List of the Cenozoic life of California

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This list of the Cenozoic life of California contains the various prehistoric life-forms whose fossilized remains have been reported from within the US state of California and are between 66 million and 10,000 years of age.

  • Cadulus
  • Caecum
  • Calicantharus
  • Calicovatellus – type locality for genus
  • Calidris
  • Californiconus
  • Calilampas
  • Calipepla
  • Calliostoma
  • Callista
  • Callistochiton
  • Callithaca
  • Callorhinus
  • Calopsectra
  • Calorebama
  • Calorhadia – tentative report
  • Calosoma
  • Calycites
  • Calyptraea

  • Calyptranthes
  • Life restoration of the Pliocene-Holocene camel Camelops


  • Campanile
  • Camponotus – type locality for genus
  • Canarium
  • Cancellaria
  • Cancer
  • Cancris
  • Canis
  • Canthon
  • Cantius
  • Capricamelus – type locality for genus
  • Capromeryx
  • Caracara
  • Carcharhinus
  • Carcharias
  • Carcharinus
  • Carcharodon
  • Cardium
  • Carpelimus
  • Carpites
  • Carpocyon
  • A living Carya, or hickory tree


  • Caryophyllia
  • Cassidulina
  • Castanea
  • Castanopsis
  • Castor
  • Catharista
  • Cathartes
  • Catoptrophorus
  • Catoptrophus
  • Catostomus
  • Ceanothus
  • Cedrela
  • Celastrus
  • Celtis
  • Centetodon
  • Centrifuga
  • Cepphus
  • Cercidiphyllum
  • Cercocarpus
  • Cerithidea
  • Cerithiopsis
  • Cerithium
  • Cernictis
  • Cernina
  • Cerorhinca
  • Cervus
  • Cetorhinus
  • Life restoration of the Miocene-Pliocene whale Cetotherium


  • Chaceia
  • Chaenophryne
  • Chaetodipus
  • Chaetoptelea
  • Chalcidichthys – type locality for genus
  • Chama
  • Chamaecyparis
  • Charadrius
  • Chauliodus – type locality for genus

  • Chedevillia
  • Chelonia
  • Chen
  • Life restoration of the Pleistocene-Holocene Chendytes, or Law’s diving-goose

    Chendytes – type locality for genus

  • Chilostomella
  • Chilostomelloides
  • Chione
  • Chionista
  • Chionopsis
  • Chlamys
  • Chlorostoma
  • Chorizanthe
  • Chrisodomus
  • Chrysobalanus
  • Chrysocyon

  • Chrysodomus – report made of unidentified related form or using admittedly obsolete nomenclature
  • Chrysolepis
  • Chumashius
  • Cibicides
  • Cibicidoides
  • Cicindela
  • Cidaris
  • Cinnamomum

  • Cissus
  • Citellus
  • Citharichthys
  • Claibornites
  • Clathrodrillia

  • Clathurella
  • Clavilithes
  • Clavus
  • Clementia
  • Cletocamptus
  • Clinocardium

  • Cliona
  • Clupea
  • Clypeaster
  • Cnemidophorus

  • Coalingodea
  • Coccodentalium
  • Cocconeis
  • Cochlespiropsis – tentative report
  • Cochliomyia – type locality for genus
  • Codakia

  • Colaptes
  • Colodon
  • Coluber
  • Colubraria
  • Columba – or unidentified comparable form
  • Columbarium
  • Colymbus
  • Compsomyax
  • Conasprelloides

  • Concavus
  • Conchocele
  • Coniontis
  • Conus
  • Cooperella
  • Copemys
  • Cophocara
  • Cophocetus – tentative report
  • Copris

  • Coragyps
  • Coralliophaga
  • Corbicula
  • Corbula
  • Fossilized skeleton preserved in situ (upper left, 2) of the Miocene-Pliocene horse Cormohipparion


  • Cornus
  • Coronadus – type locality for genus
  • Coronula – tentative report
  • Corvus
  • Cosomys
  • Cosoryx
  • Costacallista
  • Cranioceras

  • Craseops
  • Crassadoma
  • Crassatella
  • Crassinella
  • Crassispira

  • Crassostrea
  • Crataegus
  • Crawfordina
  • Crenaturricula
  • Crepidula
  • Crepipatella
  • Crommium
  • Crossata
  • Crotalus
  • Crucibulum
  • Crypholestes
  • Cryptocarya
  • Cryptoconus
  • Cryptomya
  • Cryptonatica
  • Cryptotermes

  • Cryptotis
  • Ctenocardia
  • Cucullaea
  • Culicoides
  • Cumingia
  • Cunnolites – tentative report
  • Cupania
  • Cupidinimus
  • Cupressus

  • Cuspidaria
  • Cuyamacamelus
  • Cuyamalagus
  • Cyanocitta
  • Cybocephalus
  • Cyclammina
  • Cyclinella
  • Cyclocardia
  • Cyclocorystes
  • Cyclosthone – or unidentified comparable form
  • Cyclothone

  • Cygnus
  • Cylichna
  • Cylichnella
  • Cymatium
  • Cymatogaster
  • Cymbophora
  • Cynarctoides
  • Cynarctus
  • Fossilized cranium of the Miocene bear-dog Cynelos


  • Cynorca
  • Cynoscion
  • Cyperus
  • Cypraea
  • Cyrena
  • Cyrtonyx

  • Cystiscus
  • Cythara
  • Cytherea
  • Fossilized shell of the Late Cretaceous-modern carrier shell sea snail Xenophora


  • Xenothrissa – type locality for genus
  • Xyne – type locality for genus
  • Xyrinius – type locality for genus


  1. ^

    Charles L. Powell II; Erica C. Clites; Ashley W. Poust (2019). “Miocene marine macropaleontology of the fourth bore Caldecott Tunnel excavation, Berkeley Hills, Oakland, California, USA”. PaleoBios. 36: ucmp_paleobios_44567.

  2. ^ Alton C. Dooley; Eric Scott; Jeremy Green; Kathleen B. Springer; Brett S. Dooley; Gregory James Smith (2019). Mammut pacificus sp. nov., a newly recognized species of mastodon from the Pleistocene of western North America”. PeerJ. 7: e6614. doi:10.7717/peerj.6614. PMC 6441323. PMID 30944777.
  3. ^ Alton C. Dooley; Eric Scott; Jeremy Green; Kathleen B. Springer; Brett S. Dooley; Gregory James Smith (2019). Mammut pacificus sp. nov., a newly recognized species of mastodon from the Pleistocene of western North America”. PeerJ. 7: e6614. doi:10.7717/peerj.6614. PMC 6441323. PMID 30944777.
  4. ^ Alton C. Dooley; Eric Scott; Jeremy Green; Kathleen B. Springer; Brett S. Dooley; Gregory James Smith (2019). Mammut pacificus sp. nov., a newly recognized species of mastodon from the Pleistocene of western North America”. PeerJ. 7: e6614. doi:10.7717/peerj.6614. PMC 6441323. PMID 30944777.