Like crazy and from the bottom of the heart – Wikipedia

Like crazy and from the bottom of the heart ( Truly Madly Deeply ) is an English tragicomedy in 1991. Director led to six years later The English patient Oscar -winning Anthony Minghella. She plays in the Great Britain of the present.

The film begins with Nina’s life after the death of her friend Jamie, who died unexpectedly from simple sore inflammation. Nina tries to get his grief about his sudden death, but Jamie is always present in her life. She thinks of him day and night, even speaks to him in his thoughts. Her colleagues, friends and sister try to help the young woman with her grief. In the first half hour you get to know the people who surround her, her boss, a psychologist in whom she takes therapy sessions to cope with mourning, her Chilean girlfriend and the Poland Titus who is worshiping her not only to stand by her craftsmanship.

She reacts completely hysterical when her sister carefully asked whether she could have the cello for her son, since Nina can’t do anything anyway – it is the only thing that has remained from Jamie. A memory of beautiful hours together, in which he played the cello and she piano.
Her apartment is colouraged, rats spread out with her. Nina just can’t let go of the past.

When she thinks she can no longer endure her life, the unexpected happens: she hears Jamie’s cello sound, as has often been the case in her dreams in the past. But this time it is a reality, Jamie has returned and actually sits cello in her living room. There is a time when she is just happy, but slowly it becomes aware that the memory has transfigured a lot that she had put it on too high socket – his all the way that determined all the way. Then they also annoy his ghost friends who hang around in the apartment day and night and watch television and watch video.

She gets to know the psychologist and hobby magician Mark and gets into a conflict of conscience because her beloved Jamie is waiting at home, who has returned from the dead because of her. But is she really happy with him or is she just trying to talk herself? Initial doubts are scattered by her, but then do not let go. Slowly she realizes that Jamie only came back to give her the opportunity to choose him. With this knowledge, she is free to live a new life without him, maybe with a new man at her side, and Jamie can confidently return to the realm of the dead.

  • The film was awarded by the British Film and Television Academy and the Writer’s Guild of Great Britain
  • The Australian Film Institute Award drew How crazy from the bottom of the heart as a “best film”.
  • The director Anthony Minghella was voted the best newcomer by the London film Critics Circle.
  • EPD film 9/1991: Minghella succeeds … to keep the balance between joke and deeper importance. His film is not theological meditation about life after death and – despite sad string sounds – not a melodrama. Minghella has not been tempted to do so too flat comedy. This is probably thanks to the shiny actors …
  • Film service 18/1991: Modern, consistently thought-out variant of the “Orpheus and Eurydike” fabric, which addresses the problem of loneliness and “letting go” in today’s society. Despite the comedic form, a serious film that convinces with its elegant, feased design and the great leading actors.