Basu’s theorem – Wikipedia


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In statistics, Basu’s theorem states that any boundedly complete minimal sufficient statistic is independent of any ancillary statistic. This is a 1955 result of Debabrata Basu.[1]

It is often used in statistics as a tool to prove independence of two statistics, by first demonstrating one is complete sufficient and the other is ancillary, then appealing to the theorem.[2] An example of this is to show that the sample mean and sample variance of a normal distribution are independent statistics, which is done in the Example section below. This property (independence of sample mean and sample variance) characterizes normal distributions.



(Pθ;θΘ){displaystyle (P_{theta };theta in Theta )}

be a family of distributions on a measurable space

(X,A){displaystyle (X,{mathcal {A}})}


T,A{displaystyle T,A}

measurable maps from

(X,A){displaystyle (X,{mathcal {A}})}

to some measurable space

(Y,B){displaystyle (Y,{mathcal {B}})}

. (Such maps are called a statistic.) If

T{displaystyle T}

is a boundedly complete sufficient statistic for

θ{displaystyle theta }

, and

A{displaystyle A}

is ancillary to

θ{displaystyle theta }

, then conditional on

θ{displaystyle theta }


T{displaystyle T}

is independent of

A{displaystyle A}

. That is,

TA|θ{displaystyle Tperp A|theta }




PθT{displaystyle P_{theta }^{T}}


PθA{displaystyle P_{theta }^{A}}

be the marginal distributions of

T{displaystyle T}


A{displaystyle A}


Denote by

A1(B){displaystyle A^{-1}(B)}

the preimage of a set

B{displaystyle B}

under the map

A{displaystyle A}

. For any measurable set

BB{displaystyle Bin {mathcal {B}}}

we have

The distribution

PθA{displaystyle P_{theta }^{A}}

does not depend on

θ{displaystyle theta }


A{displaystyle A}

is ancillary. Likewise,

Pθ(T=t){displaystyle P_{theta }(cdot mid T=t)}

does not depend on

θ{displaystyle theta }


T{displaystyle T}

is sufficient. Therefore

Note the integrand (the function inside the integral) is a function of

t{displaystyle t}

and not

θ{displaystyle theta }

. Therefore, since

T{displaystyle T}

is boundedly complete the function

is zero for

PθT{displaystyle P_{theta }^{T}}

almost all values of

t{displaystyle t}

and thus

for almost all

t{displaystyle t}

. Therefore,

A{displaystyle A}

is independent of

T{displaystyle T}



Independence of sample mean and sample variance of a normal distribution[edit]

Let X1, X2, …, Xn be independent, identically distributed normal random variables with mean μ and variance σ2.

Then with respect to the parameter μ, one can show that

the sample mean, is a complete and sufficient statistic – it is all the information one can derive to estimate μ, and no more – and

the sample variance, is an ancillary statistic – its distribution does not depend on μ.

Therefore, from Basu’s theorem it follows that these statistics are independent conditional on

μ{displaystyle mu }

, conditional on

σ2{displaystyle sigma ^{2}}


This independence result can also be proven by Cochran’s theorem.

Further, this property (that the sample mean and sample variance of the normal distribution are independent) characterizes the normal distribution – no other distribution has this property.[3]

  1. ^ Basu (1955)
  2. ^ Ghosh, Malay; Mukhopadhyay, Nitis; Sen, Pranab Kumar (2011), Sequential Estimation, Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics, vol. 904, John Wiley & Sons, p. 80, ISBN 9781118165911, The following theorem, due to Basu … helps us in proving independence between certain types of statistics, without actually deriving the joint and marginal distributions of the statistics involved. This is a very powerful tool and it is often used …
  3. ^ Geary, R.C. (1936). “The Distribution of “Student’s” Ratio for Non-Normal Samples”. Supplement to the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. 3 (2): 178–184. doi:10.2307/2983669. JFM 63.1090.03. JSTOR 2983669.

