List of works exhibited at the National Treasure Gallery

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Honkan (Japanese Gallery) of the Tokyo National Museum, where the National Treasure Gallery is located.

This is a list of the paintings and works of calligraphy exhibited at the National Treasure Gallery in the Tokyo National Museum.

The National Treasure Gallery is located in Room 2 of the Honkan (Japanese Gallery), and like the name indicates it is dedicated to the display of items designated as National Treasures of Japan.[1][2]

At least one National Treasure is on exhibit at any given moment, changing approximately every month.[1]

Works exhibited[edit]



On exhibit Item Date Comments Image Ref.
November 26 to December 25 Lotus Sutra, Myoshogon’o honji hon chapter 13th century 1 out of 33 handscrolls, ink on paper decorated with gold and silver dust and foil. Lent by Jikō-ji, Saitama. Lotus Sutra Jikoji.jpg [2]
October 29 to November 24 Gunsho chiyo (Qunshu zhiyao), Vol. 26 11th century Tokyo National Museum; Kujō family Gunsho Chiyo2.jpg [3]
October 10 to 27 Sixteen Arhats; 7th and 10th arhat 11th century Tokyo National Museum; Formerly owned by Shojuraigoji Temple, Shiga. Arhat 7.jpg Arhat 10.jpg [4]
September 3 to 29 Jeweled Pagoda Mandala,Vols 1 and 4, Sovereign Kings of the Golden Light Sutra written in gold to form the pagoda 12th century Lent by Daichoju-in and Ochoju-in, Iwate Buddhist Paradise with Golden Pagoda.jpg [5]
August 6 to September 1 The Six Realms: The Animal Realm and The Asura Realm 13th century Tokyo National Museum; Lent by Shojuraigoji Temple, Shiga. [6]
July 9 to August 4 Gaki zoshi (Scroll of hungry ghosts) 12th century Tokyo National Museum Gaki-Zoushi.jpg [7]
June 4 to July 7 Engishiki Vol 12 and Vol 16 11th century Tokyo National Museum Engishiki Kujo edition.jpg [8]
May 14 to June 6 Senju Kannon (Sahasrabhuja) 17th century Tokyo National Museum; ex. Kawasaki Family Senju Kannon full.jpg [9]
April 9 to May 12 List of Ritual Objects for Esoteric Buddhism Brought from China by Priest Saicho 17th century Lent by Enryakuji, Shiga [10]
March 12 to April 7 Merrymaking Under Blossom Trees by Kano Naganobu 17th century Tokyo National Museum Aronia Blossoms Screen 2.jpg [11]
February 13 to March 10 Amida (Amitabha) Coming over the Mountain 13th century Eikan-dō Zenrin-ji Descent of Amitabha over the Mountain.jpg [12]
January 16 to February 11 Engishiki Kujo Edition 11th century Tokyo National Museum Engishiki Kujo edition.jpg [13]
January 2 to 14 Pine Trees 16th century Tokyo National Museum Hasegawa Tohaku - Pine Trees (Shōrin-zu byōbu) - left hand screen.jpg [14]


On exhibit Item Date Comments Image Ref.
November 27 to December 9 Patriarch of the Tendai School Zenmui (Subhakarasimha) 11th century Ichijo-ji, Hyogo Patriarch of the Tendai School Zenmui (Subhakarasimha).jpg [15]
October 30 to November 25 Hokan shu, Volume 2 1186 Kongobu-ji, Wakayama Hokan shu Vol. 2.jpg [16]
October 2 to 28 Kokuzo Bosatsu (Akasagarbha) 12th century Tokyo National Museum; Formerly owned by Mitsui Gomei Co. Kokūzō Bosatsu.jpg [17]
September 4 to 30 Sixteen Arhats: First Arhat, Fifth Arha 11th century Tokyo National Museum; Formerly owned by Shojuraigoji Temple, Shiga. Arhat 1.jpg Arhat 5.jpg [18]
August 7 to September 2 Documents Relating to Ordination of Priest Denkyo Daishi 9th century Tokyo National Museum; Raigō-in, Kyoto (来迎院) Saicho priesthood certificate.jpg [19]
July 10 to August 8 Gunsho chiyo (Qunshu zhiyao), Vol. 31 11th century Tokyo National Museum; Kujō family Gunsho Chiyo2.jpg [20]
June 5 to July 8 Wakatai Jisshu (Treatise on Poetry) 11th century Tokyo National Museum Wakatai jisshu (Treatise on poetry), segment 03, Heian period, 11th century, calligraphy attributed to Fujiwara no Tadaie, ink on decorated paper, a National Treasure - Tokyo National Museum - DSC05687.JPG [21]
May 15 to June 3 Landscape screen 13th century Six-section folding screen (byōbu). Lent by Jingo-ji, Kyoto. Landscape screen Jingoji3.JPG [22]
April 10 to May 13 Lotus Sutra or “Kunōji Sutra, Hoben bon chapter 12th century Handscrolls, ink on decorated paper by the Fujiwara clan. Lent by Tesshū-ji, Shizuoka. Kunoji-kyo2.JPG [23]
March 13 to April 8 Merrymaking under Blossom Trees 17th century One pair of six-section folding screens (byōbu) by Kanō Naganobu. Aronia Blossoms Screen 1 post-damage.jpg Aronia Blossoms Screen 2.jpg [24]
January 30 to March 11 Segment of the Sutra of the Wise and Foolish 8th century One handscroll, ink on paper. Attributed to Emperor Shōmu. KENGU KYO Vol8.JPG [25]
January 2 to 28 Shaka rising from the Gold Coffin 11th century Hanging scroll, color on silk. Lent by the Kyoto National Museum. Syaka-Kinkan.jpg [26]


On exhibit Item Date Comments Image Ref.
November 21 to December 25 Man’yōshū, Genryaku edition, Vols. 7 and 19 11th century 2 of 20 books bound by fukuro-toji, ink on decorated paper. Genryaku Manyosyu.JPG [27]
October 24 to November 19 Sixteen Arhats, Eighth Arhat and Twelfth Arhat 11th century 2 of a set of 16 hanging scrolls, color on silk. Arhat 8.jpg Arhat 12.jpg [28]
September 26 to October 22 Lotus Sutra, Myoshogon’o honji hon chapter 13th century 1 out of 33 handscrolls, ink on paper decorated with gold and silver dust and foil. Lent by Jikō-ji, Saitama. Lotus Sutra Jikoji.jpg [29]
August 29 to September 24 Illustrated Biography of the Priest Ippen: Volume 7 1299 Hand scroll (emakimono), color on silk. Ippen Biography 6.jpg [30]
August 1 to 27 Engishiki, Kujō edition, Vol. 4, Written on the reverse side of another document 11th century Part of 27 scrolls, ink on paper. Engishiki Kujo edition.jpg [31]
July 4 to 30 Illustrated Biography of the Founders of the Kegon Sect: Chapter on Gangyo (Wonhyo), Vol. 2 13th century Six hand scrolls (emakimono), color on paper. Lent by Kōzan-ji, Kyoto. History of the Kegon Sect.jpg [32]
June 6 to July 2 Documents related to the priest Enchin. 850 Eight rolled scrolls, ink on paper. Enchin letter.jpg [33]
May 9 to June 4 Lotus Sutra, Vol. 1 11th century Part of ten handscrolls, ink on decorative paper with five-colored design. Lent by Sensō-ji, Tokyo. Hokekyo Sensoji.jpg [34]
April 11 to May 7 Jeweled Pagoda Mandala 12th century Jeweled Pagoda Mandala, Sovereign Kings of the Golden Light Sutra written in gold to form the pagoda. Lent by Chūson-ji, Iwate Buddhist Paradise with Golden Pagoda.jpg [35]
March 14 to April 9 Merrymaking under Blossom Trees 17th century One pair of six-section folding screens (byōbu) by Kanō Naganobu. Aronia Blossoms Screen 1 post-damage.jpg Aronia Blossoms Screen 2.jpg [36]


External links[edit]