Circuit Electoral Granada – Wikipedia, free encyclopedia

The Electoral constituency of Granada It is one of the 52 electoral constituencies used as electoral districts since 1977 for the lower house of the Spanish Courts, the Congress of Deputies, and one of the 59 of the Upper House, the Senate.

In addition, from the establishment of the regional government of Andalusia in 1982, it is at the same time one the eight electoral constituencies for the Parliament of Andalusia.

Congress of Deputies [ To edit ]

Deputies obtained by party (1977-2019) [ first ] [ To edit ]


a The results correspond to those of the Communist Party of Spain (PCE).
b The results correspond to those of the coalition between Popular Alliance and the Popular Democratic Party.
c The results correspond to those of popular coalition.
d The results correspond to those of Podemos.

Votes (%) per party (1977–2019) [ To edit ]

The following table shows only the matches that have ever reached at least 5% of the total votes.

1977 1979 1982 1986 1989 1993 1996 2000 2004 2008 2011 2015 2016 2019
Democratic Center Union (UCD) 43.9 36.7 6.9
Spanish Socialist Workers Party (PSOE) 32.2 35.8 57.9 53.0 50.1 49.4 46.5 44.4 51.5 50.0 36.4 31.0 30.98 33.89
United Left (IU) 9.8 12.7 7.1 7.1 11.5 10.9 12.0 7.2 6.0 5.0 7.9 5.09 a
Popular Party (PP) 7.1 4.7 24.1 26.3 24.6 34.6 38.4 42.7 37.0 41.1 46.7 31.14 35.34 18.45
Democratic and Social Center (CDS) 1.8 6.9 6.0 1.2 0.1 0.1
Union Progress and Democracy (UPyD) 1.0 5.1 0.52 0.23
United Podemos (UP) 16.34 b 17.67 13,61
Citizens (CS) 13.89 13.67 17.36
Vox (VOX) 0.25 0.2 14.11


The results less than 0.1%are not shown.
a The results correspond to those of the United Left-Popular Unit (IU-UPEC).
b The results correspond to those of Podemos (P)

Senators obtained by party (1977-2019) [ 2 ] [ To edit ]


a The results correspond to those of democratic Senate.
b The results correspond to those of the coalition between Popular Alliance and the Popular Democratic Party.
c The results correspond to those of popular coalition.

Parliament of Andalusia [ To edit ]

On June 21, 1982, the Parliament of Andalusia is constituted in the constitutive session held at the Real Alcazar of Seville, in which Antonio Ojeda Escobar was elected as president of the Parliament of Andalusia. Shortly after, at the July 14 and 15 sessions, Rafael Escuredo Rodríguez is elected first president of the Junta de Andalucía. [ 3 ]

The most important modification made by the Andalusia Parliament after its creation is the reform of the Statute of Autonomy, adopted by referendum on February 18, 2007, with 87.45% of votes in favor and an record abstention of 63,72 %. [ 4 ] This statute, for whose elaboration the Parliament of Andalusia has played a very active role, [ 5 ] Increase the autonomous government’s own powers.

Deputies obtained by party (1982–2022) [ 6 ] [ To edit ]


a The results correspond to those of Popular Alliance (AP).
b The results correspond to those of popular coalition.
c The results correspond to those of the Communist Party of Andalusia-Communist Party of Spain (PCA-PCE).
d Coalition composed of Podemos Andalucía, United Left Los Verdes-Convocatorio by Andalusia, Andalusian left and Andalusian spring.
It is Coalition composed of IULV-CA, more country, green Equ, initiative of the Andalusian people and external support of Verde Alliance and Podemos Andalucía.

References [ To edit ]

external links [ To edit ]