Scottish Parliament – SpeedyLook encyclopedia

He Scottish Parliament [ first ] (In English, Scottish Parliament , in Scottish Gaelic Scottish Parliament And in Scottish, Scots Pairlament ) is the Decentralized Unicameral Legal of Scotland. It is located in the Holyrood area, in the city of Edinburgh, at the end of Royal Mile, the main historical artery of the capital. For this reason, the Scottish Parliament is known informally by Holyrood .

The first Parliament of Scotland, also called the states of Scotland, was the legislative chamber of the kingdom of Scotland, and worked since the beginning of the thirteenth century until the independent monarchy merged with the kingdom of England according to the Union act of 1707, for form the kingdom of Great Britain. As a consequence, also the Parliament of Scotland merged with the Parliament of England to form the Parliament of the United Kingdom, which has its headquarters in Westminster, in London.

After the 1997 Scottish referendum where the Scots widely supported the recovery of the legislative institution, the current Parliament was established by the 1998 Scotland Law, through which some powers to Scotland returned. This law also defines the competencies of the Chamber explicitly pointing out what are the matters on which the Westminster Parliament has exclusive powers, among which are the law that governs this chamber as well as the ability to increase or reduce its powers. The first session of the new Parliament took place on May 12, 1999.

Building [ To edit ]

View of the Scottish Parliament building.

Since September 2004 the official headquarters of the Scottish Parliament is the building of the Scottish Parliament, in the Holyrood neighborhood, in Edinburgh. It was designed by the Spanish architect Enric Miralles, and consists of a set of leaf -shaped buildings, with a herbaceous cover, which melts with the adjacent park and with the gabiones of walls from previous constructions. Inside, different geometric motifs based on the Henry Raeburn picture of the Reverend skating , an authentic icon of Scottish art. Chain gables and the boat horizon turned around the Garden Lobby complete their architecture. [ 2 ]

Queen Elizabeth II opened the new building on October 9, 2004. While the construction of the building was extended (and it was three more years than expected) the Parliament was based in the Chamber of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, A few hundred meters from Holyrood, also in Edinburgh.

Official photographs and television interviews often take place in a patio attached to Parliament, which belongs to the University of Edinburgh. In addition, and in a timely manner, the Scottish Parliament met at the Strathclyde Regional Council, in Glasgow, in May 2000 and at the University of Aberdeen, in May 2002. In addition, in March 2006, one of the beams of the roof slipped from his support and was dancing on the benches of the conservatives. The debate in the Chamber had to be suspended and the parliamentary works moved to the Edinburgh Hub for a week, while the corresponding inspections were carried out.

After each election to the Scottish Parliament, and at the beginning of the legislature, the deputies choose one of them to access the position of president of the Scottish Parliament ( Presiding Officer ) as well as two secretaries. The president and the two secretaries are chosen by the 129 deputies in secret vote, the only one that can have these characteristics according to their regulations. The main work of the president of the Scottish Parliament is to preside over the procedures of the Chamber, and in that task he and his secretaries have to be impartial.

During the debates, the president is helped by an administrative specialist in procedure, as well as an administrative that aims to control the vote system and the watches of Parliament. In addition, the area of ​​the Presidency is in charge of an official who ensures that everything works correctly and that both personnel and property and resources are ready for employment.

The president also has as a mission to distribute the intervention times in the Chamber, and institutionally represent Parliament, both outside and within Scotland.

Currently [ To edit ]

At present, the main charges of Parliament are as follows:

  • Current Principal Minister of Scotland: Nicola Sturgeon of the Scottish National Party, since November 2014
  • The very honorable Ken Macintosh, was president of the Parliament of Scotland until May 2016. He belonged to the Labor Party but resigned from his militancy to achieve greater impartiality in his decisions. Linda Fabiani and Christine Grahame, of the Scottish National Party, are his attachment.
  • Ruth Davidson, Secretariat. Conservative party.
  • Kecia Dugdale, secretary. Labor Party.

Within the Scottish government there is a portfolio for parliamentary affairs, which is responsible for making fluid relations between the Executive and the Legislative. His minister is Bruce Crawford.

Composition [ To edit ]

The Scottish Parliament has 129 deputies. Here is the current distribution of seats. In the first column is the distribution output of the elections to the Scottish Parliament of 2021. Bold figure the government formations.

Changes produced throughout the legislature [ To edit ]

  • President Alison Johnstone until May 2021 resigned from the Green Party to be more impartial in her work. In the elections his party had obtained 8 deputies.

References [ To edit ]

external links [ To edit ]