List of Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain, 1707–1709

Short title, popular name or summary Citation Royal assent (or the start of session) Long title
6 Ann. c. 35[1]
Ruffhead c. 1

An Act for granting an aid to her Majesty, to be raised by a land tax in Great Britain, for the service of the year one thousand seven hundred and eight.

6 Ann. c. 36[1]
Ruffhead c. 2

An Act for repealing and declaring the determination of two acts passed in the parliament of Scotland; the one intituled, An Act for the security of the kingdom; the other, Act anent peace and war.

6 Ann. c. 37[1]
Ruffhead c. 3

An Act for better Securing the Duties of East India Goods.

6 Ann. c. 38[1]
Ruffhead c. 4

An Act for charging and continuing the duties upon malt, mum, cyder, and perry, for the service of the year one thousand seven hundred and eight.

6 Ann. c. 39[1]
Ruffhead c. 5

An Act for raising a further supply to her Majesty for the service of the year one thousand seven hundred and eight, and other uses, by sale of annuities charged on a fund, not exceeding forty thousand pounds per annum, to arise by appropriating several surplusses and by granting further terms in the duties on low wines, and on hawkers, pedlars, and petty chapmen, the stamp duties, the one third subsidy, the duty on sweets, and one of the branches of excise, and by making other provision in this act mentioned.

6 Ann. c. 40[1]
Ruffhead c. 6

An Act for rendring the Union of the Two Kingdoms more entire and complete.

6 Ann. c. 41[1]
Ruffhead c. 7

An Act for the Security of Her Majesties Person and Government and of the Succession to the Crown of Great Britain in the Protestant Line.

6 Ann. c. 42[1]
Ruffhead c. 1


6 Ann. c. 43[1]
Ruffhead c. 8

An Act for encouraging the dressing and dying of woollen clothes within this kingdom, by laying a duty upon broad cloth exported white.

6 Ann. c. 44[1]
Ruffhead c. 9

An Act for the exportation of white woollen cloth.

6 Ann. c. 45[1]
Ruffhead c. 10

An act for the better recruiting her Majesty’s land forces and the marines, for the service of the year one thousand seven hundred and eight.

6 Ann. c. 46[1]
Ruffhead c. 6


6 Ann. c. 47[1]
Ruffhead c. 7


6 Ann. c. 48[1]
Ruffhead c. 11


6 Ann. c. 49[1]
Ruffhead c. 12


6 Ann. c. 50[1]
Ruffhead c. 22


6 Ann. c. 51[1]
Ruffhead c. 24

An Act for the further directing the payment of the equivalent money.

6 Ann. c. 52[1]
Ruffhead c. 25
An Act to enable her Majesty to make leases and copies of offices, lands, and hereditaments, parcel of her duchy of Cornwall, or annexed to the same.
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1948)
6 Ann. c. 53[1]
Ruffhead c. 26

An Act for settling and establishing a Court of Exchequer in the north part of Great Britain called Scotland.

6 Ann. c. 54[1]
Ruffhead c. 27

An Act to inlarge the time for returning the certificates of all ecclesiastical livings, not exceeding the yearly value of fifty pounds; as also for discharging all livings of that value from the payment of first-fruits; and for allowing time to archbishops and bishops, and other dignitaries, for payment of their first-fruits.

6 Ann. c. 55[1]
Ruffhead c. 28
An Act for continuing the act for ascertaining the tithes of hemp and flax.[b]
6 Ann. c. 56[1]
Ruffhead c. 29
An Act to repeal a clause in an act of the seventh year of the reign of his late Majesty (for amending and repairing the highways)[c] which enjoins waggoners and others to draw with a pole between the wheel horses, or with double shafts, and to oblige them to draw only with six horses or other beasts except up hills.
6 Ann. c. 57[1]
Ruffhead c. 30

An Act for ascertaining the rates of foreign coins in her Majesty’s plantations in America.

6 Ann. c. 58[1]
Ruffhead c. 31

An Act for the better preventing mischiefs that may happen by fire.

6 Ann. c. 59[1]
Ruffhead c. 32

An Act for regulating the qualifications of the elections of the governor, deputy governor, directors, and voters, of the governor and company of the bank of England.

6 Ann. c. 60[1]
Ruffhead c. 33

An Act for the importation of cochineal from any ports in Spain, during the present war, and six months longer.

6 Ann. c. 61[1]
Ruffhead c. 34
6 Ann. c. 62[1]
Ruffhead c. 35

An Act for the publick registering of all deeds, conveyances, wills, and other incumbrances that shall be made of, or that may affect any honours, manors, lands, tenements, or hereditaments within the East Riding of the county of York, or the town and county of the town of Kingston upon Hull, after the nine and twentieth day of September, one thousand seven hundred and eighty and for the rendring the register in the West Riding more complete.

6 Ann. c. 63
Ruffhead c. 36[4]

An Act for raising the Militia of this Kingdom for the Year One thousand seven hundred and eight although the Months Pay formerly advanced be not repaid.

6 Ann. c. 64[1]
Ruffhead c. 37
An Act to explain the act of the last session of parliament, for the ease of her Majesty’s subjects in relation to allowances out of the duties upon salt carried coastwise[d] and also an act of the first year of her Majesty’s reign, in relation to certain salt works near the sea-side and bay of Holy-head in the county of Anglesea.[e]
6 Ann. c. 65[1]
Ruffhead c. 13

An Act for the better securing the trade of this kingdom by cruisers and convoys.

6 Ann. c. 66
Ruffhead c. 14

An Act for the better security of her Majesty’s person and government.

6 Ann. c. 67[1]
Ruffhead c. 15

An Act to impower her Majesty to secure and detain such persons as her Majesty shall suspect are conspiring against her person and government.

6 Ann. c. 68[1]
Ruffhead c. 16
An Act for repealing the Act of the first Year of King James the First, entitled An Act for the well garbling of spices;[f] and for granting an Equivalent to the City of London by admitting Brokers
6 Ann. c. 69[1]
Ruffhead c. 8


6 Ann. c. 70[1]
Ruffhead c. 9


6 Ann. c. 71[1]
Ruffhead c. 17

An Act for assuring to the English company trading to the East Indies, on account of the united stock, a longer time in the fund and trade therein mentioned, and for raising thereby the sum of twelve hundred thousand pounds for carrying on the war, and other her Majesty’s occasions.

6 Ann. c. 72[1]
Ruffhead c. 18

An Act for the more effectual Discovery of the Death of Persons pretended to be alive to the prejudice of those who claim Estates after their Deaths.

6 Ann. c. 73[1]
Ruffhead c. 19

An Act for continuing the half subsidies therein mentioned, with several impositions and other duties, to raise money by way of loan, the service of the war, and other her Majesty’s necessary and important occasions, and for charging of prize goods and seizures, and for taking off the drawbacks of foreign cordage, and to obviate the clandestine importation of wrought silks.

6 Ann. c. 74[1]
Ruffhead c. 20

An Act for continuing an act made in the third year of her Majesty’s reign, intituled, An Act for punishing mutiny and desertion, and false musters, and for the better payment of the army and quarters.

6 Ann. c. 75[1]
Ruffhead c. 21

An Act for the avoiding of Doubts and Questions touching the Statutes of divers Cathedrals and Collegiate Churches.

6 Ann. c. 76[1]
Ruffhead c. 14


6 Ann. c. 77[1]
Ruffhead c. 15


6 Ann. c. 78[1]
Ruffhead c. 23

An Act to make further provision for electing and summoning sixteen peers of Scotland to sit in the house of peers in the parliament of Great Britain; and for trying peers for offences committed in Scotland; and for the further regulating of voters in elections of members to serve in parliament.

6 Ann. c. 79[1]
Ruffhead c. 13