Antoine Jose Dezallier D’Argelli – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Antoine Joseph Dezallier d’Argenville (Paris, July 1, 1680 – Paris, November 29, 1765) was a French naturalist, lawyer and historian.

Court’s teacher in 1733 and King’s advisor in 1743, he worked together with Henri François d’A aguesseau.

Are Gardening theory and practice It was known in 1709 in France, first anonymously, and with great popularity. The 2nd ed. of 1713 already with his name; and translated into English in 1712, and the German in 1731. [ first ] Most of the illustrations were from Jean-Baptiste Alexandre Le Blond, which appears as the author in the 3rd ed., 1722. [ 2 ]

It seems more the work of a Gentleman intellectual more than a gardener, like the French previous texts implied, Dezallier d’Ardenville’s worked more as an architecture treaty, adndering much of architectural than of a practicing gardener. As its title suggests, the treaty consists of two parts:

  • Theoretical principles of the art of the fine gardening
  • Your practical applications.

The 1st section considers the principles of placing the pleasure house Relating to its gardens, prefiguring geometric figures in splints, avenues and formal tree plantations ( groves ), and planning of the garden pavilions and the location of the sculptures, an essential element in the French garden. The second part applies the principles of land, terraces and stairs, and the hydraulic systems necessary for the construction of water games: sources, waterfalls, swimming pools (bassins) and canals.

As of 1751, he focused with intensity as a major taxpayer of the imposing work of the Encyclopedia or reasoned dictionary of sciences, arts and trades , Aggregaining some 540 articles on gardening and hydraulic.

Are Conchyliologie (“Conquilology”) managed to facilitate the determination of shells (exoskeletons of molluscs), both sea, river, or terrestrial, fossils or current.

D’Arnville participated in a third edition of that reissued work in 1757, and did it very critically, but his death left her unfinished. It was the recorder and editor Jacques de Favanne (1716-1770) and his son Jacques Guillaume de Favanne who finish and publish it in 1780. That work, very popular among the collectors, was used by Lineo for the organization of his own collection. He had used among others, in 1742, a binominal nomenclature that prefigures lines.

  • The theory and the practice of gardening, where the beautiful gardens are treated in common called the cleanliness gardens (1709; 1713; 1732). Online text . 4th ed. : The theory and the practice of gardening, where the beautiful gardens are treated commonly called the pleasure and cleanliness gardens, with the geometry practices necessary to draw all kinds of figures on the Terrein, and a Treaty of Hydraulics suitable for gardens (1747) Online text . Reedición: ACTES SUD, ARLÉS, 2003 ISBN 2-7427-4502-5
  • Italian translation by Philipppo Buonnni: Treaty of varnishes, where one gives the way of composing one that perfectly resembles that of China, and several others which concern paint, gilding, etching engraving, etc. (1723)
  • Natural history clarified in two of its main parts, lithology and conchyliology (1742)
  • Enumeration of Fossil, which in all the provinces are found in all the provinces, (1751)
  • Conchyliology, or natural history of sea shells, fresh water, terrestrial and fossil, with a treaty of zoomorphosis, or representation of the animals that inhabit them (2 volumes, 1752 ; 1757 ; 1780)
  • Breakdown in the life of the most famous painters, with their portraits engraved in a douce size, the indications of their main works, some reflections on their characters, and the way of knowing the designs of the great masters. By M *** of the Royal Academy of Sciences of Montpellier (3 volumes, 1745-1752). New edition, reviewed, corrected & augmented by the life of several painters (4 volumes, 1762).
  • Natural history clarified in one of its main parts, oryctology, which deals with lands, stones, metals, minerals and other fossils (1755). Pages 387 to 532 constitute a chapter entitled Essay on the natural history of fossils found in all the provinces of France , which constitutes the corrected and augmented translation of the catalog published in Latin in 1751 with the title Enumeration of Fossil, which in all the provinces are found in all the provinces, .

References [ To edit ]

  1. Full title: The theory and the practice of gardening. Or we treat beautiful gardens commonly called the cleaning gardens, such as the flowerbeds, the groves, the boulingrins, & c. Containing several plans and general gardening of gardens; New designs… & other ornaments used for the decoration & embellishment of the gardens. With the way of erecting a field … Its remarkation “A fine garden has no less difficulty than a good building” suggests that I had already read Francis Bacon’s essay “of the Jarinería (of Gardening”).
  2. Gerda Gollwitzer, “The influence of Le Nostre” in The French Formal Garden , 1974, Elizabeth B. MacDougall & F. Hamilton Hazlehurst, editores (Dumbarton Oaks)

Bibliography [ To edit ]

  • Cuvier, G. 1841. History of natural sciences Vol. 3: 328-329
  • Stanley Peter Dance. 1966. Shell Collecting. An Illustrated History , Faber & Faber (London): 344 pp.

external links [ To edit ]