List of oil pipelines – Wikipedia


Name Status Capacity (bpd) Receipt Point(s) Crossing Delivery Point(s) Owner(s) Length (km) Regulator Notes Aurora operating 45,000 Rangeland Pipeline Carway Glacier Pipeline Plains Midstream 0.75 AER Cochin operating Explorer, TEPPCO, Wabash pipelines at Kankakee, IL Elmore, SK Fort Saskatchewan, AB Moves condensate westward from 2014; from 1979 it moved product eastward. Enbridge Bakken operating 145,000 Steelman, SK, & Berthold, ND Portal Enbridge Mainline at Cromer Enbridge Bakken Pipeline Co 132 Enbridge Pipeline System operating Kerrobert & Regina, SK; Cromer, MB; Clearbrook, MB Gretna, MB Enbridge Enbridge Norman Wells suspended Norman Well, NWT Zama, AB Enbridge Pipelines (NW) Inc. 869 c Shut down after


Express Pipeline operating 280,000 Hardisty, AB Wild Horse, AB Casper, WY Express Pipeline Ltd 439 c Keystone Pipeline 1,2,3 operating 300,000 Alberta (Hardisty) Haskett, AB Steele City, NB & Cushing, OK TransCanada Crosses South Dakota to Steele City, where it branches east through Kansas and Missouri to delivery points at Wood River and Patoka, Illinois, and south to delivery points at Cushing, Oklahoma and Houston and Port Arthur, Texas. Along the way at Patoka, Keystone delivers crude oil to the Plains terminal which facilitates delivery to local refineries via third party pipelines. Keystone XL Pipeline cancelled TransCanada Project cancelled in June 2021 as a result of US President Biden revoking permits for the project on January 20, 2021, due to opposition from Native American tribes, climate activists, and the Democratic Party, as the Keystone XL pipeline will worsen pollution and climate change. Milk River Pipeline operating 97,900 Bow River Pipeline, Milk River, AB Sweetgrass, MT Front Range Pipeline, Coutts, AB Plains Midstream 69 c AER Portland-Montreal Pipe Line part operation 223,000 South Portland, ME Montreal, QC Montreal Pipe Line Ltd 236 c This is the NEB-regulated segment of the Portland-Montreal pipeline system. Moves crude from Atlantic to Suncor refinery at Montreal. Two of 3 pipelines decommissioned (12 & 18 inch). Only 24-inch in operation Southern Lights operating 180,000 Manhattan, IL Edmonton, AB Enbridge Southern Lights GP Inc. 1529 c Moves diluent north; formed in 2010 by reversing 1465 km of former Enbridge Line 13 and constructing 1091 km of new pipeline in the U.S. It shares the Enbridge Mainline right-of-way. Trans Mountain Pipeline System operating Edmonton, AB, & Kamloops, BC. Burnaby & Burrard Inlet, BC, & Sumas, WA Kinder Morgan Moves crude oil & petroleum products to Parkland Burnaby refinery & Suncor Burrard products terminal; moves crude oil to four refineries in Washington via connection at Sumas to Puget Sound Pipeline; moves crude oil to Asia and U.S. West coast via Westridge Marine Terminal in Burnaby. One of few to ship crude & products in one pipe Trans-Northern operating 132,000 Montreal & Nanticoke Toronto, Oakville, Ottawa, Maitland, Belleville, Cornwall, Kingston, Montreal, Dorval RPPs delivery at points including Oakville, Toronto, Ottawa, Maitland, Belleville, Cornwall, Kingston, Montreal, Dorval; operates bi-directionally between Toronto & Oakville. Three other petroleum products pipelines (two Sun-Canadian and Enbridge’s Line 8) transport gasoline, diesel, heating oil and jet fuel to Toronto and other cities along the route. Utopia / Cochin Eastern operating 50,000 Harrison County, OH Windsor, ON Formerly the eastern part of Cochin. Moves ethane from new pipeline from a point in Harrison County to a connection with existing Kinder Morgan pipeline and facilities near Riga, Michigan. Wascana operating 40,000 Raymond Station, MT Plains Terminal, Regina Plains Midstream 173 c Moves light crude from Bakken north to connect to Enbridge Mainline at Regina; prior to 2012 it was southbound Westspur operating 247,400 Alida, Steelman, Bryant, Midale, SK Enbridge Mainline near Cromer, MB TEML 511 c Saskatchewan Tundra Energy Marketing; Moves crude oil & condensate to Mainline; until Dec. 2106 owned by Enbridge