Autocatalysis – Wikipedia


A single chemical reaction is said to be autocatalytic if one of the reaction products is also a catalyst for the same or a coupled reaction.[1] Such a reaction is called an autocatalytic reaction.


A set of chemical reactions can be said to be “collectively autocatalytic” if a number of those reactions produce, as reaction products, catalysts for enough of the other reactions that the entire set of chemical reactions is self-sustaining given an input of energy and food molecules (see autocatalytic set).

Chemical reactions[edit]

A chemical reaction of two reactants and two products can be written as

where the Greek letters are stoichiometric coefficients and the capital Latin letters represent chemical species. The chemical reaction proceeds in both the forward and reverse direction. This equation is easily generalized to any number of reactants, products, and reactions.

Chemical equilibrium[edit]

In chemical equilibrium the forward and reverse reaction rates are such that each chemical species is being created at the same rate it is being destroyed. In other words, the rate of the forward reaction is equal to the rate of the reverse reaction.


Here, the brackets indicate the concentration of the chemical species, in moles per liter, and k+ and k are rate constants.

Far from equilibrium[edit]

Far from equilibrium, the forward and reverse reaction rates no longer balance and the concentration of reactants and products is no longer constant. For every forward reaction

α{displaystyle alpha }

molecules of A are destroyed. For every reverse reaction

α{displaystyle alpha }

molecules of A are created. In the case of an elementary reaction step the reaction order in each direction equals the molecularity, so that the rate of change in the number of moles of A is then

This system of equations has a single stable fixed point when the forward rates and the reverse rates are equal (when

ddt=0{displaystyle {d over dt}=0}

for every species). This means that the system evolves to the equilibrium state, and this is the only state to which it evolves.[2]

Autocatalytic reactions[edit]

Sigmoid variation of product concentration in autocatalytic reactions

Autocatalytic reactions are those in which at least one of the products is a reactant. Perhaps the simplest autocatalytic reaction can be written[1]

with the rate equations (for an elementary reaction)

This reaction is one in which a molecule of species A interacts with a molecule of species B. The A molecule is converted into a B molecule. The final product consists of the original B molecule plus the B molecule created in the reaction.

The key feature of these rate equations is that they are nonlinear; the second term on the right varies as the square of the concentration of B. This feature can lead to multiple fixed points of the system, much like a quadratic equation can have multiple roots. Multiple fixed points allow for multiple states of the system. A system existing in multiple macroscopic states is more orderly (has lower entropy) than a system in a single state.

The concentrations of A and B vary in time according to[1][3]


The graph for these equations is a sigmoid curve (specifically a logistic function), which is typical for autocatalytic reactions: these chemical reactions proceed slowly at the start (the induction period) because there is little catalyst present, the rate of reaction increases progressively as the reaction proceeds as the amount of catalyst increases and then it again slows down as the reactant concentration decreases. If the concentration of a reactant or product in an experiment follows a sigmoid curve, the reaction may be autocatalytic.

These kinetic equations apply for example to the acid-catalyzed hydrolysis of some esters to carboxylic acids and alcohols.[3] There must be at least some acid present initially to start the catalyzed mechanism; if not the reaction must start by an alternate uncatalyzed path which is usually slower. The above equations for the catalyzed mechanism would imply that the concentration of acid product remains zero forever.[3]

An example of autocatalytic reaction is the formose reaction, in which formaldehyde condensates into glycolaldehyde and, after some intermediates, two molecules of glycolaldehyde are formed thus creating an autocatalytic cycle.

Creation of order[edit]


The second law of thermodynamics states that the disorder (entropy) of a physical or chemical system and its surroundings (a closed system) must increase with time. Systems left to themselves become increasingly random, and orderly energy of a system like uniform motion degrades eventually to the random motion of particles in a heat bath.

There are, however, many instances in which physical systems spontaneously become emergent or orderly. For example, despite the destruction they cause, hurricanes have a very orderly vortex motion when compared to the random motion of the air molecules in a closed room. Even more spectacular is the order created by chemical systems; the most dramatic being the order associated with life.

This is consistent with the Second Law, which requires that the total disorder of a system and its surroundings must increase with time. Order can be created in a system by an even greater decrease in order of the system’s surroundings.[4] In the hurricane example, hurricanes are formed from unequal heating within the atmosphere. The Earth’s atmosphere is then far from thermal equilibrium. The order of the Earth’s atmosphere increases, but at the expense of the order of the sun. The sun is becoming more disorderly as it ages and throws off light and material to the rest of the universe. The total disorder of the sun and the earth increases despite the fact that orderly hurricanes are generated on earth.

A similar example exists for living chemical systems. The sun provides energy to green plants. The green plants are food for other living chemical systems. The energy absorbed by plants and converted into chemical energy generates a system on earth that is orderly and far from chemical equilibrium. Here, the difference from chemical equilibrium is determined by an excess of reactants over the equilibrium amount. Once again, order on earth is generated at the expense of entropy increase of the sun. The total entropy of the earth and the rest of the universe increases, consistent with the Second Law.

Some autocatalytic reactions also generate order in a system at the expense of its surroundings. For example, (clock reactions) have intermediates whose concentrations oscillate in time, corresponding to temporal order. Other reactions generate spatial separation of chemical species corresponding to spatial order. More complex reactions are involved in metabolic pathways and metabolic networks in biological systems.

The transition to order as the distance from equilibrium increases is not usually continuous. Order typically appears abruptly. The threshold between the disorder of chemical equilibrium and order is known as a phase transition. The conditions for a phase transition can be determined with the mathematical machinery of non-equilibrium thermodynamics.

Temporal order[edit]

A chemical reaction cannot oscillate about a position of final equilibrium because the second law of thermodynamics requires that a thermodynamic system approach equilibrium and not recede from it. For a closed system at constant temperature and pressure, the Gibbs free energy must decrease continuously and not oscillate. However it is possible that the concentrations of some reaction intermediates oscillate, and also that the rate of formation of products oscillates.[5]

Idealized example: Lotka–Volterra equation[edit]

The Lotka–Volterra equation is isomorphic with the predator–prey model and the two-reaction autocatalytic model. In this example baboons and cheetahs are equivalent to two different chemical species X and Y in autocatalytic reactions.

Consider a coupled set of two autocatalytic reactions in which the concentration of one of the reactants A is much larger than its equilibrium value. In this case, the forward reaction rate is so much larger than the reverse rates that we can neglect the reverse rates.

with the rate equations

Here, we have neglected the depletion of the reactant A, since its concentration is so large. The rate constants for the three reactions are

k1{displaystyle k_{1}}


k2{displaystyle k_{2}}

, and

k3{displaystyle k_{3}}

, respectively.

This system of rate equations is known as the Lotka–Volterra equation and is most closely associated with population dynamics in predator–prey relationships. This system of equations can yield oscillating concentrations of the reaction intermediates X and Y. The amplitude of the oscillations depends on the concentration of A (which decreases without oscillation). Such oscillations are a form of emergent temporal order that is not present in equilibrium.

Another idealized example: Brusselator[edit]

Another example of a system that demonstrates temporal order is the Brusselator.[4] It is characterized by the reactions

with the rate equations

where, for convenience, the rate constants have been set to 1.

The Brusselator in the unstable regime. A=1. B=2.5. X(0)=1. Y(0)=0. The system approaches a limit cycle. For Bfixed point.

The Brusselator has a fixed point at

The fixed point becomes unstable when
