List of highest historical junior scores in figure skating


The following list of highest historical junior scores in figure skating contains the highest junior scores earned before the 2018–2019 season under the ISU Judging System (IJS). The 2018–2019 season began on 1 July 2018.


After being trialed in 2003, the IJS replaced the old 6.0 system in the 2004–2005 figure skating season. Up to and including the 2017–2018 season, the Grade of Execution (GOE) scoring system for each program element ranged between –3 and +3. Starting with the 2018–2019 season, the GOE was expanded to range between –5 and +5. Hence, the International Skating Union (ISU) have restarted all records from the 2018–2019 season and all previous statistics have been marked as “historical”.[1] Accordingly, this page lists only the highest scores achieved before the 2018–2019 season, using the –3/+3 GOE scoring range.

The following lists are included:

Note: In the case of personal best lists, only one score is listed for any one skater, i.e. their personal best. The absolute best lists may include more than one score for the same skater.

The ISU only recognizes the best scores that are set at international competitions run under the ISU’s rules, and does not recognize, for example, scores that are obtained at national figure skating championships. The junior competitions recognized by the ISU are: Youth Olympics (including the team event), World Junior Championships, and Junior GP events.

Alexandra Trusova was the record holder for the junior ladies’ combined total, short program and free skate scores before the 2018–19 season
Sui Wenjing and Han Cong were the record holders for the junior pairs' free program score before the 2018–19 season.
Sui Wenjing and Han Cong were the record holders for the junior pairs’ free program score before the 2018–19 season.

Elena Ilinykh and Nikita Katsalapov were the junior record holders of the eliminated original dance. At the time they were also the record holders of free dance and combined total scores.

Table of Contents


Junior record holders[edit]




Ice dance[edit]

Historical ice dance (2003–2010)[edit]

Prior to the 2010–2011 season, ice dance competitions included a compulsory dance and original dance (there was no short dance).

Technical and component record scores[edit]

Dmitri Aliev was the record holder for the junior men's PCS records before the 2018–19 season
Dmitri Aliev was the record holder for the junior men’s PCS records before the 2018–19 season

Alexandra Trusova was the record holder for junior ladies’ both TES records and short program PCS record before the 2018–19 season

TES = Technical Element Score
PCS = Program Component Score




Ice dance[edit]

Highest personal best scores[edit]

The following lists include only personal best scores of skaters. To see lists where multiple scores from the same skater are included, see absolute best scores.


Best total scores[edit]

Vincent Zhou was the junior record holder for the combined total and free skate scores.

All skaters whose personal best total score is above 222 points are listed here.[2][3]

Best short program scores[edit]

Shoma Uno was the junior record holder for the short program score.

All skaters whose personal best short program score is above 76 points are listed here.[4][2]

Best free program scores[edit]

All skaters whose personal best free program score is above 149 points are listed here.[5][2]


Best total scores[edit]

Alexandra Trusova was the record holder for the junior ladies’ combined total, free skate and short program scores. She was the 1st junior lady ever to score above 140 and 150 points in the free skating and above 210 and 220 points overall.

All skaters whose personal best score is above 186 points are listed here.[6][7]

Best short program scores[edit]

All skaters whose personal best short program score is above 65 points are listed here.[8][6]

Best free program scores[edit]

Alina Zagitova held the second highest score for the free program score. She was the 1st junior lady ever to score above 70 points in the short program and 200 points overall.
Alina Zagitova held the second highest score for the free program score. She was the 1st junior lady ever to score above 70 points in the short program and 200 points overall.

All skaters whose personal best free program score is above 123 points are listed here.[9][6]


Best total scores[edit]

All pairs teams whose personal best score is above 159 points are listed here.[10][11]

Best short program scores[edit]

All pairs teams whose personal best short program score is above 59 points are listed here.[12][10]

Best free program scores[edit]

Sui Wenjing and Han Cong were the record holders for the junior pairs' free program score.

All pairs teams whose personal best free program score is above 104 points are listed here.[13][10]

Ice dance[edit]

Best total scores[edit]

All ice dance teams whose personal best total score is above 143 points are listed here.[14][15]

Best short dance scores[edit]

All ice dance teams whose personal best short dance score is above 61 points are listed here.[16][14]

Best free dance scores[edit]

All ice dance teams whose personal best free dance score is above 87 points are listed here.[17][14]

Historical ice dance (2003–2010)[edit]

Prior to the 2010–2011 season, ice dance competitions included a compulsory dance and original dance (there was no short dance).

Elena Ilinykh and Nikita Katsalapov were the junior record holders of the eliminated original dance. At the time they were also the record holders of free dance and combined total scores.
Elena Ilinykh and Nikita Katsalapov were the junior record holders of the eliminated original dance. At the time they were also the record holders of free dance and combined total scores.

Best total scores[edit]


Best compulsory dance scores[edit]


Best original dance scores[edit]


Best free dance scores[edit]


Absolute best scores[edit]

These lists may include more than one score from an individual skater.


Best total scores[edit]

Dmitri Aliev had scored twice above 240 points and three times above 232 points. Thrice he had scored above 80 points in the short program.

All junior scores above 230 points are listed here.[2]

Best short program scores[edit]

Alexander Samarin had scored thrice above 234 points, thrice above 80 points in the short program and twice above 160 points in free skating.

All junior short program scores above 78 points are listed here.[2]

Best free program scores[edit]

Cha Jun-hwan had scored twice above 160 points in free skating.

All junior free program scores above 155 points are listed here.[2]


Best total scores[edit]

Alina Zagitova was the first junior lady ever to score above 200 points. She had scored the best two combined total scores, and the best two free skating scores. She had scored twice above 207 points, four times above 68 points in the short program and twice above 136 points in free skating. She was the first junior lady to score more than 70 points in a short program, and she did it twice in her junior career.

All junior scores above 194 points are listed here.[6]

Best short program scores[edit]

Alena Kostornaia had scored three times above 192 points and once above 204 points. She had scored four times above 67 points and twice above 71 points in the short program. She had scored twice above 128 points and once above 132 points in free skating.

All junior short program scores above 67 points are listed here.[6]

Best free program scores[edit]

Anastasiia Gubanova had scored twice above 194 points. She had scored twice above 129 points in free skating. She was the first junior lady ever to score above 130 points in free skating but Alina Zagitova broke that record less than 10 minutes later.

All junior free program scores above 127 points are listed here.[6]


Best total scores[edit]

Anastasia Mishina and Vladislav Mirzoev had scored once above 180 points and four times above 172 points. Thrice they had scored above 62 points in the short program and twice above 113 points in free skating.

All junior scores above 168 points are listed here.[10]

Best short program scores[edit]

Yu Xiaoyu and Jin Yang had scored thrice above 173 points. Thrice they had scored above 62 points in the short program and twice above 112 points in free skating.

All junior short program scores above 60 points are listed here.[10]

Best free program scores[edit]

All junior free program scores above 110 points are listed here.[10]

Ice dance[edit]

Best total scores[edit]

All junior scores above 155 points are listed here.[14]

Best short dance scores[edit]

All junior short dance scores above 65 points are listed here.[14]

Best free dance scores[edit]

All junior free dance scores above 92 points are listed here.[14]

Progression of junior record scores[edit]


Shoma Uno scored impressive short program score of 84.87 points at the 2015 World Junior Championships. His score was about 8 points better than the previous record. During his junior career he also once scored both combined total record and free skating record.

Total score[edit]

Progression of junior men’s combined total record score. This list starts from the skater who first scored above 180 points.[2]

Short program score[edit]

Progression of junior men’s short program record score. This list starts from the skater who first scored above 65 points.[2]

Free program score[edit]

Progression of junior men’s free skating record score. This list starts from the skater who first scored above 120 points.[2]


Alina Zagitova scored 208.60 points at the 2017 Junior Worlds which was a World junior record at the time. She scored five World junior records during her junior career.

Total score[edit]

Progression of junior ladies’ combined total record score. This list starts from the skater who first scored above 160 points.[6]

Short program score[edit]

Yulia Lipnitskaya scored 187.05 points at the 2012 Junior Worlds which was a World junior record at the time. She scored five World junior records during her junior career. Two of the records were previously held by Mao Asada and they had lasted six and a half years until Lipnitskaya broke them in October 2011.

Progression of junior ladies short program record score. This list starts from the skater who first scored above 55 points.[6]

Free program score[edit]

Elena Radionova scored 194.29 points at the 2014 Junior Worlds which was a World junior record at the time. She scored three World junior records during her junior career.

Progression of junior ladies’ free skating record score. This list starts from the skater who first scored above 100 points.[6]


Sui Wenjing and Han Cong scored 118.54 points in free skating at the 2011 JGP Austria and they still hold the current World junior free skating record. They scored a total of ten World junior records during their junior career. They scored three times the combined total record, twice the short program record and five times the free skating record.

Yu Xiaoyu and Jin Yang scored three World junior records during their junior career. They scored once the combined total record and twice the short program record.

Total score[edit]

Progression of junior pairs’ combined total record score. This list starts from the pair who scored the highest score in 2004.[10]

Short program score[edit]

Progression of junior pairs’ short program record score. This list starts from the pair who scored the highest score in 2004.[10]

Free program score[edit]

Progression of junior pairs’ free skating record score. This list starts from the pair who scored the highest score in 2004.[10]

Ice dance[edit]

Ksenia Monko and Kirill Khaliavin scored 155.04 points at the 2010 JGP United Kingdom which was not only the junior record but also the senior record at the time. This was the second time they scored a senior record of combined total score. They also scored twice the senior short dance record and once the senior free dance record. In total they scored six junior records and five senior records during their junior career. Their combined total and short dance junior records which they skated in 2010 lasted until 2014.

Total score[edit]

Progression of junior ice dance combined total record score. This list starts from the ice dance team who scored the highest score in 2010.[14]

Short dance score[edit]

Progression of junior short dance record score. This list starts from the ice dance team who scored the highest score in 2010.[14]

Free dance score[edit]

Progression of junior free dance record score. This list starts from the ice dance team who scored the highest score in 2010.[14]

Historical ice dance (2003–2010)[edit]

Prior to the 2010–2011 season, ice dance competitions included a compulsory dance and original dance (there was no short dance).

Elena Ilinykh and Nikita Katsalapov were the junior record holders of the eliminated original dance. At the time they were also the record holders of free dance and combined total scores.

Total score[edit]

Progression of junior ice dance combined total record score. [18]

Compulsory dance score[edit]

Progression of junior compulsory dance record score. [19]

Original dance score[edit]

Progression of junior original dance record score. [20]

Free dance score[edit]

Progression of junior free dance record score. [21]

Highest personal best technical element scores[edit]

TES = Technical Element Score


Short program

Free skating

Cha Jun-hwan had the 2nd best SP TES and the 9th best FS TES.


Short program

Free skating


Short program

Free skating

Ice dance[edit]

Short dance

Free dance

Loboda and Drozd had the 6th best SD TES and the 3rd best FD TES.

Highest personal best program component scores[edit]

PCS = Program Component Score


Short program

Free skating


Short program

Free skating


Short program

Free skating

Ice dance[edit]

Short dance

Free dance

Miscellaneous junior records and highest element scores[edit]

GOE = Grade of Execution
BV = Base value

The base value of the element may have changed over time. An ‘x’ after the base value means that the base value has been multiplied by 1.1 because the jump was executed in the second half of the program.


Highest valued triple Axels

All scores above 11 points are listed here.

Highest valued quadruples

All scores above 12.50 points are listed here.

Highest valued two jump combos

All scores above 15.50 points are listed here.

Highest valued three jump combos

All scores above 14 points are listed here.


Highest valued triple Axels

Highest valued quadruples

Highest valued two jump combos

All scores above 13 points are listed here.

Highest valued three jump combos

All scores above 13 points are listed here.


Highest valued triple twists

All scores above 8 points are listed here.

Highest valued quadruple twists

All scores above 6.50 points are listed here.

Highest valued quadruple throws

All scores above 7 points are listed here.

Highest valued jump combos

All scores above 7.50 points are listed here.

Highest scores achieved at main international junior events[edit]

The ISU does not officially recognize championships records.

World Junior Championships[edit]

Alexandra Trusova scored 225.52 points at the 2018 World Junior Championships which was one of the highest scores ever, including senior events. Her free skating score was 153.49 points. Only two senior ladies, Evgenia Medvedeva and Alina Zagitova, had ever scored higher in free skating.

Men [2]

Ladies [6]

Pairs [10]

Ice dance [14]

Winter Youth Olympics[edit]




Ice dance

Winter Youth Olympics – Team event[edit]




Ice dance

Junior Grand Prix Final[edit]

Anastasia Mishina and Vladislav Mirzoev scored 180.63 points at the 2016–17 Junior Grand Prix Final which was the highest score that had ever been scored at a Junior Grand Prix Final.

Men [2]

Ladies [6]

Pairs [10]

Ice dance [14]

See also[edit]


External links[edit]
