Bioqueroseno – SpeedyLook encyclopedia

Bioquerosen It is the generic denomination for a fuel obtained from renewable sources that can be used in aviation engines [ first ] Either as the only component or, what will be more common, in mixtures with conventional kerosene. [ 2 ]

It is known as kerosene to a complex mixture of chain length hydrocarbons between C8 and C15, boiling point between 190 and 275 ° C and typical density in the surroundings of 770 – 830 kg/m 3 . It is used in aviation or as heating fuel and, to a lesser extent, domestic. It is obtained in its entirety from oil. Interestingly, the first, and at that unique moment, application of oil, in the middle of the century XIX , it was to use the fraction kerosene in heating and lighting.

The controlled hydrogenation of oil or animal oils and fats produces hydrocarbons, predominantly linear, and chain length C15 – C18. This current, called hydrobiodice, is an excellent automotive diesel but is excessively heavy to be used in aviation due to the risk of solid paraffin formation at the low temperature prevailing to the high typical altitude of the current flights.

On January 13, 2009, Directive 2008/101/EC of the European Parliament and the Council of November 19, 2008 by which the 2003/87/EC Directive is modified in order to include aviation activities in the Community Regime of Greenhouse Gases Emission Rights .

Simplifying its content – certainly complex – the regulations try to mitigate the growing impact of aviation on climate change (together it has become the second sector in importance, after the generation of energy) imposing stops on CO2 emissions.
The measure, which will be effective as of 2012, will affect all intra-communication flights that take off or terrify in airports of the U.E. [ 3 ]

Given what it can mean increase in exploitation costs, airlines have considered the advantages derived from replacing, totally or partially, the current fossil bioqueroseno kerosene. With this measure they would avoid the penalty to issue beyond the recognized free allocation, and even, they could become sellers in the rights market.

For this reason, the development of commercial production methods has been accelerated, covered by the investigation of new raw materials and cultivation methods, to optimized industrial processes. [ 4 ]

Bioquerosene production [ To edit ]

The different open research paths comprise the entire life cycle of the biofuel. The most relevant are those that affect the beginning and end of the cycle: raw material and final product

Raw material [ To edit ]

The ultimate goal is to obtain biocarbons from products that do not compete with the fertile land necessary for food production. Ideal candidates are lignocellulose materials, or lipids from different species of algae. At the present time, these variants are in a little more than embryonic state. In the short term, the alternative contemplated universally is to use vegetable oils.

In a first approach, the components of all oils and fats, animals or vegetables can be grouped into two large classes:

  • INSAPONIFICABLE: In quantity of less than 2% of the total. Responsible for the typical organoleptic characteristics of each origin. They break down during the manufacturing process.
  • Triglycerides: They comprise more than 98% of the dough. Except for exceptions are very similar in all fats. [ 5 ] Linear chains of 16 or 18 carbon atoms with different degree of establishment. Hydrogenation transforms them into a mixture of hydrocarbons, preferably linear, saturated and length C15 to C18, with few differences between different oils.

Being barely relevant the raw material on the characteristics of the product, The most appropriate selection criteria will be: availability, economy and sustainability

Along with traditional sources, palm, soybeans, rapes …, other vegetables are not suitable for human consumption and offer acceptable yields in arid or degraded soils. Among them, so far those who offer greater interest are: [ 6 ]

The seed yields about 35% in oil. It contains a toxic substance so it has no food, human or animal use. The cake obtained after extracting the oil can only be used as fuel. However, its reduced demands in terms of fertilization, soil quality and water differentiate this crop from conventional ones.
It produces more than 40% oil with a high iodine index, non -edible. It presents the additional advantage of being able to use the residue as animal feed.
The seeds contain about 30% oil, leaving a high protein value residue, suitable for feed. It is located on land with a high level of salinity that makes them impossible for other crops

Manufacturing method [ To edit ]

The process consists of two main phases:

Bioquerosen manufacturing scheme from oils or fats.
  • Obtaining hydrobiodice by hydrogenation of oils or fats of plant or animal origin.
In this phase there is a mixture of alkanes, predominantly linear, with length of the C15 to C18 chains, which are excessively heavy to use as aviation fuel.
  • Isomerization and rupture of the longest chains
With the aim of avoiding precipitation at low solid temperature, it reduces the average length of the chains to the optimal range C10 – C15 and favors the formation of branched chains that have a solidification point less than their linear isomers.

References [ To edit ]

external links [ To edit ]

Evaluation of Bio-Derived Synthetic Paraffinic Kerosene (Bio-SPK).
Dr. James D. Kinder and Timothy Rahmes. The Boeing Company.
Sustainable Biofuels Research & Technology Program.