Asian novella – Wikipedia

Asian novella (French. Asian news ) is a collection of amendment by the French diplomat and writer Joseph Arthur Gobineau (1816–1882), called Comte de Gobineau (Graf Gobineau), which was first published in 1876 and regularly published. [first] [2] [3] In this case, “oriental”, especially Persian, can be understood as “Asian”. The novellas of this collection play in the Caucasus, Persia, Azerbaijan and Afghanistan.

Title page of the Asian news Von Joseph Arthur de Gobineau, Paris, Les Éditions G. Crès, 1924.

Gobineau was the first secretary of the French legation in Persia (today Iran) in 1854–1863, who was very successful there to integrate into the society very different from her country of origin.

The original edition of the Asian novella comprises volume II of the Pauvert edition (Volume I corresponds to the collection Travel memories [4] ).

The two volumes of the Pauvert edition each consist of six novella: Volume I contains: Scaramouche, La Chase Au Caribou, Akrivie Phrangopoulo, Mademoiselle Irnois, Le Mouchoir Rouge and Adélaïdes; [5] Band II Enthält: Shamakha’s dancer (Kaukasus), the illustrious magician (Persien), Histoire de Gambèr-Aly (Persien), La war des Turcomans (Persien), the lovers of Kandahar (Afghanistan) and travel life ( Osttürkei). [6]

In his foreword ( Introduction [7] ) Gobineau delivers an appreciation of the novel to the Asian novella Hadschi Baba of the British novel James Morier (died 1849). The biographical article by Jean Calmard in the Encyclopedia Iranica [8] Notice to the Asian news (1876) that his “Gambèr-Aly” is a replica of Haji Baba and that most of his heroes and landscapes could be identified based on his personal notes and correspondence:

„This is particularly evident with La danseuse de Shamakha, L’illustre magicien (a dervish from Lahore), and Les amants de Kandahar. His diplomatic experience appears in Gambèr-Aly (in which Jules Richard, later Ričār Khan, appears as M. Brichard) and in La guerre des Turcomans (Henri de Coulibšuf de Blocqueville, a French officer in the shah’s army, appears as “Ghoulam-Hussein”; the story depicts the lack of organization in the Persian army: see Nouvelles asiatiques, 1965, Gaulmier’s preface, pp. li-lxvii). [9]

The racial ideas that Gobineau already in his Attempt at the inequality of the human breeds ( Essay on the inequality of human races , published 1853–55). The German racial theorist Ludwig Schemann (1852–1938), the founder and chairman of the German Gobineau Association, provided the first German translation of the Asian novella .

Gobineau is also the author of one History of Persians (History of the Perser) and of Rearions and philosophies in Central Asia About religions and philosophy in Central Asia. A “side fruit” [ten] His long stay in Persia were Asian news (1876).

In the introduction, Gobineau (German translation by Ludwig Schemann) says:

“I did not blame to describe the more or less conscious immorality of the Asians and the slope to the lie that dominates them. I didn’t ignore this, but it is not enough for me. It seemed to me not to leave others in the dark: here heroism, sincerely romantic attitude, here the innate heart quality, there the fundamental being. In others, the fatherland love increased to excess, the perfect nobleinn, the devotion and tenderness, but for everyone the incomparable inhibition and the irresistible violence of the first emotion – was now well or one of the worst – are not overlooked. Likewise, I didn’t want to describe a single landscape. Therefore, I sometimes put the reader into the Mountains of the Tscheerkesse, sometimes in Turkish, Persian or Afghan cities, which once in fertile valleys, the other time in droughts and dust areas. . . The Asian novellas pursue the purpose of showing and showing a certain number of varieties of the Asian thinking and showing what this way of thinking moves away from ours. [11]

In the German-speaking area, the novella was included in well-known book series such as Reclams Universal Library and the Manesse Library of World Literature.

  • Doublenigent expenses the Nouvelles Von Jean-Jacques Paucts, Pais 1956: [twelfth]
    • Adelaide – Mademoiselle Irnois – Le Mouchoir Rouge – Akrivie phrangopoulo – The caribou hunt – Scaramouche
    • The dancer of Shamakha (Caucasus), the illustrious magician (Persian), History of Gamber-Aaly (Persian), the Turkish War (Persian), the lovers of Kandahar (Afghanistan), travel life (Turkey of the East)
  • Gobineau, New Asians, edition of J. Gaulmier, Classics Garnier, Paris, 1965 ( Review * )
  • Asian news. First publication in 1939. Edition of Pierre-Louis Rey. Classic folio collection (n ° 5439), Gallimard
  • Asian novella. German translation by Ludwig Schemann (Reclams Universal Library 3103-3104)
  • Manesse Library of World Literature, Zurich 1962: Asian novella. Translated from French by N.O. Scarpi. Afterword by Jean Mistler. Content: The dancer of Schamakha / The Great Magician / The History of the Gamber-Ali / The Turkmen War / The Lovers of Kandahar.
  • Gobineau, Count de: The Dancing Girl of Shamakha. And other Asiatic Tales. Harcourt, Brace and Company. New York., 1926
  1. Didier et Cie academic bookstore, 1876
  2. Perrin 1922; Crès, 1924; Garnier, 1965
  3. Asian news, hrsg. Jean-Jacques Pauvert 1956
  4. See the first edition of the Travel memories (1872) at French .
  5. See also: Gobineau, Josef Arthur Graf de; Travel freights from Kephalonia, Naxos, Newfoundland three novella. Philipp Reclam jun., Leipzig (Reclams Universal – Library 4889, 4890). Foreword by Franz Hahne from 1907 (the red handkerchief; Akrivia Phrangopulo; Die Rennier hunt).
  6. Geographical terms here in German writing.
  7. Digitized (
  8. Jean CALMARD (1931-2017), VlG. obituary (Copper)
  9. Jean Calmard (Gobineau Article In the Copper )
  10. epilogue To the German translation
  11. (Afterword to the German translation, based on the obituary in Bayreuth leaves ) – See the original text at : “I have not only aimed to present, after Morier, the immorality more or less conscious of the Asians and the spirit of lie which is their master; I got attached to it, but that was not enough for me. It seemed to me about not to let us in oblivion the bravery of some, the sincerely romantic spirit of the others; The native goodness of these, the land probity of those; In such, patriotic passion pushed to the last excess; In such, complete generosity, dedication, affection; In all, an incomparable carelessness and the absolute tyranny of the first movement, or that it is also good or that it is also of the worst. I did not try more to paint a unique landscape, and that is why I transported the reader sometimes in the aouls of the tjerkesses, sometimes in the Turkish or Persian or Afghan cities, sometimes within the fertile valleys, often at Middle of the arid and dusty plains […] In the news here gathered, the goal we proposed was therefore to show a certain number of varieties of the Asian spirit and in what this spirit, observed in general, s ‘moves from ours. ”
  12. See the photo at – accessed on January 12, 2018