List of amphibians of Indonesia


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This is a list of native amphibians in Indonesia.[1]

  • Family: Bombinatoridae Gray, 1825
  • Family: Bufonidae Gray, 1825
    • Genus: Ansonia Stoliczka, 1870
    • Genus: Duttaphrynus Frost, Grant, Faivovich, Bain, Haas, Haddad, de Sá, Channing, Wilkinson, Donnellan, Raxworthy, Campbell, Blotto, Moler, Drewes, Nussbaum, Lynch, Green, and Wheeler, 2006
    • Genus: Ingerophrynus Frost, Grant, Faivovich, Bain, Haas, Haddad, de Sá, Channing, Wilkinson, Donnellan, Raxworthy, Campbell, Blotto, Moler, Drewes, Nussbaum, Lynch, Green, and Wheeler, 2006
    • Genus: Leptophryne Fitzinger, 1843
    • Genus: Pelophryne Barbour, 1938
    • Genus: Phrynoidis Fitzinger in Treitschke, 1842
    • Genus: Pseudobufo Tschudi, 1838
    • Genus: Rentapia Chan, Grismer, Zachariah, Brown, and Abraham, 2016
    • Genus: Rhinella Fitzinger, 1826
    • Genus: Sabahphrynus Matsui, Yambun, and Sudin, 2007
    • Genus: Sigalegalephrynus
      • Sigalegalephrynus mandailinguensis Smart, Sarker, Arifin, Harvey, Sidik, Hamidy, Kurniawan, and Smith, 2017
      • Sigalegalephrynus minangkabauensis Smart, Sarker, Arifin, Harvey, Sidik, Hamidy, Kurniawan, and Smith, 2017
      • Sigalegalephrynus burnitelonensis Sarker, Wostl, Thammachoti, Sidik, Hamidy, Kurniawan, and Smith, 2019
      • Sigalegalephrynus gayoluesensis Sarker, Wostl, Thammachoti, Sidik, Hamidy, Kurniawan, and Smith, 2019
      • Sigalegalephrynus harveyi Sarker, Wostl, Thammachoti, Sidik, Hamidy, Kurniawan, and Smith, 2019
  • Family: Ceratobatrachidae Boulenger, 1884
  • Subfamily: Alcalinae Brown, Siler, Richards, Diesmos, and Cannatella, 2015
    • Genus: Alcalus Brown, Siler, Richards, Diesmos, and Cannatella, 2015
  • Subfamily: Ceratobatrachinae Boulenger, 1884
  • Family: Dicroglossidae Anderson, 1871
  • Subfamily: Dicroglossinae Anderson, 1871
    • Genus: Fejervarya Bolkay, 1915
    • Genus: Limnonectes Fitzinger, 1843
      • Limnonectes arathooni (Smith, 1927)
      • Limnonectes asperatus (Inger, Boeadi, and Taufik, 1996)
      • Limnonectes blythii (Boulenger, 1920)
      • Limnonectes dammermani (Mertens, 1929)
      • Limnonectes finchi (Inger, 1966)
      • Limnonectes grunniens (Latreille, 1801)
      • Limnonectes heinrichi (Ahl, 1933)
      • Limnonectes hikidai Matsui and Nishikawa, 2014
      • Limnonectes ibanorum (Inger, 1964)
      • Limnonectes ingeri (Kiew, 1978)
      • Limnonectes kadarsani Iskandar, Boeadi, and Sancoyo, 1996
      • Limnonectes kenepaiensis (Inger, 1966)
      • Limnonectes khasianus (Anderson, 1871)
      • Limnonectes kong Dehling and Dehling, 2017
      • Limnonectes kuhlii (Tschudi, 1838)
      • Limnonectes larvaepartus Iskandar, Evans, and McGuire, 2014
      • Limnonectes leporinus Andersson, 1923
      • Limnonectes macrodon (Duméril and Bibron, 1841)
      • Limnonectes macrognathus (Boulenger, 1917)
      • Limnonectes malesianus (Kiew, 1984)
      • Limnonectes microdiscus (Boettger, 1892)
      • Limnonectes microtympanum (Van Kampen, 1907)
      • Limnonectes modestus (Boulenger, 1882)
      • Limnonectes palavanensis (Boulenger, 1894)
      • Limnonectes paramacrodon (Inger, 1966)
      • Limnonectes rhacodus (Inger, Boeadi, and Taufik, 1996)
      • Limnonectes shompenorum Das, 1996
      • Limnonectes sinuatodorsalis Matsui, 2015
      • Limnonectes sisikdagu McLeod, Horner, Husted, Barley, and Iskandar, 2011
      • Limnonectes timorensis (Smith, 1927)
      • Limnonectes tweediei (Smith, 1935)
  • Subfamily: Occidozyginae Fei, Ye, and Huang, 1990
  • Family: Hylidae Rafinesque, 1815
  • Family: Megophryidae Bonaparte, 1850
    • Genus: Leptobrachella Smith, 1925
      • Leptobrachella baluensis Smith, 1931
      • Leptobrachella dringi (Dubois, 1987)
      • Leptobrachella gracilis (Günther, 1872)
      • Leptobrachella hamidi (Matsui, 1997)
      • Leptobrachella juliandringi Eto, Matsui, and Nishikawa, 2015
      • Leptobrachella mjobergi Smith, 1925
      • Leptobrachella natunae (Günther, 1895)
      • Leptobrachella picta (Malkmus, 1992)
      • Leptobrachella serasanae Dring, 1983
    • Genus: Leptobrachium Tschudi, 1838
    • Genus: Megophrys Kuhl and Van Hasselt, 1822
  • Family: Microhylidae Günther, 1858 (1843)
  • Subfamily: Asterophryinae Günther, 1858
    • Genus: Aphantophryne
    • Genus: Asterophrys Tschudi, 1838
      • Asterophrys eurydactyla (Zweifel, 1972)
      • Asterophrys foja (Günther, Richards, and Tjaturadi, 2016)
      • Asterophrys leucopus Richards, Johnston, and Burton, 1994
      • Asterophrys marani (Günther, 2009)
      • Asterophrys pullifer (Günther, 2006)
      • Asterophrys slateri Loveridge, 1955
      • Asterophrys turpicola (Schlegel, 1837)
    • Genus: Austrochaperina Fry, 1912
    • Genus: Barygenys Parker, 1936
    • Genus: Callulops Boulenger, 1888
      • Callulops biakensis Günther, Stelbrink, and von Rintelen, 2012
      • Callulops boettgeri (Méhely, 1901)
      • Callulops dubius (Boettger, 1895)
      • Callulops fojaensis Oliver, Richards, and Tjaturadi, 2012
      • Callulops fuscus (Peters, 1867)
      • Callulops kampeni (Boulenger, 1914)
      • Callulops kopsteini (Mertens, 1930)
      • Callulops valvifer (Barbour, 1910)
      • Callulops wondiwoiensis Günther, Stelbrink, and von Rintelen, 2012
      • Callulops yapenensis Günther, Stelbrink, and von Rintelen, 2012
    • Genus: Choerophryne Van Kampen, 1914
      • Choerophryne amomani Günther, 2008
      • Choerophryne arndtorum Günther, 2008
      • Choerophryne laurini (Günther, 2000)
      • Choerophryne microps Günther, 2008
      • Choerophryne nigrescens Günther, 2008
      • Choerophryne proboscidea Van Kampen, 1914
      • Choerophryne rostellifer (Wandolleck, 1911)
      • Choerophryne tubercula (Richards, Johnston, and Burton, 1992)
      • Choerophryne variegata (Van Kampen, 1923)
    • Genus: Cophixalus Boettger, 1892
      • Cophixalus balbus Günther, 2003
      • Cophixalus biroi (Méhely, 1901)
      • Cophixalus cheesmanae Parker, 1934
      • Cophixalus humicola Günther, 2006
      • Cophixalus monosyllabus Günther, 2010
      • Cophixalus montanus (Boettger, 1895)
      • Cophixalus pictus Kraus, 2012
      • Cophixalus rajampatensis Günther, Richards, Tjaturadi, and Krey, 2015
      • Cophixalus salawatiensis Günther, Richards, Tjaturadi, and Krey, 2015
      • Cophixalus tetzlaffi Günther, 2003
      • Cophixalus tridactylus Günther, 2006
    • Genus: Copiula Méhely, 1901
    • Genus: Gastrophrynoides Noble, 1926
    • Genus: Hylophorbus Macleay, 1878
    • Genus: Mantophryne Boulenger, 1897
    • Genus: Oninia Günther, Stelbrink, and von Rintelen, 2010
    • Genus: Oreophryne Boettger, 1895
      • Oreophryne albopunctata (Van Kampen, 1909)
      • Oreophryne alticola Zweifel, Cogger, and Richards, 2005
      • Oreophryne asplenicola Günther, 2003
      • Oreophryne atrigularis Günther, Richards, and Iskandar, 2001
      • Oreophryne biroi (Méhely, 1897)
      • Oreophryne brevicrus Zweifel, 1956
      • Oreophryne brevirostris Zweifel, Cogger, and Richards, 2005
      • Oreophryne celebensis (Müller, 1894)
      • Oreophryne choerophrynoides Günther, 2015
      • Oreophryne clamata Günther, 2003
      • Oreophryne crucifer (Van Kampen, 1913)
      • Oreophryne flava Parker, 1934
      • Oreophryne frontifasciata (Horst, 1883)
      • Oreophryne furu Günther, Richards, Tjaturadi, and Iskandar, 2009
      • Oreophryne habbemensis Zweifel, Cogger, and Richards, 2005
      • Oreophryne idenburgensis Zweifel, 1956
      • Oreophryne jeffersoniana Dunn, 1928
      • Oreophryne kapisa Günther, 2003
      • Oreophryne mertoni (Roux, 1910)
      • Oreophryne minuta Richards and Iskandar, 2000
      • Oreophryne moluccensis (Peters and Doria, 1878)
      • Oreophryne monticola (Boulenger, 1897)
      • Oreophryne oviprotector Günther, Richards, Bickford, and Johnston, 2012
      • Oreophryne pseudasplenicola Günther, 2003
      • Oreophryne roedeli Günther, 2015
      • Oreophryne rookmaakeri Mertens, 1927
      • Oreophryne sibilans Günther, 2003
      • Oreophryne terrestris Zweifel, Cogger, and Richards, 2005
      • Oreophryne unicolor Günther, 2003
      • Oreophryne variabilis (Boulenger, 1896)
      • Oreophryne waira Günther, 2003
      • Oreophryne wapoga Günther, Richards, and Iskandar, 2001
      • Oreophryne wolterstorffi (Werner, 1901)
      • Oreophryne zimmeri Ahl, 1933
    • Genus: Sphenophryne Peters and Doria, 1878
    • Genus: Xenorhina Peters, 1863
      • Xenorhina adisca Kraus and Allison, 2003
      • Xenorhina anorbis (Blum and Menzies, 1989)
      • Xenorhina arfakiana (Blum and Menzies, 1989)
      • Xenorhina arndti Günther, 2010
      • Xenorhina bidens Van Kampen, 1909
      • Xenorhina bouwensi (De Witte, 1930)
      • Xenorhina eiponis Blum and Menzies, 1989
      • Xenorhina fuscigula (Blum and Menzies, 1989)
      • Xenorhina gigantea Van Kampen, 1915
      • Xenorhina lanthanites (Günther and Knop, 2006)
      • Xenorhina macrodisca Günther and Richards, 2005
      • Xenorhina macrops Van Kampen, 1913
      • Xenorhina mehelyi (Boulenger, 1898)
      • Xenorhina minima (Parker, 1934)
      • Xenorhina multisica (Blum and Menzies, 1989)
      • Xenorhina obesa (Zweifel, 1960)
      • Xenorhina ocellata Van Kampen, 1913
      • Xenorhina ophiodon (Peters and Doria, 1878)
      • Xenorhina oxycephala (Schlegel, 1858)
      • Xenorhina parkerorum Zweifel, 1972
      • Xenorhina rostrata (Méhely, 1898)
      • Xenorhina scheepstrai (Blum and Menzies, 1989)
      • Xenorhina schiefenhoeveli (Blum and Menzies, 1989)
      • Xenorhina similis (Zweifel, 1956)
      • Xenorhina varia Günther and Richards, 2005
  • Subfamily: Chaperininae Peloso, Frost, Richards, Rodrigues, Donnellan, Matsui, Raxworthy, Biju, Lemmon, Lemmon, and Wheeler, 2016
  • Subfamily: Kalophryninae Mivart, 1869
  • Subfamily: Microhylinae Günther, 1858 (1843)
    • Genus: Glyphoglossus Gunther, 1869 “1868”
    • Genus: Kaloula Gray, 1831
    • Genus: Metaphrynella Parker, 1934
    • Genus: Microhyla Tschudi, 1838
      • Microhyla achatina Tschudi, 1838
      • Microhyla berdmorei (Blyth, 1856)
      • Microhyla borneensis Parker, 1928
      • Microhyla heymonsi Vogt, 1911
      • Microhyla malang Matsui, 2011
      • Microhyla orientalis Matsui, Hamidy, and Eto, 2013
      • Microhyla palmipes Boulenger, 1897
      • Microhyla perparva Inger and Frogner, 1979
      • Microhyla petrigena Inger and Frogner, 1979
      • Microhyla superciliaris Parker, 1928
    • Genus: Micryletta Dubois, 1987
    • Genus: Phrynella Boulenger, 1887

Superfamily: Myobatrachoidea

  • Family: Limnodynastidae Lynch, 1969
  • Family: Myobatrachidae Schlegel, 1850
  • Subfamily: Litoriinae Dubois and Frétey, 2016
      • Genus: Litoria Tschudi, 1838
      • Litoria amboinensis (Horst, 1883)
      • Litoria angiana (Boulenger, 1915)
      • Litoria arfakiana (Peters and Doria, 1878)
      • Litoria biakensis Günther, 2006
      • Litoria capitula (Tyler, 1968)
      • Litoria chloronota (Boulenger, 1911)
      • Litoria christianbergmanni Günther, 2008
      • Litoria congenita (Peters and Doria, 1878)
      • Litoria darlingtoni (Loveridge, 1945)
      • Litoria dorsalis Macleay, 1878
      • Litoria eurynastes Menzies, Richards, and Tyler, 2008
      • Litoria everetti (Boulenger, 1897)
      • Litoria gasconi Richards, Oliver, Krey, and Tjaturadi, 2009
      • Litoria havina Menzies, 1993
      • Litoria humboldtorum Günther, 2006
      • Litoria iris (Tyler, 1962)
      • Litoria lodesdema Menzies, Richards, and Tyler, 2008
      • Litoria longicrus (Boulenger, 1911)
      • Litoria mareku Günther, 2008
      • Litoria megalops Richards and Iskandar, 2006
      • Litoria micromembrana (Tyler, 1963)
      • Litoria modica (Tyler, 1968)
      • Litoria mucro Menzies, 1993
      • Litoria mystax (Van Kampen, 1906)
      • Litoria nasuta (Gray, 1842)
      • Litoria nigrofrenata (Günther, 1867)
      • Litoria nigropunctata (Meyer, 1875)
      • Litoria pygmaea (Meyer, 1875)
      • Litoria quadrilineata Tyler and Parker, 1974
      • Litoria rothii (De Vis, 1884)
      • Litoria rubella (Gray, 1842)
      • Litoria scabra Günther and Richards, 2005
      • Litoria thesaurensis (Peters, 1877)
      • Litoria timida Tyler and Parker, 1972
      • Litoria umarensis Günther, 2004
      • Litoria umbonata Tyler and Davies, 1983
      • Litoria verae Günther, 2004
      • Litoria viranula Menzies, Richards, and Tyler, 2008
      • Litoria vocivincens Menzies, 1972
      • Litoria wapogaensis Richards and Iskandar, 2001
      • Litoria wisselensis (Tyler, 1968)
      • Litoria wollastoni (Boulenger, 1914)
  • Subfamily: Pelodryadinae Günther, 1858
    • Genus: Nyctimystes Stejneger, 1916
      • Nyctimystes fluviatilis Zweifel, 1958
      • Nyctimystes granti (Boulenger, 1914)
      • Nyctimystes humeralis (Boulenger, 1912)
      • Nyctimystes infrafrenatus (Günther, 1867)
      • Nyctimystes montanus (Peters and Doria, 1878)
      • Nyctimystes narinosus Zweifel, 1958
      • Nyctimystes pulcher (Wandolleck, 1911)
      • Nyctimystes purpureolatus (Oliver, Richards, Tjaturadi, and Iskandar, 2007)
      • Nyctimystes sanguinolenta (Van Kampen, 1909)
    • Genus: Ranoidea Tschudi, 1838
      • Ranoidea papua” (Van Kampen, 1909)
      • Ranoidea aruensis (Horst, 1883)
      • Ranoidea brongersmai (Loveridge, 1945)
      • Ranoidea caerulea (White, 1790)
      • Ranoidea dahlii (Boulenger, 1896)
      • Ranoidea dorsivena (Tyler, 1968)
      • Ranoidea elkeae (Günther and Richards, 2000)
      • Ranoidea eucnemis (Lönnberg, 1900)
      • Ranoidea fuscula (Oliver and Richards, 2007)
      • Ranoidea genimaculata (Horst, 1883)
      • Ranoidea graminea (Boulenger, 1905)
      • Ranoidea macki (Richards, 2001)
      • Ranoidea napaea (Tyler, 1968)
      • Ranoidea pratti (Boulenger, 1911)
      • Ranoidea rara (Günther and Richards, 2005)
      • Ranoidea rivicola (Günther and Richards, 2005)
      • Ranoidea rueppelli (Boettger, 1895)
  • Family: Pipidae Gray, 1825
  • Family: Ranidae Batsch, 1796
    • Genus: Abavorana Oliver, Prendini, Kraus, and Raxworthy, 2015
    • Genus: Amnirana Dubois, 1992
    • Genus: Chalcorana Dubois, 1992
      • Chalcorana chalconota (Schlegel, 1837)
      • Chalcorana macrops (Boulenger, 1897)
      • Chalcorana megalonesa (Inger, Stuart, and Iskandar, 2009)
      • Chalcorana mocquardi (Werner, 1901)
      • Chalcorana parvaccola (Inger, Stuart, and Iskandar, 2009)
      • Chalcorana raniceps (Peters, 1871)
      • Chalcorana rufipes (Inger, Stuart, and Iskandar, 2009)
    • Genus: Huia Yang, 1991
    • Genus: Hylarana Tschudi, 1838
    • Genus: Lithobates Fitzinger, 1843
    • Genus: Meristogenys Yang, 1991
    • Genus: Odorrana Fei, Ye, and Huang, 1990
    • Genus: Papurana Dubois, 1992
      • Papurana arfaki (Meyer, 1875)
      • Papurana aurata (Günther, 2003)
      • Papurana daemeli (Steindachner, 1868)
      • Papurana elberti (Roux, 1911)
      • Papurana florensis (Boulenger, 1897)
      • Papurana garritor (Menzies, 1987)
      • Papurana grisea (Van Kampen, 1913)
      • Papurana jimiensis (Tyler, 1963)
      • Papurana moluccana (Boettger, 1895)
      • Papurana novaeguineae (Van Kampen, 1909)
      • Papurana papua (Lesson, 1829)
      • Papurana supragrisea (Menzies, 1987)
      • Papurana volkerjane (Günther, 2003)
    • Genus: Pulchrana Dubois, 1992
      • Pulchrana baramica (Boettger, 1900)
      • Pulchrana debussyi (Van Kampen, 1910)
      • Pulchrana glandulosa (Boulenger, 1882)
      • Pulchrana laterimaculata (Barbour and Noble, 1916)
      • Pulchrana picturata (Boulenger, 1920)
      • Pulchrana rawa (Matsui, Mumpuni, and Hamidy, 2012)
      • Pulchrana siberu (Dring, McCarthy, and Whitten, 1990)
      • Pulchrana signata (Günther, 1872)
    • Genus: Sanguirana Dubois, 1992
    • Genus: Staurois Cope, 1865
    • Genus: Sumaterana Arifin, Smart, Hertwig, Smith, Iskandar, and Haas, 2018
      • Sumaterana crassiovis (Boulenger, 1920)
      • Sumaterana dabulescens Arifin, Smart, Hertwig, Smith, Iskandar, and Haas, 2018
      • Sumaterana montana Arifin, Smart, Hertwig, Smith, Iskandar, and Haas, 2018
  • Family: Rhacophoridae Hoffman, 1932 (1858)
  • Subfamily: Rhacophorinae Hoffman, 1932 (1858)
    • Genus: Chiromantis Peters, 1854
    • Genus: Feihyla Frost, Grant, Faivovich, Bain, Haas, Haddad, de Sá, Channing, Wilkinson, Donnellan, Raxworthy, Campbell, Blotto, Moler, Drewes, Nussbaum, Lynch, Green, and Wheeler, 2006
    • Genus: Kurixalus Ye, Fei, and Dubois, 1999
    • Genus: Nyctixalus Boulenger, 1882
    • Genus: Philautus Gistel, 1848
      • Philautus amabilis Wostl, Riyanto, Hamidy, Kurniawan, Smith, and Harvey, 2017
      • Philautus aurifasciatus (Schlegel, 1837)
      • Philautus cornutus (Boulenger, 1920)
      • Philautus erythrophthalmus Stuebing and Wong, 2000
      • Philautus hosii (Boulenger, 1895)
      • Philautus ingeri Dring, 1987
      • Philautus jacobsoni (Van Kampen, 1912)
      • Philautus kerangae Dring, 1987
      • Philautus larutensis (Boulenger, 1900)
      • Philautus longicrus (Boulenger, 1894)
      • Philautus macroscelis (Boulenger, 1896)
      • Philautus mjobergi Smith, 1925
      • Philautus pallidipes (Barbour, 1908)
      • Philautus petersi (Boulenger, 1900)
      • Philautus polymorphus Wostl, Riyanto, Hamidy, Kurniawan, Smith, and Harvey, 2017
      • Philautus refugii Inger and Stuebing, 1996
      • Philautus tectus Dring, 1987
      • Philautus thamyridion Wostl, Riyanto, Hamidy, Kurniawan, Smith, and Harvey, 2017
      • Philautus ventrimaculatus Wostl, Riyanto, Hamidy, Kurniawan, Smith, and Harvey, 2017
    • Genus: Polypedates Tschudi, 1838
      • Polypedates colletti (Boulenger, 1890)
      • Polypedates iskandari Riyanto, Mumpuni, and McGuire, 2011
      • Polypedates leucomystax (Gravenhorst, 1829)
      • Polypedates macrotis (Boulenger, 1891)
      • Polypedates mutus (Smith, 1940)
      • Polypedates otilophus (Boulenger, 1893)
      • Polypedates pseudotilophus Matsui, Hamidy, and Kuraishi, 2014
    • Genus: Rhacophorus Kuhl and Van Hasselt, 1822
      • Rhacophorus achantharrhena Harvey, Pemberton, and Smith, 2002
      • Rhacophorus angulirostris Ahl, 1927
      • Rhacophorus barisani Harvey, Pemberton, and Smith, 2002
      • Rhacophorus bengkuluensis Streicher, Hamidy, Harvey, Anders, Shaney, Kurniawan, and Smith, 2014
      • Rhacophorus bifasciatus Van Kampen, 1923
      • Rhacophorus catamitus Harvey, Pemberton, and Smith, 2002
      • Rhacophorus cyanopunctatus Manthey and Steiof, 1998
      • Rhacophorus dulitensis Boulenger, 1892
      • Rhacophorus edentulus Müller, 1894
      • Rhacophorus fasciatus Boulenger, 1895
      • Rhacophorus gauni (Inger, 1966)
      • Rhacophorus georgii Roux, 1904
      • Rhacophorus harrissoni Inger and Haile, 1959
      • Rhacophorus indonesiensis Hamidy and Kurniati, 2015
      • Rhacophorus margaritifer (Schlegel, 1837)
      • Rhacophorus modestus Boulenger, 1920
      • Rhacophorus monticola Boulenger, 1896
      • Rhacophorus nigropalmatus Boulenger, 1895
      • Rhacophorus norhayatii Chan and Grismer, 2010
      • Rhacophorus pardalis Günther, 1858
      • Rhacophorus poecilonotus Boulenger, 1920
      • Rhacophorus pseudacutirostris Dehling, 2011
      • Rhacophorus reinwardtii (Schlegel, 1840)
      • Rhacophorus rufipes Inger, 1966
    • Genus: Theloderma Tschudi, 1838

Order: Gymnophiona[edit]

  • Family: Ichthyophiidae Taylor, 1968
    • Genus: Ichthyophis Fitzinger, 1826
      • Ichthyophis bernisi Salvador, 1975
      • Ichthyophis billitonensis Taylor, 1965
      • Ichthyophis elongatus Taylor, 1965
      • Ichthyophis humphreyi Taylor, 1973
      • Ichthyophis hypocyaneus (Boie, 1827)
      • Ichthyophis javanicus Taylor, 1960
      • Ichthyophis monochrous (Bleeker, 1858)
      • Ichthyophis nigroflavus Taylor, 1960
      • Ichthyophis paucidentulus Taylor, 1960
      • Ichthyophis paucisulcus Taylor, 1960
      • Ichthyophis sumatranus Taylor, 1960

