Nonlinear frictiophoresis – Wikipedia


Nonlinear frictiophoresis is the unidirectional drift of a particle in a medium caused by periodic driving force with zero mean. The effect is possible due to nonlinear dependence of the friction-drag force on the particle’s velocity. It was discovered theoretically.,[1]
and is mainly known as nonlinear electrofrictiophoresis
At first glance, a periodic driving force with zero mean is able to entrain a particle into an oscillating movement without unidirectional drift, because integral momentum provided to the particle by the force is zero. The possibility of unidirectional drift can be recognized if one takes into account that the particle itself loses momentum through transferring it further to the medium it moves in/at. If the friction is nonlinear, then it may so happen that the momentum loss during movement in one direction does not equal to that in the opposite direction and this causes unidirectional drift. For this to happen, the driving force time-dependence must be more complicated than it is in a single sinusoidal harmonic.


A simple example – Bingham plastic[edit]

Nonlinear friction[edit]

The simplest case of friction-velocity dependence law is the
Stokes’s one:


Fdr(v){displaystyle F_{dr}(v)}

is the friction/drag force applied to a particle moving with velocity

v{displaystyle v}

in a medium. The friction-velocity law (1) is observed for a slowly moving spherical particle in a Newtonian fluid.


It is linear, see Fig. 1, and is not suitable for nonlinear frictiophoresis to take place. The characteristic property of the law (1) is that any, even a very small driving force is able to get particle moving. This is not the case for such media as Bingham plastic. For those media, it is necessary to apply some threshold force,

d{displaystyle d}

, to get the particle moving. This kind of friction-velocity (dry friction) law has a jump discontinuity at

v=0{displaystyle v=0}


Fig. 2 Nonlinear friction example

It is nonlinear, see Fig. 2, and is used in this example.

Periodic driving force[edit]


T>0{displaystyle T>0}

t1{displaystyle t_{1}}

such that

0<t1<T{displaystyle 0

and two force values,

F+>0{displaystyle F^{+}>0}

F<0{displaystyle F^{-}<0}

such that the following relations are

The periodic driving force

f(t){displaystyle f(t)}

used in this example is as follows:

It is clear that, due to (3),

f(t){displaystyle f(t)}

has zero mean:

Fig. 3 Zero mean driving force example

See also Fig. 3.

Unidirectional drift[edit]

For the sake of simplicity, we consider here the physical situation when inertia may be neglected. The latter can be achieved if
particle’s mass is small, velocity is low and friction is high. This conditions have to ensure that

τt1{displaystyle tau ll t_{1}}


τ{displaystyle tau }

is the relaxation time. In this situation, the particle driven with force (4) immediately starts moving with constant velocity

v+=1λ(F+d){displaystyle v^{+}={frac {1}{lambda }}(F^{+}-d)}

during interval

0<tt1{displaystyle 0

and will immediately
stop moving during interval

t1<tT{displaystyle t_{1}

, see Fig. 4.

Fig. 4 Velocity with nonzero mean

This results in the
positive mean velocity of unidirectional drift:
