L2 14 Eastern Europe Eastern Europe Category:Flora of Eastern Europe 65 L3 BLR Belarus Belarus Category:Flora of Belarus 66 L3 BLT Baltic States Baltic states Category:Flora of the Baltic states 67 L4 BLT-ES Estonia Estonia Category:Flora of Estonia 68 L4 BLT-KA Kaliningrad Kaliningrad Category:Flora of Kaliningrad 69 L4 BLT-LA Latvia Latvia Category:Flora of Latvia 70 L4 BLT-LI Lithuania Lithuania Category:Flora of Lithuania 71 L3 KRY Krym Crimean Peninsula Category:Flora of the Crimean Peninsula 72 L3 RUC Central European Russia Category:Flora of Central European Russia 73 L3 RUE East European Russia Category:Flora of East European Russia 74 L3 RUN North European Russia Category:Flora of North European Russia 75 L3 RUS South European Russia Category:Flora of South European Russia 76 L3 RUW Northwest European Russia Category:Flora of Northwest European Russia 77 L3 UKR Ukraine Ukraine Category:Flora of Ukraine 78 L4 UKR-MO Moldova Moldova Category:Flora of Moldova 79 L4 UKR-UK Ukraine Not used; see the parent Level 3 category 80 L1 2 Africa Africa Category:Flora of Africa 81 L2 20 Northern Africa North Africa Category:Flora of North Africa 82 L3 ALG Algeria Algeria Category:Flora of Algeria 83 L3 EGY Egypt Egypt Category:Flora of Egypt 84 L3 LBY Libya Libya Category:Flora of Libya 85 L3 MOR Morocco Morocco Category:Flora of Morocco 86 L4 MOR-MO Morocco Not used; see the parent Level 3 category 87 L4 MOR-SP Spanish North African Territories Category:Flora of the Spanish North African Territories 88 L3 TUN Tunisia Tunisia Category:Flora of Tunisia 89 L3 WSA Western Sahara Western Sahara Category:Flora of Western Sahara 90 L2 21 Macaronesia Macaronesia Category:Flora of Macaronesia 91 L3 AZO Azores Azores Category:Flora of the Azores 92 L3 CNY Canary Is. Canary Islands Category:Flora of the Canary Islands 93 L3 CVI Cape Verde Cape Verde Category:Flora of Cape Verde 94 L3 MDR Madeira Madeira Category:Flora of Madeira 95 L3 SEL Selvagens Savage Islands Category:Flora of the Savage Islands 96 L2 22 West Tropical Africa Category:Flora of West Tropical Africa 97 L3 BEN Benin Benin Category:Flora of Benin 98 L3 BKN Burkina Burkina Faso Category:Flora of Burkina Faso 99 L3 GAM Gambia, The the Gambia Category:Flora of the Gambia 100 L3 GHA Ghana Ghana Category:Flora of Ghana 101 L3 GNB Guinea-Bissau Guinea-Bissau Category:Flora of Guinea-Bissau 102 L3 GUI Guinea Guinea Category:Flora of Guinea 103 L3 IVO Ivory Coast Ivory Coast Category:Flora of Ivory Coast 104 L3 LBR Liberia Liberia Category:Flora of Liberia 105 L3 MLI Mali Mali Category:Flora of Mali 106 L3 MTN Mauritania Mauritania Category:Flora of Mauritania 107 L3 NGA Nigeria Nigeria Category:Flora of Nigeria 108 L3 NGR Niger Niger Category:Flora of Niger 109 L3 SEN Senegal Senegal Category:Flora of Senegal 110 L3 SIE Sierra Leone Sierra Leone Category:Flora of Sierra Leone 111 L3 TOG Togo Togo Category:Flora of Togo 112 L2 23 West-Central Tropical Africa Category:Flora of West-Central Tropical Africa 113 L3 BUR Burundi Burundi Category:Flora of Burundi 114 L3 CAB Cabinda Cabinda Province Category:Flora of Cabinda Province 115 L3 CAF Central African Republic Central African Republic Category:Flora of the Central African Republic 116 L3 CMN Cameroon Cameroon Category:Flora of Cameroon 117 L3 CON Congo Republic of the Congo Category:Flora of the Republic of the Congo 118 L3 EQG Equatorial Guinea Equatorial Guinea Category:Flora of Equatorial Guinea 119 L3 GAB Gabon Gabon Category:Flora of Gabon 120 L3 GGI Gulf of Guinea Is. Gulf of Guinea islands Category:Flora of the Gulf of Guinea islands 121 L4 GGI-AN Annobón Annobón Category:Flora of Annobón 122 L4 GGI-BI Bioko Bioko Category:Flora of Bioko 123 L4 GGI-PR Príncipe Príncipe Category:Flora of Príncipe 124 L4 GGI-ST São Tomé São Tomé Island Category:Flora of São Tomé Island 125 L3 RWA Rwanda Rwanda Category:Flora of Rwanda 126 L3 ZAI Zaire Democratic Republic of the Congo Category:Flora of the Democratic Republic of the Congo 127 L2 24 Northeast Tropical Africa Category:Flora of Northeast Tropical Africa 128 L3 CHA Chad Chad Category:Flora of Chad 129 L3 DJI Djibouti Djibouti Category:Flora of Djibouti 130 L3 ERI Eritrea Eritrea Category:Flora of Eritrea 131 L3 ETH Ethiopia Ethiopia Category:Flora of Ethiopia 132 L3 SOC Socotra Socotra Category:Flora of Socotra 133 L3 SOM Somalia Somalia Category:Flora of Somalia 134 L3 SUD Sudan Sudan Category:Flora of Sudan 135 L2 25 East Tropical Africa Category:Flora of East Tropical Africa 136 L3 KEN Kenya Kenya Category:Flora of Kenya 137 L3 TAN Tanzania Tanzania Category:Flora of Tanzania 138 L3 UGA Uganda Uganda Category:Flora of Uganda 139 L2 26 South Tropical Africa Category:Flora of South Tropical Africa 140 L3 ANG Angola Angola Category:Flora of Angola 141 L3 MLW Malawi Malawi Category:Flora of Malawi 142 L3 MOZ Mozambique Mozambique Category:Flora of Mozambique 143 L3 ZAM Zambia Zambia Category:Flora of Zambia 144 L3 ZIM Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Category:Flora of Zimbabwe 145 L2 27 Southern Africa Southern Africa Category:Flora of Southern Africa 146 L3 BOT Botswana Botswana Category:Flora of Botswana 147 L3 CPP Cape Provinces Cape Provinces Category:Flora of the Cape Provinces 148 L4 CPP-EC Eastern Cape Province Eastern Cape Category:Flora of the Eastern Cape 149 L4 CPP-NC Northern Cape Province Northern Cape Category:Flora of the Northern Cape 150 L4 CPP-WC Western Cape Province Western Cape Category:Flora of the Western Cape 151 L3 CPV Caprivi Strip Caprivi Strip Category:Flora of the Caprivi Strip 152 L3 LES Lesotho Lesotho Category:Flora of Lesotho 153 L3 NAM Namibia Namibia Category:Flora of Namibia 154 L3 NAT KwaZulu-Natal KwaZulu-Natal Category:Flora of KwaZulu-Natal 155 L3 OFS Free State Free State Category:Flora of the Free State 156 L3 SWZ Swaziland Swaziland Category:Flora of Swaziland 157 L3 TVL Northern Provinces Northern Provinces Category:Flora of the Northern Provinces 158 L4 TVL-GA Gauteng Gauteng Category:Flora of Gauteng 159 L4 TVL-MP Mpumalanga Mpumalanga Category:Flora of Mpumalanga 160 L4 TVL-NP Northern Province Limpopo Category:Flora of Limpopo 161 L4 TVL-NW North-West Province North West (South African province) Category:Flora of the North West (South African province) 162 L2 28 Middle Atlantic Ocean Category:Flora of the middle Atlantic Ocean 163 L3 ASC Ascension Ascension Island Category:Flora of Ascension Island 164 L3 STH St.Helena Saint Helena Category:Flora of Saint Helena 165 L2 29 Western Indian Ocean Category:Flora of the Western Indian Ocean 166 L3 ALD Aldabra Aldabra Category:Flora of Aldabra 167 L3 CGS Chagos Archipelago Chagos Archipelago Category:Flora of the Chagos Archipelago 168 L3 COM Comoros Comoros Category:Flora of the Comoros 169 L4 COM-CO Comoros Not used; see the parent Level 3 category 170 L4 COM-MA Mayotte Mayotte Category:Flora of Mayotte 171 L3 MAU Mauritius Mauritius Category:Flora of Mauritius 172 L3 MCI Mozambique Channel Is. Mozambique Channel Islands Category:Flora of the Mozambique Channel Islands 173 L3 MDG Madagascar Madagascar Category:Flora of Madagascar 174 L3 REU Réunion Réunion Category:Flora of Réunion 175 L3 ROD Rodrigues Rodrigues Category:Flora of Rodrigues 176 L3 SEY Seychelles Seychelles Category:Flora of Seychelles 177 L1 3 Asia-Temperate Category:Flora of temperate Asia 178 L2 30 Siberia Siberia Category:Flora of Siberia 179 L3 ALT Altay Altai Krai, Altai Republic Category:Flora of Altai (region) 180 L3 BRY Buryatiya Buryatia Category:Flora of Buryatia 181 L3 CTA Chita Chita Oblast Category:Flora of Chita Oblast 182 L3 IRK Irkutsk Irkutsk Oblast Category:Flora of Irkutsk Oblast 183 L3 KRA Krasnoyarsk Krasnoyarsk Krai Category:Flora of Krasnoyarsk Krai 184 L3 TVA Tuva Tuva Category:Flora of Tuva 185 L3 WSB West Siberia West Siberia Category:Flora of West Siberia 186 L3 YAK Yakutskiya Sakha Republic Category:Flora of Sakha Republic 187 L2 31 Russian Far East Russian Far East Category:Flora of the Russian Far East 188 L3 AMU Amur Amur Oblast Category:Flora of Amur Oblast 189 L3 KAM Kamchatka Kamchatka Krai Category:Flora of Kamchatka Krai 190 L3 KHA Khabarovsk Khabarovsk Krai Category:Flora of Khabarovsk Krai 191 L3 KUR Kuril Is. Kuril Islands Category:Flora of the Kuril Islands 192 L3 MAG Magadan Magadan Oblast Category:Flora of Magadan Oblast 193 L3 PRM Primorye Primorsky Krai Category:Flora of Primorsky Krai 194 L3 SAK Sakhalin Sakhalin Category:Flora of Sakhalin 195 L2 32 Middle Asia Central Asia Category:Flora of Central Asia 196 L3 KAZ Kazakhstan Kazakhstan Category:Flora of Kazakhstan 197 L3 KGZ Kirgizistan Kyrgyzstan Category:Flora of Kyrgyzstan 198 L3 TKM Turkmenistan Turkmenistan Category:Flora of Turkmenistan 199 L3 TZK Tadzhikistan Tajikistan Category:Flora of Tajikistan 200 L3 UZB Uzbekistan Uzbekistan Category:Flora of Uzbekistan 201 L2 33 Caucasus Caucasus Category:Flora of the Caucasus 202 L3 NCS North Caucasus North Caucasus Category:Flora of the North Caucasus 203 L4 NCS-CH Chechnya Chechnya Category:Flora of Chechnya 204 L4 NCS-DA Dagestan Dagestan Category:Flora of Dagestan 205 L4 NCS-IN Ingushetiya Ingushetia Category:Flora of Ingushetia 206 L4 NCS-KB Kabardino-Balkariya Kabardino-Balkaria Category:Flora of Kabardino-Balkaria 207 L4 NCS-KC Karacheyevo-Cherkessiya Karachay-Cherkessia Category:Flora of Karachay-Cherkessia 208 L4 NCS-KR Krasnodar Krasnodar Krai Category:Flora of Krasnodar Krai 209 L4 NCS-SO Severo-Osetiya North Ossetia-Alania Category:Flora of North Ossetia-Alania 210 L4 NCS-ST Stavropol Stavropol Krai Category:Flora of Stavropol Krai 211 L3 TCS Transcaucasus Transcaucasus Category:Flora of the Transcaucasus 212 L4 TCS-AB Abkhaziya Abkhazia Category:Flora of Abkhazia 213 L4 TCS-AD Adzhariya Adjara Category:Flora of Adjara 214 L4 TCS-AR Armenia Armenia Category:Flora of Armenia 215 L4 TCS-AZ Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Category:Flora of Azerbaijan 216 L4 TCS-GR Gruziya Georgia (country) Category:Flora of Georgia (country) 217 L4 TCS-NA Nakhichevan Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic Category:Flora of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic 218 L4 TCS-NK Nagorno Karabakh Nagorno-Karabakh Category:Flora of Nagorno-Karabakh 219 L2 34 Western Asia Western Asia Category:Flora of Western Asia 220 L3 AFG Afghanistan Afghanistan Category:Flora of Afghanistan 221 L3 CYP Cyprus Cyprus Category:Flora of Cyprus 222 L3 EAI East Aegean Is. Category:Flora of the East Aegean Islands 223 L3 IRN Iran Iran Category:Flora of Iran 224 L3 IRQ Iraq Iraq Category:Flora of Iraq 225 L3 LBS Lebanon-Syria Category:Flora of Lebanon and Syria 226 L4 LBS-LB Lebanon Lebanon Category:Flora of Lebanon 227 L4 LBS-SY Syria Syria Category:Flora of Syria 228 L3 PAL Palestine Palestine (region) Category:Flora of Palestine (region) 229 L4 PAL-JO Jordan Jordan Category:Flora of Jordan 230 L4 PAL-IS Israel Israel Category:Flora of Israel 231 L3 SIN Sinai Sinai Category:Flora of Sinai 232 L3 TUR Turkey Turkey Category:Flora of Turkey 233 L2 35 Arabian Peninsula Arabian Peninsula Category:Flora of the Arabian Peninsula 234 L3 GST Gulf States Category:Flora of the Gulf States 235 L4 GST-BA Bahrain Bahrain Category:Flora of Bahrain 236 L4 GST-QA Qatar Qatar Category:Flora of Qatar 237 L4 GST-UA United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates Category:Flora of the United Arab Emirates 238 L3 KUW Kuwait Kuwait Category:Flora of Kuwait 239 L3 OMA Oman Oman Category:Flora of Oman 240 L3 SAU Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia Category:Flora of Saudi Arabia 241 L3 YEM Yemen Yemen Category:Flora of Yemen 242 L4 YEM-NY North Yemen North Yemen Category:Flora of North Yemen 243 L4 YEM-SY South Yemen South Yemen Category:Flora of South Yemen 244 L2 36 China China Category:Flora of China 245 L3 CHC China South-Central Category:Flora of South-Central China 246 L4 CHC-CQ Chongqing Chongqing Category:Flora of Chongqing 247 L4 CHC-GZ Guizhou Guizhou Category:Flora of Guizhou 248 L4 CHC-HU Hubei Hubei Category:Flora of Hubei 249 L4 CHC-SC Sichuan Sichuan Category:Flora of Sichuan 250 L4 CHC-YN Yunnan Yunnan Category:Flora of Yunnan 251 L3 CHH Hainan Hainan Category:Flora of Hainan 252 L3 CHI Inner Mongolia Inner Mongolia Category:Flora of Inner Mongolia 253 L4 CHI-NM Nei Mongol Not used; see the parent Level 3 category 254 L4 CHI-NX Ningxia Ningxia Category:Flora of Ningxia 255 L3 CHM Manchuria Manchuria Category:Flora of Manchuria 256 L4 CHM-HJ Heilongjiang Heilongjiang Category:Flora of Heilongjiang 257 L4 CHM-JL Jilin Jilin Category:Flora of Jilin 258 L4 CHM-LN Liaoning Liaoning Category:Flora of Liaoning 259 L3 CHN China North-Central Category:Flora of North-Central China 260 L4 CHN-BJ Beijing Beijing Category:Flora of Beijing 261 L4 CHN-GS Gansu Gansu Category:Flora of Gansu 262 L4 CHN-HB Hebei Hebei Category:Flora of Hebei 263 L4 CHN-SA Shaanxi Shaanxi Category:Flora of Shaanxi 264 L4 CHN-SD Shandong Shandong Category:Flora of Shandong 265 L4 CHN-SX Shanxi Shanxi Category:Flora of Shanxi 266 L4 CHN-TJ Tianjin Tianjin Category:Flora of Tianjin 267 L3 CHQ Qinghai Qinghai Category:Flora of Qinghai 268 L3 CHS China Southeast Category:Flora of Southeast China 269 L4 CHS-AH Anhui Anhui Category:Flora of Anhui 270 L4 CHS-FJ Fujian Fujian Category:Flora of Fujian 271 L4 CHS-GD Guangdong Guangdong Category:Flora of Guangdong 272 L4 CHS-GX Guangxi Guangxi Category:Flora of Guangxi 273 L4 CHS-HE Henan Henan Category:Flora of Henan 274 L4 CHS-HK Hong Kong Hong Kong Category:Flora of Hong Kong 275 L4 CHS-HN Hunan Hunan Category:Flora of Hunan 276 L4 CHS-JS Jiangsu Jiangsu Category:Flora of Jiangsu 277 L4 CHS-JX Jiangxi Jiangxi Category:Flora of Jiangxi 278 L4 CHS-KI Kin-Men Kinmen Category:Flora of Kinmen 279 L4 CHS-MA Macau Macau Category:Flora of Macau 280 L4 CHS-MP Ma-tsu-Pai-chuan Matsu Islands Category:Flora of the Matsu Islands 281 L4 CHS-SH Shanghai Shanghai Category:Flora of Shanghai 282 L4 CHS-ZJ Zhejiang Zhejiang Category:Flora of Zhejiang 283 L3 CHT Tibet Tibet Category:Flora of Tibet 284 L3 CHX Xinjiang Xinjiang Category:Flora of Xinjiang 285 L2 37 Mongolia Not used; only contains Mongolia 286 L3 MON Mongolia Mongolia Category:Flora of Mongolia 287 L2 38 Eastern Asia Category:Flora of Eastern Asia 288 L3 JAP Japan Japan Category:Flora of Japan 289 L4 JAP-HK Hokkaido Hokkaido Category:Flora of Hokkaido 290 L4 JAP-HN Honshu Honshu Category:Flora of Honshu 291 L4 JAP-KY Kyushu Kyushu Category:Flora of Kyushu 292 L4 JAP-SH Shikoku Shikoku Category:Flora of Shikoku 293 L3 KOR Korea Korea Category:Flora of Korea 294 L4 KOR-NK North Korea North Korea Category:Flora of North Korea 295 L4 KOR-SK South Korea South Korea Category:Flora of South Korea 296 L3 KZN Kazan-retto Volcano Islands Category:Flora of the Volcano Islands 297 L3 NNS Nansei-shoto Ryukyu Islands Category:Flora of the Ryukyu Islands 298 L3 OGA Ogasawara-shoto Bonin Islands Category:Flora of the Bonin Islands 299 L3 TAI Taiwan Taiwan Category:Flora of Taiwan 300 L1 4 Asia-Tropical tropical Asia Category:Flora of tropical Asia 301 L2 40 Indian Subcontinent Indian subcontinent Category:Flora of the Indian subcontinent 302 L3 ASS Assam Category:Flora of Assam (region) 303 L4 ASS-AS Assam Assam Category:Flora of Assam 304 L4 ASS-MA Manipur Manipur Category:Flora of Manipur 305 L4 ASS-ME Meghalaya Meghalaya Category:Flora of Meghalaya 306 L4 ASS-MI Mizoram Mizoram Category:Flora of Mizoram 307 L4 ASS-NA Nagaland Nagaland Category:Flora of Nagaland 308 L4 ASS-TR Tripura Tripura Category:Flora of Tripura 309 L3 BAN Bangladesh Bangladesh Category:Flora of Bangladesh 310 L3 EHM East Himalaya Category:Flora of East Himalaya 311 L4 EHM-AP Arunachal Pradesh Arunachal Pradesh Category:Flora of Arunachal Pradesh 312 L4 EHM-BH Bhutan Bhutan Category:Flora of Bhutan 313 L4 EHM-DJ Darjiling Darjeeling Category:Flora of Darjeeling 314 L4 EHM-SI Sikkim Sikkim Category:Flora of Sikkim 315 L3 IND India Category:Flora of India (region) 316 L4 IND-AP Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Category:Flora of Andhra Pradesh 317 L4 IND-BI Bihar Bihar Category:Flora of Bihar 318 L4 IND-CH Chandigarh Chandigarh Category:Flora of Chandigarh 319 L4 IND-CT Chhattisgarh Chhattisgarh Category:Flora of Chhattisgarh 320 L4 IND-DD Dadra-Nagar-Haveli Dadra and Nagar Haveli Category:Flora of Dadra and Nagar Haveli 321 L4 IND-DE Delhi Delhi Category:Flora of Delhi 322 L4 IND-DI Diu Diu district Category:Flora of Diu district 323 L4 IND-DM Daman Daman district, India Category:Flora of Daman district, India 324 L4 IND-GO Goa Goa Category:Flora of Goa 325 L4 IND-GU Gujarat Gujarat Category:Flora of Gujarat 326 L4 IND-HA Haryana Haryana Category:Flora of Haryana 327 L4 IND-JK Jharkhand Jharkhand Category:Flora of Jharkhand 328 L4 IND-KE Kerala Kerala Category:Flora of Kerala 329 L4 IND-KL Karaikal Karaikal Category:Flora of Karaikal 330 L4 IND-KT Karnataka Karnataka Category:Flora of Karnataka 331 L4 IND-MH Mahe Mahé district Category:Flora of Mahé district 332 L4 IND-MP Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Category:Flora of Madhya Pradesh 333 L4 IND-MR Maharashtra Maharashtra Category:Flora of Maharashtra 334 L4 IND-OR Orissa Odisha Category:Flora of Odisha 335 L4 IND-PO Pondicherry Puducherry Category:Flora of Puducherry 336 L4 IND-PU Punjab Punjab Category:Flora of Punjab 337 L4 IND-RA Rajasthan Rajasthan Category:Flora of Rajasthan 338 L4 IND-TN Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Category:Flora of Tamil Nadu 339 L4 IND-UP Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Category:Flora of Uttar Pradesh 340 L4 IND-WB West Bengal West Bengal Category:Flora of West Bengal 341 L4 IND-YA Yanam Yanam Category:Flora of Yanam 342 L3 LDV Laccadive Is. Laccadive Islands Category:Flora of the Laccadive Islands 343 L3 MDV Maldives Maldives Category:Flora of the Maldives 344 L3 NEP Nepal Nepal Category:Flora of Nepal 345 L3 PAK Pakistan Pakistan Category:Flora of Pakistan 346 L3 SRL Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Category:Flora of Sri Lanka 347 L3 WHM West Himalaya Category:Flora of West Himalaya 348 L4 WHM-HP Himachal Pradesh Himachal Pradesh Category:Flora of Himachal Pradesh 349 L4 WHM-JK Jammu-Kashmir Jammu and Kashmir Category:Flora of Jammu and Kashmir 350 L4 WHM-UT Uttaranchal Uttarakhand Category:Flora of Uttarakhand 351 L2 41 Indo-China Indo-China Category:Flora of Indo-China 352 L3 AND Andaman Is. Andaman Islands Category:Flora of the Andaman Islands 353 L4 AND-AN Andaman Is. Not used; see the parent Level 3 category 354 L4 AND-CO Coco Is. Coco Islands Category:Flora of the Coco Islands 355 L3 CBD Cambodia Cambodia Category:Flora of Cambodia 356 L3 LAO Laos Laos Category:Flora of Laos 357 L3 MYA Myanmar Myanmar Category:Flora of Myanmar 358 L3 NCB Nicobar Is. Nicobar Islands Category:Flora of the Nicobar Islands 359 L3 SCS South China Sea South China Sea Category:Flora of the South China Sea 360 L4 SCS-PI Paracel Is. Paracel Islands Category:Flora of the Paracel Islands 361 L4 SCS-SI Spratly Is. Spratly Islands Category:Flora of the Spratly Islands 362 L3 THA Thailand Thailand Category:Flora of Thailand 363 L3 VIE Vietnam Vietnam Category:Flora of Vietnam 364 L2 42 Malesia Malesia Category:Flora of Malesia 365 L3 BOR Borneo Borneo Category:Flora of Borneo 366 L4 BOR-BR Brunei Brunei Category:Flora of Brunei 367 L4 BOR-KA Kalimantan Kalimantan Category:Flora of Kalimantan 368 L4 BOR-SB Sabah Sabah Category:Flora of Sabah 369 L4 BOR-SR Sarawak Sarawak Category:Flora of Sarawak 370 L3 CKI Cocos (Keeling) Is. Cocos (Keeling) Islands Category:Flora of the Cocos (Keeling) Islands 371 L3 JAW Jawa Java Category:Flora of Java 372 L3 LSI Lesser Sunda Is. Lesser Sunda Islands Category:Flora of the Lesser Sunda Islands 373 L4 LSI-BA Bali Bali Category:Flora of Bali 374 L4 LSI-ET East Timor East Timor Category:Flora of East Timor 375 L4 LSI-LS Lesser Sunda Is. Not used; see the parent Level 3 category 376 L3 MLY Malaya Category:Flora of Malaya 377 L4 MLY-PM Peninsular Malaysia Peninsular Malaysia Category:Flora of Peninsular Malaysia 378 L4 MLY-SI Singapore Singapore Category:Flora of Singapore 379 L3 MOL Maluku Maluku Islands Category:Flora of the Maluku Islands 380 L3 PHI Philippines Philippines Category:Flora of the Philippines 381 L3 SUL Sulawesi Sulawesi Category:Flora of Sulawesi 382 L3 SUM Sumatera Sumatra Category:Flora of Sumatra 383 L3 XMS Christmas I. Christmas Island Category:Flora of Christmas Island 384 L2 43 Papuasia Papuasia Category:Flora of Papuasia 385 L3 BIS Bismarck Archipelago Bismarck Archipelago Category:Flora of the Bismarck Archipelago 386 L3 NWG New Guinea New Guinea Category:Flora of New Guinea 387 L4 NWG-PN Papua New Guinea Papua New Guinea Category:Flora of Papua New Guinea 388 L4 NWG-IJ Irian Jaya Western New Guinea Category:Flora of Western New Guinea 389 L3 SOL Solomon Is. Solomon Islands (archipelago) Category:Flora of the Solomon Islands (archipelago) 390 L4 SOL-NO North Solomons Category:Flora of the North Solomons 391 L4 SOL-SO South Solomons Category:Flora of the South Solomons 392 L1 5 Australasia Australasia Category:Flora of Australasia 393 L2 50 Australia Australia Category:Flora of Australia 394 L3 NFK Norfolk Is. Norfolk Island Category:Flora of Norfolk Island 395 L4 NFK-LH Lord Howe I. Lord Howe Island Category:Flora of Lord Howe Island 396 L4 NFK-NI Norfolk I. Not used; see the parent Level 3 category 397 L3 NSW New South Wales New South Wales Category:Flora of New South Wales 398 L4 NSW-CT Australian Capital Territory Australian Capital Territory Category:Flora of the Australian Capital Territory 399 L4 NSW-NS New South Wales Not used; see the parent Level 3 category 400 L3 NTA Northern Territory Northern Territory Category:Flora of the Northern Territory 401 L3 QLD Queensland Queensland Category:Flora of Queensland 402 L4 QLD-CS Coral Sea Is. Territory Coral Sea Islands Territory Category:Flora of the Coral Sea Islands Territory 403 L4 QLD-QU Queensland Not used; see the parent Level 3 category 404 L3 SOA South Australia South Australia Category:Flora of South Australia 405 L3 TAS Tasmania Tasmania Category:Flora of Tasmania 406 L3 VIC Victoria Victoria (Australia) Category:Flora of Victoria (Australia) 407 L3 WAU Western Australia Western Australia Category:Flora of Western Australia 408 L4 WAU-AC Ashmore-Cartier Is. Ashmore and Cartier Islands Category:Flora of Ashmore and Cartier Islands 409 L4 WAU-WA Western Australia Not used; see the parent Level 3 category 410 L2 51 New Zealand New Zealand Category:Flora of New Zealand 411 L3 ATP Antipodean Is. Antipodes Islands Category:Flora of the Antipodes Islands 412 L3 CTM Chatham Is. Chatham Islands Category:Flora of the Chatham Islands 413 L3 KER Kermadec Is. Kermadec Islands Category:Flora of the Kermadec Islands 414 L3 NZN New Zealand North North Island Category:Flora of the North Island 415 L3 NZS New Zealand South South Island Category:Flora of the South Island 416 L1 6 Pacific Pacific Category:Flora of the Pacific 417 L2 60 Southwestern Pacific Category:Flora of the Southwestern Pacific 418 L3 FIJ Fiji Fiji Category:Flora of Fiji 419 L3 GIL Gilbert Is. Gilbert Islands Category:Flora of the Gilbert Islands 420 L3 HBI Howland-Baker Is. Howland and Baker Islands Category:Flora of the Howland and Baker Islands 421 L3 NRU Nauru Nauru Category:Flora of Nauru 422 L3 NUE Niue Niue Category:Flora of Niue 423 L3 NWC New Caledonia New Caledonia Category:Flora of New Caledonia 424 L3 PHX Phoenix Is. Phoenix Islands Category:Flora of the Phoenix Islands 425 L3 SAM Samoa Samoa Category:Flora of Samoa 426 L4 SAM-AS American Samoa American Samoa Category:Flora of American Samoa 427 L4 SAM-WS Samoa Not used; see the parent Level 3 category 428 L3 SCZ Santa Cruz Is. Santa Cruz Islands Category:Flora of the Santa Cruz Islands 429 L3 TOK Tokelau-Manihiki Tokelau, Manihiki Category:Flora of Tokelau and Manihiki 430 L4 TOK-MA Manihiki Is. Manihiki Islands Category:Flora of the Manihiki Islands 431 L4 TOK-SW Swains I. Swains Island Category:Flora of Swains Island 432 L4 TOK-TO Tokelau Tokelau Category:Flora of Tokelau 433 L3 TON Tonga Tonga Category:Flora of Tonga 434 L3 TUV Tuvalu Tuvalu Category:Flora of Tuvalu 435 L3 VAN Vanuatu Vanuatu Category:Flora of Vanuatu 436 L3 WAL Wallis-Futuna Is. Wallis and Futuna Category:Flora of Wallis and Futuna 437 L2 61 South-Central Pacific Category:Flora of the south-central Pacific 438 L3 COO Cook Is. Cook Islands Category:Flora of the Cook Islands 439 L3 EAS Easter Is. Easter Island Category:Flora of Easter Island 440 L3 LIN Line Is. Line Islands Category:Flora of the Line Islands 441 L4 LIN-KI Kiribati Line Is. Kiribati Line Islands Category:Flora of the Kiribati Line Islands 442 L4 LIN-US U.S. Line Is. United States Line Islands Category:Flora of the United States Line Islands 443 L3 MRQ Marquesas Marquesas Islands Category:Flora of the Marquesas Islands 444 L3 PIT Pitcairn Is. Pitcairn Islands Category:Flora of the Pitcairn Islands 445 L3 SCI Society Is. Society Islands Category:Flora of the Society Islands 446 L3 TUA Tuamotu Tuamotus Category:Flora of the Tuamotus 447 L3 TUB Tubuai Is. Tubuai Islands Category:Flora of the Tubuai Islands 448 L2 62 Northwestern Pacific Category:Flora of the Northwestern Pacific 449 L3 CRL Caroline Is. Caroline Islands Category:Flora of the Caroline Islands 450 L4 CRL-MF Micronesia Federated States Federated States of Micronesia Category:Flora of the Federated States of Micronesia 451 L4 CRL-PA Palau Palau Category:Flora of Palau 452 L3 MCS Marcus I. Marcus Island Category:Flora of Marcus Island 453 L3 MRN Marianas Mariana Islands Category:Flora of the Mariana Islands 454 L4 MRN-GU Guam Guam Category:Flora of Guam 455 L4 MRN-NM Northern Marianas Northern Mariana Islands Category:Flora of the Northern Mariana Islands 456 L3 MRS Marshall Is. Marshall Islands Category:Flora of the Marshall Islands 457 L3 WAK Wake I. Wake Island Category:Flora of Wake Island 458 L2 63 North-Central Pacific Not used; only contains Hawaii 459 L3 HAW Hawaii Hawaii Category:Flora of Hawaii 460 L4 HAW-HI Hawaiian Is. Hawaiian Islands Category:Flora of the Hawaiian Islands 461 L4 HAW-JI Johnston I. Johnston Island Category:Flora of Johnston Island 462 L4 HAW-MI Midway Is. Midway Islands Category:Flora of the Midway Islands 463 L1 7 Northern America North America Category:Flora of North America 464 L2 70 Subarctic America Category:Flora of Subarctic America 465 L3 ALU Aleutian Is. Aleutian Islands Category:Flora of the Aleutian Islands 466 L3 ASK Alaska Alaska Category:Flora of Alaska 467 L3 GNL Greenland Greenland Category:Flora of Greenland 468 L3 NUN Nunavut Nunavut Category:Flora of Nunavut 469 L3 NWT Northwest Territories Northwest Territories Category:Flora of the Northwest Territories 470 L3 YUK Yukon Yukon Category:Flora of Yukon 471 L2 71 Western Canada Western Canada Category:Flora of Western Canada 472 L3 ABT Alberta Alberta Category:Flora of Alberta 473 L3 BRC British Columbia British Columbia Category:Flora of British Columbia 474 L3 MAN Manitoba Manitoba Category:Flora of Manitoba 475 L3 SAS Saskatchewan Saskatchewan Category:Flora of Saskatchewan 476 L2 72 Eastern Canada Eastern Canada Category:Flora of Eastern Canada 477 L3 LAB Labrador Labrador Category:Flora of Labrador 478 L3 NBR New Brunswick New Brunswick Category:Flora of New Brunswick 479 L3 NFL Newfoundland Category:Flora of Newfoundland 480 L4 NFL-NE Newfoundland Not used; see the parent Level 3 category 481 L4 NFL-SP St. Pierre-Miquelon Saint Pierre and Miquelon Category:Flora of Saint Pierre and Miquelon 482 L3 NSC Nova Scotia Nova Scotia Category:Flora of Nova Scotia 483 L3 ONT Ontario Ontario Category:Flora of Ontario 484 L3 PEI Prince Edward I. Prince Edward Island Category:Flora of Prince Edward Island 485 L3 QUE Québec Quebec Category:Flora of Quebec 486 L2 73 Northwestern U.S.A. Category:Flora of the Northwestern United States 487 L3 COL Colorado Colorado Category:Flora of Colorado 488 L3 IDA Idaho Idaho Category:Flora of Idaho 489 L3 MNT Montana Montana Category:Flora of Montana 490 L3 ORE Oregon Oregon Category:Flora of Oregon 491 L3 WAS Washington Washington (state) Category:Flora of Washington (state) 492 L3 WYO Wyoming Wyoming Category:Flora of Wyoming 493 L2 74 North-Central U.S.A. Category:Flora of the North-Central United States 494 L3 ILL Illinois Illinois Category:Flora of Illinois 495 L3 IOW Iowa Iowa Category:Flora of Iowa 496 L3 KAN Kansas Kansas Category:Flora of Kansas 497 L3 MIN Minnesota Minnesota Category:Flora of Minnesota 498 L3 MSO Missouri Missouri Category:Flora of Missouri 499 L3 NDA North Dakota North Dakota Category:Flora of North Dakota 500 L3 NEB Nebraska Nebraska Category:Flora of Nebraska 501 L3 OKL Oklahoma Oklahoma Category:Flora of Oklahoma 502 L3 SDA South Dakota South Dakota Category:Flora of South Dakota 503 L3 WIS Wisconsin Wisconsin Category:Flora of Wisconsin 504 L2 75 Northeastern U.S.A. Category:Flora of the Northeastern United States 505 L3 CNT Connecticut Connecticut Category:Flora of Connecticut 506 L3 INI Indiana Indiana Category:Flora of Indiana 507 L3 MAI Maine Maine Category:Flora of Maine 508 L3 MAS Massachusetts Massachusetts Category:Flora of Massachusetts 509 L3 MIC Michigan Michigan Category:Flora of Michigan 510 L3 NWH New Hampshire New Hampshire Category:Flora of New Hampshire 511 L3 NWJ New Jersey New Jersey Category:Flora of New Jersey 512 L3 NWY New York New York (state) Category:Flora of New York (state) 513 L3 OHI Ohio Ohio Category:Flora of Ohio 514 L3 PEN Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Category:Flora of Pennsylvania 515 L3 RHO Rhode I. Rhode Island Category:Flora of Rhode Island 516 L3 VER Vermont Vermont Category:Flora of Vermont 517 L3 WVA West Virginia West Virginia Category:Flora of West Virginia 518 L2 76 Southwestern U.S.A. Category:Flora of the Southwestern United States 519 L3 ARI Arizona Arizona Category:Flora of Arizona 520 L3 CAL California California Category:Flora of California 521 L3 NEV Nevada Nevada Category:Flora of Nevada 522 L3 UTA Utah Utah Category:Flora of Utah 523 L2 77 South-Central U.S.A. Category:Flora of the South-Central United States 524 L3 NWM New Mexico New Mexico Category:Flora of New Mexico 525 L3 TEX Texas Texas Category:Flora of Texas 526 L2 78 Southeastern U.S.A. Category:Flora of the Southeastern United States 527 L3 ALA Alabama Alabama Category:Flora of Alabama 528 L3 ARK Arkansas Arkansas Category:Flora of Arkansas 529 L3 DEL Delaware Delaware Category:Flora of Delaware 530 L3 FLA Florida Florida Category:Flora of Florida 531 L3 GEO Georgia Georgia (U.S. state) Category:Flora of Georgia (U.S. state) 532 L3 KTY Kentucky Kentucky Category:Flora of Kentucky 533 L3 LOU Louisiana Louisiana Category:Flora of Louisiana 534 L3 MRY Maryland Maryland Category:Flora of Maryland 535 L3 MSI Mississippi Mississippi Category:Flora of Mississippi 536 L3 NCA North Carolina North Carolina Category:Flora of North Carolina 537 L3 SCA South Carolina South Carolina Category:Flora of South Carolina 538 L3 TEN Tennessee Tennessee Category:Flora of Tennessee 539 L3 VRG Virginia Virginia Category:Flora of Virginia 540 L3 WDC District of Columbia Washington, D.C. Category:Flora of Washington, D.C. 541 L2 79 Mexico Mexico Category:Flora of Mexico 542 L3 MXC Mexico Central Category:Flora of Central Mexico 543 L4 MXC-DF Mexico Distrito Federal Mexico City Category:Flora of Mexico City 544 L4 MXC-ME Mexico State State of Mexico Category:Flora of the State of Mexico 545 L4 MXC-MO Morelos Morelos Category:Flora of Morelos 546 L4 MXC-PU Puebla Puebla Category:Flora of Puebla 547 L4 MXC-TL Tlaxcala Tlaxcala Category:Flora of Tlaxcala 548 L3 MXE Mexico Northeast Category:Flora of Northeastern Mexico 549 L4 MXE-AG Aguascalientes Aguascalientes Category:Flora of Aguascalientes 550 L4 MXE-CO Coahuila Coahuila Category:Flora of Coahuila 551 L4 MXE-CU Chihuahua Chihuahua (state) Category:Flora of Chihuahua (state) 552 L4 MXE-DU Durango Durango Category:Flora of Durango 553 L4 MXE-GU Guanajuato Guanajuato Category:Flora of Guanajuato 554 L4 MXE-HI Hidalgo Hidalgo (state) Category:Flora of Hidalgo (state) 555 L4 MXE-NL Nuevo León Nuevo León Category:Flora of Nuevo León 556 L4 MXE-QU Querétaro Querétaro Category:Flora of Querétaro 557 L4 MXE-SL San Luis Potosí San Luis Potosí Category:Flora of San Luis Potosí 558 L4 MXE-TA Tamaulipas Tamaulipas Category:Flora of Tamaulipas 559 L4 MXE-ZA Zacatecas Zacatecas Category:Flora of Zacatecas 560 L3 MXG Mexico Gulf Not used; only contains Veracruz 561 L4 MXG-VC Veracruz Veracruz Category:Flora of Veracruz 562 L3 MXI Mexican Pacific Is. Category:Flora of Mexican Pacific Islands 563 L4 MXI-GU Guadalupe I. Guadalupe Island Category:Flora of Guadalupe Island 564 L4 MXI-RA Rocas Alijos Rocas Alijos Category:Flora of Rocas Alijos 565 L4 MXI-RG Revillagigedo Is. Revillagigedo Islands Category:Flora of the Revillagigedo Islands 566 L3 MXN Mexico Northwest Category:Flora of Northwestern Mexico 567 L4 MXN-BC Baja California Baja California Category:Flora of Baja California 568 L4 MXN-BS Baja California Sur Baja California Sur Category:Flora of Baja California Sur 569 L4 MXN-SI Sinaloa Sinaloa Category:Flora of Sinaloa 570 L4 MXN-SO Sonora Sonora Category:Flora of Sonora 571 L3 MXS Mexico Southwest Category:Flora of Southwestern Mexico 572 L4 MXS-CL Colima Colima Category:Flora of Colima 573 L4 MXS-GR Guerrero Guerrero Category:Flora of Guerrero 574 L4 MXS-JA Jalisco Jalisco Category:Flora of Jalisco 575 L4 MXS-MI Michoacan Michoacán Category:Flora of Michoacán 576 L4 MXS-NA Nayarit Nayarit Category:Flora of Nayarit 577 L4 MXS-OA Oaxaca Oaxaca Category:Flora of Oaxaca 578 L3 MXT Mexico Southeast Category:Flora of Southeastern Mexico 579 L4 MXT-CA Campeche Campeche Category:Flora of Campeche 580 L4 MXT-CI Chiapas Chiapas Category:Flora of Chiapas 581 L4 MXT-QR Quintana Roo Quintana Roo Category:Flora of Quintana Roo 582 L4 MXT-TB Tabasco Tabasco Category:Flora of Tabasco 583 L4 MXT-YU Yucatán Yucatán Category:Flora of Yucatán 584 L1 8 Southern America South America Category:Flora of South America 585 L2 80 Central America Central America Category:Flora of Central America 586 L3 BLZ Belize Belize Category:Flora of Belize 587 L3 COS Costa Rica Costa Rica Category:Flora of Costa Rica 588 L3 CPI Central American Pacific Is. Central American Pacific Islands Category:Flora of the Central American Pacific Islands 589 L4 CPI-CL Clipperton I. Clipperton Island Category:Flora of Clipperton Island 590 L4 CPI-CO Cocos I. Cocos Island Category:Flora of Cocos Island 591 L4 CPI-MA Malpelo I. Malpelo Island Category:Flora of Malpelo Island 592 L3 ELS El Salvador El Salvador Category:Flora of El Salvador 593 L3 GUA Guatemala Guatemala Category:Flora of Guatemala 594 L3 HON Honduras Honduras Category:Flora of Honduras 595 L3 NIC Nicaragua Nicaragua Category:Flora of Nicaragua 596 L3 PAN Panama Panama Category:Flora of Panama 597 L2 81 Caribbean Caribbean Category:Flora of the Caribbean 598 L3 ARU Aruba Aruba Category:Flora of Aruba 599 L3 BAH Bahamas The Bahamas Category:Flora of the Bahamas 600 L3 BER Bermuda Bermuda Category:Flora of Bermuda 601 L3 CAY Cayman Is. Cayman Islands Category:Flora of the Cayman Islands 602 L3 CUB Cuba Cuba Category:Flora of Cuba 603 L3 DOM Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Category:Flora of the Dominican Republic 604 L3 HAI Haiti Haiti Category:Flora of Haiti 605 L4 HAI-HA Haiti Not used; see the parent Level 3 category 606 L4 HAI-NI Navassa I. Navassa Island Category:Flora of Navassa Island 607 L3 JAM Jamaica Jamaica Category:Flora of Jamaica 608 L3 LEE Leeward Is. Leeward Islands Category:Flora of the Leeward Islands 609 L4 LEE-AB Antigua-Barbuda Antigua and Barbuda Category:Flora of Antigua and Barbuda 610 L4 LEE-AG Anguilla Anguilla Category:Flora of Anguilla 611 L4 LEE-AV Aves I. Aves Island Category:Flora of Aves Island 612 L4 LEE-BV British Virgin Is. British Virgin Islands Category:Flora of the British Virgin Islands 613 L4 LEE-GU Guadeloupe Guadeloupe Category:Flora of Guadeloupe 614 L4 LEE-MO Montserrat Montserrat Category:Flora of Montserrat 615 L4 LEE-NL Netherlands Leeward Is. Netherlands Leeward Islands Category:Flora of the Netherlands Leeward Islands 616 L4 LEE-SK St. Kitts-Nevis Saint Kitts and Nevis Category:Flora of Saint Kitts and Nevis 617 L4 LEE-SM St. Martin-St. Barthelemy Saint Martin (island), Saint Barthélemy Category:Flora of Saint Martin (island) and Saint Barthélemy 618 L4 LEE-VI Virgin Is. United States Virgin Islands Category:Flora of the United States Virgin Islands 619 L3 NLA Netherlands Antilles Netherlands Antilles Category:Flora of the Netherlands Antilles 620 L4 NLA-BO Bonaire Bonaire Category:Flora of Bonaire 621 L4 NLA-CU Curaçao Curaçao Category:Flora of Curaçao 622 L3 PUE Puerto Rico Puerto Rico Category:Flora of Puerto Rico 623 L3 SWC Southwest Caribbean Category:Flora of the Southwest Caribbean 624 L4 SWC-CC Colombian Caribbean Is. Archipelago of San Andrés, Providencia and Santa Catalina Category:Flora of the Colombian Caribbean Islands 625 L4 SWC-HC Honduran Caribbean Is. Bay Islands Department Category:Flora of the Honduran Caribbean Islands 626 L4 SWC-NC Nicaraguan Caribbean Is. Nicaraguan Caribbean Islands Category:Flora of the Nicaraguan Caribbean Islands 627 L3 TCI Turks-Caicos Is. Turks and Caicos Islands Category:Flora of the Turks and Caicos Islands 628 L3 TRT Trinidad-Tobago Trinidad and Tobago Category:Flora of Trinidad and Tobago 629 L3 VNA Venezuelan Antilles Federal Dependencies of Venezuela excluding Isla Aves Category:Flora of the Venezuelan Antilles 630 L3 WIN Windward Is. Windward Islands Category:Flora of the Windward Islands 631 L4 WIN-BA Barbados Barbados Category:Flora of Barbados 632 L4 WIN-DO Dominica Dominica Category:Flora of Dominica 633 L4 WIN-GR Grenada Grenada Category:Flora of Grenada 634 L4 WIN-MA Martinique Martinique Category:Flora of Martinique 635 L4 WIN-SL St. Lucia Saint Lucia Category:Flora of Saint Lucia 636 L4 WIN-SV St. Vincent Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Category:Flora of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 637 L2 82 Northern South America Category:Flora of northern South America 638 L3 FRG French Guiana French Guiana Category:Flora of French Guiana 639 L3 GUY Guyana Guyana Category:Flora of Guyana 640 L3 SUR Suriname Suriname Category:Flora of Suriname 641 L3 VEN Venezuela Venezuela Category:Flora of Venezuela 642 L2 83 Western South America Category:Flora of western South America 643 L3 BOL Bolivia Bolivia Category:Flora of Bolivia 644 L3 CLM Colombia Colombia Category:Flora of Colombia 645 L3 ECU Ecuador Ecuador Category:Flora of Ecuador 646 L3 GAL Galápagos Galápagos Islands Category:Flora of the Galápagos Islands 647 L3 PER Peru Peru Category:Flora of Peru 648 L2 84 Brazil Brazil Category:Flora of Brazil 649 L3 BZC Brazil West-Central West-Central Brazil Category:Flora of West-Central Brazil 650 L4 BZC-DF Brasilia Distrito Federal Federal District (Brazil) Category:Flora of the Federal District (Brazil) 651 L4 BZC-GO Goias Goiás Category:Flora of Goiás 652 L4 BZC-MS Mato Grosso do Sul Mato Grosso do Sul Category:Flora of Mato Grosso do Sul 653 L4 BZC-MT Mato Grosso Mato Grosso Category:Flora of Mato Grosso 654 L3 BZE Brazil Northeast Northeast Brazil Category:Flora of Northeast Brazil 655 L4 BZE-AL Alagoas Alagoas Category:Flora of Alagoas 656 L4 BZE-BA Bahia Bahia Category:Flora of Bahia 657 L4 BZE-CE Ceara Ceará Category:Flora of Ceará 658 L4 BZE-FN Fernando de Noronha Fernando de Noronha Category:Flora of Fernando de Noronha 659 L4 BZE-MA Maranhao Maranhão Category:Flora of Maranhão 660 L4 BZE-PB Paraiba Paraíba Category:Flora of Paraíba 661 L4 BZE-PE Pernambuco Pernambuco Category:Flora of Pernambuco 662 L4 BZE-PI Piaui Piauí Category:Flora of Piauí 663 L4 BZE-RN Rio Grande do Norte Rio Grande do Norte Category:Flora of Rio Grande do Norte 664 L4 BZE-SE Sergipe Sergipe Category:Flora of Sergipe 665 L3 BZL Brazil Southeast Southeast Brazil Category:Flora of Southeast Brazil 666 L4 BZL-ES Espirito Santo Espírito Santo Category:Flora of Espírito Santo 667 L4 BZL-MG Minas Gerais Minas Gerais Category:Flora of Minas Gerais 668 L4 BZL-RJ Rio de Janeiro Rio de Janeiro (state) Category:Flora of Rio de Janeiro (state) 669 L4 BZL-SP Sao Paulo São Paulo (state) Category:Flora of São Paulo (state) 670 L4 BZL-TR Trindade Trindade and Martin Vaz Category:Flora of Trindade and Martin Vaz 671 L3 BZN Brazil North North Brazil Category:Flora of North Brazil 672 L4 BZN-AC Acre Acre (state) Category:Flora of Acre (state) 673 L4 BZN-AM Amazonas Amazonas (Brazilian state) Category:Flora of Amazonas (Brazilian state) 674 L4 BZN-AP Amapa Amapá Category:Flora of Amapá 675 L4 BZN-PA Para Pará Category:Flora of Pará 676 L4 BZN-RM Roraima Roraima Category:Flora of Roraima 677 L4 BZN-RO Rondonia Rondônia Category:Flora of Rondônia 678 L4 BZN-TO Tocantins Tocantins Category:Flora of Tocantins 679 L3 BZS Brazil South South Brazil Category:Flora of South Brazil 680 L4 BZS-PR Parana Paraná (state) Category:Flora of Paraná (state) 681 L4 BZS-RS Rio Grande do Sul Rio Grande do Sul Category:Flora of Rio Grande do Sul 682 L4 BZS-SC Santa Catarina Santa Catarina (state) Category:Flora of Santa Catarina (state) 683 L2 85 Southern South America Category:Flora of southern South America 684 L3 AGE Argentina Northeast Category:Flora of Northeast Argentina 685 L4 AGE-BA Buenos Aires Buenos Aires Province Category:Flora of Buenos Aires Province 686 L4 AGE-CD Cordoba Córdoba Province, Argentina Category:Flora of Córdoba Province, Argentina 687 L4 AGE-CH Chaco Chaco Province Category:Flora of Chaco Province 688 L4 AGE-CN Corrientes Corrientes Province Category:Flora of Corrientes Province 689 L4 AGE-DF Argentina Distrito Federal Federal District, Argentina Category:Flora of the Federal District, Argentina 690 L4 AGE-ER Entre Rios Entre Ríos Province Category:Flora of Entre Ríos Province 691 L4 AGE-FO Formosa Formosa Province Category:Flora of Formosa Province 692 L4 AGE-LP La Pampa La Pampa Province Category:Flora of La Pampa Province 693 L4 AGE-MI Misiones Misiones Province Category:Flora of Misiones Province 694 L4 AGE-SF Santa Fe Santa Fe Province Category:Flora of Santa Fe Province 695 L3 AGS Argentina South Category:Flora of South Argentina 696 L4 AGS-CB Chubut Chubut Province Category:Flora of Chubut Province 697 L4 AGS-NE Neuquen Neuquén Province Category:Flora of Neuquén Province 698 L4 AGS-RN Rio Negro Río Negro Province Category:Flora of Río Negro Province 699 L4 AGS-SC Santa Cruz Santa Cruz Province, Argentina Category:Flora of Santa Cruz Province, Argentina 700 L4 AGS-TF Tierra del Fuego (Argentina) Tierra del Fuego Province, Argentina Category:Flora of Tierra del Fuego Province, Argentina 701 L3 AGW Argentina Northwest Category:Flora of Northwest Argentina 702 L4 AGW-CA Catamarca Catamarca Province Category:Flora of Catamarca Province 703 L4 AGW-JU Jujuy Jujuy Province Category:Flora of Jujuy Province 704 L4 AGW-LR La Rioja La Rioja Province, Argentina Category:Flora of La Rioja Province, Argentina 705 L4 AGW-ME Mendoza Mendoza Province Category:Flora of Mendoza Province 706 L4 AGW-SA Salta Salta Province Category:Flora of Salta Province 707 L4 AGW-SE Santiago del Estero Santiago del Estero Province Category:Flora of Santiago del Estero Province 708 L4 AGW-SJ San Juan San Juan Province, Argentina Category:Flora of San Juan Province, Argentina 709 L4 AGW-SL San Luis San Luis Province Category:Flora of San Luis Province 710 L4 AGW-TU Tucuman Tucumán Province Category:Flora of Tucumán Province 711 L3 CLC Chile Central Category:Flora of central Chile 712 L4 CLC-BI Biobio Bío Bío Region Category:Flora of Bío Bío Region 713 L4 CLC-CO Coquimbo Coquimbo Region Category:Flora of Coquimbo Region 714 L4 CLC-LA La Araucania Araucanía Region Category:Flora of Araucanía Region 715 L4 CLC-MA Maule Maule Region Category:Flora of Maule Region 716 L4 CLC-OH O’Higgins O’Higgins Region Category:Flora of O’Higgins Region 717 L4 CLC-SA Santiago Santiago Metropolitan Region Category:Flora of Santiago Metropolitan Region 718 L4 CLC-VA Valparaiso Valparaíso Region Category:Flora of Valparaíso Region 719 L3 CLN Chile North Category:Flora of northern Chile 720 L4 CLN-AN Antofagasta Antofagasta Region Category:Flora of Antofagasta Region 721 L4 CLN-AT Atacama Atacama Region Category:Flora of Atacama Region 722 L4 CLN-TA Tarapaca Tarapacá Region Category:Flora of Tarapacá Region 723 L3 CLS Chile South Category:Flora of southern Chile 724 L4 CLS-AI Aisen Aysén Region Category:Flora of Aysén Region 725 L4 CLS-LL Los Lagos Los Lagos Region Category:Flora of Los Lagos Region 726 L4 CLS-MG Magellanes Magallanes Region Category:Flora of Magallanes Region 727 L3 DSV Desventurados Is. Desventuradas Islands Category:Flora of the Desventuradas Islands 728 L3 JNF Juan Fernández Is. Juan Fernández Islands Category:Flora of the Juan Fernández Islands 729 L3 PAR Paraguay Paraguay Category:Flora of Paraguay 730 L3 URU Uruguay Uruguay Category:Flora of Uruguay 731 L1 9 Antarctic Antarctic Category:Flora of the Antarctic 732 L2 90 Subantarctic Islands Subantarctic islands Category:Flora of the subantarctic islands 733 L3 ASP Amsterdam-St.Paul Is. Île Amsterdam, Île Saint-Paul Category:Flora of the Amsterdam and Saint Paul islands 734 L3 BOU Bouvet I. Bouvet Island Category:Flora of Bouvet Island 735 L3 CRZ Crozet Is. Crozet Islands Category:Flora of the Crozet Islands 736 L3 FAL Falkland Is. Falkland Islands Category:Flora of the Falkland Islands 737 L3 HMD Heard-McDonald Is. Heard Island and McDonald Islands Category:Flora of Heard Island and McDonald Islands 738 L3 KEG Kerguelen Kerguelen Islands Category:Flora of the Kerguelen Islands 739 L3 MAQ Macquarie Is. Macquarie Island Category:Flora of Macquarie Island 740 L3 MPE Marion-Prince Edward Is. Prince Edward Islands Category:Flora of the Prince Edward Islands 741 L3 SGE South Georgia South Georgia Island Category:Flora of South Georgia Island 742 L3 SSA South Sandwich Is. South Sandwich Islands Category:Flora of the South Sandwich Islands 743 L3 TDC Tristan da Cunha Tristan da Cunha Category:Flora of Tristan da Cunha 744 L2 91 Antarctic Continent Not used; contains only Antarctica 745 L3 ANT Antarctica Antarctica Category:Flora of Antarctica