Timeline of Catalan history – Wikipedia

Year Date Event 1901 Regionalist League founded. 1905 25 November ¡Cu-Cut! incident. Officers of the Spanish Army, angry at the magazine for having published an offending joke, stormed the Cu-Cut! offices.[8] 1907 3 August Solidaridad Obrera labor federation founded. 1909 25 July Beginning of the Tragic Week. 1910 30 October CNT, Anarcho-syndicalist trade union, founded in Barcelona. 1911 6 January First edition of the Volta a Catalunya cycle race begins. 1914 6 April Commonwealth of Catalonia established. Enric Prat de la Riba (Regionalist League) appointed its first president. Library of Catalonia opens to the public. 1919 February La Canadiense strike. Among its consequences was to force the Spanish government to issue the first law limiting the working day to eight hours. 1925 20 March Miguel Primo de Rivera, Spanish dictator, disbanded the Commonwealth of Catalonia. 1926 4 November Events of Prats de Molló: Francesc Macià, leader of the independentist party Estat Català, tried to liberate Catalonia from France with a small army and proclaim the Catalan Republic, but he was betrayed and arrested. 1929 1929 Barcelona International Exposition. 1931 14 April Francesc Macià proclaimed the Catalan Republic within the “Iberian Federation”.[10] 17 April After negotiation, the Catalan Republic becomes the Generalitat, the Catalan institution of self-government within the Spanish Republic. 1932 18 January Anarchist insurrection of Alt Llobregat mining area. 9 September Statute of Autonomy of Catalonia approved by the Spanish Parliament. Catalonia became an autonomous region within the Spanish Republic.[11] 20 November First election to the Parliament of Catalonia, the Republican Left of Catalonia (ERC) won a large majority of seats.[12] 14 December The Parliament appointed Francesc Macià (ERC) as president of the Generalitat of Catalonia. 1934 1 January The Parliament appointed Lluís Companys (ERC) as president of the Generalitat of Catalonia right after the death of Macià on December 25, 1933. 21 March Crop Contracts Law passed by Catalan Parliament. 6 October Lluís Companys proclaimed the Catalan State of the Spanish Federal Republic. The Spanish army quickly suppressed the proclamation, arresting Companys and the Catalan government. Self-government suspended. 11 November Art Museum of Catalonia inaugurated.[13] 1936 19 February After the Popular Front victory in the February 1936 Spanish general election, the Catalan government was pardoned and reinstated. 19 July Military uprising in Barcelona, as part of the coup against the Republic. Forces of the Generalitat and trade unions stopped the coup in Barcelona and Catalonia. Beginning of the Spanish Civil War. Anarchists take control de facto of Catalonia. 21 July Central Committee of Antifascist Militias of Catalonia established. 24 October The Generalitat passed the Decree on Collectivization and Workers’ Control.[14] 6 December People’s Army of Catalonia raised. 1937 3 May May Days, clashes between the anarchists and POUM versus the forces of the Republic and the Generalitat, supported by the PSUC. The Republic recovered full control of Catalonia. 1938 5 April General Francisco Franco decrees the suppression of the Statute of Autonomy of Catalonia and the Generalitat. 25 July Beginning of the Battle of the Ebro. 1939 5 February Lluís Companys crossed the Franco-Spanish border, the Generalitat went into exile. 1940 15 October President Lluís Companys was executed in Montjuïc Castle of Barcelona by firing squad in Francoist Spain. 1952 27 May 35th International Eucharistic Congress held in Barcelona. 1971 7 November Assembly of Catalonia founded. 1977 11 September 1977 Catalan autonomy protest. 23 October The exiled president of Catalonia, Josep Tarradellas, returned to Barcelona and the Generalitat of Catalonia was restored. 1979 8 September Statute of Autonomy of Catalonia of 1979. 1980 20 March First election to the reestablished Parliament of Catalonia. Convergència i Unió (CiU) became the winning party. 24 April The Parliament appointed Jordi Pujol (CiU) as president of the Generalitat of Catalonia. 1983 6 April Law of Linguistic Normalization of Catalan passed by the Parliament. 8 September Televisió de Catalunya founded.[15] 1992 25 July 1992 Summer Olympic Games held in Barcelona.[16] 1998 15 July Law recognizing same-sex partnerships passed by the Parliament. Catalonia became the first Spanish territory to recognize them.