Alberto Quixono Guerrero – Wikipedia, free encyclopedia

Alberto Quijano Guerrero (San Juan de Pasto, November 24, 1919- in the same place , December 23, 1995) was a Colombian writer, historian and humanist, a native of San Juan Pasto.

Alberto Quijano Guerrero was born at home formed by Payanés Rafael María Quijano and the Pastusa Évila Guerrero. It was the second son, being his sisters Cecilia, Rosa and Carmen.

Education [ To edit ]

He attended his primary and secondary studies at the Immaculate College, receiving a solid training that moved him from a young age to publish works in the field of poetry and essay, of which several are in Marista magazine The schoolboy , of said educational institution, of which its director was for several years. In the words of this character, this time remembers:

The years of my life spent in the school of the Immaculate – as was called at that time -, decisively marked my character. Marist professors were trained in that philosophy of Father Marcelino Champagnat, in such a way that they acted with firm criteria of discipline, order, a true methodology for study and teaching. Among all I admired with devotion to Brother Pedro María, professor of literature and brother Bernardo, teacher in history. [ first ]

Job performance [ To edit ]

After facing the loss of the father figure and taking charge of the responsibility of holding his family, he works as secretary of the governor of the department of Nariño during several administrations, and subsequently linked to the judicial branch, where he is appointed as the first secretary of the Labor Chamber of the Superior Court of the Judicial District of Pasto and also served as a magistrate assistant in the civil, criminal, labor rooms.

Similarly, he was a professor at the University of Nariño, where he also held the positions of Professor Hora Cátedra, Professor, Dean, Head of Department, Member of all the Councils and Rector.

At the University of Nariño he issued the Chair of Hispanic American Literature, in the Faculty of Education. The anthropologist Eduardo Zúñiga Eraso analyzes this fact as follows:

In the University he revolutionized the teaching of Latin American literature based on two essential methodological criteria: first: highlight the literary production of pre -Columbian peoples, absent until that time, of the pensum of the humanities career and, second, explain the artistic creation From the analysis of the social, economic and political conditions that generate it. In this way the teacher Pisa, with a firm step, the path of history. Meridiana clarifies: “In America the political-literature binomial is more ostensible and eloquent. It begins with the struggle starring Fray Bartolomé de las Casas before the abuses that the aborigines were victims. It is exacerbated by the justification of the violence on the lips of Ginés de Sepúlveda, when it announces that “the Indians have no soul.” He acquires human contours with the understanding of Francisco de Vitoria in his right of people. And it becomes an abuse, exaction and indignity tool in the hands of those who do not obey or execute Indian legislation. ”” [ 2 ]

Between the years of 1953 and 1954, during the dictatorship of Gustavo Rojas Pinilla, together with intellectuals of the time as Ernesto Vela Angulo, he managed to publish the magazine AMERINIA , as a means of disseminating ideas, which had to endure censorship measures, although achieving, despite the restrictions quite critical with the situation of the moment.

Likewise, the result of the exchange and debate of ideas, between the forties and the fifties, begins to stand out in the field of history with the realization of interesting studies, being called for its merits to be part of the then Center for Studies Pasto historical, as a number of number. In ceremony of October 12, 1956, he performs the academic reading of a study entitled “América, continent of the paradox.”

In the same way in that year publishes the writing entitled “The Historical Process”, of which Zúñiga Eraso, writes:

“… In my opinion, it shows the theoretical maturity of Quijano Guerrero when drawing, with meridian clarity, the methodological problem of history. Against the Platonic ideal that man is “the synthesis of history” and the afternoon and Carlyle approaches according to which the social development necessarily leads to representative men and the heroes, argues that “history is something else that the simple biography of a hero, without any link with the secondary values ​​that determined their facts and relieved their activities. History is not the lonely conquest of an individual. It is the mirror in which a whole town is seen. The human act- he adds- is not conceived are the interaction of the subject with the environment and the multiple factors that surround it. The act and the medium integrate a physical psycho reality that is not possible to arbitrarily denaturalize. The story- he concludes- is not a cemetery of men and dates. ” Here the teacher advances to the postulates of the new national historiographic current that disdains to the hero, to the isolated event, to the casuistry to address the historical phenomenon as something complex, composed of multiple interrelated factors with each other, changing and dynamic. The economy, society and culture, in short, the social environment determine the actions of individuals. After deepening the method, Quijano Guerrero proposes the following definition of history: “History is the secular process of a people” [ 3 ]

In the historical studies of Zúñiga Eraso, Alberto Quijano Guerrero, is characterized by reaffirming the absence of absolute truths of historical knowledge in permanent construction, the exaltation of regional values, and the objective lyrical writing of his work. The indigenous contribution and participation in the historical processes of the forgotten peoples occupy a central place in their studies and in the same way occupy central role in their analysis the regional historical processes and the contextual analysis of characters such as capusigra, tamasagra, Melchor Inca de Salazar , Gonzalo Rodríguez, Juan Lorenzo Lucero, Alejandro Santander, José Rafael Sañudo, Leopoldo López Álvarez, Ignacio Rodríguez Guerrero, among others.

In the year of 1959 the poetic work “The Legend of the Lions” appears, dedicated to the city of Pasto and characters like Agustín Agualongo. Subsequently, they come to the public light: “The journalistic routes of Quijote Santafereño” in the year of 1965; “Santander, prototype of a controversial generation” in 1969; “The eclectic thinking of José Rafael Sañudo” in 1973; “Historical evolution of the indigenous councils of Colombia” in 1974; “Captivity and sacrifice of Atahualpa, Premonition and Poetry” in 1987; “Don Gonzalo Rodríguez, precursor of precursors” in 1989. Likewise, the poems “Image routes”, in 1989.

In this environment, in the university it is enshrined as a reference in the field of teaching, and directs several initiatives such as the publication of the “Meridian” magazine. In the 1980s, he holds the position of Rector of the Alma Máter Nariñense.

In the Nariñense Academy of History, it also occupies the position for several years of perpetual secretary and promotes as director, the “History Magazine”, the body of dissemination of said corporation. After the death of Ignacio Rodríguez Guerrero, the presidency assumes in the mid-1980s, promoting projects such as international historians meetings, including: First Colombo-Ecuadorian meeting on “Historical Roots”, in 1987; “Meeting of two cultures” in 1989, “Hispanization and miscegenation” in 1992; “Woman, family and education in Colombia”, in 1994. In the same way the continuous realization of forums, seminars, meetings with educational and society sectors, in the search to disseminate thinking and studies on the region.

In 1988, he was called to be part of the Colombian Academy of History, as a corresponding member, writing for this purpose, the study entitled “El Pastuso Don Gonzalo Rodríguez, precursor of precursors”, of wide reception in the academic sectors by the novelty of the study, to the point that in the year of 1987, in the commemoration of the 450 years of the Hispanic Foundation of Pasto, a bust and a “protomártir of freedom” plaque is placed.

In addition, it was a great propeller of the initiation of the joint work published by the Nariñense Academy of History, known as “Pasto History Manual”, participating with several writings in the first volume, time before its death.

He participated in various entities, and directed several means of publications in cultural theme. He was a number of number, perpetual secretary and president of the Nariñense Academy of History; Co -founder of the House of Culture of Nariño; Honorary Member of the Bolivarian Society of the Atlantic; of the Academy of History of Valle del Cauca, of the Academy of History of Magdalena, of the Hispanic Institute of Culture; Corresponding member of the Colombian Academy of History, and the Center for Friends of Genealogy of Ecuador; Founding member of the Center for Genealogical, Anthropological and Social Studies of Pasto; Member of the Foundation “Morada al Sur”; Founder and director of the “Meridiano” magazine of the University of Nariño; Co -director of the magazine “Amerindia”; Director of the History Magazine of the Nariñense Academy of History.

Awards and tributes [ To edit ]

He obtained various recognitions for his career in the field of humanities among them: by the Ministry of Education, Mayor’s Office, Civic Medal Departmental Assembly of Nariñ The degree of Commander and Medal Nariñense Academy of History. As a posthumous tribute is awarded with the “Order of the Merit San Juan de Pasto, Grand Cruz Degree” by the Mayor’s Office in June 2004, when the launch of a new edition of “Light in the clay” is made. Some education institutions are named after the “Alberto Quijano Guerrero” Educational Institution of Tangua), and the University of Nariño in recognition of its intellectual contribution, created the research call “Alberto Quijano Guerrero” and called his library “Alberto Alberto Quijano Guerrero ”. In the commemoration of the hundred years of existence of the Máter Máter Nariñense, a bust was discovered in tribute, which is located in the building corresponding to said unit. The Nariñense Academy of History has established since 1996, the “Alberto Quijano Guerrero” chair, as a space for dissemination of historiographic thought.

Doctor Honoris Causa in Philosophy and Letters of the University of Nariño, in the year of 1968.

His literary and historic work Constancy of 227 Poems, 22 Poétical translations, 12 APOLORS, 15 stories, a novel, 6 dramatic works, 171 literary essays, 63 academic declarations,

Poetic work [ To edit ]

  • “Microvisiones”
  • “Cancer alphabet” (poems)
  • “The legend of the lions” (poems)
  • “Image routes” (poems), in which compositions are recognized as “the fallen labiegos”, “Psalm of the one who builds”, “The Shadow of the Caudillo” (a Jorge Eliecer Gaitan), “Christ of Water”, ” The heart of a river “,” on the roads of the Inca “, etc.
  • “From the path of the fireflies”, where some poems of the teacher Quijano Guerrero are collected: “Ñapanga”, “Eastern offering”, “Sonnets for her”, “Two prints of the Valle de Atriz”, “Ecstasy”, “after his footprint “, etc.

Tale [ To edit ]

  • “The Master’s accounts”, published by the literary supplement of the newspaper “El Tiempo”, Domincales readings, called “26 Colombian stories, edition of the year 1959.
  • “El Patron”, fourth place of the “National Tales Contest of 1955, organized by the Association of Writers and Artists of Colombia, Chromos.
  • “From the path of the fireflies”, where some short stories are collected.

Apology and Literary Essay [ To edit ]

  • “Labrador Apologist” and “Symbols”

Among the various essays that make up his literary work, four stand out:

  • “Romanticism was already born in America”
  • “Arboleda, protomártir of romantic poetry”
  • “In search of a Proustian aesthetic”
  • “El Quijote de Cervantes”

Likewise, the work “Light in the clay” must be resumed at this point, “from the Path of Las Luciérnagas” and in the same way, the publications in the magazine “Meridiano”, of the University of Nariño.

Academic speech [ To edit ]

Some pieces within its wide creation are: “aesthetic values ​​of language”, which has the peculiarity that it was pronounced in the Paraninfo of the University of Nariño on April 26, 1968, on the occasion of the granting of the title of Doctor Honoris Causa Philosophy and letters, “an artist in social function”, “The place of dreams”, “until always.”

Historical essay [ To edit ]

  • “América, continent of the paradox” 1956
  • “The historical process” 1956
  • “The journalistic routes of Quijote Santafereño” 1965
  • “Santander, prototype of a controversial generation” 1969
  • “The eclectic thinking of José Rafael Sañudo” 1973
  • “Historical Evolution of Indigenous Cabilities in Colombia”
  • “Cutent and sacrifice of attayalpa, premonication and poetry”
  • “El Pastuso Don Gonzalo Rodríguez, precursor of precursors” 1989
  • “Symbols of the Department of Nariño”
  • “The agony of Pedro León Torres”
  • “Two cases of instant heroism”
  • “Some administrative acts of General Santander in southern Colombia”

Hymns [ To edit ]

  • From the city of Pasto: At the request of the Public Improvement Society, run by Carlos César Puyana. Lubín Mazuera music. Released on June 24, 1968.
  • Of the Department of Nariño: winner of the contest convened by Sergio Antonio Ruano, governor of the department, on the occasion of the 50 years of creation of the territorial entity. Luis Martínez music.
  • From the University of Nariño: winner of the contest called in 1951 by the rector of the University of Nariño, José María Velazco, music of Gonzalo Rojas, released in 1954.
  • He was also the author of the Hymns of the Bar Association of Nariño, of the municipality of Chachagüí, of the Cabal de Ipiales, of the institution “Joaquín María Pérez”, Sociedad Antonio Ricaurte, Institute of Women’s Orientation “Polycarpa Salavarrieta” by Samaniego, Pre Pre School “San Jorge”, Mixed School “Diego Luis Córdoba” by Linares, Integrated College of Genoy “Francisco de la Villota”, “Pedro León Torres” school and “Jorge Giraldo Restrepo” night school.

References [ To edit ]

  1. Fragment of the interview conducted by Amparo Moreno de Rodríguez. In: Muñoz Cordero, Lydia Inés; Zúñiga Ortega, Clara Luz and Pabon Diaz, Ramiro. Master Alberto Quijano Guerrero, a life that transcends. Pasto: Grapholor, 1995. p., 162
  2. Zúñiga eraso, Eduardo. Alberto Quixono Guerrero and his interest by history. in: Nariñeano Academy of History. History magazine, Volume IX, Nos. 61- 62. Past: graffcolor, 1988. p. 104-
  3. Zúñiga eraso, Eduardo. Alberto Quixono Guerrero and his interest by history. in: Nariñeano Academy of History. History magazine, Volume IX, Nos. 61- 62. Past: graffcolor, 1988. p. 106.

Bibliography [ To edit ]

  • Muñoz Cordero, Lydia Inés; Zúñiga Ortega, Clara Luz and Pabon Diaz, Ramiro. Master Alberto Quijano Guerrero, a life that transcends. Pasto: Grapholor, 1995. 174 p.
  • Zúñiga eraso, Eduardo. Alberto Quixono Guerrero and his interest by history. in: Nariñeano Academy of History. History magazine, Volume IX, Nos. 61- 62. Past: graffcolor,
  • Quijano Guerrero, Alberto. From the path of the fireflies. Pasto: University of Nariño, 2004. 266 p. ( short description )
  • Nariñense Academy of History. History Magazine, Volume IX, Nos. 65-66. Pasto: Graphor, 1997.